Gortle wrote:
It doesn't need to, but just seems like an obvious way to use an existing mechanic to give the Wizard a unique thing to make their spellcasting stand out based on an INT roll. Class feature: For purposes of obtaining the resistances/vulnerabilities/lowest save vs arcane spells only, a wizard can use Arcane Int Recall Knowledge on any creature. A Wizard gets both resistances/vulnerabilities and lowest save for one action. Wizard feat 2: If a success RK check, on the next arcane spell, +1 to DC or +2 to spell attack roll. Can be done once per encounter per monster type Wizard feat 4: If successful RK check, a Wizard can treat Incapacitation threshold as twice spell level +2. Once a day. Just spitballing here. But you get the idea. Makes the Wizard better at arcane spells, which is its thing, based on INT checks.
Gortle wrote:
I'm working on house rules for this, but how could they have missed adding a feat chain for Recall Knowledge analogous to Intimidate where you can get buffs/debuffs based on Int rolls for your 3rd action? Either as general skill feats or maybe even as Wizard feats to throw them something unique and interesting as Int masters.
Ectar wrote:
Yeah, that's the issue I have. Sounds like the change isn't a huge deal and close to slightly negative, but IMO Wizard was one the classes that needed some bump in both in power and in differentiation through better class features/feats. It's not like it's completely unplayable but would have been the time to boost it. I'm really not sure what the design team sees. They must be valuing the utility flexibility more. Or just really really don't want the Wizard to be on top again and are low balling it on purpose.
For those with full access, any opinions on the remaster Wizard? I considered it one of the weaker OPF2e classes. Has it been improved relative to other spellcasters/classes? How? Through feat support? Focus spells? Other? I'm not as interested in whether people like or dislike the school changes, etc. Thanks!
PossibleCabbage wrote:
This is flawed to only look at these Level +3 situations. But the other side is not completely obvious either. If you are fighting a bunch of Level -2 or Level -3 enemies such that the AOE is very effective, how dangerous really was the encounter? Yes the AOE speeds up the combat, but would the martials have just taken a little longer to sword them at little risk anyway? I've been thinking about trying to replicate the D&D 4e minion with increasing attack and dmg bonuses but not touching defenses and HPs for encounters with lots of lower level enemies. This could create a bit more value for AOE. Clearing these enemies fast is a real value because they are a lot and they are hitting hard (say like Level +0s)
Arcaian wrote:
So I haven't played enough of PF2e to make this call, but is there a APL sweet spot and composition where spells work better -- AOE, incapacitation doesn't take effect but still worth casting, etc.? Initial APs withstanding (and they often get made before people really understand the new system), it does seem like spells sort of assume there will be a bunch of not super difficult encounters at some point. That said, if an encounter isn't a certain level difficulty, then you sort of feel like you could have kinda sat back anyway and let the martials at will swords just cut them up...
Darksol the Painbringer wrote: Not really, when that larger toolbox is compensated by lack of quality tools, and the game is balanced assuming quality tools are being used, especially in the late game. This is one of my biggest beefs with current PF2e spellcasting. It seems like there are so many spells that are not being regularly used, with a few standouts. It's why we always get the same spells brought up (Sythesthesia, etc) when talking about how spellcasters are ok.
Deriven Firelion wrote: Point is RK doesn't make the intel stat better than the charisma or wisdom stat. That is what this debate is about. Easl wrote:
I think there probably should be both. RK should allow you to pick worst save, etc. as the info you want as default. ALSO, a really good RK feat chain (maybe Wizard only maybe not) would also be good to see. So like
Senko wrote:
I could get on board with these. Putting aside the spell slot spells, the Wizard needs a redesign on class features, focus spells, feats, etc. How about casting at 3 actions to add +2 to spell attacks and save DCs or something 2x a day? Or 6 actions to remove incapacitation 1x/day. Or 3 actions to remove incapacitation at below 60% HPs once a day. Something creative and interesting for the Wizard. I have no idea if these are balanced just spit balling types of ideas. How about an Int feat chain off Recall Knowledge that actually guarantees you good stuff? Automatic weak save and if you cast a spell that targets that save next round +1 DC or whatever.
magnuskn wrote:
In general, I'm not sure why development teams don't state their intentions upfront, especially if wanting feedback. It just creates confusion and diluted feedback since you don't know to make suggestions against the intent or if it's just bad execution on an intent you agree with. But hard to say without seeing the big picture what's going on here. Perhaps there are item bonuses to attack spells, really awesome Wizard focus spells, etc.
