
coyotegospel's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 77 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I decided to have these shipped now rather than wait so I already placed a second order.

Removing them my Sidecart would be appreciated.

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Trying to clarify something on Afflictions. It's pretty clear how Onset, Stages and Intervals work.

However, I'm a little unclear about intervals of 1 round. Does that mean that they advance on the very next round, or that there is a 1 round "break" between stages? Let me give an example and two scenarios.

Example Affliction
Onset 1 minute; Maximum Duration 1 minute; Stage 1 some damage and effects (1 round); Stage 2 some damage and effects (1 round); Stage 3 some damage and effects (1 round)

So obviously, there is no effect for a 1 minute because of the onset. But once the effects begin, how should this play out:

Scenario A
Rd 1 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 1 of affliction
Rd 2 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 2 of affliction
Rd 3 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 3 of affliction


Scenario B
Rd 1 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 1 of affliction
Rd 2 - No effect
Rd 3 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 2 of affliction
Rd 4 - No effect
Rd 5 - PC fails save and therefore takes effects of Stage 3 of affliction

Without a clear-cut answer, I could see an argument either way and am curious about others' interpretations. Thanks!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It seems quite clear that the design intent of Doubling Rings is so that a character who fights with two weapons isn't penalized into having to upgrade both weapons as they progress by, essentially, letting the 2nd weapon "share" the runes of the first.

I have a monk PC who fights with a temple sword and makes additional attacks with his fist as it is agile. I wanted to get some thoughts on whether doubling rings would allow him to share his weapon rune properties on his unarmed attacks without having to separately buy handwraps of mighty blows for those secondary attacks.

I'm torn.

On one hand, the doubling rings specifically state (emphasis mine):

Core Rule Book pg 609 wrote:

"the weapon’s fundamental runes are replicated onto any MELEE WEAPON you wield in the hand wearing the iron ring."

"The replication functions only if you wear both rings, and it ends as soon as you CEASE WIELDING A MELEE WEAPON in one of your hands."

On the other hand, the Monk's Powerful Fist states (again, emphasis mine):

Core Rule Book pg 156 wrote:
"You know how to wield your fists as DEADLY WEAPONS."

Flavor-wise, I think everyone would agree that a monk's fists are weapons. But per the text of Powerful Fist I'm inclined to say the doubling rings would apply to the monk's fists from a RAW perspective as well.

But I'm curious to get other's opinions.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

As per the subject, after running two PFS scenarios for my group to get used to 2nd edition, today we dove into Age of Ashes, and I have to say I *really* like 2nd edition!

That said, things did not go great for my players due to some extraordinarily poor dice rolling on their part.

The very first encounter at Citadel Altearein (the goblin dogs almost turned into a TPK. The cleric was the first to go down (never a good start), followed by the sorcerer and the bard, leaving the monk fighting off 3 injured goblin dogs. I fudged a few die-rolls in the PC's favor to avoid taking them all out and potentially souring them on the new edition.

Eventually, with 2 remaining goblin dog, the monk realized that if he flurried with his first action, then moved away twice, it would need 2 actions to reach him, meaning he could get in twice as many attacks each round until he killed it. He did have to run outside and quite a ways from the entrance to accomplish this, of course.

Overall, even though it didn't go swimmingly for the PCs the players enjoyed themselves and left with a positive impression about 2nd edition and excitement about getting deeper into AoA.

Granted it's only one session, but as far as I'm concerned, 2E and AoA look like another Critical Hit from the Paizo team! (For my table at least)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I keep going back in forth in my head about whether or I not I think this should be pronounced:

ol-tuh-rain (like All Terrain)



How is everyone else pronouncing this?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With Hero Points being awarded and discarded at the start (and end respectively) of each session, I was curious if anyone has altered this paradigm for shorter or longer play sessions?

For example, if a group is planning on a marathon 12 hour game session, I wonder if handing out 1 hero point at the start of the session puts them at a disadvantage over a group that plays a 4 hour session. Obviously the longer session gives PCs more opportunities to earn additional hero points, but the baseline "automatic" hero point handout changes considerably with the PCs in a group playing 4 hour sessions having a minimum of 3 times as many hero points over the course of that block of time.

On the opposite side, my group typically plays 2 hour sessions and I worry that that a "Get out of death free" card every single session will take a lot of the threat out of the game as there's only so many combats you could get into in 2 hours.

Just generally curious if anyone has made adjustments and if so how that went?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I know the CS team has been quite busy, but I posted 2 weeks ago with no response. Hopefully, this will actually be noticed.

When my August subscription order spawned, I realized how close it was to qualifying for free shipping so I placed an order (7945991) to ship with that subscription order but quickly realized it would not put the order over the $100 threshold. So I placed a second order (8086994) and asked that the first order be canceled.

2 weeks later, the first order has not been canceled and the second order did not ship with my subscription, with both still sitting in my sidecart.

In addition, because of my subscriptions, I am supposed to receive the PFS scenarios, and I don't have access to those either.

Please help!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel this order if possible.

