hoshi's page

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Driver_325yards wrote:
The only problem I have with the feat is that it allows you to Ride by the target even if the attack misses. So I say either take that ability away or just make Ride-By-Attack like Fly-By-Attack.

Why would you stop if you miss your target?

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I think the OP is focusing on too much on the stat bonuses and not, what really matters, the attacks an abilities.

At level 4, the druid wild shapes into a Deinonychus, getting 2 talons at 1d8, a bite 1d6, and claws claws 1d4. Thats four attacks, at level four, how is that not strong!?!?

At level 6, the druid becomes a dire tiger and gets 2 claws at 2d4, a bite 2d6, so thats three attacks, and they each get a free grapple check, i mean how is that not strong?

If these were trained soldiers, then they aren't cr 1/2.

Way I see it, they failed to detect a trap, and got insta gibbed by arrows. Not much strategy to deal with that.

What was your idea for them to deal with it?

It doesn't seem like you're bandits acted like bandits, they acted like minions to perform a TPK. My problems:

*How was the trap triggered from 10 ft away without a pressure plate, or tripline?
*Why was there a convoluted trap, when a bandit on the other side of the door could just light a fuse.
*Why are bandits using alchemists fire a rare and expensive substance that may burn away any banditable items.
*Why did the bandits attack right away without the money or death line? Remember they are bandits, who want the most money without the least amount of fuss.
*Why are cr 1/2 bandits acting like trained Professionals/Commandos?
*Since this seems like a planned ambush, why are their no signs of previous ambushes, flesh burned into the ground or ash lining the walls of the ambush site?
*How long were the bandits waiting there? Were they just perpetually hidden for a long possible time, just on the chance some one could come walking by

Sure the encounter seemed like it was CR equivalent, but smart tactics and equipment can cause even the most weak foe to become terrifying, see Tucker's Kobalds.

Eridan wrote:

1. Solution A. As soon as you attack your charge end.

Your lance attack is not made as part of the charge, it just gains the benefits of it, without the action itself. Your mount charges, the player is merely along for the ride.


Sean K Reynolds said on Dec 12 2012 :

“If YOU are mounted, the MOUNT is making the charge, YOU are NOT making a charge.”

So the charge ends once the mount reaches its opponent and makes its attack.

Order of the Sword Cavalier, stack flat dmg bonuses and see them multiply by charging with a lance via mountback.

Zen archers can get a crazy amount of attacks to do a crazy amount of damage

and this may be of use

Addendum to my post

2)Actually what you described is possible, a Zen Archer can use his unarmed damage as bow damage by spending ki. Probably not the answer you were looking for though.

1) Not that i know of
2) Not that i know of
3) You would not qualify.

Fomsie wrote:

Where does it say that the "Wild" enchantment makes you considered unarmored?

** spoiler omitted **

Far as I can tell it just allows a wild shaped druid to continue to benefit from wearing armor while transformed, but nothing about it not being there, only not being visible because it is incorporated.

Its not a feature of the wild enhancement, but the rules of transmutation state:

"When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body"

So armor does not exist

Scenario B, Cavalier retaining all bonuses, I think it would make flavour sense for the Cav. to make an attack from 5 m away, and then the lion pouncing over the final 5 m distance.

Why dont they just cremate the bodies, cremation isnt frowned upon is it?

qutoes wrote:

You "ride by" as you charge. You keep going way passed your target . Next round you "ride by" and charge again. Keep doing that until target is dead .

No you do not, you need a special feat, Ride by attack, to do this

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Treesmasha Toothpickmaker wrote:


So, you are happy with:
a mount charging,
mount attacks an opponent,
player does a fast dismount (DC20 free action if successful),
player takes a 5' step,
player gets full round attack on opponent,
player gets +2 to each attack, -2 to ac as his mount charged?

He might not get last line as he is technically no longer mounted which is why we are arguing he can full round attack (in this example) in the first place.

"If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. "

If you dismount and attack, its not at the end of the charge it is after the charge

Has anyone mentioned that a move action is needed to get the mount to charge? If a move action is needed by the Mountie, how can he subsequently use a charge action?

Winston Colt wrote:

The mount must use its action pool to charge and the rider must also use his action pool to charge.

