hunter1828's page
1,529 posts. 3 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.
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As a disabled gamer with both mental and physical issues, I really appreciate this a lot. Thank you
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I had placed a preorder for 3 copies of the Pathfinder 2e rulebook and 1 copy each of the playtest adventure and flip mat pack. Having never seen a charge come through to my bank account I checked in here and show no such order in my order history. I can't make it to GenCon and I really don't want to miss out on this. I'm very upset to see that my order has seemingly vanished.
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It's been a fun ride these past four years, but all rides end. It's time for Connie and I to move on to other things. I will continue to work with Mark and Purple Duck Games on the "in-the-works" 4WFG projects, and I intend to seek out freelance works with other publishers as well.
It wasn't easy to make this decision, but it was the right one to make. I appreciate all the advice that Steve Russell of Rite Publishing and Owen Stephens of Super Genius Games gave me as I was making the decision. I feel confidant I made the right choice in Mark Gedak and Purple Duck Games.
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With a certain movie coming out Friday, featuring 13 dwarves (plus a wizard and a halfling), you might want to give your own dwarven character some extra flavor with new feats, new flaws, new weapons and equipment, and two new dwarven subraces - the half-dwarf and the stone dwarf. Player's Options: Dwarves was designed by Sean O'Connor. Get it now at DriveThruRPG and - hopefully - tomorrow at Paizo for only $1.99!
And if your dwarves need a good burglar, don't forget to grab Player's Options: Halflings, too!
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Marc Radle wrote: Do you mind providing an update on the Mutants and Masterminds book? It is in the final stages of layout right now, Marc!
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My little company, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, recently made this announcement:
4 Winds Fantasy Gaming wishes to publicly announce their support of LGBT rights. We fully support the rights of the LGBT community to live their lives without interference from those who oppose them on religious and/or moral grounds, including their rights to marry.
4 Winds Fantasy Gaming has utilized and will continue to utilize the talents and skills of many members of the LGBT community as freelance artists, writers, and playtesters. They are our friends, and our family. We are proud to know them, to work with them, to hire them, to support them – and to game with them.
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Urizen wrote: What? There wasn't any section on Best Cheesecake Art? <sighs> Should be...
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I just found this thread. It's very fascinating, and a neat concept with the big cross-over AP idea. Right now, because last year's production delay - uhm, delayed production... we're backed up and I'm not committing to any new products until we get everything currently in the pipeline out the door (which is going to take a while *sigh*). That said, I would be more than willing and happy to let others play around with some 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming IP, if it were done right.
While we do not have a campaign setting of our own, our adventure Albion Armitage's Astounding Arsenal does feature a dimension-hopping archmage and a weapons and magic items shop that can be in multiple dimension and worlds at once. If another 3PP wanted to incorporate Albion, his shop or any of his minions, I think we could work that out easily enough.
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Strategists & Tacticians by Ryan Costello, Jr. was the winning selection in our poll last week, and so it will be available for FREE at DriveThruRPG.com from now through Thursday March 15, 11:59 MDT! Go get yours now!
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Android users! We now have an Android Market storefront where you can purchase Apps for your smartphone! App versions of our Monster Summoning Cards, Nature's Ally Summoning Cards, Condition Cards, Monster Knowledge Cards, Bardic Power Cards, and Universal Monster Rules & Simple Template Cards are available for .99 each! Check it out!
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KTFish7 wrote: Excellent, Thank you. Will peruse and try and get a review up soon. Thank you! We look forward to your review!
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As a GM, I would flat out refuse to let a player do another player's character sheet - creation or leveling up. Do it yourself or don't play in my game, is my attitude. I'm certainly willing and happy to help my players, but I expect each and every one of them to keep track of their own character. It's next to impossible to really know the rules without building and leveling your own character on your own sheet.
Just my 2 coppers.
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Urizen wrote: You know what else you should offer for 2012?
There will probably be some in Fey Ways when it comes out. :D
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Hey folks! For a very limited time, you can download Inkantations: A Sourcebook of Tattoo Magic & Body Art for FREE (a $5.99 value) from DriveThruRPG by clicking this LINK
Change up your Pathfinder campaign by adding some tattoo magic in 2012!
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The folks I game with (and not just the people in my games, but the other groups that game at the same game club I game at) generally function like this: "This is my character concept. I want to be able to do X, Y and Z. How can I do that?" Then, whatever the source material - core Paizo or 3PP - if it allows them to create the character they had in mind, they use it (pending GM approval, naturally).
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Two days ago, we asked a question on our Facebook page about how people first heard about 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, and we've had some pretty darn good response (probably close to 20% of our total "likes" of the page responded).
While the majority chose "Some Other Way" (with most then commenting to tell us how they heard about us), the specific way that received the most votes was "Paizo Blog or Store".
So, to everyone at Paizo who supports us - and ALL the 3PP - Thank you, thank you, thank you for promoting us in the blog and providing us a place to sell our products.