Killing a Tarrasque


How would one kill a Tarrasque. I don't want to hear that one does not simply kill a Tarrasque. Nor do I want to hear the solution of casting it into the fires of Mordor. I bequest thee to find a solution to my conundrum.

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summon shadows. Reduce it's strength to 0. Either keep it's strength at 0 and open Bobs Tarassque burger shop or send it to another plane. I'd recommend the astral. Plenty of wide open spaces for it to run free.

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There is a zen archer that can solo it.

Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
summon shadows. Reduce it's strength to 0. Either keep it's strength at 0 and open Bobs Tarassque burger shop or send it to another plane. I'd recommend the astral. Plenty of wide open spaces for it to run free.

better if you use interplanetary teleport to send it to the sun. Or to Eox to clean the planet form undeads.

Don't kill it take it as a familer if you are allowed 3d party feats.

I posted a build that kills it on the second page of this thread. This was a thread for 20th level builds that can solo seven of the most dangerous beasties with one or no days rest in between (it's a fun optimization challenge). The trick to tarrasque slaying is the following line from the universal monster rules: "Regeneration also does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation." So, if you can get a high enough save DC on Mass Suffocation (the build I used required the tarrasque to roll a 15 or higher, which jumped to 17 or higher when within 30 ft. of the beasty), you can actually just suck the air from its lungs and knock it unconscious, and it will die in subsequent rounds. If you feel this activates the 'failing a save vs. an effect that would kill it instantly', feel free to start pummeling away to keep it at negative hp and dealing with it your own way, but it does technically take multiple rounds to fully succumb to suffocation. If you've got it knocked out/dead but it's still regenerating, simply placing it somewhere where it takes 40 or more damage per round keeps it dead, as well as putting it in an airtight box.

There's probably a technique that targets one of the tarrasque's two weak saves, but mine was built to take out everything else, also, so MS was the way to go.

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now there is the problem that by pathfinder rules u literally can not kill it, you can down it but even a wish or miracle can no longer kill it. I plainly says that you can trap it or send it somewhere else but you can't kill it. throw it in that volcano and wait for that dumb adventurer to disrupt the flow with a careless spell and then it's his problem cuz he released it lol.

The older version of the creature could be downed then killed via wish/ miracle cast on it's body while it was at HP = to negative its normal max HP. But then it was assumed that as soon as you killed it a new one was spawned and took it's place at some random location in the realm.

- the tarrasque regeneration power very specifically says that no form of attack including disintegrating it stops it's regeneration and since specific beats out general as for rules that means that there is absolutely no RAW way to kill it

I mean if it comes back from being turned into a pile of dust then I am pretty sure suffocating or starving it isn't going to compare.

Agreeing with Stargazer, it specifically says, "No form of attack can suppress the tarrasque's regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated or slain by a death effect." Nothing bypasses the regeneration. If something does kill it by some method other than hit point damage, it just comes back.

Placing it in an environment that does enough damage to keep it unconscious should work.

The tarrasque's regeneration ability specifically calls out the fact that no form of attack can suppress its regeneration ability, but suppressing regeneration in pathfinder is a very specific event: If a creature with regeneration is damaged by an attack type that suppresses its regeneration, the creature's regeneration effect will not activate on that round. Trolls, for example, have the ability 'regeneration 5 (acid or fire)', meaning that they regenerate 5 hp each round on which they are not dealt any fire or acid damage. The tarrasque's ability is very clear that nothing, not even death, prevents the tarrasque from healing its 40 hp per round due to its regeneration ability, but this most certainly does not bypass the normal regeneration rules when dealing with anything other than suppression of the ability.

I mean if it comes back from being turned into a pile of dust then I am pretty sure suffocating or starving it isn't going to compare.

Except that regeneration, even the tarrasque's, does not affect suffocation, dehydration, or starvation. These don't suppress the regeneration, they simply ignore it. Every six seconds, the regeneration kicks in, and gives the tarrasque 40hp, but these cannot be hp lost through a process such as suffocation. This is from the suffocation rules under environmental effects, to give you an idea of why regeneration doesn't affect it: "In the first round, she falls unconscious (0 hit points). In the following round, she drops to –1 hit points and is dying. In the third round, she suffocates."

If you'd like to make an argument that suffocation falls under the effects that are considered 'failing a save that would kill it instantly', that's another one to have, but suffocation is definitively not affected by the regeneration ability.

Its actually not that hard. Magic Jar the tarrasque and move the jar out of range. The tarrasque now dies whenever the spell ends.

For real fun, use a 20th level oracle to magic jar the tarasque and permanently become a tarrasque.

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Forget Magic Jar...
Trap the Soul. Now that the Tarrasque is trapped in a gem, use that gem to create your liches phylactory. What paladin will destroy the lich and free the tarasque?

