
gkhager's page

34 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


This is the rules part of the messageboards, why do certain people attack others on their opinions. Until Paizo rules, this entire thread is conjecture.

And Anzyr, if you want to talk about Intelligent Design, please take it to the RSP area of the board, and not try to shoehorn your (dis)beliefs in the rules section.

True, Ssalarn, it just would have been nice to get an idea on that happening, since the back-story is supposed to get us up to speed on them up to the pre-gen stats. It's just the way they left him, he is pretty much a 'drooling mess' with no hints at whether he learns to control it, or he finds someone to help him.

And also, yes, the 'player' can decide, but that goes against everything in the written backstory unless the player has him 'rage' at random times. Not always the most advantageous, and how many will really play him that way?

I just don't see how this character would work in an RPG. I thought that newer RPGs were all about the player controlling their character. If the player has no control over when they rage, who would either want to play this pre-gen or have them in their party? There would be zero chance of coordinating any attacks, and a high probability of friendly-fire incidents. Just seems inconceivable that this character would be anything but a lone-wolf.

Cool, thank you for the information. I really enjoy your various journals and will keep watching for the next installment!

I'm not familiar with the Edge of Empire RPG. If you don't mind my asking, how long was your session? What are your impressions of EoE from a gaming perspective, since it seems that not too much happened (depending on the session length) without any combat being involved. Is EoE more story-driven than combat-driven from your perspective?

Thanks for any insights into this RPG.

From the PRD

PRD wrote:
Chaotic Neutral: A chaotic neutral character follows his whims.

This Monk clearly followed his whims, he didn't like the Bard's actions and he chose to behave recklessly and for his own betterment (ie. no longer have to hear the stupid bard and his puppet).

Again he has every right to do that, but he must accept the consequences.

It is like the person who drives slowly in the passing lane, we get mad at them for not following the law (rules of the road), but we do not run them off the road. If you do, than you are also acting unlawfully!

Again, these are players who have personality issues and bring them to the table, not alignment issues.

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It's not the 'letting of little things get to you', but how they responded to those things. A lawful person would NOT just beat up someone and throw them in to the ocean if they don't like what they're doing. That is totally chaotic!

I don't believe that I said 'mandates' how our character is played, but 'guides' how our character is played, a subtle but not unimportant difference.

There are out-of-alignment choices made by everyone everyday, but overall, a stranger would be able to categorize most of us based on our predominant views. Meaning that, if you see how a person reacts to a series of choices, you would have a good understanding of their overall position on the alignment chart. There obviously is no alignment chart bestowing gifts and removing options in real life, but in Pathfinder (not real-life!) there are definite pros and cons to certain alignments.

If you have no need of the alignment system, then just make all of your characters true Neutral and play them however you like.

Some people enjoy asking the question of themselves as to how a certain alignment would react to a given situation.

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Within Pathfinder, alignment is a tangible thing, therefore, alignment MUST be prescriptive to a certain extent.

I would say in real-life alignment would be derived from one's actions, it would not drive them, but we are talking about playing an RPG. Players are taking actions and making choices for a Player Character, so the character's alignment must be a guide to what that character would do in that situation.

In real-life, we all make decisions based upon our internal 'moral compass' if you like. In the game, we do not have that luxury, so the alignment table helps guide us as to what actions and decisions are made by our characters.

So it is not for the GM to say that you cannot do that, it is for the player to say that their character of this alignment wouldn't do that.

Not a big deal, but the tag for Rise of the Runelords is incorrect, just to let you know.


I don't have the actual page of the Core Rulebook handy, but in the PRD, it is under 'Combat' - 'Damage' - 'Multiplying Damage' and states that each multiplier is used against the base damage total, not in series.

Another point is that since Paizo has multiple artists working on different pieces, the clothing is what is more recognizable. Just look at the different facial looks that we have had for Seoni over the years (including the comics). Without the similarity of the clothing, it might be hard to tell as quickly which 'iconic' is which.

I also agree that the clothing should cover a range of styles for travelling all over the Inner Sea area, but they should keep their more iconic color schemes as others have stated.

Yes, they were initially titled as 'Pathfinder Companion' and later changed the series to be 'Pathfinder Player Companion'.

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Why not just agree that the Core and Ultimate Equipment version of the "Shepherd's Sling" just sucks for combat beyond a secondary use, and work out what we would like to see in a Paizo released "War Sling" that could be a viable option for those that want it as their weapon of choice?