Except the Mountie needs a move action to get the mount to use a charge action. If the Mountie uses a move action, he can no longer use a charge action.

Pharmalade wrote:

Emphasis mine. It doesn't take a move action to charge with a mount unless the animal isn't trained for combat.

Not that this has any bearing on the rest of your argument, I just thought I'd point that out.

But does " You do not need to roll " mean you don't need a move action, or a test is not required, but the move action req remains? I think its the latter

Irontruth wrote:
Jason's post was made in a thread, so I assume it's meant to be read in the context of the thread, not all by itself.

Except it didnt really answer the OPs question in that case, from what i can tell he just confirmed that a vital strike cant be combined with a charge, not if a mount uses a charge action, the Mountie also uses a charge action

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Greg Wasson wrote:

I don't think you can really use the wording of a feat, to say, while on a mount while charging, the mounted character is making a charge action. Despite what the feat says, the rules for mounted combat state:

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).

None of this implies that a charge action is being used. Futhermore the charge action requirements, are impossible to complete while mounted.

For example to get the mount to charge a move action is required if a ride check is failed. So if the rider was using a charge action, he no longer has a move action to control his mount. see

Control Mount in Battle: As a move action, you can attempt to control a light horse, pony, heavy horse, or other mount not trained for combat riding while in battle. If you fail the Ride check, you can do nothing else in that round. You do not need to roll for horses or ponies trained for combat.

I just assume the feats are poorly worded, as that is more likely than the rules for mounted combat being completely wrong

Ok my favorite,

The T-rex riding, Order of the Sword, Beast Rider, Cavalier.

Basically this revolves around spirited charge and doing x3 on a charge and getting a butt tonne of flat bonuses to dmg.

The total dmg bonus would be:

Cavalier has, 28 strength (18 base, 2 from levels, 6 from belt): 8
Trex has 34 strength (14 base, 8 for lvl 7, 6 from levels, 6 belt): 12
Power attack: +8

Now the caviler has some nifty abilities to boost his dmg:
Challenge does an additional HD of dmg : 12
Banner with the human preferred class does: 5
Another 3 from being and order of the sword

And lets give him a magic lance of +4

So his total mod is 52, but when multiplied with his lance, each charge attack will do between 159 and 180 damage each charge.

And you also add your t-rex's attack to that.

And also if you want to rules lawyer it, you can use mounted skirmisher to make a full attack action on the charge, thus giving you an extra two attacks to bring (assuming you hit all three times) your damage possibly from 265 to 300 a turn.

Because its not a huge issue?

Although i dont have a RAW, iirc a designer said, that on a charge if multiple attack are ever gained, the first only gets the lance bonus. Although one can argue that when mounted, the mount charges, and the rider merely makes an attack at the end of the charge.

StreamOfTheSky wrote:

Cavalier 20 to exploit lance charge... Should be doing x4 damage. Play an Orc for +4 str, start w/ a 22. +6 item, +5 tome, +5 levels, end at 38. +2 for enlarged (find a suitable mount somehow?), Str is 40.

Str x 1.5 = +22 damage from Str, 2Hing the lance.

PA will add 18.

+5 for enhancement

+20 for challenge

Damage = (2d6+5+22+18+20) x4 = 8d6+260 = 288.

Actually less than I expected... Hmm, could add Rhino Hide armor for an extra 7 damage.

Well you forgot some key things

Power attack, his banner bonus, and most importantly, him being a order of the sword cavilier so he can add his mounts strength bonus to his attack

prototype00 wrote:

Monk (10)/ Druid (10)

20th level monk damage (monastic legacy + monk's robe) = 2d10

After strong jaws (2 size increases) and wildshaping into a huge animal (2 size increases) = 12d8

Improved vital strike (3x damage) = 36d8

If you could figure out some combination to increase the Bab of this chracter to qualify for greater vital strike, that number could be 48d8.


Im quite sure that when wild shaped a monk does not retain his unarmed attack damage

Rudy2 wrote:
hoshi: Is it your contention that there exists a GM in the world that would allow that? Most particularly: charging around on a TRex that is wearing a Girdle of Strength?