I was attempting to get my subscription order up over $100 to take advantage of the shipping discount and this didn't quite get it done so I placed an order for a different item afterwards to accomplish said task.

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Agile weapons:

Core Rulebook pg. 282 wrote:
The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of –10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.

All things being equal - while welding an agile weapon, a character has a 5% greater chance to hit with a second attack than a character wielding a non-agile weapon. This makes sense. It is agile after all, so it should be easier to attack multiple times with.

However, on a third attack a character has a 10% greater chance to hit than a character wielding a non-agile weapon. This seems odd to me. It feels like agile weapons should just have a penalty of 1 less on any attack after the first (ie: -4 and then -9).

Anyone else?

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hello CS Team-

Just got a shipping notification for this order (Yay!), but I don't see the Paizo Advantage discount applied, which I believe I should qualify for (subscriptions for Pathfinder Rulebook, Pathfinder Adventure Path, Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game).

Thanks and stay sane during this launch and the run-up to GenCon!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Has there been any more word on when/if we'll be seeing some of these? I was hoping last Monday's (broad, yet lacking depth) "First Look" blog was going to be the start of some weekly reveals.

I know that between PaizoCon and info on the forums we've heard a lot of information about how things have evolved since the playtest, but I'm surprised by the lack of more formal previews now that release is less than a month away.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Can you please remove the following from my sidecart? I would like my subscriptions to start with the 2nd edition products.

Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Druma, Profit and Prophecy
Pathfinder Adventure Path #144: Midwives to Death (Tyrant's Grasp 6 of 6)

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

There will be plenty of people combing through the rules and offering their commentary there so I wanted to take a different approach and discuss the layout of the book. As a graphic designer (and not a professional game designer), I thought my feedback in that area would be more helpful than trying to direct rules changes.

Below is a list of initial impressions I jotted down as I skimmed through the book. Some are may not be well thought out, and some might just be down-right arguing for aesthetics over practicality. Keep in mind this is just one man’s opinion(s), and while I recognize that Paizo isn't exactly asking for input along these lines I do think feedback on this end could also contribute to improvements to the final result of Pathfinder 2.0.

Also, this might seem like I’m more critical than I am. In general I think the playtest rulebook looks great. I just think there’s room for improvement to a lot of the (for lack of a better term) “legacy” approach to the layout in general.

The Good
* The artwork, obviously, is gorgeous

* The character sheet looks great.

* The first page for each ancestry. I love the simplicity of this layout. All of the important game related info in a sidebar with the “fluff” on the other side. Just great.

* Class layouts - the “splash page” with the large artwork is great visual inspiration for what that class embodies and certainly worth the space it takes up even if it less practical then the class layouts for 1st edition where the text could flow around the image of the iconic.

* Class layouts pt 2 - the second page is also great design with the sidebar pulling the big picture info away from the details.

* Class layouts pt 3 - can’t say enough about how these are presented. They each feel like their own section as they should. One of the worst parts about 1st edition (which most game books suffer from) is how rules for a class would just randomly start 2/3s of the way down a page where the prior classes rules ended (For a particularly egregious example of this, reference 1st edition Core Rulebook pg 38. This type of creativity in the layout should be utilized more often throughout the book (more thoughts on this below)

* Class Feats pt 1 - Glad these were listed by level instead of alphabetically with all levels mixed in (ala: spell lists (though I understand why those are listed the way they are)).

The So-so
* I’m not sold on the symbols for actions. It seems like a solution in search of a problem. I don’t see how this is an improvement over “Action: Do this….” or “Action 2: Do this….”

* Class layouts pt 4 - the class advancement table seems to get lost. Especially after the 2-page class introduction spread. I feel that more attention needs to be called to this somehow. Even though it doesn’t contain as much info as the level tables of first edition it still feels like it should span the width of the page as those did rather than be constrained into the column of test (though I suspect a lot of that decision was a space-saving measure - the space taken up by the 2-page initial spread for each class has to be made up for somewhere.

* Class Feats pt 2 - Not sure that the sidebar which lists all of the class feats alphabetically and shows what level they are is necessary. I can’t see myself referencing that often if at all.

* Equipment chapter. This is very similar to how these chapters have been laid out for edition after edition. Not sure how it could be improved without really ruminating on it, but this has always felt unwieldy and cumbersome to go through.

The Bad
* This is a pet-peeve of mine of RPG books in general and I largely understand the enormous pain in the ass this would be to adjust (not to mention the ripple effect it would have to page count if undertaken over the course of the whole book), but it is incredibly irritating when a specific rule starts on one page (or column even) and is continued on the next. I’m not talking about paragraphs of text, but when a feat whose explanation is, say, 5 sentences long, and 3 are in one column and 2 are in the other (example that staring at at the moment - Attack of Opportunity on pg. 109. But more egregious to me is Shining Oath on the prior page)

* The placement of Traits in a left-justified bubble that indents the text that it interrupts. Yuck. In the final rulebook, please right-justify these so they do not impede the text. The is an eye-sore.

