Cobalt Dragon

bbangerter's page

Organized Play Member. 2,660 posts (8,924 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 9 aliases.

I'm trying to understand how oozes react to attacks that deal multiple damage types at once:

For example, if we have an ochre jelly:


Immune electricity, mind-affecting effects, ooze traits, slashing and piercing damage
Slashing weapons, piercing weapons, and electricity attacks deal no damage to an ochre jelly. Instead the creature splits into two identical jellies, each with half of the original creature’s current hit point total, rounded down. A jelly with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit points.

What happens if said creature is attacked by a weapon that deals both bludgeoning and piercing damage (like a gunslingers attacks).

Does it take half damage (the bludgeoning half) and then split? Does it take full damage with no split? Full damage and also splits (damage first, then split, or split first, then damage one of the halves)? No damage and also does not split? Other?

I am looking for fill several vacant spots from a long running PbP game on these forums.

Original Recruitment Thread and game details.

Once you've read that, a couple of updates to the overall state of the game:

Only two factions remain active, the merchant's group and the mages group. While the game initially had some PvP, it is unlikely to occur between these two groups, so think of it more as playing a normal game where sometimes things happen in the world because of what the other group is doing.

Starting level is now level 8, with appropriate starting wealth.

The group could use a good face character. I'm looking for 2 players (maybe 3).

Post a back story as outlined in the original recruitment thread - I won't be looking at stats yet (though if that helps you envision your characters back story, feel free).

The message came from Gumlat. A plea for help against marauding goblins. A small village, if one could even call it that, lying at the east end of a large expanse of forest, and nestled in the foothills of the Chaggath Spine mountains.

The residents of Gumlat carved themselves a nook within the forest from which to farm and hunt and worship Erastil away from the city of Coran to the east.

Mercenaries and would be adventurers have flocked to the call for help. Not because many actually care about this speck of nothing at the edge of civilization, but rather because of the size of the promised reward for the group that eliminated the goblin threat and returned whatever may be left of the livestock that have been taken - 3000 gold coins.

Several dozen rough and rowdy characters now loaf about the town and surrounding area, seeking riches, fame, glory, or for those more sensitive to it, power. For there is a feeling of power, a lingering aura of it where the goblins raided.

As more and more mercenaries and others of their ilk arrive in Gumlat, it doesn't take long to realize that if those looking for rewards want a part of it, they'd better move quickly. Three small bands have already followed the plain trail leading northward. Its hard to hide the passage of over a hundred live stock, and even the unskilled have had no trouble seeing where the goblin thieves went.

So far though, none of the three bands have returned or sent any word back. There probably simply hasn't been enough time for them to do so yet... but those still in town are suddenly looking for additional friends and allies before setting forth. Better to share the gold a bit rather than hope someone will take pity and provide proper burial for a corpse found in the wilderness.

The tension in Gumlat can be felt, and there have also been several fights in town, more than the city watch, what few there are, have been able to deal with. Sticking around town long one might find themselves subject to pick pocketing, a mugging, or maybe worse.

Additional character background connections, and game discussion here.

Open recruitment for The Trials of Ascension.

Full Info in the Campaign tab, so that I can edit it to clarify questions and the like.

(Or, the prone shooter rule strikes again).

Mythic elemental body spells have a useless addition to them.

PRD wrote:

...There is a 50% chance any critical hit or sneak attack against you is treated as a normal hit, as if you were wearing medium fortification armor.

However, the elemental subtype grants

PRD wrote:

Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack.

123 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 3 people marked this as a favorite.

Please click FAQ on this post:

If I have an action interrupted by another characters readied action (or AoO), and my action is no longer valid as a result, can I choose to take a different action in place of the one that triggered the readied action?

I'm going to try something a little different this time around, rather than cross posting for players, I'm going to run a separate thread and let players post as they wish here. If you want to lie about something, or exclude important details in regards to something for some reason, you can make a note of it in your private game threads and I will make the appropriate bluff/sense motive rolls, and let the other group/person know something is fishy.

Just a note to start out here, there is a discrepancy in the timeline between the two groups currently. For the merchants, the war in Gumlat has ended, for the mage group it has not yet done so. I will be updating the mages group on what Master Veray has promised to the merchants to facilitate things in that regard. For other things going on in Coran, either timeline doesn't really matter one way or another to the overall scheme of things.

For players first post in this thread, if they could also provide a brief visual description of their character.

Note that this conversation is taking place somewhere safe from prying eyes and ears - either on the Tower grounds, or in the Merchant hall. I don't feel the particulars are relevant to what I'm expecting out of this current conversation.