Well firstly TRex is a choice straight from the exotic mount of the beast rider archetype. So If the DM wants to just Nerf the purpose of your class, then sure that can throw a wrench in the things, but that would be true of any class really.

And Secondly the choice of a Trex isnt really critical to this build, other good choices are Elephants, Bison anything really of high strength

blackbloodtroll wrote:
TarkXT wrote:
blackbloodtroll wrote:

Is that a mounted build? If so, then you have the attacks of the mount, which sort of defeats the purpose.

How does that work? I am unfamiliar with the Cavalier.

You do have the attacks of the mount but you need never use them if you don't want to. Wanna of the better builds I've messed with are cavaliers that have slower more heavily armored mounts. All you need is 10ft. of movement afterall.

By level 20 ye olde knight of the sword will be hitting with a mounted charge of Weapon+1.5 Str + Charisma + 20 from challenge + Mount's Strength + Power attack x 4

Working with a mount sounds like it would minimize the ability to make your one big attack often. Narrow spaces and dungeons and what not.

Well assuming you get ride by attack, and your mount gets overrun, its gets difficult not to do this every round, As you only really need a 40 ft room to work with.

blackbloodtroll wrote:

Is that a mounted build? If so, then you have the attacks of the mount, which sort of defeats the purpose.

How does that work? I am unfamiliar with the Cavalier.

Basically this build resolves around charging with a lance while mounted.

This gives you Crazy multipliers when charging, X2 base, X3 with spirited charge, x4 once you hit level 20.

With this build you want to maximize flat bonuses to your damage, like power attack and whatnot, to do this is where some archetypes come into play. The Order of the sword lets you add the strength bonus of your mount to yours, Beast rider lets you choose some mounts with high strength bonuses, the feat furious focus lets you power attack on the charge for free.

So lets take a level 12 Cavilier mounted on a TRex with spirited charge:

his total dmg bonus would be:

Cavalier has, 28 strength (20 base, 2 from levels, 6 from belt): 9
Trex has 34 strength (14 base, 8 for lvl 7, 6 from levels, 6 belt): 12
Power attack: +8

Now the caviler has some nifty abilities to boost his dmg:
Challenge does an additional HD of dmg : 12
Banner with the human perfered class does: 5
Another 3 from being and order of the sword

And lets give him a magic lance of +4

So his total mod is 53, but when multiplied with his lance, each charge attack will do between 159 and 183 damage each charge.

And if you want to do away with your "hitting once" you also add your t rexes attack to that.

And also if you want to rules lawyer it, you can use mounted skirmisher to make a full attack action on the charge, thus giving you an extra two attacks to bring (assuming you hit all three times) your damage possibly from 267 to 305 a turn.

Ssalarn wrote:
I just question whether a bow counts as a bow when it is being used as an improvised weapon instead of a bow. At that point it's just a stick with string. I'm sure it can be argued either way, but I certainly wouldn't allow a fighter who decided to flip his longsword around, grab it by the blade, and use the hilt as a hammer to gain the benefit of his sword-specific feats and abilities with it.

Why not, a sword is more than just a sharp point. And even using a bow to make a melee attack, does not change the fact that the bow is still a bow

Ssalarn wrote:

If the bow is being used as an improvised weapon instead of a bow, can a Zen Archer even use it with his flurry? I just ask because he wouldn't be able to flurry with any other improvised weapon, so just because his long flexible stick was a bow when used one way, does he automatically gain the ability to use it as part of a flurry even if it's no longer being used as a bow?

The PRD states:


"Starting at 1st level, a zen archer can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action, but only when using a bow (even though it is a ranged weapon). He may not make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. A zen archer does not apply his Strength bonus on damage rolls made with flurry of blows unless he is using a composite bow with a Strength rating.

A zen archer’s flurry of blows otherwise functions as normal for a monk of his level.

Now note that it says the ZA can only FoB when using a bow. It does not mention that when exclusively using a bow with a range attack the monk can FOB. If one argues that using the bow as an improvised melee attack satisfies "using a bow" in the FoB rules, It follows that the ZA can make improvised attacks while FoB. If he can make improvised attacks, he can make trip attempts as per the normal monk rules during a FoB

Skylancer4 wrote:

The actual rules from Trip still indicate melee weapons only.

