![]() Chapel, Yes, it is run on its' own site. Currently we are running 9 games with 8 players each that all play in the same campaign world concurrently. Our emphasis is taking PCs on a multi-year journey from level 1 to 20 which takes years. We are using the PF1E ruleset with a handful of campaign options. If you would like to check it out, please send me a PM and I will get you the details for joining. If there are any other questions, please let me know. ![]()
![]() I am not surprised that my comment upset this person. I would like to note that he is not a part of our extremely welcoming family and community. I also as a long time member of this site, disagree with everything he has said. Our DMs are experienced and very accommodating. I have enjoyed some of the best role-playing I have ever been a part of during my time there. If you are looking for a fun game that will not disappear after a month, (we have games that have run 10 years and then retired) do have as much role-playing as roll-playing, and are part of a welcoming community, then consider this a good destination for some excellent gaming. ![]()
![]() Greetings adventurer! Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. All games on the site are part of an ongoing homebrew campaign world. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games. The site is Woldiangames.com If you would like to experience a game that doesn't fold after a few months, then this may be the right game for you. If you would like a game that has as much role playing as roll playing then this may be the right game for you. We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus a few house rules including races and prestige classes. If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message. Here is the synopsis for the game: Full of superstition and fears, the brave people of The Township of Heranmar survive the wildness around it, the storms that attack it, and the Powers that run amok within it. If there are any questions, please let me know! ![]()
![]() Greetings, Answering some questions here: Dejoker- the site is woldiangames.com 1) there is not a notification system. However the DMs in the games try to maintain posting at the same time every day, giving roughly 24 hours to make your post 2) posting rate is 5 times a week, M-F. We hope for 4 posts minimum per week. We understand rl happens and have some things in place to help with this. 3) battlemaps are handled separately by each GM, usually we use google sheets or excel spreadsheet. 4) I am a GM on the site, but not for this new game. The GMs for this new game are already setup and ready. Melda- The setting is an entire campaign world. The dwarven stronghold is the starting point and likely the focus for the game. However, there are many established locations and games tend to visit many of them. As a reminder, your character does not need to be a dwarf. Also, With such long term games, choose a character you will enjoy playing. Our GMs are used to unconventional party makeup. Please let me know if interested in joining, or send me a PM. Any other questions, please let me know. ![]()
![]() The site is Woldiangames.com -Yes, this is a homebrew campaign, not an AP. This will be the ninth game running on the site, which will put us at 72 total players.
Please note your PC would not need to be a dwarven character. ![]()
![]() Our site aims to take characters from level 1 to 20, leveling twice a year. Yes, that means a 10 year game. This site has been running for a long time, and has a great record with running and completing games. We will be accepting 8 players for this game. The adventure, location and DMs are setup and ready to go. If you would like to experience a game that doesn't fold after a few months, then this may be the right game for you. If you would like a game that has as much role playing as roll playing then this may be the right game for you. We are using the Pathfinder 1 ruleset, plus a few house rules including races and prestige classes. If you are interested, please post a reply here, or send me a direct message. Here is the synopsis for the game: Game 9: Drakesmeade [Level 1] Drakesmeade has been the ancestral home of the Blackaxe clan of dwarves for over 1000 years. Their stronghold is located near the Five Sisters mountain range within The Scab Mountains. Times have been hard. The size of their ancient stronghold is much larger than the clan currently needs, but they are growing into it. Will the entrance of a mixed race group of adventurers change the clan’s future for the better or the worse? Only the gods know the answers and only time and adventure will reveal it. If there are any questions, please let me know! ![]()
![]() Yes, the wiki is open to read. We're looking for mature people, who have a working knowledge of the PF1 ruleset, or are willing to learn. The site is run more like a group of friends than an anonymous play by post group. Many players take a turn as DM, so if you have some experience with that, you may want to try it out eventually. That's about it. We expect to start a new game later this year, but for now, there are one or two more openings.