Alexia - for your character I'm going to roll back the original thread just slightly. You've met the young half-elf Ellenora, and scouted out the Murdoch estate, but for the time being Firyin is yet unmolested from the wrath of the guild.


You remember the pain of claws tearing into your flash before all went black.

Now as you come to, lying on your back, you can feel something smooth and hard beneath you. Stone? Marble? You are unsure. A thick cloth is wound around your head, covering your eyes. But despite the blind fold, a very bright light spills through the cloth and in around the edges. You are sure that without the cloth the brightness would burn out your pupils.

Your entire body tingles with life, not unlike the few times you've been the recipient of a priest channeling healing energy, though five fold stronger.

A voice, male speaks softly as you stir a little. "Now you are an interesting dilemma. I have need of someone with your skills, and your associations. But your nature makes you a hard one to trust..." the man leaves the words hanging. Soft footsteps to your right as he walks around a bit. The light fades and all is pitch black. The warmth of the floor likewise changes, going chill to the touch, and your stomach feels queasy for a moment as though you've just fallen from a height.


With a network of informants and spies in place the past several months had been easy ones - up until a week and a half ago when the street war broke out between Firyin and Mistress Diguri. With your network you were able to see the clues that it was coming - but the fury of it caught you by a bit of surprise.

As an information broker you'd stayed out of the way. The former drow Ilvaria, and her partner Firyin had both paid you for information and silence. You'd even suspected Firyin of double crossing his 'sister', and plotting for his own ends only.

With no contact from Shannath Diguri or her other direct agents though you'd thought the coup a sure thing, and a new mistress or master would arise in the underworld of Coran.

Returning to your home for the day to prepare an evening meal, you turn back to the room and find the Mistress standing on the opposite side of it, leaning against the wall. You've purposely left the doors in your home a little rusty so they squeak when opened, and the windows tight for the same reason, but neither of these gave any indication of entrance - and indeed all are still closed.

You've met the Mistress on a few occasions in the past. Tall for a drow at nearly 6', and silvery eyes rather than the common colors of white or red. She is adorned in dark purple silks with a matching cloak and gloves. She bears no visible weapons, though each hand is adorned with a gem encrusted ring. Black leather boots cover her feet.

She smiles, "Ah Nyx, I've been meaning to get a chance to talk with you. May I have a seat?"

More to come

Welcome to the discussion...

Ascension – Thieves Guild Reboot

This is one of three groups of a large open world campaign. This is a restart of the thieves group after the original group had some player churn and fizzled out (after two years of playing). The other groups are the Mageocracy and the Merchant's Guild.

Players wishing to participate in this game should be able to post once per day (Mon-Fri). More is certainly allowed, but if you cannot meet this posting requirement please don't sign up for this game. I will generally post updates between 10-11 PM MST. I will sometimes post small updates during the day as well dependent on me having some down time at work. Maps will be posted to my photo bucket account for viewing by the players. For example

Despite the campaign name, this game is not using the mythic play test rules, and there is no mythic ascension point in the campaign.

I already have 3 players slotted for this game, and possibly a fourth. I'm looking for 1 or 2 more players (to get to 5).

I'm expecting to leave the recruitment thread open till Friday. After which I will select one or two players.

You grew up as a child of the streets, or maybe you found gainful employment as a fence or information broker. Maybe you are merely a bouncer from a rough part of town that has gained a bit of reputation. Regardless you've caught the attention of organized crime in Coran and the benefits of associating with them was to good an opportunity to pass up.
Allowed Alignments: N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Allowed classes: Any as allowed by the above alignments (thieves, ninjas, and assassins are a natural fit, but the party should be well rounded).
Races Allowed: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Haflings, Humans, Tieflings, Drow. If you choose Drow be aware that general reactions to to Drow are going to present problems of mistrust to outright hostility – don't go anywhere without a good disguise.
Based on alignment restrictions this is the only faction allowed to have anti-paladins. My recommendation is that you don't play one. The following applies to an CE character, but especially to anti paladins. The general flavor of the anti-paladin would lead them to not associate with others on any kind of long term basis. That being said if you can come up with a compelling back story about why you are associating with your fellow party members on a long term basis and won't simply betray them on a whim I'd be happy to see it played out.

It should be noted that LE alignments in this group is more of a honor among thieves ideal than an interest in adhering to the laws of the land.

When creating your back story feel free to talk with other players wishing to join this faction and create ties between your back stories.

