Knight Commander Graxus Phand

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801 posts (804 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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Just posting this to see if there is some interest in a play-by- post game with the new DnD rules.

Please ask questions here or send me a PM if interested.

We are using PF1 rules, core only plus a few campaign specific rules. This a long running campaign that takes games from 1st to 20th. We currently have 9 games ongoing.

Please message me if interested or leave a reply.

Greetings adventurer!

Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. All games on the site are part of an ongoing homebrew campaign world. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games. The site is

If you would like to experience a game that doesn't fold after a few months, then this may be the right game for you. If you would like a game that has as much role playing as roll playing then this may be the right game for you.

We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus a few house rules including races and prestige classes.

If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message.

Here is the synopsis for the game:

Full of superstition and fears, the brave people of The Township of Heranmar survive the wildness around it, the storms that attack it, and the Powers that run amok within it.

If there are any questions, please let me know!

Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games. We will be accepting 8 players for this game. The adventure, location and DMs are setup and ready to go.

If you would like to experience a game that doesn't fold after a few months, then this may be the right game for you. If you would like a game that has as much role playing as roll playing then this may be the right game for you.

We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus a few house rules including races and prestige classes.

If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message.

Here is the synopsis for the game:

Game 9: Drakesmeade [Level 1]

Drakesmeade has been the ancestral home of the Blackaxe clan of dwarves for over 1000 years. Their stronghold is located near the Five Sisters mountain range within The Scab Mountains. Times have been hard. The size of their ancient stronghold is much larger than the clan currently needs, but they are growing into it. Will the entrance of a mixed race group of adventurers change the clan’s future for the better or the worse? Only the gods know the answers and only time and adventure will reveal it.

If there are any questions, please let me know!


We have a few openings in a game on our play-by-post site. Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games.

We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus a few house rules including races and prestige classes.

If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message.

If there are any questions, please let me know!


We have a few openings in a game on our play-by-post site. Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games.

We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus house rules including races and prestige classes.

If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message.

If there are any questions, please let me know!


We have a few openings in a game on our play-by-post site. Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games.

We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus house rules including races and prestige classes.

If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message.

If there are any questions, please let me know!

Play by post game site is looking for some new players. This homebrew game has been running for quite some time and has a lot of flavor and history to it. New DMs welcome too. Here is the site:

Feel free to take a look around. If you have any questions, there is contact info on that page. Welcome aboard!

Hello, I would like to drop my Pathfinder Adventure Path subscription at this time, thank you.

Hi, I need to make a few adjustments to my subscriptions.

I would like to drop the Pathfinder Tales subscription.
I would like to drop the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription.

also, please remove: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Strategy Guide (OGL) Hardcover from my orders. It is listed on my subscription page, but the item description says it is not part of any subscription.

Please make sure to KEEP me subscribed to the Pathfinder Adventure Path.

Thank you!

ok, so my group wrapped up this adventure path(we all liked it) and expressed interest in continuing with their now very powerful characters. I would like to avoid plotting out entire adventures for high-level characters if possible. Does anyone know any high level adventures I could run? Third party stuff will be fine as long as the quality is good.

Hi, I see two different numbers(prices) listed on the email order confirmation, I just want to confirm if I was given credit for both discounts and which amount will be charged to my card.

how would the sale discount affect this item: New Paths Compendium (PFRPG) if I choose the print/pdf option?

Any possibility we could see a player companion book that compiles all the traits in one place?

I would like to cancel the following subscriptions at this time:

Pathfinder Player Companion
Pathfinder Module

Hi, I would like to cancel my subscription to Pathfinder Player Companion at this time.

1) I placed an order tonight #


I used the ksthanks discount, which did show up on my order before I placed it, but not on the email sent to me regarding the order. Can you please check if the discount was actually applied?

2) I would like to cancel my subscription to Pathfinder Campaign Setting at this time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is this possible? I think they deserve their own spot for players to advertise and recruit without mixing in with the content discussions.

I want to build a ring of false life. I am having trouble pricing it due to the variable nature of the spell. Any suggestions?

Does anyone here have any experience with the game Minecraft? My 9yo is interested in it, and I understand there are different places you could get the game from such as Steam or direct from the minecraft site. Is there any known advantages/disadvantages to either? Anything specific as a parent I should be aware of with this game?

Greetings! We have an opening at our local game here in PA for one (or maybe two) new players. We are mostly playing Pathfinder, with other games occasionally thrown in.

We meet on Wednesday nights. Our group age range is currently all late 30s. We are not power gamers, and tend to avoid anything that resembles a 'broken' build. The group is mature and fun, we like lots of laughs mixed into our game.

If interested, please ask any questions you may have here, or pm me for my email.

Greetings custserv staff! I would like to reuqest the following changes to my current subscriptions:

Please drop the campaign setting and the player's companion from my subscriptions.

I love the books! But my budget requires a change :(

Thank you. :)

I would like to drop the following subscriptions at this time:

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription
Pathfinder Modules Subscription

thank you

I just sent to the site today to read a little while I was relaxing and just to find this:

All files withdrawn at the request of Wizards of the Coast.

It's too bad...that was a great reference site for 3.5 material.

I'm terrible with naming characters so...thought I'd ask for some ideas here.