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Dealing with a tarrasque was a thing we did for fun when are group was bored, one thing we tried was awakened it, diplomacy it, taught it psionics and made sure it learned sustenance. It took lvls in bard later and became a quest giver that pissed gods off for fun. Ahhh good times :)

Dark Archive

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Create your own demi plane and trap it there. Then hold kingdoms hostage.

Malloch the Saved wrote:
Create your own demi plane and trap it there. Then hold kingdoms hostage.

We have a winner.

Shadow Lodge

I've compiled all the ways that I've found to kill a Tarrasque HERE. Anything missing?

Malafaxous wrote:

Forget Magic Jar...

Trap the Soul. Now that the Tarrasque is trapped in a gem, use that gem to create your liches phylactory. What paladin will destroy the lich and free the tarasque?

Well played sir... well played, indeed.

Newer release info on the spawn of Rovaug state they are immune to ability damage and drain now, so no shadows to kill it. But the lich trick is and old horror combo from days of Dragon (by paizo), and a super mean dm trick to boot! Or do the demi plan trick. Plenty of ways to stop it, just not kill it. All list just hold it in suspension.

Jack Rift wrote:
Newer release info on the spawn of Rovaug state they are immune to ability damage and drain now, so no shadows to kill it. But the lich trick is and old horror combo from days of Dragon (by paizo), and a super mean dm trick to boot! Or do the demi plan trick. Plenty of ways to stop it, just not kill it. All list just hold it in suspension.

I'm afraid not. They are still weak to Ability Drain, which makes me very disappointed.

You are right, sorry, just doubled checked, but on a side question, what would be considered permanent wounds be considered. Also, found a statement on their hibernation that if they get put in any condition that causes either suffocation or starvation they go into hibernation until those conditions would end. And while in hibernation they are immune to starvation or suffocation and spells or spell-like abilities that have spell resistance.

Jack Rift wrote:
You are right, sorry, just doubled checked, but on a side question, what would be considered permanent wounds be considered. Also, found a statement on their hibernation that if they get put in any condition that causes either suffocation or starvation they go into hibernation until those conditions would end. And while in hibernation they are immune to starvation or suffocation and spells or spell-like abilities that have spell resistance.

I asked JJ about the permanent wounds line. It's essentially things that make it hard for you to heal, like the Clay Golem's attacks.

That said, I've always wondered if permanent wounds included ability drain and suffocation/starvation... that's more of a rules question.

Same here, but saw under the spawn template about hibernation whin under certain effects.

Transmute Rock to Mud...... Tarrasque sinks halfway.... Transmute Mud to Stone.... Tarrasque is now STUCK permanently...

Since its unkillable why not profit from it instead?

Make an amusement park out of it... Make a magic sleigh ride on the back and 2 feet from the Maw of the Tarrasque and have the kiddies enjoy playing around a Legendary Monster...

Just make sure you don't have any spellcasters cast Rock to Mud again LOL

Lord Tsarkon wrote:

Transmute Rock to Mud...... Tarrasque sinks halfway.... Transmute Mud to Stone.... Tarrasque is now STUCK permanently...

Since its unkillable why not profit from it instead?

Make an amusement park out of it... Make a magic sleigh ride on the back and 2 feet from the Maw of the Tarrasque and have the kiddies enjoy playing around a Legendary Monster...

Just make sure you don't have any spellcasters cast Rock to Mud again LOL

Well it'd first have to fail it's Reflex save. But admittedly, something that big and strong would probably use it's strength to break out. Or dig out with it's claws.

Also, he can still shoot people with his spikes ;)

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Nuke it from orbit...

It's the only way to be sure.

Harry wins! Besides has the burrow/slide through solid matter thing.

it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the method to truly kill it has yet to be discovered

Way I read it even suffocation would at best kill it for 3 rounds before it got back up. I mean it even says in the regen that u can't truly kill it. Permanent casting of blade barrier or other damaging effect on it's corps would perma lock it down but any effect that would kill it just kills it for 3 rounds

Makes a symbiot loyal to me attaches it to said tarrasque command via telepathy ,now make giant ring of sustenance for it = a pet.

Theoretically. If you had a mage make a Rod or Time Stop or something (or a bunch of time Stop scrolls) and give them to a monk with alot of UMD and abused the crap out of feats to make him move fast, take the Dimensional Dervish type feats, and carry a bunch of the immovable rod things you could keep him pinned down forever. All you have to do is knock him out (plenty of ways to do that), then have the monk use the time stop stuff. At which point, he will proceed to place teh rods all around the Tarrasque. The funny thing about the rods is that once activated cannot be moved. So techinically, with enough of them you could make a tarrasque cage and then proceed to slowly cut it up and sell for stupid expensive alchemical stuff.

