A few things I wold like martials to be able to do: Improvised Shield As a free action, you may wield an improvised weapon as an improvised shield for a round. When wielded as an improvised shield, the weapon’s damage die is decreased by 2 sizes, and the weapon grants a shield bonus: light weapons grant +1 shield bonus, one-handed weapons grant a +2 shield bonus, and two-handed weapons grant a +4 shield bonus. Just as with all shields, you lose this shield bonus to AC if you use the improvised shield to attack, unless you possess the ability to make shield bashes without sacrificing shield bonus. Whenever you are wielding a shield with the fragile special feature and a target scores a critical hit against you, you may give your shield the broken condition to change the critical hit into a normal hit. Shatter Earth You may attack the ground around you with a savage blow. You may make a brutal strike against the corner of a square within your reach as a full-round action. You may reduce this to a standard action by expending martial focus. This attack automatically hits and deals damage normally. If you manage to deal more damage than the floor’s hardness, you cause a 5 ft. radius, 10 ft. cone, or 15 ft. line (your choice) to become difficult terrain. Radius’ increase by 5 ft. per 10 base attack bonus, cones by 5 ft. per 5 base attack bonus, and lines by 10 ft. per 5 base attack bonus. A square can be cleared as a standard action (provoking an attack of opportunity)to no longer be difficult terrain. Defensive Whirl Whenever you use an attack action and successfully strike a single creature with both your main-hand and off-hand weapons, that creature takes a -1 penalty to all attack rolls against you for 1 round. For every 5 points of base attack bonus you possess, this penalty increases by an additional -1. This one is a bit more gonzo Limb Ripper Prerequisites: base attack bonus +10. When you successfully maintain a grapple against a creature you have already pinned, you may as an immediate action attempt to remove a limb from them; the creature must make a successful Fortitude save or have one of its limbs removed by you (arms, legs, tentacles, or wings), ending the grapple. If you remove a wing, the target loses a wing natural attack if it had any and cannot fly (creatures with 3 or more wings who lose a wing have their flight maneuverability reduced to clumsy and have their flight speed reduced by 1/2 for each wing which they are missing). If you remove a tentacle, the creature loses all attacks and abilities related to that tentacle. If you remove an arm or leg, the target suffers a series of penalties listed below. Creatures with more than 2 legs do not suffer the penalties listed below, but instead lose 10 ft. from their movement speed and lose the benefits of being a quadruped if they had them. In addition, the target suffers 1d6 points of bleed damage from the wound, +1d6 for every 4 points of base attack bonus you possess. A severed limb counts as an object one size category smaller than the creature it came from if using it as an independent object or improvised weapon. A character who has lost an arm incurs the following penalties: -10 penalty on Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Sleight of Hand, and Use Magic Device skill checks;
A character who has lost a leg incurs the following penalties: -10 penalty on Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, Stealth, and certain Perform skill checks (GM’s discretion).
These penalties do not stack with other penalties for losing limbs. A character who has lost both arms cannot use any of the listed skills, make attacks, or use objects, without the aid of prosthetics or magic. A character who has lost both legs is always considered flat-footed and prone, and can only move 5 ft as a full round action, without the aid of prosthetics or magic.