Sanityfaerie wrote:
These are fair points, but my orginal OP was in context of APs where I feel like you are going to get these "set points" regardless and you've bought into the railroad. Homebrew where PCs are free to set whatever goals they want are a whole different thing. I would prefer that more of these "set points" in APs were not 8-10 encounter dungeons and rather 1-3 enounter somethings between plot movement. Requiring very specific methods is risky, but location based set pieces are a bit easier. I just find it tiring that almost every time you go to a big plot movement location you end up with this 8-10 encounter 'dungeon'. "Set piece" is maybe overstating it but if you have 1-3 enounters in a location instead of 8-10 you can put a lot more effort into making those enounters interesting with terrain, goals other than kill everything, unique monsters, etc. And if it turns out not to be interesting, well you've got your plot coupon with less real time and get to go to another cool location and goal. If you are signing up for an AP where you go to dungeon A then dungeon B you can just as easily arrange the hooks to 1-3 enounter location A and then B. The moving set pieces can be a bit of the exception rather than the rule to location based set pieces. But even those can be "arranged" especially in an AP format where you are expected to ride the rails to some extent.
Raze Le'Roof wrote:
Great stuff! I will steal the insect threat increasing in 2 and Koride going to the Door. It also works with my Angazhan subplot. Just have Koride take the egg to Plaza of the Door after Book 2. Then run the Charau-ka raids in Book 3. Some other changes that I'm doing for Book 1
IMO PF2e is best at these levels. Amoung other things, spellcasters are bit too weak for me at low levels and there are not enough/willingness to create Level -2, -1, 0 monsters to create varied enounters at the lowest levels. I'd love for Pazio to have some three part APs that start at level 6 and go to 15. Would others like this? I figure there would be at least as much interest as the 10-20 paths?
Cellion wrote:
I think sandboxy dungeons have their place as well. But most of the AP dungeons I've seen lately are 8-10 room dungeons that are mostly filled with combat encounters meant to be handled 1 room at a time with only limited flexibility in meeting goals. Set pieces do need to consider level appropriate resources and should avoid relying on too many decisions that have to go right to set up the circumstances. That said, APs by default are pretty linear. You have to buy into the concept and following the rails to some degree. I can see how a well done dungeon can perhaps leave more room for flexibility in execution of the goal. But the goal is likely still fixed within the AP. Because something like X needs to lead to Y etc. For me the advantage of an AP that favores set pieces is that there is generally more plot movement per real time session of playing. I would like the ocassional larger dungeon, random enounter, etc. as well. The goal of going to many of these dungeons, regardless of how good they are, is often the same though -- get information, kill someone, retrieve the object, etc. You can have these goals met in 1-2 encounters instead and move on to another location and goal.
PF2e does well with challenging a party at full strength and the 1-3 big encounters a day paradigmn (vs. say 5e), but haven't seen too many published adventures go there. Strength of Thousands has some of this, but it's more in the vein of a bunch of one off flavor enounters over a longer period of time (semester) rather than the key story encounters. SoT still puts in at least one per adventure, sometimes two 8-10 room "dungeon" of some sort usually as the key plot movers. The four APs I have all do so. Is this what people want? Is it because people would feel cheated without a lot of combat enounters mapped out? Or at least one multi room 'dungeon'? Granted, this has never really been the style of most published adventures, even in 4e where this also would have been a really good fit. In fact, the only published adventures I know that do this is En World's Zeitgeist AP. There is almost always a ton of exploration, social, travel, clue following, etc. that leads to no more than 1 or 2 big set piece combat encounters per in game day that often have better win conditions than "kill everyone". Fight through a large gallon to prevent a sabatour, protect a mystic that is recieving a vision through a haunt filled night on top of a ancient hill, confront somone at their residence and face that person and all their staff at once instead of room by room, etc. There are some exceptions where you get a multi room conflict or actually dungeon but not the norm. In general that is a lot more moving and story in between each encounter, and these big encounters are plot moving. Personally I'd love to see more of this for P2e which is a system that could handle everyone at "full strength" for every fight better than most.
BishopMcQ wrote: I really like the way a few spells have different effects based on the number of actions spent to cast them. I just wish more spells leaned into that action economy rather than most being a flat 2-actions. I think this would have been a great idea. Spellcasters could have been a lot more interesting trading off 1 action + 2 action spell vs. 3 action spell vs. move and 2 action spell, etc. You could have even used this to differentiate the spell lists a little more. Like Arcane could have the most variety 1-3 action spells, Occult gets mostly 1 and 2 action, Divine and Primal mostly 2 and 3 action.