Then you must be reading a different set of rules then I.

You can attempt to trip your opponent in place of a melee attack. You can only trip an opponent who is no more than one size category larger than you. If you do not have the Improved Trip feat, or a similar ability, initiating a trip provokes an attack of opportunity from the target of your maneuver.

Only reference is made to a melee attack, not a melee weapon.

So following that logic, if one is able to make an improvised attack with a bow, then they can trip with a bow

lucien pyrus wrote:

Zen archer has

Starting at 1st level, a zen archer can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action, but only when using a bow (even though it is a ranged weapon). He may not make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. A zen archer does not apply his Strength bonus on damage rolls made with flurry of blows unless he is using a composite bow with a Strength rating.

Well if you really want to pull it off, it can be done but only if you are a mild rules lawyer.

Technically a zen archer could make melee attacks, but they could only be performed by its bow. So it all comes down to in the rules is: Can a PC smack some one with a wooden bow?

Furthermore according to the FAQ on the trip section.

"No. When making a trip combat maneuver, you don't have to use a weapon with the trip special feature--you can use any weapon"

A bow falls under the incantatory of any weapon.

Kybryn wrote:

Something like this kinda scares me:

Human Fighter 6

STR 14
DEX 19
CON 14
INT 10
WIS 12

1. Rapid Shot
1. Point Blank Shot
2. Weapon Focus (longbow)
3. Dodge
4. Mobility
5. Combat Patrol
6. Snapshot

At level 10, reach increases to 15 feat, allowing 5 AOO's per turn.

PLEASE correct me!!!


A) you dont get snap shot until level 10, so for the first 9 levels, the main idea behind this build doesnt work and you are underpowered in comparison with other archers.

B)The lack of percise shot is going to suck

C)With this you pritty much have to be on the front lines, You wont be able to hide behind the melees

D)When using combat patrol, you will only get one AOO per opponent, so you cant really focus anything down and it is useless against fights with a singular targit

In polymorph "all of your gear melds into your body" but if you dropped it first before Wild shapeing then picked it up in your new form you could probibly pull it off.

I dont know why you would though

IIRC not off the bat, but I think you can get a magic enhancement to do what you are describeing.

EDIT: Haveing read through the rules i know am more confused on how the cestus is supposed to work

Also if you plan to make the Fyurian Race for him, you should add some sort of combat bonus when fighting humans, as thats what they are, Fyurian, Killer of Men

I dont have a favorite/friendly local gaming or hobby store :(

Mercurial wrote:
hoshi wrote:
It depends whether or not the wording is "+X to the natural armor bonus" or "Provides +X enhancement bonus to Nat Armor." IIRC the first stacks, but for the latter, only one enhancement bonus counts.
That wording is ambiguous the majority of the time, which is why I went to the trouble of providing the links to every source.

Yeah i was at work so I could not access the pfsrd

It depends whether or not the wording is "+X to the natural armor bonus" or "Provides +X enhancement bonus to Nat Armor." IIRC the first stacks, but for the latter, only one enhancement bonus counts.

a dead child toy soldiers?

A ha i see what you did there

Any advice for the build? Should I abandon the claws?

For the claws, the will only really be usefull for the first 3 levels of you character, but i do like the flavour of it. As for other advice, try and get wild, wooden fullplate and amulet of mighty fists asap. I usually take craft wonderous items, but with your low intellagence that may not be the best idea. Also get power attack and vital strike too, as vital strike compined with some of the 4d6 bite creatures can be devistating.

a) If I full attack via the Mounted Skirmisher Feat, can the pet continue finishing its movement - making use of the Ride By Attack Feat? I am guessing not but wanted to check.

I dont see why not. When the feat says "When you are mounted and use the charge action" but the charge action is never made by the mounted player, so i dont know, Its a very poorly written feat. It wasnt even technically possible, as the mount has to charge straight at the opponent, so it could not "ride by" through the opponents square.