Care Bear CR 8
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Well here is a pfs legal build of this at retirement The bird: This is with everything except for the monk Ac bonus activated. The Bird 12
Halfling cavalier (daring champion) 1/fighter (unarmed fighter) 1/monk (kata master, master of many styles) 2 (Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 53, 56, 90, 104, 125, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 32, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 48, 59) LG Tiny humanoid (halfling) Init +8; Senses low-light vision; Perception +14 Aura aura of excellence, aura of law -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 24, touch 23, flat-footed 14 (+10 Dex, +2 insight, +1 natural, +2 size, -1 untyped penalty) hp 86 (12 HD; 2d8+10d10+12) Fort +20, Ref +22, Will +15; +2 vs. fear Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune disease -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Melee unarmed strike +21/+16/+11 (1d4+24) or . . 2 claws +21 (1d2+24), 2 talons +21 (1d4+24) Space 2.5 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks challenge 1/day (+1 damage, allies gain +1 to hit), deeds (derring-do, derring-do, dodging panache, menacing swordplay, opportune parry and riposte, opportune parry and riposte), greater tactician 1/day (Monkey Style or Outflank, 3 rds), panache (2), personal trial, sneak attack +1d6, studied target +1 (1st, move action) Paladin (Iroran Paladin) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3) . . 1st—bless -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 4, Dex 27, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 14 Base Atk +11; CMB +17; CMD 25 Feats Aspect of the Beast[APG], Combat Reflexes, Improved Unarmed Strike, Lunge, Monkey Shine[UC], Monkey Style[UC], Outflank[APG], Piranha Strike, Risky Striker[ARG], Snake Fang[UC], Snake Style[UC], Stand Still, Weapon Finesse Traits blade of the society, devotee of the green Skills Acrobatics +25 (+17 to jump), Bluff +3, Climb -1, Fly +12, Perception +14, Sense Motive +18, Survival +3 (+4 to provide food and water for allies or to protect allies from harsh weather); Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Climb, +2 Perception, dragon's skills Languages Common, Halfling SQ champion's finesse, combat style (natural weapon), confident defense +2, deed: underfoot assault, fuse style, ki pool (5 points magic, magic), lay on hands 4/day (2d6), mercy (sickened), mount, order of the dragon, panache, sense perfection, slayer talent (ranger combat style), swashbuckler finesse, track +1 Other Gear agile amulet of mighty fists, ring of seven lovely colors, 150 gp -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Aura of Excellence (Su) Immune to effects that force rerolls. Allies within 10' can roll 2 or 3 dice when forced to reroll. Aura of Law (Su) The paladin has an Aura of Law with power equal to her class level. Blade of the Society You gain a +1 trait bonus to damage rolls from sneak attacks. Champion's Finesse At 1st level, a daring champion gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and he can use Charisma in place of Intelligence for the purpose of combat feats prerequisites. A daring champion also coun Combat Reflexes (9 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Deed: Underfoot Assault (Ex) Use 1 panache as imm act when adj foe misses, enter foe's space for bonuses. Dragon's +1 (1/day) (Ex) +1 to damage target, -2 AC vs. others when used, allies gain +1 to hit the target of your challenge. Dragon's Skills +1 (Ex) +1 to Survival checks for allies. Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead. Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves. Flight (60 feet, Average) You can fly! Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe Greater Tactician (Monkey Style or Outflank, 3 rds, 1/day) (Ex) Grant the use of your teamwork feats to all allies in 30 ft. Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases. Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal. Ki Pool (5/day) (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Charisma modifier. Lay on Hands (2d6 hit points, 4/day) (Su) As a standard action (swift on self), touch channels positive energy and applies mercies. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail. Lunge Can increase reach by 5 ft, but take -2 to AC for 1 rd. Mercy (Sickened) (Su) When you use your lay on hands ability, it also removes the sickened condition. Monkey Shine After successful Stunning Fist, you may enter an adjacent square Monkey Style Add Wisdom bonus on Acrobatics checks, and take no penalty for attacking while prone Outflank Increase flank bonus by +2 if flanking ally has same feat. If you crit, ally gets an AoO. Panache (Ex) Gain a pool of points that are spent to fuel deeds, regained on light/piercing crit/killing blow. Panache (Ex) Gain panache, use unarmed/monk wep with certain deeds, and can spend ki for deeds. Personal Trial (2/day) (Su) +2 insight bonus to hit, damage, saves, and AC vs. target. Piranha Strike -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage with light weapons. Risky Strike -1/+6 Subtract from your AC to add to damage vs foes 2 sizes larger. Sense Perfection (Su) At will, you can detect if a creature has a ki pool. Snake Fang If opponent misses you, make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action Snake Style Gain +2 on Sense Motive checks, and deal piercing damage with unarmed attacks Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed. Stand Still When taking an AoO, you can make a combat maneuver check to end opponent's movement instead of attacking. Studied Target +1 (move action, 1 at a time) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them. Swashbuckler Finesse At 1st level, a swashbuckler gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed piercing melee weapons, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence as a prerequisite for combat feats. This ability counts as having Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
