I had placed a preorder for 3 copies of the Pathfinder 2e rulebook and 1 copy each of the playtest adventure and flip mat pack. Having never seen a charge come through to my bank account I checked in here and show no such order in my order history. I can't make it to GenCon and I really don't want to miss out on this. I'm very upset to see that my order has seemingly vanished.
Do you have dreams of being a professional RPG writer? Think your game material is as good as that produced by Super Genius Games, Purple Duck Games, and others? Want to get an honest critique of your RPG material by gaming notables such as Owen Stephens, Mark Gedak, Jay Peters and others? Then you need to come to Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous 2013 and enter the RPG Writer's Workshop! The deadline for entries has been extended to September 21, 2013. The winning entry receives the GFGR Discovery Award during closing ceremonies, and last year's winner now has a contract to produce a product for Purple Duck Games! You could be next!
Purple Duck Games wrote:
Indeed I am working on B2 and ToM. However, it is a low priority among the half-dozen projects I am working on at the moment. As I've explained before, two different freelancers were assigned these projects last year, and both had to hand it back for different reasons. That's why it was delayed, not once, but twice. With all the other stuff I was working on (including setting up the deal to sell 4 Winds to Purple Duck Games), this was a non-priority for the last several months. It will get done. In time. It isn't a priority for me (unless Mark decides to make it a priority, because he's the boss now), though.
Some of you are probably wondering about the decision Connie and I made to divest ourselves of 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. I don't want to go into too much detail, though some of you already know the fuller details, but I do want folks to know that it wasn't a decision made lightly, nor quickly. It's been a long time coming. I asked for advice from a number of folks in the industry as I thought about this. In the end, it was the right decision to make. I'm not leaving the RPG industry for good either. I will stay on with Purple Duck as developer of the 4WFG "in-the-works" projects they take on. I am also still president of Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous, a new gaming-centric con here in Great Falls, MT. I also intend to seek other freelance work in the industry, too. But running 4WFG had become tiresome, and a chore, and it was beginning to sap the fun out of gaming for me. I had started feeling guilty whenever I worked on anything that was not directly 4WFG related. I am tired. That's why this is happening. It needs to happen. And that's why I'm taking a 3 week vacation starting Monday, too.
It's been a fun ride these past four years, but all rides end. It's time for Connie and I to move on to other things. I will continue to work with Mark and Purple Duck Games on the "in-the-works" 4WFG projects, and I intend to seek out freelance works with other publishers as well. It wasn't easy to make this decision, but it was the right one to make. I appreciate all the advice that Steve Russell of Rite Publishing and Owen Stephens of Super Genius Games gave me as I was making the decision. I feel confidant I made the right choice in Mark Gedak and Purple Duck Games.
For Immediate Release 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming’s owner/publisher, Robert Thomson, announced today that 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming will be acquired by Purple Duck Games. The acquisition includes rights to all existing 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming products and over a dozen “in-the-works” projects (including the two successful crowdfunded projects), along with the rights to all names, logos, trademarks, and original artwork contained in the products. “My wife Connie and I started 4 Winds in March 2009, and it’s been a fun, wild ride. But the time is right for us to divest ourselves of the company and move on to other things,” said Thomson. In the nearly four years of 4 Winds existence, the company released 48 different products, including several apps. Mark Gedak, owner/publisher of Purple Duck Games stated that Purple Duck intends to keep the 4 Winds brand alive, and that all existing 4 Winds products will remain available for now. Any 4 Winds “in-the-works” projects that Purple Duck chooses to finish will probably carry dual Purple Duck/4 Winds branding. “I want to keep the 4WFG brand intact and add it to Purple Duck’s, allowing us to continue to build on the great work done by both companies,” said Gedak. The acquisition will be complete as of January 31, 2013. After the acquisition, Thomson will stay on with Purple Duck Games as developer of the 4 Winds “in-the-works” projects.
