
dbauers's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 9 Season Star Voter. Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 129 posts (1,151 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 12 aliases.

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Male Human (Garundi) Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4
HP: (26/27) AC 18 (FF 15, Touch 14) CMD 18, FS +6, RS +5, WS +5, Initiative: +3, Perception: +3/+1 (sight-based)

Fort Save vs mummy rot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

*back at the auction*

Ibrahim's eyelids flutter open, and he smiles as his hand strokes Khammiyad's worried face. "Fear not, I must be still alive. I haven't yet done any deeds worthy of such an afterlife."

Then a familiar voice, awkwardly clears her throat, as the magus realizes Petra is also hunched over him. "Yep. Definitely still alive. Something tells me your version of bliss will be quite different from mine. Many thanks for the save."

*after Sayri gives Khammiyad orders*

Even Ibrahim's jovial features give way momentarily as Sayri barks her commands. "Don't pay her too much heed, friend. I think she gives us all orders to practice giving them to her husband. Speaking of her husband, I think I am needed elsewhere. I will come back to check on you later. Stay safe."

With that, Ibrahim picks up his sword and runs after his friends.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I think it is suffering from "bloat thread" bloat.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

"rule of thumb" comes to mind.

at any rate, to stay on topic, im not so much "changing" The Newt but expanding him.

one of my player characters is a gnome, and has a backstory involving a brother who is an alchemist and is another of the individuals gone missing after the night of ashes.

well, alchemists can use alter self, so little does she know that she may have already "found" her missing brother in the Newt Market....

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I was quite excited about this adventure when I read about it. Then I noticed it was written by Richard Pett. Now I'm giddy. :)

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Gwynneth Vanderbilt wrote:
Those who fail to learn from history....

Are doomed to send a squad of redactors to "change" history in their favor?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Hehe, I actually thought the same thing when I first saw it, and had to go back and check the feat. Then my next thought was "man it sucks that she takes a worthless feat just as a prereq for another feat".

However, I will point out that while CR does suck if you have 10 Dex, it actually isn't entirely worthless. It still allows her to make her one AoO while flat-footed, which can catch someone off guard. Especially given her initiative sucks and she has a reach weapon. ;)

Goblin Squad Member

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And another


Goblin Squad Member

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Meet the Nightcrawlers, Mel Gibson-style!

Tabomo, holding the Asmodean Flag

Elsworth Sugarfoot

Flynn Pontis

And, an honorary Nightcrawler, as he is our Benevolent Dictator....Phyllain

Goblin Squad Member

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DeciusBrutus wrote:
Lahasha wrote:
Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V wrote:
The reason why AGC wasn't given a non-hostile warning was because AGC was put on the Hostile List from previous actions they have taken in and around Keeper's Pass.

The problem I have with that is when this all kicked off you guys didn't even know it was the AGC who put the tent up. Everyone was accusing Golgotha of doing it. I had someone actually tell me I was on a list of Golgothans - while the Golgothans were killing me 'cause they thought I was on your side.(That was just funny.)

No one did their homework really, and I think a lot of the arguments would have been avoided if you simply applied your policies consistently.

Edit: To change possible relationship between AGC and members of EBA, perhaps the leadership of AGC would open a diplomatic dialog with leadership of our three settlements.
Yeah, that would probably help a lot. I'll try to bring it up next time I have a chance.
The first step would be either publicly disavowing membership in Golgotha and the Empire of Xeilias, or bringing EoX to the table.

Phaerites have repeatedly mentioned they aren't bound by EBA agreements with Golgotha because they make their own decisions. Why would AGC being a part of EoX (as long as they are not Golgothan) preclude you from talking to them?

Goblin Squad Member

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I for one, am happy to be able to run around down there some more and kill BHA people.

There's never anyone up NW to kill.

Goblin Squad Member

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Cronge wrote:
Something else, using global/hex chat for personal gains is Meta-Gaming. Honor-less. Where is the GM to help with that?

We were in the area looking for banditry to perpetrate, and he basically announced that he was coming back pretty soon and going to have lots of nice things to take. How could we possibly ignore that?

I have to admit, I actually was strongly considering the possibility that it was intentional, and set up as a way to try to catch us unawares. Which would have been AWESOME.

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Male Dwarf Cleric 1

whoever is "most adept with rope-tying", aka has the highest CMB, should make sure he's tied up nice and tight. After that is done, I'll take 20 on my heal check for a 23 total, and assuming my check shows him to be pretty badly hurt, I'll throw him a CLW.

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

And then another

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

if he still looks hurt bad after that, I'll have to start throwing out some burst heals

After the prisoner is secured, and Halgor has examined his wounds, he walks up to him, and kneels down, whispering softly in his ear before chanting his healing spells:

I want you to know, craven, that I do not do this out of mercy, nor out of sympathy. The Dwarf-Father teaches us that those are signs of weakness, and that they invite more such crimes in the future. I do this in the hopes that I can keep you alive and conscious long enough to endure enough suffering that you will rat out your friends to save your own skin. Given your actions thus far, I do not expect to wait very long.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Apologies if this has already been asked, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere.

Unarmed fighter gets any single style feat as a bonus feat at level 1.

Does this mean it has to be a feat with the word style in it (Dragon Style, Kirin Style, etc)?

Or does this mean a style feat like the catagory of feat, "style feats"? I am reading it as the latter, because a normal fighter gets "combat" bonus feats, which is a category as well. Am I wrong about this?

Edit: to clarify, since prereqs arent an issue, I'm wondering if I can take Snapping Turtle Clutch at level 1 with this bonus feat, and then using my regular feat to pick up Snapping Turtle Style.