Edited my Ultimate reference.

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Granted, it is not how the campaign is handled now, but I think that these cases could be solved with less 'hurt feelings' or 'bullying', if figuring the APL was the second level of tier decisions.

The first pass at deciding tiers would be a majority rules per PC level. In the original example a party of 4-4-4-5-7 would be broken down as follows:

5 - between tiers (neutral - no influence on decision)
7 - high tier (6-7)
4-4-4 - low tier (3-4)

With 3 characters in-tier vs one in-tier, the majority would rule (no player-induced hard feelings involved) with low-tier (3-4) run through of the scenario. If there happened to be an equal number of properly tiered PCs high- and low-tiered, then go with the APL calcutaions and let the chips fall where they may.

It seems that this could alleviate the 'forcing' of players into playing characters they don't want to play, while still keeping some structure and not having a free-for-all let the table decide approach.

I found a link to the Legendary Quest RPG on the list linked by Irontruth in the other thread about Free RPGs.

Upon searching this site and other RPG sites, it appears that there is no following for this game, which is sad considering how much time the developers seem to have put into this system. It looks really cool to me since it's based on actual european mythology, so I started reading the rules. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with it that they would care to share. Before investing a chunk of time to work out the mechanics, etc., I would like to get some feedback from others who have tried it out.

I'm wondering if the D30 rolls just gave it too much randomness to gain a larger audience. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Excellent, it is enjoyable to see how your group handles the many challenges of the adventure! Even without a group to play in, I am considering buying a couple of the Abandon Arts products, since the characters seem really cool!

I know it is a lot of work, but any chance this journal will be updated soon (last updated on 5/3). It is very interesting to follow along with the groups adventures! I see that they are level 7 at least now.

Thank you for the write-up. It is great fun to read through. I now wish more than ever that I could find a Pathfinder group in Southern Orange County, CA. I guess RPGs are just not popular down here :(!

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I believe that Malachi has the answer spot on! It addresses the issues with spell wording and covers what Jason said AND is very sensible to boot!

Thank you very much, Kinevon!

I know that the collection of this boon has passed for PFS play, but I was hoping that I could get the text of this boon posted here, so that I may use it in a home game.

I really enjoy the holidays of Golarion as flavor and missed this boon posting (I joined the website in April of last year). Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided :)!

I just found out about Pathfinder last April and missed being able to download this boon sheet. I know that this boon is no longer available for PFS play, but I was wanting to see if anyone could add the flavor text here. I enjoy the holiday flavoring and would like to have it available for use in a home game.

Thanks in advance.

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Please don't bring your personal baggage into a fun and friendly thread. Not everything in the world is about racism! Just because we tend to see things from a predominatly European viewpoint does not mean that there has not been slavery and racism against ALL peoples of all colors throughout history.

The way I see the take on 'evil' characters appearing darker is more of a literal manifestation of the idea that evil 'desires' the night and darkness to do its dirty work. Stemming from man's much older fear of the night and what lurks out there. Not any racist 'agenda'.

True, any starting race would need to be 'tuned' at the start to prepare for the upcoming 'manifestation', but I still think it would be fun for the rest of the party-members to suddenly find a Tiefling in their midst and how that could play on any paladin or cleric, etc. interactions!

Kazaan wrote:
gkhager wrote:
prd wrote:
The taint is long-lasting and persistent, often manifesting at birth or sometimes later in life, as a powerful, though often unwanted, boon.

Wouldn't this be cool in a campaign since your parents are often (almost always?) both human, to start as a human character and then have certain things such as 'Daze' not affect your character. They would start to think that they are somewhat different than everyone else but not thinking metagamey 'Oh, I must be an outsider!' Some way into the campaign, the 'taint' manifests itself fullblown and then they take on the Tiefling racial traits and abilities.

I could see a LOT of roleplaying fun with that scenario. Obviously the GM would have to know/agree to this change before the campaign starts. Maybe they would be the one deciding when it happens and the player would only be able to start getting clues when things happen strangely for their character.

Would they lose their bonus Human feat?

I would say, yes. Since the Player knows going in that they will become a Tiefling at some point, and the PC does not know what these feat-things are, only that they can do X only, while their friends are good at X and Y!

edited for clarity,

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prd wrote:
The taint is long-lasting and persistent, often manifesting at birth or sometimes later in life, as a powerful, though often unwanted, boon.

