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![]() These are great ideas. I was already thinking of having the Charau-ka splinter off and start in-fighting, as some wanted to back off, others become followers of the Party, and finally another larger group leave and join the shaman with Gruganoth. Those that back off and leave end up contacting the Gorilla King and bringing him to Savnth-Yhi. I liek the idea of the Demon ape atatcking humans, and changing the Radiant Muses quest (or adding to it :D). ![]()
![]() So my PCs started by trying to take over the Military District, and I would like some advice on how to handle the ramifications of their actions. First let me give a brief description of what happened: They ran into a Charau-Ka patrol, and captured one of them, killing the rest. Through magic and skill use they figured out that Olujimi was in the Fort. They advanced into the Fort, the infiltration of which was fairly easy because from the description the Anghazani only kept his dominated dire Apes as guards. They subdued them quickly, and then had a vicious battle with Olujini who almost killed them. They got lucky and killed the bad guy before he escaped. The cut off Olujimi's head, using as proof they were tough, based on the information they had on Charua-ka who respect the Mighty. I has them advance into the plaza and once again through skill, lucky rolls and magic, they tamed the Girallons and called the Charua-ka forward to bend the knee. I had the Charau-ka set up a parley, and they went looking for their shaman to talk to the PCs. The Shaman, after hearing the news, freed the Demon with the Salve. The PCs were informed that the Shaman and the new Leader would meet with them at the Spear. The rest of the Charau-ka, torn between Grogunoth (sp?) and the PCs, decided to stay neutral and watch what unfolded. The Half-fiend Dire Ape proved formidable, and it took every last ounce of the Players resources to survive. The Shaman and Half-fiend were able to escape. The session ended with the PCs holding the Spear, the Demon Ape fleeing with the Shaman. Now I need to decide how the Charau-ka tribe reacts. The PCs of course are now dreaming of using monkey armies. I am of course loathe to allow them to, considering that the Charua-ka should be a head-ache to control. I'm also wondering what the Half-fiend will do. My players hate when NPCs get away, but I'm not sure where the Half-fiend Ape would go to try and build an army. Any ideas? ![]()
![]() So, I ahd a huge battle in which the PCs took a big hit but survived. This gave Yarzoth enough time to escape to the Inner sanctum where she lies hidden. If the PCs figure she's up there with her notes, she'll vanish and try to impersonate one of the NPCs. The question becomes, what will she do from now onwards? Ideas are greatly apreciatted. ![]()
![]() Abraham spalding wrote:
IIRC, in 3.5 there was a ruling somewhere that protection from fire basically treated heat conditions as 2 lower, while protection from cold did the same for cold exposure. In that case, I'd personally rule that your FR 1 would reduce the heat exposure by 1 level. ![]()
![]() Anthony Law wrote:
If you have the pdf, you can use the "some pdf image extractor" or similar software. It'll take out the pdf and convert it to a pdf without any text on it. ![]()
![]() For A Mgocracy in a D&D world, you need to decide if it's going to be school based or not. If it is School based, you have to solve the issue of what to do with Universalists and Elementalists. Basically form a Council of 9 Members, 1 of each school and 1 more representing Universalists/Elementalists. All mayor decisions are taken by the Council, with some decisions requiring a Minor Consensus (5-4), Major Consensus (6-3), and Absolute Consensus (9-0). The Council elects 9 officers that serve for 9 years each, each year re-electing a new officer. These officers take care of the actual administration of the nation (taxes, spying, etc..) So basically you have a 9 member Parliament/Supreme Court and an executive branch that handles the actual governance. High level mages don't have the time to be adminstering, but tehy aren't about to give up the power they want. The council members would be elected by each school according to their own internal rules (Might be a figurehead, might be a true power). But actually having to read reports and stamp them is better left to young wippersnappers trying to move up in the hierarchy. This model presents a lot of potential for intrigue, as most officers are selected to pay back favors between Council members. ![]()
![]() Basic answer: poking your finger too much might just wake up the Tyrant. Old Legends amongst Orc shamans still recall how the Tyrant turned their invading horde into an undead army and sent them back to destroy the orcs. It took generations to recover from the Dead Wars. Demons are smart enough not to want to have to deal with the Tyrant. Yet... Regarding your border patrol: Use the Night Watch idea from the Song of Ice and Fire. Convicted criminals, second sons of nobility, etc.. are responsible for holding the borders. ![]()
![]() Personally, what I would do is keep narrating the combat, and when the players are pressing their enemies, have Iomedae taking the upper hand. When the PCs combat turns desperate and they are slowly being pushed back, see Iomedae trip or something. basically their fight and how it proceeds reflects how Iomedae fares. So basically narrate a swordfight, with two auras around each god. While the PCs fight the level apropriate encounters of Aroden's guardians. ![]()
![]() Nothing is stopping you from actually building a familial connection between the gods. They are/were a race/family of entities that realized that worship grants power. What they didn't realize is that same worship enforces a pattern on them. The Book of the Damned, Volume 1, has something liek this, where Asmodeus and another come from. I'd add Rovagug as one of these elemental or prime forces. The you can have the "old" gods and "new" gods, as well as the Demon Lords, all primary creatures that have now aligned themselves with some source of power (souls), theough damnation or worship. ![]()
![]() Evil party's work. They have to be built appropriately, and the whole crew has to agree to the blueprint. One type: - A Charistmatic leader others are willing to follow. Best bet is Cleric, Rogue or Bard here. Make him a scion of nobility with the desire to rule the country/world/temple.
