
ckelley83's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts (3,236 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters. 8 aliases.


Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

If it's anything like the last multi table they ran, and I believe it is, then the tiers are 1-2, 3-4, etc. You are allowed to play 1 level out of tier but with so many tables being run, there's really no need. It's really up to the GM what tier they want their table to be.

Assuming I play my lvl 9 Ranger for table 2, then everything else I have is 5 or below. So I'm fine with tiers 1-2, 3-4 or 5-6.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

What tier are you thinking for Sky Key? As for the second special, I'd be more interested in Serpent's Ire since I've also played Serpent's Rise. Everything else sounds good to me.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

I would probably pass on Bone Keep if it came down to it. My Oracle is the only one in that range and I don't think he would do well in it from what I've read.

I would be fine with a low level and a high level game. Never played my ranger on PbP and would need to get him updated.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian
DM Beckett wrote:
ckelley83 wrote:

I thought you were going run Trouble in Tamran first then all the We Be Goblins? My intent was to build a pregen baby. I can't run pregens in two games that are both going to be applied to the same character number can I?

As for characters, I'm interested in Mogmurch.

I believe you can, but I'm honestly not sure.

I don't believe you can run a character and also a pregen and apply credit at the same time, but I'm not even sure on that. I used to do it often with DM credit, but I'll look into it.

The way I see it is, you don't choose the character to apply it to until the scenario is complete. With that being the case, it shouldn't matter until the game is being reported. My intentions before the game is reported shouldn't make a difference. I can see the conflict if I'm also playing the intended character, but that's not the case since it doesn't even exist yet.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

My plan is to run a pregen for this so I'll pick one based on party makeup

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

Characters I have available:

Rilas, lvl 9 Ranger
Jorah, lvl 5 Oracle
Varuna, lvl 3 Investigator
Korug, lvl 2 Bloodrager
Amelie, lvl 1 Paladin (core)

My hope is to get my Oracle, Investigator and Bloodrager into games for Gameday. My only core character is tied up in Godsmouth and really not sure if it will be done in time, it will be real close. My preference would be to play my Investigator for the special but ultimately it doesn't matter. With the games Snider is running, my plan is to build a pregen baby so to speak. Is it possible to run a pregen in two separate games at the same time and have them apply to the same character?

I'm also considering my first attempt at GMing during this Gameday. Not sure what I would run, maybe MotFF since I hear it's fairly easy on new GMs. I would just need volunteers to be test subjects.

On a totally separate note, is there any hope of resurrecting Hell's Rebels?

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian


Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian


Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

I thought you were going run Trouble in Tamran first then all the We Be Goblins? My intent was to build a pregen baby. I can't run pregens in two games that are both going to be applied to the same character number can I?

As for characters, I'm interested in Mogmurch.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian


Grand Lodge

I have actually never played any of the We Be Goblin modules. Are there any GM's that would be willing to run through all 4 of them?

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

@Beckett: If someone drops I'll take a spot

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

Just checking in. I will get my pregen and alias setup after work today.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

Thanks for the info I appreciate it. At what point do I make the decision of what character to apply to? Would I need to decide before the start of the scenario or when it's complete? What if that other character is currently in a game? Sorry for all the questions, just not something I've had to deal with personally so far

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

I'll go ahead and sign up for classic. I've never ran a pregen before so how exactly does it work as far as applying credit to a character of mine. Do I have to have one at level 7?

Grand Lodge

@Eldak: If you post in the gameplay thread it will save Flaxseed to your current campaigns so you can follow it easier

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

@Boom: Just added my name to the list. I will have a character built later tonight hopefully

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

Just wondering if any of the awesome GM's here have any AP's in the works. I'm in one now and I really love the freedom and creativity they allow.

Grand Lodge

Wow that must have been it. I had been trying "dot", ".", or "test" which had all already been posted by someone. I feel stupid that it was such a simple thing, lesson learned. Thank you very much for the help.

Grand Lodge

Still having the issue.

Just to give a little more explanation for what's happening on my end, when I try to post, it shows it in a separate box below the thread as if I was previewing the post. But no matter how many times I click submit, it won't add to the thread.

Grand Lodge

As the title says, I'm having issues trying to post to a gameplay thread for my initial post in a PbP game. I am able to post in any other thread, except for gameplay. I have tried posting with different characters and that doesn't work either. It seems nobody else is having issues in the game but me. Here is the game in question.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

So after looking more into it, I think I'm torn between 2, a vanilla Bard or Empiricist Investigator. I think the bard would be a natural fit for this game and I've always wanted to play one. On the other hand, the Investigator seems really intersting too, never really looked into it before. With the Investigator I would strongly consider a 1 level dip into Inspired Blade Swashbuckler.

Both have the ability to be fill the skill and/or knowledge monkey role I'm shooting for. The Investigator also gives us a trap finder and a little more offense while the Bard give us performances.

Any preferences or suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

Checked out the Archaeologist Bard and it really doesn't appeal to me. Bardic performance really seemed to fit in well with the theme of this campaign. If trap finding is really that big of a deal here I'm open to trying the Investigator, seems intriguing but I'd need to brush up on the alchemy side of it. Either way, it's going to be a bit til I have time to build something.

Grand Lodge

Male Irish/Italian

So my initial thoughts on characters were a Bard (probably detective or maybe just vanilla), or Infiltrator Investigator and being the skill/knowledge monkey. But if we need more melee I would happily roll a Warpriest or if we need some more casting I would be interested in a Lore Oracle or a Sorcerer. So basically I'm flexible.

Joe, I'm going to be pretty busy with this exercise we are doing for the next two weeks and will be pretty limited on time. But it looks like this may not even be released yet anyways.