Em0crash wrote:
Yeah, another reason to change who attacks the golden city. If things play out like in the AP, you have a party of 15th level PCs that are probably itching to take the fight to Mzali at this point. And there is an entire semester delay until the Red Door opens for the PCs to do this. Maybe have Mzali be a little less overtly genecidal, with more like a secret police spiriting people away vibe. And I think there needs to be more immediate stakes for the diplomacy as well. Perhaps Mzali is planning on declaring it's sphere of influence, and it's racist policies would now apply to any settlement within 50 miles or something. Also like the idea that even amoung the Mwangi people there is a sub-heiarchy, like only Zenj can hold important city positions. Other Mwangi are relegated to "unclean" jobs, etc. So you have this impending issue of Mzali extending this caste system to a bunch of new settlements. The PCs can prevent this as well as open things up to some foreign trade with good diplomacy. Honestly, the whole diplomacy setup needs to be worked on a bit too to make it interesting. The Mazali influential should have some competing goals and the PCs should only have to gain favor with say 3/4 of them, with their choices making enemies with others and changing the flavor / power dynamic of the city a bit. See the old Dark Sun module -- Road to Urik. Also the PCs should have some Nantambu "chip" to cash in as well. Perhaps they have authority to authorize trade or discounts on X commodity from Nantanbu as a bargaining chip as well. I really like the bones of this AP but think it can be elevated a lot with some tweaks.
keftiu wrote: hsnsy56, I don't love the idea of "the student from the Ancestry that everyone stereotypes as evil demon worshippers is secretly a spy for the evil demon worshippers" - it feels like it clashes a little with the more nuanced, hopeful tone the AP strikes. It also shifts this from being a story about becoming heroes of the Magaambya who eventually stop the King of Biting Ants to being a story about becoming heroes of the Magaambya who need to handle the threat of Usaro, which feels pretty drastic and distinct? If your table would be happier with it, go ahead, but that's a pretty significant amount of alteration you're gonna be dealing with. It's the teacher that's the spy. The student is there so that there is a natural way to get the Usaro back story out there. The student is actually a good/neutral non-demon worshiping Charau-ku. But yes, I would change the teacher to a non-Charau-ku secret worshiper of Anhazhan as to not have that stereotype/cliche, or just figure out some other way for Anhazhan to know about the Golden City. It's not really an important plot point -- just that Anhazhan knows about the Golden City in a semi believable way. As for the shift of story, I think it can be both. One of the problems I have with the AP is that the threat of the King Of Biting Ants is not really known until Book 5. The PCs stopping the King of Biting Ants and returning Jatembe is epic, but is in book 5/6. Also, unless Book 6 has some actual consequences to the King of Biting Ants returning, then we are just talking about returning things to status quo. The PCs don't have as much impact on the world as I would like for a full 1-20 campaign. I don't get to play multiple full APs/Campaigns so I like more punch. There are a lot of cool things in the AP to build on though. Particularly Book 3 and 4 (without seeing 6 yet) seem particularly weak in the Level vs. world impact spectrum. Book 3 -- 8-12th level. Explore a ruin but without any big revelations. Defend a small village and take down a generic cult, freeing a small town. I would have rather this had been lower level stuff. Book 4 -- 12-15th level. This book is better but still... Negotiate more openness to foreigners for Mzali. This is good stuff, although the stakes here are not that well laid out. Return an old Sun God. Good. Discover the lost city of gold, defend it, then everyone gets mind wiped returning to status quo. Not so great. Maybe the loss of the Mzali General and his troops along with the return of the Sun God is the "big impact", setting up the fall of Mzali later, but that is all offscreen. So in this reconfiguration you at least have: Book 3-4: resolution of revival of Anhazhan threat to the Mwangi (regional level threat that is somewhat known from book 1); set up of the fall of Mzali through diplomacy and revival of Sun God Book 5-6: resolution of world level threat (King of Biting Ants)
Jhamin wrote:
I've read through Red Star now, although not a fine detail read of each of them, and I like the AP but think there are some let downs in execution. Book 3 is weak in terms of connecting with the broader AP IMO. I agree with your take on Walkena attacking even more so now. I'll reserve full judgement until after Book 6, but as you suggest I'll probably pick a different enemy for the assault on the Golden City so that the diplomacy is a real victory (at least in this AP). There are a lot of great ideas from just a quick read of the Mwangi Expanse book. I thinking about going with: Book 1 - there is a Charau-ka student and senior Lore-Speaker/teacher at school. The student is getting shunned because there have been more raids by Charau-ka war bands lately. PCs learn history of Usaro and Gorilla King. Book 2 - Usaro ambassador comes to Nantambu and asks for something. Player’s have a community task related to this, to at minimum keep Usaro/Charau-ka on their minds. [Also their activity unknowingly allows an Avatar of Anhazhan to materialize and stay in Golorian, see below?] Book 3 - Charau-ka raids intensify, especially in the Sodden Lands, where traditionally they are not known. Knights