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Loved wild mage with practice spellcaster feat for 1d6 to caster lvl

Go for a diablo ending, for each player that had a hand in defeating the lich is embedded with a piece of the phalactery when it is destroyed.

Think Fargo from the TV show eureka .

Try the trassque trapped in the crystal lich, a wizard trapped it for the good of the realm and lost his party trying to complete the ritual. He or she is now on the run from cults wanting to unleash it many years later. have him summon his now dead adventuring pals for support as intelligent undead (combat support or moral support be cause of side effects of negative energy)


Think the movie hot fuzz

He killed a helpless unarmed presioner aka he falls from grace and loses his powers

Nice ideas, right now the town we are hiding in i am standing for a local tavern keeper so i plan on selling a lot of alchemical kindness to the customers and other basics .

Anyone got any hints or trick for mundane alchemy?


For a roach motel let it be known just leave out the major detail.

Roach motel...... i like it....;)

Don't forget to clean it out once a month or it might start to smell or leaving it as a dumping for villains so they don't make that annoying come back later.

It say you must die but not die permanently use the wish for a raise dead take a hit to your level and raise the bard, then wish for a hole in the wall or tunnel leading to a unenchanted part of the treasure room.

Have a devil that's more lawful then evil and disliked by other devil's because he is on a whole other level of power then them, he's agenda is not of evil but to become the best deals maker in existence. He tips the balance of power wherever he goes just to make deals that will tip it back , he cares not for the souls of others but will take them in trade and will offer them back for a price or a deal......


Alchemist can craft fast if you build them right and are allowed to use 3rd party feats and prc's

I'm thinking of making a barbarian medicine man.
Equal lvls all the way to 20.
Built for story not just combat.
Will use weapons and natural attacks

Any archtype and 3rd party feats welcome.

Bag of holding ,------ of invisiblity, -------, profit!!

Use a create undead

Completely wiping out one's religion should not make you disappear as a god but bring you back to your basic epic self where you need to start all over again.

If you got a orc or half orc in the party go take the dead body confront the other goblins saying in goblin that he challenged him for leadership and won they now work for him

Hmmn do it a non lethal way have him give you a sample of blood send it to the best alchemist around have him customize a sleeping drug for the wyrm so if he turns on you have a teleport scroll and the wake up cure ready. If he turns this down don't trust him

Too poor to afford things is a lame excuse for a adventurer if you can't afford it give the people that do a excuse to do it them selves by leading it to their town. If they won't save themselves they die.

Talking to fish that swim the channels would work too

A stationary hide out is a bad thing, have said construct constantly on the move when you need a place have it build a room and active a instant fortress so you are hidden some where in a Bunker under ground.

Have a Druid talk to the local wild life if the locals don't travel i know animals do, then have said animals lead you there.

Put a contingency on your items for when you die they go to another coffin with the construct so when you go to your other body you knock it makes a room for you to equip said items.

How bout you give your construct a rod or gloves of continues stone shape so it can build and unbuild housing areas on the fly

Use the crafting rules from 3.5 cost reduction to customize it to work only for your class and alignment.
Teleport works best , even better if your house has no openings.
Have a false house and a magical lock and key that takes you to your own demi plane home.(house is empty or trapped )

Umm how about a instant fortress that's intelligent, has a magical burrow speed,and can communicate telepathically with it's owner?

Or a artifact that does a massive anti-magic field for all magic but leaves the construction of and use of magic items available but requires more exotic magical materials to replace the spells needed for construction

All the time, tho most the time i play in 2 player games anymore players and the game gets too easy.

Immovable rods with wire or chains to trip and pin the thing down with.

An arena that they can challenge at any time an be teleported there to place bets for anything but the catch is if you lose you lose something of equal value. Like a elf betting his or her low light vision for dark vision so if the elf wins it gained dark vision,if it loses it loses its low light vision. You can also bet your life for the return of some one elses.

If they can work together they will be fine

I would suggest have a system for the inmates to reduce their sentence by paying or working in a gladiator ring for show.

Makes a symbiot loyal to me attaches it to said tarrasque command via telepathy ,now make giant ring of sustenance for it = a pet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dealing with a tarrasque was a thing we did for fun when are group was bored, one thing we tried was awakened it, diplomacy it, taught it psionics and made sure it learned sustenance. It took lvls in bard later and became a quest giver that pissed gods off for fun. Ahhh good times :)

Don't kill it take it as a familer if you are allowed 3d party feats.

Does your dm allow d&d sources? Use healing salves from tomes and blood they heal 1d8 cost 50g an a dc 25 to make. My dm allows me to use any mudane alchemy source i can find to use and he focus on material cost and time reduction feats and any prc that would help like alchemist savant we just wave the caster preq. He's the groups cash cow when business is slow for the rest of the group

You could make a thraller using arcane ,divine and psionics enabling you to by pass certain resistinces a creature may have.

Evil alchemist poison the towns then sell them cures then poison Them again before you leave.

D&D factotum class nuff said

No good vampire? Cough * angel cough * , find a way to bind his soul to a item that he'd have to wear to keep your humanity.

Give it intelligence with a high ego that chooses to stay with whoever is charged with protecting it, it would have a minor ritual of blood to change guardians and with that ritual it can track you with the spells held within it's self.

Knights who say nee

Thank you, i believe that you should always have a nother choice besides killing the bad guys like give back to the community that they terrorize by using up there resources they gathered for evil purposes and help the community till its all gone so if they some how become unthrallled it would make it harder for them to rise back to power.

Have your thrall build a village and when bad people show up have them detain them till you arrive to thrall them as well, as your thrall population grows so shall the town giving you access to new resources depending on what skills the bad guys you thrall have to offer, thus you don't have to kill the enemy when you can give them a better purpose.

Hit them hard with higher npcs and when they complain remind them that there are bigger fish in the sea than them.

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