Wouldn't this be cool in a campaign since your parents are often (almost always?) both human, to start as a human character and then have certain things such as 'Daze' not affect your character. They would start to think that they are somewhat different than everyone else but not thinking metagamey 'Oh, I must be an outsider!' Some way into the campaign, the 'taint' manifests itself fullblown and then they take on the Tiefling racial traits and abilities.

I could see a LOT of roleplaying fun with that scenario. Obviously the GM would have to know/agree to this change before the campaign starts. Maybe they would be the one deciding when it happens and the player would only be able to start getting clues when things happen strangely for their character.

shallowsoul wrote:
gkhager wrote:
Shallowsoul (who seems to be against everything magic-related in Pathfinder, yet still plays Pathfinder?!?)

You do know this is baiting as well when you take a cheap shot at someone.

But how about I remind you that it is okay to love a system and yet hate certain aspects of it. There is actually more to the game than magic item creation, magic shops, and problem spells. I have already said it before and I will say it again, Wizards are my favorite class and if make item creation harder and more costly, tone down the magic shops, and fix the problem spells you will have a more balanced class that can still keeping kick ass and take names.

If you want to prove me wrong then start a thread and take your best shot.

This was not intended as a cheap shot against you. It was merely an observation about you based on the many threads that you have started up concerning the very items you list above and how you dislike the way that Paizo has implemented them, nothing more.

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Why are people still posting in this thread? From the outset, we have seen that the OP has put forth a straw-man bait-and-switch argument. Saying that people post how they are against 'Magic shops' when in fact everyone apart from Shallowsoul (who seems to be against everything magic-related in Pathfinder, yet still plays Pathfinder?!?) uses some form of 'Magic Shop'.

What people have problems with are 'Magic Marts' which sells anything the players want, which clearly is not RAW in Pathfinder! The OP is clearly just trolling and baiting people as it took them almost 200 posts to actually define how they handle 'magic shops' and it winds up being almost EXACTLY how everyone else on the thread handle them which is close to a form of RAI by Paizo themselves!

And even after deciding that they handle magic similarly, he continues to debate the straw-man argument that he proposed to begin this thread! How ridiculous, so please just stop feeding this troll :)!

Yes, Mr. Pirate :), I agree completely with you! If using the core rules only, then all of the various bows are legal with the listed negative modifiers.

That said, Pathfinder and Golarion are an evolving set of rules and once they published UE, it would appear that those original CRB rules changed (or at least were more defined). But as is stated other places on this forum, you may use whichever version of the rules you see fit.

I think that you are exactly correct in that statement Ravingdork. If the way they worded the new Underwater Crossbows versus the Normal Crossbows are an indication, then they have changed how underwater combat can be conducted (ranged weapon-wise at least).

In this instance though, I believe that they did not (until recently) put too much thought into viability of underwater combat. Thinking that not many people would be using it anyway due to the negative modifiers. But with the release of the Skull and Shackles AP and the Alluria underwater campaign setting books, they began to flesh-out this area of the game with rules.

True, but also following that non-disallowed logic?!? Nowhere does it state that firearms are not permitted underwater. :)

I would say that as of the release of Ultimate Equipment, Longbows and Shortbows and Normal Crossbows of any kind are not permitted to be fired underwater. In UE, there are specific Crossbows that do allow players to shoot underwater with the following specific statements:

prd wrote:

Underwater Heavy Crossbow

Above water, this weapon is identical to a heavy crossbow. You may use it underwater, where it has a range increment of 20 feet. It counts as a heavy crossbow for the purposes of proficiencies and special abilities.

Underwater light Crossbow

An underwater light crossbow functions like its normal counterpart above water, and can be used underwater. When fired underwater, the crossbow has a range increment of 20 feet. Anyone proficient with a normal light crossbow can use an underwater light crossbow.

I added the emphasis.

Since there are no corresponding Underwater Longbows or Shortbows, and the Light Crossbow and Heavy Crossbow do NOT say that they can't be used underwater (it is only implied within the text of the Underwater versions). It would imply that the only non-magical weapons that are allowed to fire underwater are those that specifically state as such.

