
ja'alur's page

Goblin Squad Member. *** Venture-Agent, Australia—QLD 43 posts (116 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 48 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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the locate spell states
If there’s lead or running water between you and the target, this spell can’t locate the object.

The Unrelenting Observation spell states
The tracking creatures can see the tracked creature or
object through all barriers other than lead or running water,
which block their vision.

but it does not seem to be just mentioned elsewhere in the game - so based on that info, running water and any amount of lead blocks Scrying and Divination magic - which is interesting to note.

so a magic sword, sitting on the floor behind a waterfall - is undetectable lol

Liberty's Edge

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this is great, anychance for an additional resources for PFS - PF2 anytime soon, I love having these options, but what can I use in PFS????

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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So still no pdf or print version

Dark Archive 3/5

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I am playing a Druid and have experienced issues with my pet being allowed to enter buildings etc. My Druid build is Animal Companion focussed and hence this hinders my characters effectiveness a lot.

In non core there are spells that allow me to change my pet to a statue to help bypass this situation but in this case these are not available.

Does anyone have any ideas that could assist?

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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The Fourth Horseman wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Threads like this?
This. Haters gonna hate. ;)

Shake it off, shake it off!!!!

meh I think enough is banned

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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I am sorry but seriously? you are telling people they cannot play a character and build it how they like?

So what now, this is min/max group only?

If someone wants to roll a 9 int wizard at my tables I am fine with that. TBH if someone has a idea that idea should be rewarded, just like how PFS is all about welcoming everyone!

I have been at tables where people have rediculas multiclass tables that make the rest of the party useless, others that have a group of barely competently built characters, this is all part of the game.

To those GM's who say "I would not run this" or "I would run this but would not help him" or hell some who almost imply they would go out of their way to end the character, you make me very sad to be associated with PFS.

I would like to point out, these comments in themselves violate the don't be a dick rule.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

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Well...the images are similar but there is certainly more than 10% thats different as such there is no copyright infringement. I think meh who cares I prefer the game and content to the images used for the factions. .my grip is the spelling mistakes grrr

Liberty's Edge 3/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—QLD

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see, I loved the idea of individual faction missions, it also sometimes meant wheeling and dealing, and doing deals so that a character (like my rogue) with slight of hand would help a say silver crusade paladin.

But what annoyed me was that some missions were almost impossible, but thats the same withe the new missions too.

I think what needs to happen is keep the current missions (I can live with em they are good fun) but allow the GM more "room" to make decisions as to their success.

A mission leaps to mind (can't recall the name) but the long and the short, you had to convince the guy of one thing, but the only way for success was effectively to panda to him. Our group was not pander's, hell we had real hero's and my shady rogue, we threatened, and in the end I knocked the sod out. but this did not fulfill the secondary success mission cause we did not panda to him.

so if they could maybe look at multiple ways of achieving the secondary conditions that would be great

Liberty's Edge 3/5 Venture-Agent, Australia—QLD

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Well I read elsewhere ages ago (regarding the change to the method weapon cords applied) that people could rebuild, but this was something you needed to discuss with the GM or the VC/VL.

Frankly if a change radically alters your class build, ask someone in "authority" which in my case would first be my VC, and chances are he would agree that since the change altered how my character operated a rebuild is warranted. Paizo cannot really authorize this enmass, because it is a case by case basis.

On the grounds of rudeness, some people are rude, if I stopped buying or doing something because someone who worked for that company was rude to someone I would have no passtimes whatso ever. there are much better ways to deal with negative attitudes than boycoutting a product, afterall you stop buying, noone knows why, noone knows if you did.

This is symptomatic of the wider society, alot of people run from issues, cannign or stopping associating with people rather than confront the issue. If someone is being rude, stand up. If I saw a post where someone was rude, I tell them, via a post or preferrably a private message, that they did not reply in a nice tone, that their behaviour needs to bbe better, etc. But I also need to realise that this is my opinion and my perception of their comment, and may not be actually what is meant.

Fianally you mention the faction missions, personally I am loving the season 5 faction missions, they are now to me making it feel like a proper mission, sometimes I am given hints, and if not, I need to know my faction to play the faction right, as Qadira I am always looking for deals, as Andoran I am out to free slaves, and punish the wicked, as Scarni, I am after personal wealth, and wealth for the Faction.

In the old system, at times it was "do this" and it was pretty obvious, or hell it was totally ambiguous. now I need to think, but once again this is a GM thing, know your group, I know my group often has a nooby who's rather young, as such,I will give him more hints for his faction mission, others whom are more experienced, they can work it out.

you other issue regarding the factions and having a character really comes down to you and your VC, if you don't have a character for that faction, why not? have you raised your concern with the VC? are you the only one in a group of 6 who has an issue? are you offering to organise or run a session? there are lots of methods to solve this delimmer, and none of em are Paizo's fault, there will be factions that you will suit your characters faction that mine won't my attitude is, get over it, it all works out in the end.

What this TL:DR domes down to is this, you raise alot of issues, not one of them is something that could not have been solved without simply talking to someone. Understand that this game is designed to be played by any number of the 7 billion people on this planet, nothing is personal, sometimes those upto 7 billion will work out a way to break the game, it has to be fixed, this means an exception has to be made, if you are caught inadvertently in it, then talk, don't hold it in and then rage quite.

Finally, your lack of enjoyment, hardly seems to be a result of the missions or the scenario's but rather your attitude that the game is not what you want. in which case, talk to the VC, make positive posts to Paizo, but don't rage quite and whinge, it does nothing but paints you in the bad light, which you do not deserve.