are worshipers of Angazhan and have found a totem that lets them reincarnate people into Charau-ka. The more knowledgeable/scholarly the person, the more powerful version of Charau-ka you get. Kiutu was built around an ancient library and known for its scholarly monastery, hence why it is a prime target. Janatimo or another teacher is from Kiutu and is back in the area and gets kidnapped along with others. PCs find out that Charau-ka “Reincarnation” is not really traditional reincarnation, but the person’s soul and personality is trapped in the Charau-ka and in constant torture. Hints that this is not the only totem that has been activated and in use. Book 4 - When PCs go back to Magaambya to consult with other teachers about the map, the Charau-ka teacher is a spy and reports to Uraso (or Uraso scouts trail PCs or visit the temple after them, etc.). In the background, the Avatar of Anhazban has been building an army of Charau-ka and others to assault the Magaambya which would produce incredibly powerful Charau-ka. However, the Golden City is where the Matanji and Kallijae took the stolen Altar of Anhazhan for safe keeping and the Anhazban army change targets. PCs find out the alter is there when visiting. Charau-ka army attacks Golden City to retrieve the Altar led by an Avatar of Anhazhan (replace Avatar of Walkena), and the Avatar’s power is able to activate the Alter – transforming its Orc guardian into a Gorilla King (replaces Worknesh/King of Spears). The ritual Dimari-Diji wants to complete will restore all the Charau-ka souls to their original, essentially nullifying the threat and creating a huge amount of “scholarly” Charau-ka. Plenty of other ideas, but this was the first that popped into my head. I also like that it alters the landscape of the Mwangi. I know that the PCs will eventually bring Jatambe back and defeat the King of Ants, but I like a long AP to have more world consequences than TOT seems to right now. Seems like a more suitable world impact for 14th/15th level PCs. You are left with an entirely new “people” that will likely try to take Usaro in a different direction, etc.
Jhamin wrote:
I've only done a quick look through the adventure, but think I agree. One possible solution: the successful diplomatic mission weakens Walkena , he loses divine favor, and there is a successful coup that puts #2 villian in charge and divinely empowered. Make sure to give #2 screen time during negotiations as working against the diplomacy. #2 foolishly attacks Obisu which leads to #2s death and a very weakened army. Mzali looses #1 and #2 evil guys and there is a full fledged revolt that the PCs can help leading to a much less evil city council or something. So at least the successful diplomacy set into motion the events that set Mzali free.
I'm new to adenture path subscriptions, and signed up to get Strenth of Thousands 3 and 4. It looks like the pdfs are available now to buy, but says pdfs will be in my downloads once the paper version ships. But the paper version ships in 11 to 20 days! This seems like a pretty bad deal for subscribers. Is this correct or is there a way to get the pdfs now? Thanks.
Paul Watson wrote:
Awesome work! It would be tricky to do, but it would be really useful to understand the overlap in "function" or "roles" between the lists. Once you have a single "great" or even "very good" spell that fulfils a particular function you don't benefit that much from having 5 other spells that do basically the same thing with slightly different parameters or ways. Categories could be: Mobility
If the list was tagged with something like this, then you could look at the "best" and "good enough" spells on each list in each category. One hypothesis is that while the Arcane spell list is a great list in a vaccum and the has the most spells, it doesn't "functionally" or "role wise" have much unique and even if other spell lists don't have as many spells they have spells that are "good enough" to be functionally equal (or 90% equal) in many of these catagories.
Deriven Firelion wrote:
Primal is too broad. It contains healing, blasting, buffs and some utility (fly). Editions past have given Druids some offense and utility but usually worse than Wizards --- no fly, haste, fireball, lightning bolt, etc. -- but weaker versions like call lightning. Primal should never have been this broad to leave room for Arcane to have more unique spells on its list. roquepo wrote:
I think it's overblown a bit but the underlying point does stand -- primal gets healing (which is worth something -- maybe not as much as Deriven says to all tables but something) on top of a comparable damage, and pretty good buff/debuff, utility list. On top of that Druid gets good class features (vs. say wizard). I just looked at the Secrets of Magic spell list on AON. There are 2 new spells that are unique to Arcane (summons) and most of the damage spells seem to be shared with Primal. The 4 spell lists instead of class lists and their huge overlap have hurt Arcane. Arcane gets the most spells but not much unique. IMO Arcane class features should be much stronger in this case, so that Arcane casters can use certain traditionally arcane spells better than other classes.
Deriven Firelion wrote:
I do think the spell lists could have been designed better. For instance, Arcane coud have had more exclusive utility. Put the comprehend languages, fly, invisibility, etc. into Arcane only and now you have a niche for Arcane that is meaty. There are ways to poach from other lists though, so Class features are also important. Wizards could get: 1) bonuses to damage (best caster damage dealer)
IMO, part of the problem is too much overlap in spell lists, part of the problem is arcane class design (Wizard especially). |