Curse of the Crimson Throne would work well here. Just make the family of the Leader the only worthy threat to the Queen is a succession, that the rabble would rally around. Then the Queen would try to get rid of them as a preventive maneuver, setting the party against her from the start. Their only hope is to fight back, and the heroic NPCs could be dilluded into following them because they are less of an evil (maybe), or because the Leader is good at dissembling his evilness to the public. Remember, the party can appear to be good while been deeply evil. Many dictators have been deeply loved by the masses wh were unaware of their villainy. The above is just one blueprint of many that might work. Evil party's are very effiecient in the sense that they ar very self motivatedf for power grabbing. ![]()
![]() Caineach wrote:
Yeah, they are very similar. I think I'll play up the fact that for Torag, wanton destruction is anathema. Arson would be a major crime. For Iomedae, it's more about righteousness. So torture would be anathema. Just a couple of specific tactics that my PCs sometimes use, that as paragons of virtue they SHOULD be against ;) ![]()
![]() Are wrote:
In the last module there is a map for the shrine, BTW. ![]()
![]() Change the name of the magic item shops into master craftsmen. Keep the random generation of items as is, but when you roll a stave, what you actually rolled was a Master play by Shakespeare. Or Michelangelo's painting of the sixtine chapel. Basically, the mechanics of the magic tems are there to generate resources for your economy. Just file the serial numbers off. Keep the temple and shrines, and basically the wealth they produce is because of pilgrimages. The magic item shops become Master artisans, producing great art. ![]()
![]() Travinator wrote: I think, at least in my minds eye, i see the 'tracing of the runes' as you trace your finger on the rune itself, but the next rune may be on ther other side and not actually touching the first one. then, you trace that rune. that would make it 1/11/x1/10*1/9 or 1/11! that's a pretty low probability (1 in 40 million aprox) ![]()
![]() Travis Sprouse wrote:
Ut how do they decide the combination? ![]()
![]() Kedric the Arrogant wrote: I like the idea of the symbols not lighting up if I go this route. Yeah, I'll use this as well. 1: Cyclops
![]() sozin wrote:
awesome! Thanks! ![]()
![]() Zexsudel wrote:
Can we see those costs? ;) ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: The situation facing Westcrown in this adventure is chaotic enough that "deputizing" the PCs might not really have much of an effect, even if it WERE legally done. The Mayor DOES have that power, though, although it's not a permanent deputization until the paperwork with the national government is filed and signed in triplicate. I've been very carefully illustrating how bureaucratic everything is in Cheliax. Had one of the PCs mentors be arrested for operating a school without the proper license. Things escalated from their... They had to deal with the Justice system, which requires hiring a cleric of Asmodeus to study th law. By paying him enough, he will find, or have the temple write up, exemptions and ameliorating circumstances to just about any case (except forging, demon consorting). If you want to motivate PCs into reforming a city, there is nothing betetr than making them hate bureaucracy. :D ![]()
![]() So, I thought having a thread were we can all share how we are foreshadowing future NPCs would be a useful resource. I'll start with what I have done so far. Vanhwinhe: I had the monk NPC receive her when she disembarked, since she was an old associate of his Master. She disappeared days later, and hasn't reappaerd. Aylwin Ghonstalvos: I had her be a pasenger in a carriage that was accosted by bandits (led by Stiglor). One of the PCs is a nobleborn bard returning from Egorian, and he helped save the carriage during a chase scene. Stiglor: He has sworn a personal vendetta against the bard. Shanwen: He defaced a shrine of Gozreh, which is cared for by one of the PCs. He'll aslo be about to brutalize Morosino for a perceived slight. I expect one of the players to intervene. Amaya: I'll have Thesing accost her, trying to cop a feel. One of my players will smack him or scare him. Janiveh: I'll have her be accosted by some thugs. One of the PCs will be around and likely come to her aid. Arael: The bard will probably see Aylin meeting with Arael at some point. This all happens before Janiveh calls them in. ![]()