About Bartek YaroslavLeader of Kliment Yaroslav Before you is a tall man, clad in the simple but rugged clothes of a traveler. His face is lined, and his hands hard, evidence of the hard work he has put into life. Though obviously not even well into middle age, the man has greying hair and a gaze with weight behind it. Despite all this, when he smiles, talks, or laughs it is something to behold. You want to do what he asks of you, but he does not seem manipulative. Regardless, he has an air of confidence about him that makes people take notice Bartek is best described as fair and understanding. He tempers his judgement of others with his understanding of their actions, but still demands much of those that follow him. Bartek also makes sure to look out for those beneath him as best he can, knowing that their morale and well being affects how well they can perform their duties. Bartek Yaroslav Age 25 Height6’ 3” Weight 205 lbs
Spells Known
Feats (4, 1 Human, 1 BL Feat, bonus story feat + Leadership) – Leadership, Eschew Materials, Stronghold (Story Feat, +1 to hit, Dodge AC, or to one save to all creatures under my command as a move action), Improved Initiative (BL Feat. +4 initiative), Toughness (+1 hp/level), Spell Focus (+1 Enchantment DC), Intensify Spell (up to +5 CL, +1 Spell Level Slot), Spell Focus (+1 Evocation DC), Craft Wondrous Item Traits (3 + 1 DB) – Pioneer (Start with a Horse, +1 Handle Animal), Magical Lineage (Ear Piercing Scream), Natural Born Leader (+1 Leadership Score, +1 will vs mind affecting effects for cohorts, followers, etc), Power Hungry (DB, -2 to will saves vs charm and compulsion when offered wealth or power) Skills Skills (14 level, 7 int, 7 Skilled, 21 BG) – Bluff +12 (3 Ranks), Diplomacy +13 (7 Ranks), Knowledge(Arcana) +6 (2 Ranks), Knowledge(Geography) +6 (5 BG Ranks), Knowledge(history) +6 (5 BG Ranks), Knowledge(Nature) +6 (2 Ranks), Linguistics +6 (5 BG Ranks), Profession(Soldier) +10(6 BG ranks), Spellcraft +11 (7 Ranks), Use Magic Device +16 (7 Ranks) Languages (7) Common, Dwarven, Elven, Sylvan, Orc, Goblin, Celestial
Light Horse Speed 50 ft (35 when encumbered)
Gear with other people 46 gp Ale(Gallon in jug) x 200 (1800 lbs) (Placed in Heavy Wagons)
Leadership Score 17 (7 level +2 renown +1 Fairness + 6 Cha Mod + 1 Trait) Cohort - Kliment Yaroslav, Cavalier 5 (Bartek's younger brother)(In progress) Followers Level 1 (30) – Expert 1 x 10, Adept 1 x 1, Warrior 1 x 9 (4 Ranged, 5 Melee), Fighter 1 x 5, Ranger 1 x 2, Bard 1 x 1, Wizard 1 x 1, Cleric 1 x 1
Full Backstory:
Bartek’s childhood home was a small village a few miles from the nebulous border Brevoy holds with the Stolen Lands about 40 miles east of the East Sellan river. The eight families living there all deferred to his father, Garret, the nominal head of the settlement for his minor magical abilities. Worship of Erastil was strong due to the threatening lands around where they tried to make their home. Despite the deference of the others in the village, Bartek was the son of a petty father. When angered, his no-talent father would use an ear-piercing scream on them to ‘put them in their places’. The most vivid memory Bartek has of this is his father coming out of his parents bedroom with a patterned cloth in hand, his mother Celeste screaming behind him. Garret was screaming about how he’d demanded that all evidence of his younger brother’s real father be gotten rid of years ago, but here’s a piece of his cape here five years later. He had knocked them all out then and made his displeasure known. Bartek’s brother, Kliment, had managed to grab and hide the scrap of cape, wanting to know who it was that birthed him. Years after that incident, Bartek took the first chance he could to get out, though doing so left him heavy with guilt at the abandonment of his village. Using his ability to use magic to his advantage, he hitched rides and travelled as best he could to the Numerian border to join in with the forces there. Upon arrival at one of the recruitment grounds, Bartek was sized up, given a meager kit of gear and mustered out with a unit. For three years, Bartek worked as best he could to use his magic to support the various raids, defences, pursuits, and retreats from Kellid barbarians, bandits and, whatever other foe they faced. Through hard work, and adherence to his own code, Bartek made a name for himself as a soldier to rely on, a soldier that looked out for the men in his squad above all else. In his fourth year of service, Bartek was promoted to leading a squad into battle, and did better than he expected to. The moment that most sticks out in Bartek’s mind about his time as a squad leader happened in the second, and final, year of his command. A few mile from the Numerian border, Bartek and his unit were coming up to a clearing with four Kellid barbarians in it. Bartek ordered his men to stand ready and walked out into the clearing, calling on the tribes folk to stand down, that they were out numbered and had little chance. Luckily, this was a few months after Chalm had taken over command of Brevoy’s forces on the Numerian border, and the Kellid were willing to listen to him. With their weapons thrown down and collected, Bartek's men escorted them back across the Numerian border, with Bartek lecturing them on how lucky they were to be alive the whole way. A few months after that, nearing the end of his fifth year with the army, Kliment arrived at Bartek’s posting. Kliment brought news of their father’s death at the hands of a bandit from the Stolen Lands. Kliment had avenged their father’s death in defence of the