Lord Glorio Arkona

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Our Price: $12.95


Fantastic fun!


These cards are fantastic fun! They add a bit of levity to the game, and allow characters to achieve things they might not otherwise be able to do in a cinematic fashion. My players enjoyed using them, and all but one player found a situation in which to use a card during the session.

I did decide to only hand out one card per player instead of the four cards recommended in the instructions, as I do feel that the cards could unbalance a game with that many cards in play. When a card was played, that was it for the session, though I did award extra cards for good roleplaying, good ideas or for making me laugh so hard it hurt.

PFRPG Unavailable

Non-Mint Unavailable

Loads of Fun!


One of the best game aids for a 3.5/PFRPG game a GM can possibly have! The GameMastery Critical Hit Deck adds a level of excitement and tension to the game that the standard critical from the Core rules does not. My players get even more excited about scoring a critical threat than before, because of the flavor the Critical Hit Deck adds to the game, and they spend a lot of time role-playing the after effects of both the criticals they score as well as the criticals scored against them.

Using the Critical Hit Deck and the companion Critical Fumble Deck greatly livens up a game session, that's for sure!

Our Price: FREE

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Works good for tracking NPCs


This is a very simple character sheet, as the designer states. But, as a GM, I found that this sheet works great for tracking NPCs stats. For NPCs that are only around for a brief time, but long enough to warrant something other than just a stat block, this sheet comes in handy. It has all the relevant information you need for that NPC, and doesn't have a lot of distracting art or images (on the background-free version, at least).

If you need a sheet to track your NPCs, this one will do the job without any extraneous information. And, hey, it's free!