![]() So, I'm sure Mammon sounds ominous and cool to you English speakers, but ins Spanish that name threatens to cause my players to burst in to giggles. Mamar: to suckle
If that wasn't bad enough, in CHile it is slang for a couple of things. Eres un Mamon = You are a Momma's boy
Hence, I will not be using Mammon as the name of the Lord of Erebus. I need another name. Ideas? ![]()
![]() FarmerBob wrote:
This is what I'm working through myself. Personally, I've added some more noble family infighting, changing some of the NPCs into nobles, even minor ones. But like you, I want to have my players be aware of the Mother of Flies from the beginning. I want to have them now about the female Vampire hunter that has come to fight the shadow creatures, even meet her. etc.. I started a thread regarding this, called the CoT Rumor Mill. Maybe a collaborative effort is in order. ![]()
![]() Yeah, I had the same disconnect. What I think I'm going to do is go with the Zorro approach as well. In the first adventure the players are asked to act using their disguises. I'm going to make it so that they wear purple cloaks, given to them by Janiveh (Simple cloaks of Resistance). They'll wear these only in their guise as CoW. So they'll wear a mask and these color cloaks. All points go to the purple cloaks. The points accrued from the Sixfold Trial will only come into effect if their undercover persona is linked to their official identity. If players acquire a magic cloak, Arael will dye it purple ;)...magically I'm open to suggestions on the color (purple is a palce holder at the moment). Black and red are already taken by House Thrune. Maybe Blue? Green? Any colors associated to Aroden's Westcrown? ![]()
![]() Doug's Workshop wrote:
This is exactly the kind of input I needed. I copied those feats from Baduin, who started his own conversion. You are correct in that they present no downside at this moment. I was more interested in the fact that he'd come up with a good way of granting acccess to power Lists rather than in the fact that in how they stand they grant way too much power. Let me think: Ranger (Warrior) The key ability for Rangers is Wisdom. Rangers can take the following powers, when taking either Adept or Warrior levels: Cure, Detect, Energy Resistance, Enhance Abilities, Enhance Senses, Influence Others (Animal), Resistance, Restoration, Snare, Summon (Animal).
In that version, it removes the feat benefit but it grants the benefit of power usage and access. I' m not sure about keeping it a Warrior feat though. Doug's Workshop wrote:
It's not overpowering in the sense that a) their Adept Level will be lower, limiting the level of benefit, b) Players are stingy with Conviction c) the power list is limited. The point of been a pure fighter is that you can have more combat feats and more staying power. Also, Ranger's that want to benefit from power usage have to have good Wis, or they'll fatigue quickly. Sure, a fully buffed Ranger might have a slight edge over a pure Warrior, but the Warrior didn't have to spend rounds and resources boosting up. Remember that true20 is balanced (mainly) on a per Encounter basis, not a per day basis. Doug's Workshop wrote:
Exactly. Sorcerors have very little flexibility. In exchange they have their Core Ability (whichever they pick) plus the sorceror Ultimate Power Ability (I edited for clarity, hopefully). This makes Sorcerors very powerful but unflexible. I haven't allowed them to cast rituals either, further limiting their power. I like the flavor that gives. I might make a ritualist feat that allows sorcerors to cast rituals, with a -5 challenge though. Doug's Workshop wrote:
That's exactly how it works. They have great flexibility, but must must choose wisely before entering combat. I felt this was the best way to reflect that in True20, once again taking into account that True20 is balanced per Encounter. Doug's Workshop wrote:
Sorry, editing problems ;) It should be called "Power Focus". Remember I use Saga Powers, and the Power Focus feat allows a +5 edge in the numbers game. That is huge. Unspecialized players can't Focus on any powers though. So even more flexibility at the expense of ultimate power versus focused effectiveness and some weaknesses. Doug's Workshop wrote: 5) Rituals. Am I right in assuming that you've taken the more "utilitarian" spells and allowed these... That's exactly what I did. I also made the item crafting feats into rituals. I'm thinking of allowing non-spell-casters to use these rituals at a penalty with some other skills (master weapon smith for example), to reflect those kind of items. Doug's Workshop wrote: 6) Magic items seem to be a bigger part of your game than a typical t20 game. I guess with limiting some of the options for Core Abilities, this makes some sense. Any worries that characters will become overpowered via magic? I ran RoTR with RAW True20. What my players missed the most was magic loot. Not for the munchkins or for powergaming, but because it is part of the essence of D&D, and now Pathfinder. I've done my best to limit the numerical effects of magic items, trying to make them flavorful. For example, a MW weapon already grants a +1 to attack. So I decided that magic weapons grant a flat +1 to damage. There is no way to increase the benefit of that damage (so no +4 swords). The weapons can have additional powers attached (flaming, ghost touch, etc..), that map to Pathfinder items for ease of conversion. I haven't finished the weapons though. Doug's Workshop wrote: 8) Set shield: This is new to me. Seems like extra work to make a character ready shield against a missile attack. Is the extra bookkeeping worth it? For instance, I would just assume (as in d20) that a character is defending as best as possible against all attacks. Just to make my life easier. Yeah, this is new, something I made up. You can easily go with what you say. Notice that I changed how the Armor Training feats work. A pet peeve of mine. I also made a Shield Training Feat that allows to have the Shield Bonus always "on". It's mostly to add even more difference to Melee and Ranged combat. I was trying to offset the DEX is all problem of True20. By the way, check out my rules for armor. This was inspired by the Iron Heroes forum. Sadly I don't remember who it was. The idea is to create hodgepodge armor, and to make items like helms actually have an ingame effect that is simple to quantify. So now a helm of teleportation has both an armor effect an it's associated power. ![]()
![]() Doug's Workshop wrote:
Waiting for my Editor to actually get going on the editing. I've got chunky fingers... ;) Doug's Workshop wrote:
Based on the Revised True20 handbook as well as some made up by myself and others in the True20 forums. In any case, the cleric, paladin, ranger, sorceror and Wizard are feats that grant additional conviction powered abilities Doug's Workshop wrote:
I have TrueSorcery, and it was used as an inspiration, though it was stremalined quite a bit in my case. TrueSorcery was a good idea, but it was overwhelmingly complex for some people. Doug's Workshop wrote:
That is True. I was thinking of giving players 7 points for abilities instead of the RAW 6 for True20. That would be equivalent to Pathfinder's +2 Net to races I believe. In my background system it would mean the base is 6 and not 5. I haven't done it yet, because I want to keep the numbers low. It shouldn't be much of a problem. ![]()
![]() http://iwattgaming.pbworks.com/True20-House-Rules The above link will take you to my humble attempt to streamline the use of Pathfinder APs and Golarion with the True20 system. Well kind of, because I've streamlined and Pathfinderized the Power's system so as to maintain the flavor, but keep the True20 goodness. WARNING: I converted all Powers into Saga-like powers. Each one is treated as it's own Saga like skill. The mechanics of powers are all standardized, unlike the RAW True20 that has way too many subsystems. If you are not a fan of skill based magic, this might be a problem. I also use SAGA skill progressions. What's so useful for Pathfinder Conversions - A Powers system (i.e charm, fireball, summon) divorced from the Rituals system (i.e. Speak with dead, arcane lock, knock). - I'm particularly proud of my Arcane School divisions. They don't map perfectly to Pathfinder, but they do keep the flavor of d20 schools (IMHO). - I like my "Domain" rules, but will happily hear opinions from Golarion fans on changes to those power lists to better define the clerics. I think these could be better (some of the deity lists sound familiars). - Quick Monster Creation through Monster Roles (villain Classes) and template design (trait pricing). I will be trying these out in my upcoming CoT campaign, so I will let you know how it goes. The wiki assumes a working knowledge of d20 and True20 in some cases. I wasn't developing a stand alone SRD, but more like a game aid. If anything is confusing, feel free to ask. |