Full Name

Lucas Lee aka Napalm


Mutant (half-orc)


Alchemist/Rogue (hp 45/45; F+8, R+11*, W+7* | KAC 19/15/15; EAC 18/15/14 | Init +4 | Perception +10*, Sense Motive +10)

Dex Mutagen:
F+8, R+13*, W+6* | KAC 22/15/18; EAC 21/15/17 | Init +6 | Perception +9*, SM +9


aka Napalm,

About Lucas Lee

Lucas Lee aka Napalm
Half-orc alchemist (grenadier) 6/rogue (unchained, scout, underground chemist) 6
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10 (+2 vs. surprise), SM +10

Fame: 7
RP: 18

KAC 20 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps)
EAC 19 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps)
hp 45 (6d8+8)
Fort +8, Ref +11 (+2 vs traps), Will +7 (+2 vs. mind affecting)

Dex Mutagen:

KAC 22 (+5 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps)
EAC 21 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +2 natural armor, +1 deflection) (+2 vs traps)
Fort +8, Ref +13 (+2 vs traps), Will +6 (+2 vs. mind affecting)

Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 augmented riot baton +9 (1d6+5/19-20)
. . dagger +8 (1d4+1)
Ranged bomb +9 (3d6+5 Fire)
. . acid +9 (1d6+5 acid)
. . alchemist's fire +9 (1d6+5 fire +1d6 next round)
. . azimoth laser pistol +8 (1d4 fire)
Special Attacks bomb 11/day (3d6+5 fire, DC 18), sneak attack (unchained) +3d6
Alchemist (Grenadier) Extracts Prepared (CL 5th; concentration +11)
. . 2nd—ablative barrier, false life, resistant armor (lesser), see invisibility
. . 1st—comprehend languages, cure light wounds, disguise self, expeditious retreat, monkey fish, targeted bomb adamixture

Dex Mutagen:
Melee MW augmented riot baton +11 (1d6+7/19-20)
Ranged bomb +11 (3d6+5 fire)
. . acid +11 (1d6+5 acid)
. . alchemist's fire +11 (1d6+5 fire +1d6 next round)
. . azimoth laser pistol +10 (1d4 fire)

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 9
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 20

Racial Abilities
City-Raised Proficiency with whips and longsword; +2 to Knowledge, Local
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Starting Boon: Mental Strength Gain Iron Will feat; bonus increases to +4 vs. mind affecting abilities

Alchemist Class Abilities
Alchemy +6 (Su) Bonus to Craft (Alchemy) to create alchemical items, can Id potions by touch.
Bomb 3d6+5 (11/day, DC 18) (Su) Thrown Splash Weapon deals fire damage.
Mutagen (DC 18) (Su) Mutagen adds +4 to a physical & -2 to a mental attribute, and +2 nat. armor for 60 minutes.
Alchemical Weapon (Move Action) Add effects of an alchemical liquid or powder to a weapon.
Precise Bombs (5 squares) Select squares equal to Int bonus to not hit with splash damage
Alchemist Discovery - Frost Bomb (DC 18) Deal cold damage with bombs. Direct hit staggers opponents unless they make a Fort save.
Swift Alchemy Create Alchemical items in half the time
Alchemist Discovery - Smoke Bomb (6 rounds) Thick smoke fills twice the splash radius, obscuring sight beyond 5 ft. as fog cloud.
Alchemical Weapon (swift) Add effects of an alchemical liquid or powder to a weapon.
Directed Blast Use a bomb in a 20 foot cone from the alchemist instead
Alchemist Discovery - Tanglefoot bomb Entangle like a tanglefoot bag. No save for direct hit. 10 foot radius

Rogue Class Abilities
Sneak Attack (Unchained) +3d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Trapfinding +3 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Chemical Weapons Draw alchemical items as weapons. Add Int mod to alchemical splash weapons, including damage. +1/2 level to Craft (alchemy)
Rogue Talent (Minor Magic: Mage Hand) Use Mage Hand as an at-will spell-like ability
Danger Sense +2 +2 to Reflex saves and AC vs traps; +2 to Perception vs surprise. Counts at Trap Sense
Finesse Training (baton) Use Dex to damage for batons
Precise Splash Weapons (Ex) Can sneak att with splash wep direct hit, but not splash (must meet other conditions).
Scout's Charge (Ex) Charge attacks deal sneak attack damage as though foe is flat-footed.
Debilitating Injury: Bewildered -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes AC pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Disoriented -2/-4 (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage takes attack pen (more vs. striker) for 1 rd.
Debilitating Injury: Hampered (Ex) Foe who takes sneak attack damage has speed halved (and can't 5 ft step) for 1 rd.
Rogue's Edge (Stealth, 5 ranks) Reduce sniping penalty to -10
Rogue Talent (Major Magic: Vanish) Use Vanish 3/day