AinvarG wrote: Link fixed! (Blasted slash/backslash conflicts, anyway!) Thanks! That's what I get for trying to do that on my tablet, while watching the second half of The Two Towers...
With a certain movie coming out Friday, featuring 13 dwarves (plus a wizard and a halfling), you might want to give your own dwarven character some extra flavor with new feats, new flaws, new weapons and equipment, and two new dwarven subraces - the half-dwarf and the stone dwarf. Player's Options: Dwarves was designed by Sean O'Connor. Get it now at DriveThruRPG and - hopefully - tomorrow at Paizo for only $1.99! And if your dwarves need a good burglar, don't forget to grab Player's Options: Halflings, too!
I have been rewatching Star Trek TNG lately, and I want to introduce an npc based on a character in the season 2 episode "Loud as a Whisper". The character is deaf and mute but uses a "chorus" of three people he communicates with telepathically to do his speaking. In my game, I am thinking of making the npc a religious figure, but being deaf and mute precludes being a spellcaster. Any suggestions on what class to use for the NPC?
Cheapy wrote: How many involve Alchemy? :D Two specifically will deal with alchemy in some form or fashion - the long awaited Tyranny & Manipulation by Ryan Costello and the long awaited Apothecary's Handbook by Connie & Robert Thomson and Patricia Willenborg. We aren't giving out dates to expect them right now, but they WILL be done.
Last night, I had a nice 1.5 hour conversation via Skype with our new Pathfinder-compatible line leader Sean O'Connor and we hashed out a rough production schedule. We've got 4 print products in the pipeline - that have been in the pipeline for sometime now. You'll still have to wait a bit longer on them, but they ARE coming. We promise. We also have some more PDF-only products in the pipeline, and you'll be seeing them sooner than the print products. More details to come later!
17 Sep 2012 For Immediate Release 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming announced today that Sean O’Connor has been named as their Pathfinder-compatible line leader and CJ Ruby has been named as their Exploding Aces line leader. “Sean and CJ are perfect to handle these two lines for us, freeing up Connie and I for other things as the company grows,” said 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming co-owner and publisher Robert Thomson. Sean O’Connor is a resident of Phillipsburg, New Jersey, but has been an integral part of 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming since its inception in March 2009. His name is on the cover or in the interior credits of eight of the nine print products released so far by 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, and Sean was the lead designer of four of those products. He has also written or contributed to several of 4 Winds’ PDF-only products. “4 Winds Fantasy Gaming gave me my first opportunity to work on RPGs on a professional level. They had a lot of faith in me and let me go in unconventional directions with some of my ideas,” said O’Connor. “In addition,” he added, “the owners of 4WFG are some of the nicest, most decent people I've ever met and they've become good friends.” “Pathfinder-compatible products were our start and remain our bread and butter,” said Robert Thomson. “Though our release schedule on print products has slowed in the past year, we have exciting plans to continue our presence.” O’Connor also added, “The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo is a great toolbox for 3rd party publishers. By keeping the tenants of the OGL and by streamlining from the 3.5 system, you have a lot of options to implement concepts that can be fine-tuned so that they're neither game-breaking nor wildly impractical, and that's great for the developers and the players.” In addition to his work for 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, Sean O’Connor has also contributed to Dungeonaday.com and Purple Duck Games. CJ Ruby is a resident of Great Falls, Montana, and has been a playtester and designer/developer on several 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming Products. With the upcoming release of CJ Ruby’s Exploding Aces, 4 Winds’ first fully original roleplaying game, CJ is being moved into the logical position of line leader for that system. “4WFG's products have been well received for the quality of content and editorial design. I'm glad to have had a very small part of 4WFG's Luven Lightfinger's Gear & Treasure Shop and a slightly larger part in Inkantations,” said Ruby. “And,” he continued, “4WFG must have seen something they liked when they approached me about producing Exploding Aces.” “It just made sense to us that we should put CJ in charge of the product line for the very system he is developing for us,” said Robert Thomson. “We know the Kickstarter will be successful, and we’ve already had some interest from other companies in producing Ace Content material for the system, so CJ will take the lead in developing not only our in-house supplements and expansion, but working with other companies on compatible material.” Speaking about Exploding Aces, CJ said, “My hope for Exploding Aces is that it'll give folks an easy to learn, easy to play, game system with a mechanic that makes it unique and adds to the atmosphere of a distinct gaming experience. For myself, the turn of a card has always been a magical moment as the tension builds before it is revealed. I hope some of that magic has made it into Exploding Aces.” In addition to his work for 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, CJ Ruby will have his first published short story, The Sewing Room Witch and Uncle Kitty, appear in Sky Warrior Books' anthology The Mystical Cat later this month. © 2012 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, 4WFG, the 4WFG compass, CJ Ruby’s Exploding Aces, and Ace Content are trademarks of 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. See http://4windsfantasygaming.com for more information. Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under license. See http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The Mystical Cat and The Sewing Room Witch and Uncle Kitty are © 2012 Sky Warrior Books. See http://www.skywarriorbooks.com/ for more information.