* Table 1-3: The Nine Alignments — the vertical alignments of Lawful, Neutral and Chaotic are driving me nuts. They should be vertically centered inside of that cell instead of aligned to the top. While we’re at it (and I recognize this is most likely a space saving measure) but since the point of this grid is to see how the two parts of your alignment come together as a 3x3 grid, this would be much more aesthetically pleasing if the chart was actually square (ie-the cell’s height was the same as their width). Right now it just looks like a mess.

* Feat presentation. Similar to my disdain for trait bubbles interrupting the text justification, I don’t like how the action symbols (more thoughts on those below), interrupt the justification of the feat names. I understand why this was done, but aesthetically it feels off. From a pure aesthetics perspective, it should be FEAT NAME and then SYMBOL

* Tables 3-9 and 3-10 Cleric dieties and domains. These are just a mess of information. Because I’m moving through this quickly to just down initial impressions I don’t have a suggestion for improving (especially because its a lot of information to present and you can’t just cut any of it to make it look nicer), but these are an eyesore, like someone vomited words onto a page (not that similar tables in 1st edition were any better)

* Table 3-15: Monk Attacks. The placement of this feels so random. Why is it after Tiger Stance but before Wolf Stance? Why Not Crane Stance or Dragon Stance? Or at the end of the section? Of even better - a sidebar since it details rules that are spread throughout the section

* Table 4-2 Skils. See comments about Tables 3-9 and 3-10 above

* Skill listings in general. Now that there are less skills than in the prior edition, it would be great if each skill and its accompanying options were presented on a single page (2 if necessary) similar to how Ancestries are presented (or the aforementioned 2 page spread for each class). This would make finding the necessary rules much easier not to mention break up the walls of text after text after text that these types of chapters have been in the past (and continue to be at the moment). You guys got creative with out Ancestries and Classes were presented - let’s do that across the board! Get rid of the legacy layout thinking that has been with us for several editions!

* Table 5-1 Feats. This will be the last time I bring up this criticism (and again, without really thinking about it, I’m not sure of a better way to present this information), but more tables that are eyesores.

* Spell lists. See my comment about text relating to one rules element flowing into another column. I’d rather see distinct columns for each spell level rather than a continuous flow of text. Again, I recognize this results in blank space and adds to page count so its unlikely to happen. But it would present itself much nicer if this was done throughout the book. At the very least, section off the spell lists so that the Devine Spell List doesn’t start 2/3s of the way down the page after the last bit of arcane spells. Reformat so each spell list takes up a 2 page spread with a header across the top that says what spell list it is. That would look 10 times better with minimal effort. (Occult and Primal could probably fit on 1 page each.

* Spell descriptions. This is the culmination of a lot of previous criticism so I won’t repeat again. And also from a practicality standpoint there’s probably no better way to present this info, but I’ve always hated the encyclopedic feel of spell list chapters.

* Archetypes. Please give each one it’s own page so it is presented like a scaled down version of how classes are presented! (See comments on skill listings above)

* Calculating results table on page 292. As mentioned previously, vertical centering is your friend.

* At Deaths Door sidebar on pg 296. This feels like it should be offset more to draw more attention to it so it can be found quickly when someone is scanning the rules for the specifics like with other sidebars.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I currently have an expired card set as the payment method for a subscription and would like to update it, however after adding my updated card I can't seem to find a way to change the payment for that subscription.

Secondarily, I have a pending order (woohoo Pathfinder Playtest!) that I would also like to update to the new card, but am unable to figure out how to do so.

Please help!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Tomorrow I run my players through the final showdown with Karzoug.

While I'm an infrequent poster, over the course of this campaign the insights and discussions on this board have been a great help and inspiration, so thank you to all who have contributed.

Here's hoping this provides a little inspiration for other GMs:
I just finished building the stage for the encounter with some styrofoam and (a lot of) Dwarven Forge. Wanted to share the photos for anyone who was curious:

Eye of Avarice photos

(I had to take some liberties due to the size of the tiles, but it is fairly true to the original map.)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Background: I normally run completely home-brewed campaigns (only important as it explains why this has never been an issue for me in the past). This time around I decided to run the ROTRL AP as I don't have the time I would want to invest to write something completely from scratch.

Problem: A player in my group realized that the AP we were playing through was ROTRL (normally this wouldn't be something you'd feel the need to keep secret from your players, but, I had an inkling he would read ahead and find out what to do/how to solve puzzles/etc, so I kept it to myself).

I had a feeling that he had put a PDF of the ROTRL Anniversary Edition on his iPad and was consulting it for hints as we were playing. I asked another player to keep their eyes open for that and had it confirmed in a game session today that it is indeed what he is doing.

I'm a little torn on how to handle the situation. On one hand, I feel like it sucks a lot of the fun of the game out for the whole group if a player is "spoiled" on what is around the corner. On the other hand I feel like if he wants to ruin it for himself, he can and the rest of the group can still enjoy the campaign.

Definitely open to any advice on how to handle the situation. It's exceptionally frustrating when I see a player acting completely out of character because they know something that the rest of the party doesn't know yet.

Any other GMs experience a similar scenario?