village, and now requested that Bartek return to help make the place prosper. Still guilt laden about having left in the first place, Bartek requested of the army that he be released from service. A week later he was given notice that his request had been granted and he journeyed home. The first two years back in his home were hard. His magics could only help so much, and his father had left his people scarred regarding its use. Bartek looked to the worship of Erastil for strength and to show his dedication to the community. Eventually, the others of the community began to respect Bartek for the same magics they feared in his father. In the spring of his third year at home there was another bandit raid in his village, the fifth since his father’s death. During the ensuing combat, Bartek with his magic and Kliment with his mount and lance dealt many grievous wound to the invaders, causing many to flee if they weren’t outright killed, but the two of them could only do so much. In the after math of the battle, it was found that their mother had been killed by one of the bandits. Wrought with guilt about not being able to save his mother, Bartek proclaimed that he would gather a force over the next few years, march into the Stolen Lands and reclaim them in the name of his mother and Erastil so that savagery such as this would end. With his oath in mind, Bartek sent Kliment out to find the men who used to be under his command, and any others that would join him. A surprising number returned with Kliment, among them the four Kellid warriors he had captured, a number of mercenary types happy to help for the promise of food and warmth over the winter, minor clerics and followers of Erastil seeking to further tame the wilderness, and a many others. Intending to wait another year or two and continue using his village as a base, Bartek was comfortable with the number of people who had answered his call to move against the Stolen Lands. This coming year at least would see few if any people fall to banditry with this many new warriors in the area. Upon hearing of Noleski Surtova’s decree in the middle of winter, Bartek decided that it was better to leave now and join Chalm than wait to form his own force. With that he and his thirty five men prepared, broke camp, and headed for Restov. Not wanting the remaining villagers to fall prey to bandits in his absence, Bartek convinced them to journey with him to Restov, where they could stay for a time until spring came and they either ventured south home, joined the movement to settle the Stolen Lands or found some other path in life. Thoughts on Bartek and his growth:
To me, Bartek became level 7 in the last year of his service with the military and has had followers trickling in ever since. I will be adding mini backstories for each of the followers so give them more life and to emphasize parts of Bartek depending on why and how they follow him. Most of Bartek's character growth will come from his personal conflict of helping others, while being extremely harsh in many ways. He means well but is very much more lawful than good. Bartek's code and Kliment's guidance are necessary parts of his life to keep himself in check in his own eyes, and because of that he will never forsake his code, his word once given, and will willingly sacrifice himself for his brother, who Bartek believes is the better of the two of them.
Fame, Honour, and Bartek's Code:
Place holder for keeping track of fame Place holder for keeping track of Honor(Bartek shall have no honor code and just take advantage of the General Honor system) Bartek's Personal Code 1 - My people come first wherever they might be. I will contribute all to them, for if I will not who will? 2 - I shall offer the poor of my people assistance. I shall show them the means by which they can contribute, and create of them the best of those I know. 3 - When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then I quell the danger. 4 - I am not to be seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others. 5 - I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions, and live so that none shall have cause to blame me. 6 - I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them. 7 - I am honest, trustworthy, and stable. If I must leave my people, before I go, I ensure that they will be tended in my absence. Even when duty calls, my duties to my people come first. Letting my duties lapse makes me a burden on my people.
Bartek’s relations with the 6 River Freedoms:
Say what you will, I live free – Bartek supports this freedom, for the inability to speak out and have others listen is the reason for so much suffering on the part of his family and village under his father. Oathbreakers Die – Bartek disagrees with this freedom, but is not willing to challenge it openly yet. He feels a more lenient approach than death is warranted in most cases, fulfillment of the original oath along with an extra penalty to be decided by a third party. Walk any road, float any river – Bartek has no strong feelings about this freedom, and will support it to keep the people of the River Kingdoms placated. Courts are for kings – Bartek personally supports this freedom due to his internal lust for power, but would prefer to alter it so that a rule of law above the king could keep him in check as his brother Kliment does should he ever rise that far. Slavery is an abomination – Bartek fully supports this freedom. You have what you hold – Bartek despises this freedom, as it is the very reason his mother is dead. Bartek shall do all he can to oppose and change this freedom.