So, we just made goal. Big, big props to Lee for grabbing the one and only Immortal level reward! With 27 days to go, let's shoot for that first stretch goal of $5000! If we can reach $5000, all $25 level and up backers will receive a custom Player's Mat, while $10 level backers will receive a PDF of the Player's Mat. The Player's Mat lies on the table in front of each player, and has spots for their deck of cards, spots for flipped cards, and quick reference info for some of the rules. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/4wfg/exploding-aces-a-new-rpg-by-4-wind s-fantasy-gaming/posts
4 Winds Fantasy Gaming has a Kickstarter up and running for their first original game system - CJ Ruby's Exploding Aces. Exploding Aces is a multi-genre RPG from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, which features a unique mechanic using playing cards instead of dice. Check out the Kickstarter HERE.
There have been a number of threads on this board about how to get into the industry either as a freelancer or a publisher. Now, here's something that might be of interest to those with such an, uh, interest. The Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous (Great Falls, MT, October 5-7) will be holding an RPG Writers Workshop, where workshop participants can get feedback on their ideas and concepts from industry folks such as Guest of Honor CthulhuBob Lovely (Bob has repped for both Steve Jackson Games and Chaosium, and is the chair for MisCon), John Goff (Deadlands Noir, Deadlands Reloaded), and CJ Ruby (Luven Lightfinger's Gear & Treasure Shop, Inkantations: A Sourcebook of Tattoo Magic & Body Art). One lucky participant will be selected by the critiquing panel to produce a short (25,000 words maximum) product for PDF publication by 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. If you are interested, check out the info here: GFGR.org. To be selected as the winner, you must attend the event and be present during the workshop.
Gamers in or near central Montana, the Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous takes place October 5-7 at the TownHouse Inn. We'll have RPGs (including PFS scenarios), board games, card games, miniature games, anime music videos, a costume contest, panels about games and gaming, and an RPG Writers Workshop. Check out the info at GFGR.org
Thanks! This is our first event, but we hope to be an annual occurrence with PFS scenarios every year. Maybe next year we can get some official Paizo prize support, too. I didn't find out until today that we need a minimum of 15 scheduled sessions to qualify for support (even though I first contacted someone back in June).
There will be 3 Pathfinder Society scenarios run at the Great Falls Gaming Rendezvous October 5-7 in Great Falls, Montana, for those who are or may be in the area. More info here: http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/events/v5748mkg0a5el
My little company, 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, recently made this announcement: 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming wishes to publicly announce their support of LGBT rights. We fully support the rights of the LGBT community to live their lives without interference from those who oppose them on religious and/or moral grounds, including their rights to marry. 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming has utilized and will continue to utilize the talents and skills of many members of the LGBT community as freelance artists, writers, and playtesters. They are our friends, and our family. We are proud to know them, to work with them, to hire them, to support them – and to game with them.