WIth Ride By Attack, I hit the mob 10ft away and can continue moving. So if my charge allows me to continue moving past the mob within 5ft can my pet then get an attack? If so, I assume we stop where he attacks

I have allways played it as you move to 10 ft, make a lance attack, move to 5 ft make a pet attack, and then continue on. But that is purely by logical intuition and not supported by RAW.

however, if the pet were to have the Spring Attack Feat chain I assume I could hit on impact, the mount gets its attack after moving a square then it continues its movement?

Under spring attack "As a full-round action" and if we continue along with my earlier logic that the mounted pc isnt makeing a charge action, the pet is, and the pc is along for the ride, the pet can not use spring attack, and a charge in the same round as they are both full actions. Also a Ride by attack needs a charge action to be performed, so you couldnt use ride by and spring attack at the same time.


As for my char, I will definitely get Spirited Charge, but that Feat chain may be all I go with so that I can get Feats for when I am not mounted. Power Attack is obviously a winner for all situations. I am unsure about Furious Focus as its benefit is only for the first attack which has a high Hit anyway.

In my openion Furious focus is worth it as the penility from your power attack is half your base attack bonus and getting rid of that is pritty awesome. Also ive allways played that you only get one attack on the charge (But now looking at this mounted skirm...). Also remember the free feat at 8th level for being of the order of the sword.

Yeah the rules for MC are a bit rough but here is my best guess:

1) Yes your pet can attack but if you are using a lance your charge stops 10 ft away from your target as that is

the closest space from which you can attack your opponent

, so unless your pet has reach, it wont be able to attack. As for Ride By Attack I dont think it hinders your mounts attacks.

2) Again more issues with the mounted combat rules, Because as i read it the PC never "charges" the mount does. The PC is just along for the ride, you gain the bonuses and penilities for chargeing without performing the chargeing action itself. So by RAW you could.

EDIT I just saw the rule "If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack." So i guess it would depend if mounted skirmisher over rides this.

3) Again when mounted you never declare a charge, your mount does so i think it is the same issue as 2. Also just because your mount has pounce, does not mean it is applied to you.

As for feats, Furious focus gives lets you power attack without penality. Take Spirted Charge for even more godly damage. Also i think there may be some campaign specific feats that you may be able to convince your DM to let you take, Wheeling charge and Mounted Blade (Or something like that I think )

Druids can get some pritty sick damage while wildshaped for example:

Wildshaped into a Stegosaurus: 4d6
Enlarge: 6d6
Strong Jaw: 12d6
Vital Strike for a total of 24d6 damage

But i guees it depends on if a druid can cast stron jaw on itself.

Futhermore depending on the GM if the druid can take improved natural attack, well i dont know what would happen

Kimera757 wrote:

Which druid attacks are secondary? Any?

My own druid is a 5th-level bear shaman, and in one level will have the ability to Wildshape into a Huge bear. In 3.x, the claws would be primary attacks, but Pathfinder seems to like using bites that way. Either way, the bear itself seems to have no attack penalties to any attack.

It also gets confusing with animal companions, like my own PC's bear companion.

Use this table

http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/additionalMonsters/universalMonsterRules .html

>Power Attack with a 2-handed lance is pretty brutal on a charge, I would go that route. With spirited charge you're getting +9 damage per -1 you take.

Futhermore if you take furious focus, you can get rid of the to hit modifiers and since you only attack once while chargeing, there is no downside

wraithstrike wrote:
hoshi wrote:
Because clearly metal does not appear in nature
Worked metal isn't. In nature you find the ore. It also plays on the idea that civilization is opposed to nature.

Yes but druids can wear worked wood, so why is metal different?

Potions of enlarge person.

Or you can find some one to make the spell perminant.

Because clearly metal does not appear in nature

Nicos wrote:
Mabven the OP healer wrote:
I mean, RD has set up so much epic potential for heroism here, and instead they try to "break the game."
Do not get me wrong, Ravindork campaing seems to be very funny and epic, but maybe his players do not want that kin of campaing.

Excuse me, mr Villian, can you give us a few minuites why we discuss how to foil your plans, err... we mean consider our options?

Mabven the OP healer wrote:
And then the party gets to be Steve McQueen and engineer "The Great Escape" after they are captured. Come on, what's cooler than a jailbreak?

And you remember what the outcome of the great escape, pritty much everyone f#%$ing dead. And that is why surrendering is idiotic.