Automatic Bonus Progression
+1 Resistance to Saves
+1 Enhancement to weapon (riot baton)
+1 Enhancement to armor (kevlar vest)
+1 deflection bonus to AC
+2 to Int

Iron Will +2 to Will Saves
Martial Weapon Proficiency (M16 Assault Rifle)
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Throw Anything Proficient with improvised ranged weapons. +1 to hit with thrown splash weapons.
Weapon Finesse Use Dex modifier in place of Str for to hit for light weapons
Charging Hurler Use Charge action with thrown weapons; must end within 30 feet of target
Master Alchemist Use GP rather than SP cost to determine crafting (10x faster)


Skill (Ranks+Stat Mod+Class Bonus + Misc)
Acrobatics +12 (6+4+3)
Athletics +6 (2+1+3)
Bluff +0 (1-1)
Computers +14 (6+5+3)
Culture +16 (6+5+3+2)
Diplomacy +3 (1-1+3)
Disguise +1 (2-1)
Engineering +17 (6+5+3) (+20 to disarm traps)
Intimidate +6 (2-1+3+2)
Life Science +14 (6+5+3)
Medicine +14 (6+5+3)
Mysticism +2 (1+1)
Perception +10 (6+1+3) (+13 to locate traps; +12 to avoid surprise)
Physical Science +16 (6+5+3+2) (+22 to create alchemical items)
Piloting +7 (3+4)
Sense Motive +10 (6+1+3)
Sleight of Hand +5 (1+4)
Stealth +13 (6+4+3)
Survival +1 (0+1)
Meta +14 (6+5+3)

Languages English, Chinese, French, German
SQ alchemy (alchemy crafting +2), mutagen (+4/-2, +2 natural armor, 60 minutes), orc blood, trapfinding +3, Danger Sense +2

Combat Gear +1 augmented riot baton, +1 kevlar armor (Graphite Carbon Skin), mutagen[APG], alchemical solvent[APG], alchemist's fire, holy water (2), smokestick, tanglefoot bag, acid (8), flashbangs (2) (thunderstone), mk 2 healing serum (x2), frag grenade (x2), laser pistol
Other Gear alchemist starting formula book, alchemy crafting kit[APG], bandolier[UE], belt pouch, brown e-pick, masterwork backpack[APG], sunrod (2), waterproof bag[UE], waterskin, antitoxin, potion of cure light wounds, oil of magic weapon, 5 gp


Lucas Lee was a brilliant young engineer born in Seattle. He graduated from Stanford with double degrees in both Chemical Engineering and Biochemistry, as well as a masters in Biomedical Engineering. He completed a graduate engineering project along with his then-girlfriend Margaret, creating a method of storing volatile chemicals for easy, safe, and stable transport. This garnered the attention of several major biotech and chemical companies when Lucas and Margaret demonstrated the stability by firing a rocket at a truck full of chemicals with no major effects. Soon after, Lucas was employed by OSCORP, while Margaret went to work at Stark Industries.

After Lucas had worked at OSCORP for several years, Harry Osborne took over the company from his father. He began massive production of the goblin formula and weaponry, which alarmed many in OSCORP, who saw their company turn into an accomplice to a homicidal maniac. Lucas led several leading engineers in a protest, refusing to complete work on new Goblin technology and notifying the authorities of his criminal intentions. When Harry found out, he attacked Lucas. Lucas was little match for an enhanced Harry Osborne, and the Green Goblin drowned him in a boiling vat of goblin formula chemicals.

When police arrived, Harry had fled. SHIELD agents soon arrived to take custody of the laboratory equipment. Amazingly, they found that Lucas was still alive. He was literally breathing the goblin formula. Lucas was brought to a SHIELD medical facility where he slowly recovered. Margaret, who had secretly joined SHIELD a year prior, helped nurse Lucas back to health. Unfortunately the prolonged exposure to the goblin formula had altered Lucas’ body, changing his internal chemistry and warping his DNA. After recovery, Lucas joined SHIELD to continue researching alien technology and provide the world with a defense against the likes of the Green Goblin.

Lucas and Margaret, reunited at SHIELD, rekindled their relationship and were married after six months. They were on their honeymoon in Europe, when Hydra attacked SHIELD from within. Lucas and Margaret were forced to go into hiding for two months before Maria Hill was able to find them. With SHIELD a shell of its former self, Lucas has been asked to go into field to support operations.