Knight Commander Graxus Phand

blope's page

801 posts (804 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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What would it take to make Pathfinder compatible with the ORC license? I'm still kind of surprised no one has picked up the reins with an updated version of the rules. I know a few groups were working on it but I haven't seen anything get close to release yet.

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I am not surprised that my comment upset this person. I would like to note that he is not a part of our extremely welcoming family and community.

I also as a long time member of this site, disagree with everything he has said. Our DMs are experienced and very accommodating. I have enjoyed some of the best role-playing I have ever been a part of during my time there.

If you are looking for a fun game that will not disappear after a month, (we have games that have run 10 years and then retired) do have as much role-playing as roll-playing, and are part of a welcoming community, then consider this a good destination for some excellent gaming.

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colorfoot, I sent you a pm with some more details. As long as you are willing to learn. There are a handful of spots left, and plenty of options for rules help as needed.

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Dslak, sent you a pm with more info. Spots are filling up quick.

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Is there an update on the progress of this book? I'm really looking forward to it.

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Just have everyone in your group take a level of sorcerer and gain 6 extra free levels of spellcasting, your GM will change his mind pretty quickly.

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What I would rather have is some high level modules starting around level 17 that could be tacked on to the end of adventure paths. They wouldn't even need to take a group to 20, one levelup per module would be enough as long as we could expect several of them over a period of time. My players would love to revisit/reuse old characters 'just one more time'.

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I see two things going against a 2nd ed. First, it would give people an opportunity to jump ship and try out DnD 5th instead. Second the screaming that would take place on these forums over what powers/abilities each class should have or which rules should be changed/altered will make the 3rd/4th 'edition war' look like happily roasting marshmallows over a campfire.

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The original Ravenloft adventure was pretty awesome.

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The book is awesome, I am super glad I signed on to that kickstarter. I'm still reading through, but everything I went through so far is really well done. I love the artwork too. My only disagreement is a few of the spells seem like they should be on different spell schools than they ended up on, but really a very minor complaint. Also, my kids giggled hysterically when I showed them my name printed in the book in the backer list.

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This thread should get a sticky to always be at the top of this section of the forum. Lots of good info here, and the subject comes up often.

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+1 from me, for more high level stuff

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glad you posted here, now fans of the game will be able to go over there and correct any misinformation being tossed around.

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Is Google Authenticator usable by a home PC?

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Is this possible? I think they deserve their own spot for players to advertise and recruit without mixing in with the content discussions.

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interesting convo, but back on topic: Will these authenticators be accessible without some sort of smartphone?

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There are expensive components to those spells for a reason. You are the GM, it is ok for you to say 'no'.

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good luck and hang in there. I hope things improve for you.

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Just a quick note that may be useful: we use post-it notes on our char sheets to track hp, ammo, and other such things that change a lot. It keeps the main sheet a lot neater and they can be replaced as needed.

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This used to be a useful thread.

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thanks Jason. I'd like to see these blog/FAQ more frequently :)

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some ideas:

I want to see some 'mundane' gear and low level magic items that aid in surviving a trek into a dungeon. Some in-game 'books' that could be referenced for a bonus on various skill checks(heal knowledge etc). Maybe some dungeon survival kits. Stuff that will make the players decide, if they want to add a +1 to their sword, or get some of this stuff which can help them survive.

I would like to see some more traps too, but I think that is more of a GM book material.

An option for Inquisitors to get trapfinding. Bards and Rangers already have options to get it, this is the other class that I feel could use an archtype or other option for it.

How about an article geared towards new(er) players on how/what to expect when in a dungeon, and how to increase chances of survival. Like a real world survival guide.

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You can get the pawns instead of regular minis, a nice cost-effective option. If you dont want to buy any maps or tiles, get a piece of cardstock type cardboard from a craft store, mark off and draw the whole thing into 1 inch squares.(creating a grid) My group used one for years.

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last time I ran a marilith, she had 6 magic swords that put some concern onto the faces of the players :)

The wealth charts are a guideline. I either upgrade creatures with stuff they can use, or place the treasure somewhere more appropriate within the adventure. Nothing says the items and coin have to be directly on the creature.

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A level 15-20 AP

megadungeon- something like part one of Age of Worms, where the group had numerous leads to follow, both in the town and in the dungeon, and had to go back and forth several times. Some mystery solving thrown in. Puzzles, riddles, stores with specific lists of items for sale, etc. Whispering Cairn was one of my favorite adventures of all time. I would love to see something like that expanded into a 6 part AP.

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I like the new turning rules.

The only thing I would like to see added is a series of feats supporting it.


feat to hit only allies with the healing
altering the area or enlarging area
boosting the damage/healing -empower, maximize
creating a bolt for increased effect (mini heal/harm) with ranged touch to hit