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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Aaron Shanks wrote: I believe, with Paizo’s strong relationship with freelance authors, the company is better positioned than most to identify and promote new talent. I trust in that. This is a bummer, but I agree with Aaron. Ron moving on will leave big shoes to fill, but Paizo hasn't missed a beat when filling big shoes in the past. Best of luck Ron! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Dale McCoy Jr wrote:
Excellently succinct explanation here, IMO! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Kishmo wrote: Echoing what others have said: everyone having to pay for the app feels like too much. What about if the app & player version were free, but the GM login was a paid add-on? I fully support everyone having their own opinion on this, but just wanted to share mine (and in no way does that imply that I feel mine is more correct than anyone else's). In a world where subscription-based apps are increasingly becoming the norm, I fully support a one-time fee of $2.99 per user for everyone at my table to be able to use this in perpetuity. If they were only charging the GM, I suspect that this would not generate enough revenues to justify spending the time making the app more robust in the future. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Cendragon wrote:
I imagine they are still crunching the numbers and figuring out what the can do that is both responsible for the company and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and are not ready to announce a number at this point. Also, it is their right to not announce a number. Even 0.5% is better than 0% At the end of the day, I (personally) appreciate the even-tempered response to a complicated (though some would argue non-issue) by Mr. Mona. Your mileage may vary if it wasn't enough for you. if not announcing the exact percentage of donations was not enough for you, you are entitled to that opinion. The only thing I hope does not happen is for people who feel that the response was not enough to equate it to no response at all. And comparing this response to a "leader" who consistantly deals in falsehoods feels, at best, like bait. At worse, like a massively false equivalency. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Thanks all! Here is a folder that contains contents of what the PCs find after defeating Voz. A few recent journal entries, scraps of research on Alsetta's Ring, her notes on the occult ritual performed in the basement of the citadel, and most importantly, a letter to her from Laslunn. Hoping my players find this more interesting than just giving them a summary of the information they find. Dates on the journal are pretty specific to my campaign, but hopefully folks find some of these other bits useful! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZAVzHEEjgKwLcGyw6-U-4satyBpMh19j?us p=sharing ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() FedoraFerret wrote:
Inspired by FedoraFerret's great work here, I took this and turned this into something that could be shared as a physical prop. Then COVID-19 happened so I turned it into a digital handout. My players just got to this point on Sunday and loved this. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1msmK_eCYX7kzoX9rF0T99VHkZjDFpZOT/view Currently putting together some handouts for Voz's journal and research found after confronting her and can share that if anyone is interested! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() While I, for one, have been irritated with the number of emails I've received from businesses and restaurants I've patronized once, this isn't even remotely in the same category. I think I speak for most everyone on here to say that an update like this about the health and safety of Paizo and the Paizo team is extremely important to all of us. Thank you Lisa and everyone at Paizo for doing the best work you can through this difficult time. Thank you for the update, and thank you for the countless hours of distraction and entertainment that Paizo's products have brought us before and will continue to bring us in the road ahead!! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Nicolas Paradise wrote: So those of us who have been waiting a month or more for these orders who still don't have shipping info and no idea when it will ship have to continue to wait with no recourse when a few days ago you said today was the shipping deadline. But you come in here with veiled insults that most of the non-shipments are payment releated and yet that isn't the case for anyone here begging for help and answers in this thread I realize people are frustrated. I am still waiting for my order to ship as well. But there was definitely no "veiled insults". Sara Marie just pointed out that of the remaining orders, a large chunk haven't shipped due to payment issues. It was an update on the process, as folks have been asking for. Yours is one of the ones that doesn't have a payment issue. So is mine. Is it a bummer? Sure it is. But accusing someone who is doing their job of making "veiled insults" isn't helping anyone. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() As per the subject, after running two PFS scenarios for my group to get used to 2nd edition, today we dove into Age of Ashes, and I have to say I *really* like 2nd edition! That said, things did not go great for my players due to some extraordinarily poor dice rolling on their part.
The very first encounter at Citadel Altearein (the goblin dogs almost turned into a TPK. The cleric was the first to go down (never a good start), followed by the sorcerer and the bard, leaving the monk fighting off 3 injured goblin dogs. I fudged a few die-rolls in the PC's favor to avoid taking them all out and potentially souring them on the new edition.
Eventually, with 2 remaining goblin dog, the monk realized that if he flurried with his first action, then moved away twice, it would need 2 actions to reach him, meaning he could get in twice as many attacks each round until he killed it. He did have to run outside and quite a ways from the entrance to accomplish this, of course.