I love the fact that I can invoke this trope Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot Like so Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: :) Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot CR 12
XP 19,200 Android Zombie Lord Inner Sea Pirate 5/Ninja 5 NE Medium undead Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +18 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +2 natural, +1 dodge) hp 153 (12d8+41) Fort +5, Ref +12, Will +7; +4 racial bonus vs. mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects, +4 bonus vs. channeled energy Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, constructed, uncanny dodge; DR 5/slashing; Immune emotion, fear, undead traits -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 agile shortsword +12/+7 (1d6+4) and . . slam +7 (1d6+1) Special Attacks ki attack speed, nanite surge, sneak attack +5d6 Spell-Like Abilities (CL 12th; concentration +14) . . —vanishing trick -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 12, Dex 20, Con —, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 14 Base Atk +7; CMB +8 (+10 dirty trick, +12 disarm); CMD 24 (26 vs. dirty trick, 26 vs. disarm) Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Greater Disarm, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Disarm, Toughness, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +20, Appraise +17, Bluff +15, Disable Device +20, Disguise +3, Perception +18, Profession (sailor) +16, Spellcraft +17, Swim +14, Use Magic Device +15; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, ki jump (running start), no trace Languages Common, Necril, Tien SQ ki movement, ki pool, ki stealth, pirate tricks (classic duelist, hand stab, storm sailor), poison use Other Gear +1 leather armor, +1 agile shortsword -------------------- Special Abilities -------------------- Channel Resistance +4 +4 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy. Combat Expertise +/-2 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack. Combat Reflexes (6 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed. Constructed (Ex) Counts as both humanoids and constructs for effects that target type. Damage Reduction (5/slashing) You have Damage Reduction against all except Slashing attacks. Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only). Greater Disarm When disarming a foe, their weapon lands 15 ft away in a random direction. Hand Stab (Ex) +2 to disarm Sneak Attack victims. Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases. Immunity to Emotion (Ex) You are immune to all emotion effects. Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition. Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition. Immunity to Fear (Ex) You are immune to all fear effects. Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects. Improved Dirty Trick You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when performing a dirty trick. Improved Disarm You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when disarming. Ki Attack Speed (Su) By spending 1 point from her ki pool, a ninja can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus, but she can do so only when making a full attack. Ki Jump (Running Start) (Su) Jumping is always counted as being at a running start. Ki Movement A Ninja can spend 1 point to increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round. Ki Pool (Su) You have a ki pool equal to 1/2 your monk level + your Charisma modifier. Ki Stealth A ninja can spend 1 point from her ki pool to give herself a +4 insight bonus on Stealth skill checks for 1 round. Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail. Nanite Surge +15 (1/day) (Ex) Bonus to any one d20 roll. Glow like a torch for 1 round when used. No Trace +1 (Ex) Survival DCs to track you are at +1, gain +1 to Stealth when you are stationary and not acting. Poison Use You do not risk poisoning yourself accidentally while poisoning a weapon. Sneak Attack +5d6 +5d6 damage if you flank your target or your target is flat-footed. Storm Sailor (Ex) Reduce storm category for sailing & Navigation Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed. Undead Traits Undead have many immunities and use Cha in place of a Con for all effects. Vanishing Trick (Su) As a swift action, the ninja can disappear for 1 round per level. This ability functions as invisibility. Using this ability uses up 1 ki point. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at http://www.wolflair.com
Hi everyone for a while now i wanted to make my own world but i was hesitant to do it for various reasons. Now after beaning on the boards I now have the confidence to put up the seeds of my labor. As i said in the title i am looking for feedback and conversion advice to help make the world better. I do have fluff but for now the bare bones. Pathfinder rules (core) 1. Gods - New ones (add race domains) (1) Father Snow NG
(2) Mother NG
(3) She who brings joy (Lanna’Nuynudrim) CG
(4) The just light LN
(5) The hidden night CN
(6) The lord of flesh CG
(7) The warden N.
(8) Guðcræft N
2. Races (pathfinder conversions)
(2)RD spellscales
(3) Death elves
(4)EXPIS élan