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It says that the way to kill it has not been discovered yet. That, in my mind, implies that the GM can pick something that kills it. He could make some house rule or something. In general, you can't kill it, but the GM can change that as implied by the tarresque's description.

what about creating a greater demiplane with no gravity trait and No time :))?

No Gravity: Individuals on a plane with this trait merely
f loat in space, unless other resources are available to
provide a direction for gravity’s pull.

Timeless: On planes with this trait, time still passes, but
the effects of time are diminished. How the timeless trait
affects certain activities or conditions such as hunger,
thirst, aging, the effects of poison, and healing varies
from plane to plane. The danger of a timeless plane is
that once an individual leaves such a plane for one where
time f lows normally, conditions such as hunger and aging
occur retroactively. If a plane is timeless with respect to
magic, any spell cast with a noninstantaneous duration is
permanent until dispelled.

In a condition of time suspended his regeneration wouldn't probably occur so you can kill him 1 hit every year :)

The 'floating permanently non-starved Tarrasque' the nice thing is bring it there :)

2 days a months (more or less) you enter the plane to refresh it and wave your new 'floating' friend :)

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Does this work?

1) Become a Level 20 Spellcaster.
2) Gather a Kick-Ass-Party.
3) Learn Interplanetary Teleport.
4) Learn Planetary Adaption.
5) Learn Fiery Body.
6) Buy Greater Metamagic Rod, Piercing.
7) Cast Planetary Adaption.
8) Bring Tarrasque to 0 Hit Points.
9) Cast Fiery Body.
10) Touch still unconscious Tarrasque.
11) Cast Interplanetary Teleport, Piercing.
12) Add Hero Point to overcome Spell Resistance.
13) Roll at least a 3 to overcome SR.
14) Set Destination: Sun.
15) Drop Tarrasque.
16) Teleport back.
17) Grin at DM as he sees the Tarrasque crushed by gravity on it's way to the center of the sun.

Zachrid wrote:

Does this work?

1) Become a Level 20 Spellcaster.
2) Gather a Kick-Ass-Party.
3) Learn Interplanetary Teleport.
4) Learn Planetary Adaption.
5) Learn Fiery Body.
6) Buy Greater Metamagic Rod, Piercing.
7) Cast Planetary Adaption.
8) Bring Tarrasque to 0 Hit Points.
9) Cast Fiery Body.
10) Touch still unconscious Tarrasque.
11) Cast Interplanetary Teleport, Piercing.
12) Add Hero Point to overcome Spell Resistance.
13) Roll at least a 3 to overcome SR.
14) Set Destination: Sun.
15) Drop Tarrasque.
16) Teleport back.
17) Grin at DM as he sees the Tarrasque crushed by gravity on it's way to the center of the sun.

This method is not considered viable unless you condense or expand your steps into a multiple of 5... Thanks for playing.

Why is everybody always picking on me?

To the OP: Change your alias or you and I are gonna have words, and since you made it clear that you don't know how to kill me, I'm gonna do most of the talking, er, I mean chomping.

To answer the question, it's a well-kept secret that I am deathly allergic to Worcestershire sauce, so the best way to kill me is to marinade, er, I mean soak yourself in it and then wrestle with me, Greco Roman style.

But hush you, that's a secret, so don't tell anyone.

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Oh well then:

18) Jump from your chair and onto the table.
19) Exercise the "roleplayers dance of joy" as taught by the ancients.
20) Gain the power to unnerve everyone on the next con, by boasting that you managed it to kill the Tarrasque - for realsies.

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Zachrid wrote:

Oh well then:

18) Jump from your chair and onto the table.
19) Exercise the "roleplayers dance of joy" as taught by the ancients.
20) Gain the power to unnerve everyone on the next con, by boasting that you managed it to kill the Tarrasque - for realsies.


Hmmm... how about the spell imprisonment, and then cast and make permanent an anti-magic field in the area where the beast was imprisoned? That way no foolish mage will stumble along and set it free... at least not easily.
Imprisonment is as good as dead, but it is not technically dead, so I would think that would bypass the whole, anything that kills it only kills it for three rounds. I also don't believe Imprisonment counts as petrification or polymorph, though if it does, this method wouldn't be so grand.

It can be killed, technically speaking, or it wouldn't be able to "rise from the dead" three rounds later. One popular discussion point is to then turn it into a zombie. This causes it to lose its regeneration, and is doable as a standard action (animate dead). Since zombies have no maximum hit dice they can be (the chart stops, but the text - unlike that of a skeleton - imposes no limit, and all charts are, by their nature, finite),except by caster level, you should, RAW, be able to do so. Note that such a strategy does not suppress its regeneration, it removes it from existence altogether.