Overall, even though it didn't go swimmingly for the PCs the players enjoyed themselves and left with a positive impression about 2nd edition and excitement about getting deeper into AoA. Granted it's only one session, but as far as I'm concerned, 2E and AoA look like another Critical Hit from the Paizo team! (For my table at least) ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Bardic Dave wrote:
Actually it does. Even though I understood in my head how it gets to the disparity between the -10 and the -8, seeing it written out was the "aha!" moment. Move along folks. Nothing more to see here.... ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Elorebaen wrote: Some preview blogs are nice, but seriously a TON of information about the new system has been revealed and discussed ad nauseam for months now. Besides actually getting the book itself, there isn’t much left to preview. Agree and disagree. As I mentioned in my initial post, we have gotten a ton of information, which is great! That said, not everyone is as well informed as everyone in the forums. For example, some of my players haven't kept up with any of the info. And I'd love to be able to start encouraging them to check out the generalities of P2. As Jason Bulmahn said in the post quoted above, the previews are going to be going back to square one and discussing what P2 is all about. Which is exactly what I'm hoping to see for that very reason. Just my two cents! Looking forward to whatever we do get! ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Tridus wrote:
Fair enough :) I was admittedly oversimplifying a little bit. The rule would need another sentence or two to say something along the lines of [very rough wording to follow] "If at any point during the day you are wearing 10 items with the invested trait, you may not gain the benefits of another item with the invested trait even if one is removed before the end of the day." That essentially accomplishes the same thing of keeping it as a "pool" but without overtly letting people know they have a separate pool to track, which to me would be a semantic win. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Jim Sharples wrote:
One of the perks of a rules PDF (and I'm attempting to be helpful, not a smartass as I realize this could mistakenly be taken that way) is that you can Ctrl+F to search the document rather than randomly looking for a rule. Unfortunately in this case, looking for "Manipulate" pulls up every spell/feat/etc with the trait, but still, I pulled together the following info in just a few minutes (including taking the time to type this). So for some clarification on what that feat means, certain conditions have penalties or straight up won't allow actions with the Manipulate trait. For example... * When Drowning or Suffocating, using a Manipulate action causes you to lose air faster. * If you are Entangled or Grabbed, Manipulate actions are not automatic and require a check. * If you are Restrained you cannot attempt a Manipulate action (which makes sense) * Certain spell effects also seem to prevent these actions as well. So being able to Lay on Hands under those conditions is actually kind of cool! You're captured and restrained but the Paladin needs to Lay on Hands? No problem! At any rate, none of this solves your root point which is that there seems to be some bulk to things that could (and will) irritate some players/potential players. But hopefully this helps out anyone else confused by this issue. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() To echo what others have said, this is disappointing news. However, kudos to Paizo. It seems to me that they are doing everything in their power to fix a problem that was not caused by them. And this is a generous response, IMO. I understand those who prefer the physical books to PDFs (I want both, which is why I preordered!), but let's put it in perspective — we've waited months since this was announced, we can all wait a few more days for our physical books. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Joe M. wrote:
So in PF2, creating a character will be as "easy as A, B, C". Terrible pun, I know (actually arguably not a pun at all). That said, I do find it hard to believe that its a coincidence that the building blocks for a character can be abbreviated as such. ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm much more of a forum reader than poster, so thanks to everyone who has shared input on the topic so far - lots of good food for thought here. After giving it some additional thought myself (and reading everyone else's thoughts) I think for me, personally, what bothers me is that I put a lot of preparation into each game session (as do most GMs). I thoroughly enjoy that part. The *actual* running of the game, I don't enjoy as much. Where I derive my enjoyment (from that aspect of the game) is watching my players enjoying themselves. If they're having a great time then it makes all of the preparation, all of the time/money spent on various things to enhance the game/etc worthwhile. I like knowing they are having fun. When I'm on the other side of the GM's screen, I like to think the GM is thinking the same thing (sadly, not always true, but I digress....). Point is, I can't expect my players to want to enjoy the game in the same way that I would in their shoes. Where I want to be surprised by the twists and turns of the story, maybe someone else doesn't. So if they are enjoying the game the way that they choose to enjoy it (even if it makes sense to me) then so be it - as long as it isn't detracting from others' enjoyment (hasn't seemed to yet) - as long as everyone is enjoying themselves. So for the time being I plan to let it go, I think.* *(reserves right to completely change mind based on how things go during this Sunday's game session) ![]()
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Zhayne wrote: Away from game: "(Name), you're cheating. I know damn well you're reading ahead in the AP. Stop it, or you will not be participating in the rest of it. Only warning." That would be the direct and easy solution. Problem is I know him too well and for too long and am nearly certain he'd deny it which would result in an unnecessary argument over an RPG -thus I'm hoping for a creative solution. Definitely appreciate the input though. Hardwool wrote: If you can afford the extra time, let him learn the hard way and change things here and there. Crunch can be easily replaced and refluffed. Did that once today where he expected something and and I told him that was not the case to test his reaction which was... telling. (That was the point at which I tried to get confirmation of someone seeing the book open on his screen). Might be the easiest solution - change enough to the point where he thinks the info he has is unreliable and stops reading it. Let it solve itself. |