The character is a dwarven barbarian. He will be using an earthbreaker. Playing in the CotCT AP. For him, barbarian is more a fighting style than a way of life. He will have 'Hulk' as a likely nickname. I was considering using something like 'stonesplitter' for a surname, but not sure yet. Ideas welcome.

I'm debating whether to get an oversized weapon, taking a -2 to hit, but getting extra damage, and was just curious on people's thoughts on whether the tradeoff is worthwhile.

Can these sources of DR stack? The DR granted by the barbarian class, and that granted by the adamantine armors.

Hi, my friend is playing an alchemist, and enjoying it(he is usually the fighter) and a question came up this week at the game...

How far can an alchemist throw a bomb? The confusing wording is that the range is listed as just that. The range. It is not listed as a range increment as most thrown weapons are.

I'm starting this thread to get some ideas, and see where it ends up. This is for one of my friends, who is trying to decide on a new character to play, and wanted to see what this looks like.

So the initial idea here is for an oracle, concentrating on archery for the combat, bow or crossbow undecided.

stats rolled: 16,16,15,13,12,11 - these are from memory, I will update later if I'm off.

I was thinking of the Wind mystery, and the haunted curse, as the player would like to play around with some 'special' abilities. So the invisibilty, flying, levitate etc. fit right in.

race:probably human

feats: I was thinking archery related for L 1,1(bonus),3,5 and getting an extra revelation at L7, and maybe again at L11

spells- mix of combat buffs, and recovery, using the abilities to take care of misc and movement.

I saw a thread on here recently, where people had posted a number of links to fantasy themed artwork depicting hot babes. I was going to go and check out those artists' websites but I can't seem to find that thread now. Anyone know which one it is?

Can a paladin use the channel smite feat?

Could someone answer this for me please?

If a domain has a power which has a target of: creature, can the cleric use the ability on himself?

as the title says. Can anyone give me some clarification on this?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

ok, I could use some rules help with this spell. There was some minor disagreement at the game table recently over the use of this spell. The part in question is the part that protects from 'possession'. Which spells/effects/abilities does this specifically protect against?

Could someone help me with these? thanks in advance for any help.

1)Is an Eidolon affected by augment summoning or other feats/items etc. that boost summons?

2) What does an Eidolon count as for using magic items? ex) can it use a hat of disguise to look like an 'average' human, dwarf etc while in a town?

3)What type of bonus is the Ability Increase evolution?

4)What is the caster level for the Spell-like ability evolution?

I want to print one of the panels off the GM screen for the fellas to use at the game table. I dl the 'all in one' version, but the printer tries to print out all 4 panels as one page.

So I tried to dl the 'one file per panel' version, but it keeps opening up blank. I tried several times, and even tried to 'open' it without saving, and it comes up blank each time.

Please help. :)

I am trying to print the third section of the GM screen for my players to use at the game table, but in the pdf the whole thing(all 4 panels) is one 'page'. Does anyone know how I can do this?

I'm debating whether the abilities of the PrC(from Seekers of Secrets) are worth the lost caster level(and other lost abilities from going into a PrC). Can anyone offer me some thoughts on this?

Which spells would you take with the Esoteric Magic feature?

One of my players is running a ranger. He really like the dimension door ability of the old horizon walker, and wanted to try it out without taking that class. So I am looking at designing an item to do it.

some possibilites:
-wand - he technically can tuse, but could take a level of something to do so.
-cloak of the mountebank with more charges/day
-intelligent item with the +56,000 ability on it.
-wondrous item with 50 charges.

thoughts? What is the best way to go, and the cheapest?

I got this at the pdf sale. I browsed through it last night. I like it a lot. I also was surprised to see how long it was, I figured like 10 pages, it's more like 50. I am going to offer one of my players a chance to use one of these templates in the game I am currently running.

Hi, My card is 'expiring' soon and I want to replace /update it with the new card. How do I do this?

Well, I recently got this campaign restarted after finding two new players to bring into the game. (Thanks Paizo gamer connection messageboard!) One of the new players has decided to create an in character journal of the adventure and has been emailing out to everyone in the group to enjoy. I think he is doing such an entertaining(and excellent!) job that I suggested we start a journal here so that everyone can enjoy. Plus, all the players in the game can give in or out of character commentary as they feel like it. Enjoy!

A few notes about the game: We are using the pathfinder beta rules and I expect we will switch to the PRPG when the book comes out in August. I am also allowing some splatbook stuff to be used on a limited basis. I will give some details about the characters in a future post.

Is anybody else playing this? I downloaded the free demo, then ordered the full game as I enjoyed the demo a lot. I really like it, but I see a few spots where it could use a few tweaks.

I was just reading part two of the latest Pathfinder(number 14) and one glaring rule jumped out at me that could use some help.

Making diplomacy checks to make something friendlier. This is a rule(subset) that I always find myself flipping through the rulebook to find when it comes up.

Request to make it simpler, and to add the relevant info to the DM screen when you guys make one.


If this order hasn't shipped yet, I would like to cancel it. I have left it on pending for two weeks now. It's amazing how quickly that issue sold out! I scoured the entire web looking for it and nobody seemed to have it.

Thanks in advance!

Does anyone know where I can find a copy? Everyone seems to be sold out. I am not directing this thread at paizo necessarily, just thought a lot of people would see it here. I have checked numerous online stores, all local stores that would carry it, and of course Games Workshop.

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