Some GMs choosing a harsher "no, never" stance state that this is bypassed by the "it rises" line of the regeneration, which I personally find kind of silly, though corehensivke as an argument.

Alternatively, if the GM is insistant on taking the wording literally that the method "hasn't been discovered yet", develop your own first level spell, called "the Tarrasque loses its regeneration forever". The spell doesn't exist, yet, so it's never been discovered previously. Thus, researching it means that the RAW is followed.

If that's not pedantic enough (as the GM may now say, "but now it's been discovered, so it doesn't count and regeneration wins" or something), wish (or miracle from the appropriate deity) for "a different and unknown, first or second level spell that forever remain not discovered that is in a constantly running item that, completely removes the TRrasque's regeneration from existance, regardless Of proximity to the item" which fulfills all of the requirements for the regeneration to be overcome. However, it's exceedingly pedantic and annoying, and only to be played if the GM is being a slight jerk about pedantic arguments.

Your group may find this fun, however, so more power to you, if that's the case. :)

Otherwise the zombie thing should work. In any event, enjoy!

EDIT: ugh, iPad posts are ugly. Sorry.

Here is my thoughts on mr. T... There are other things to fight around that cr. if you find yourself up against the big guy then one of a few things have happened.

1) you are all bored and end up taking him down (or die trying).

2) your DM wants you dead so you can either start over at lvl 1 or someone else can DM. In this case, DM fiat will keep your best laid plans from succeeding.

Basically, the tarasque was designed to be a game ender. The devos designed him so he couldn't be killed, but any time you write rules for an unkillable foe, you have limited yourself by the rules you have written. So yes, it's possible to kill it, but the question is should you/ should you be able to.

I'm in the camp that the Regeneration ability would bring it back to life even after suffocation. Not because it heals the 40 HP, but because of the clause within the regeneration ability. It is this one ability that makes dealing with Mr. T so difficult.

So, as Tacticslion mentions, we must remove this Extraordinary ability from him. Animate Dead is one potential option if your DM rules there is no HD cap on Zombies. A less-disputable point is the spell Baleful Polymorph:

"If the spell succeeds, the subject must also make a Will save. If this second save fails, the creature loses its extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities, loses its ability to cast spells (if it had the ability), and gains the alignment, special abilities, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of its new form in place of its own."

So, if we can bypass Mr. T's SR, make it fail a Fort save and then fail a will save, it should lose its "unkillability."


In that case it is not dead, but defeated. Now if you kill it in its new form a GM may rule that its previous abilities are back in play, and that its dead again.

Short answer:It is a GM plot device on how to kill one, and if the GM does not want it to die by other means nothing will matter.

Why Not take the Beast bonded witch and let it kill you or your familiar. and take its body away from it. Now that you have it's body, what happens next?

Alright how about this:

1) Be a level 20 caster who is also an Ifrit (you don't really need to be but w/e)
2) Find the Torrasque
3) Grab a Pebble
4) Fly approximately 5000 feet above the Torrasque
5) Cast Polymorph Any Object on the pebble turning it into a 2500 ft. by 2500 ft. block of rock
6) Release and watch as a meteor reaches terminal velocity and smushes the torrasque
7) Fly back down, Polymorph the rock into a pebble
8) Interplanetary Teleport the Torrasque into the Sun
9) Do a happy dance
10) Drink some Tea

BiosTheo wrote:

Alright how about this:

1) Be a level 20 caster who is also an Ifrit (you don't really need to be but w/e)
2) Find the Torrasque
3) Grab a Pebble
4) Fly approximately 5000 feet above the Torrasque
5) Cast Polymorph Any Object on the pebble turning it into a 2500 ft. by 2500 ft. block of rock
6) Release and watch as a meteor reaches terminal velocity and smushes the torrasque
7) Fly back down, Polymorph the rock into a pebble
8) Interplanetary Teleport the Torrasque into the Sun
9) Do a happy dance
10) Drink some Tea

Bonus points for keeping your steps in a multiple of 5 on the first try.

Broken Zenith wrote:
I've compiled all the ways that I've found to kill a Tarrasque HERE. Anything missing?

Sorry for the Necromancy, but I think I have another way of keeping him down.

1. Be a minimum level 18 Witch with the Summon Spirit Grand Hex.

2. Summon 17 18-HD Witches, all with the Eternal Slumber Grand Hex.

3. As discussed here, Eternal Slumber isn't mind-affecting, and The Tarrasque isn't immune to sleep effects. With 17 attempts to eternally slumber him (targeting his pathetic will save), you should be able to keep him down for eternity. As for his Spell Resistance, Hexes bypass SR.

4. Party like a boss, knowing that you (kinda) single-handedly took out the big guy (girl?).

Edit: 5. Have a 5th step to get bonus points.

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