Feel free to to ask questions if you are looking for additional details to flesh out your back story.

The spoilers below contain various pieces of background information.

General Information:

This campaign is mostly an urban campaign, though some wilderness travel and ocean travel will also occur.

The factions will give their teams various goals or objectives to meet, it is up to the players to determine how to achieve those goals. While I've got a number of missions for each faction to give to players, this campaign is intended to be fairly sandbox. If players come up with things they'd like to try to further the overall goals of their faction I will try to incorporate those ideas into the campaign. Be aware though that there are some places in the world that will prove death to the players if they wander about haphazardly.

Character Back Story:

I'm not currently interested in character stat blocks, I want to see first and foremost a back story for your character. As part of this back story all characters are required to include one (though more is allowed) individuals living in Coran, Gumlat, or Issust Hold (see geography below) whom they hold dear. When your character is in the neighborhood it is expected your character will take some time (stealthily or openly) to visit with this person. This could be a spouse, sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. But it must be someone the character would take great pains (or even be willing to die for) to prevent harm to them. This NPC will be a commoner and is not capable of defending themselves from more powerful PC's or NPC's.

It is expected your character has friends and acquaintances from this region of the world, feel free to include a couple such friends in part of your back story.

All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place.

I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience.

Please also include a physical description of your character including such things as skin color, hair color, eye color, and style and color of clothing.

Character stat blocks:

Your posted stat block for your character should use this format or something very similar to it. Feel free to copy and paste this into your profile then change it up to match your own character.

Characters will be created using a 20 point buy.

Characters will start at 7th level. You may choose no more than 2 classes (or 3 if the 3rd is a prestige class) to create your character. This also applies when leveling up.

Each character starts with 23,500gp, of which no more than 50% may be spent on a single item. Basic mundane adventuring gear can be claimed without paying a cost for them (e.g, a standard back pack, couple of pouches, rations, water flask, and other low cost items).

As you accumulate wealth you can assume anything costing 4000gp or less (assuming it is not an illegal item) are readily available. Anything costing more than 4000gp will require crafting time to have made for you, though anything up to 15000gp can be obtained. Anything above that price may or may not be available. Characters may not start with custom made magic items. You may request to have a custom magic item made – though I'm likely to add a flat cost on top of whatever costs might normally be associated with said items – or may just flat out disallow it.

Slotless magic items that mimic the ability of an existing magic item that normally requires a equipment slot are not allowed.

Magic items that provide +x enhancement bonuses such as cloaks of resistance, rings of protection, belts of physical stats, headbands of mental stats, etc can always be upgraded to a higher level for the cost difference. Also, these items may always be combined with another effect that uses that item slot using the standard rules. For example a cloak of resistance +1, cost 1000gp, could be combined with a catching cape, normal cost of 200gp (plus 50% for a cost of 300gp), for a total of 1300gp. Or a ring of protection +1, cost 2000gp, combined with a ring of counterspells, normally 4000gp, for a total of 7000gp.

Players should select 2 traits using the standard rules.

Because of the nature of this campaign there will be PvP between factions. Players should plan for escape mechanisms from a battle turned against them. (We've had 3 PvP battles in 2.5 years of running, and they have all proven deadly to one or more characters).

Inter-party PvP will be strongly discouraged. If you wish to engage in PvP with those who should be your allies you must talk to me about it first, and your reasons must be compelling in story character reasons (like your allies endangered your NPC dependent – not something petty or trivial).

All players will get one free true resurrection during the course of the campaign should they die (you may choose to use this to raise a fallen ally). Unless the player's gear can be recovered though, resurrected players will start with one-half their WBL based on their current level. For arcane casters you will get a new spell book with only those spells you would have for your current level, any additional spells will need to be purchased again. If your body can be recovered then normal uses of spells like raise dead are available.

Players get max HP at every level.

Players will level up when I say they do, but this will be roughly following the fast experience track.

I do enforce encumbrance rules, keep this in mind when equipping your character. In general I will not be keeping track of food or normal ammunition (things like arrows made out of special materials will be tracked). If you somehow get yourself trapped in an area though where you could not readily restock these items then these items will be tracked until you can escape the situation. You must still buy 1 quiver (or 2) full of arrows, bolts, sling stones, what have you. At such time as you may become trapped you will have the amount listed on your character and those items will be tracked at that time.

Rule books allowed are Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, Advanced Class Guide, and some portions of the Advanced Race Guide (alternate racial features and archetypes are allowed, as are racial spells and feats, see faction specific areas for races allowed). Other source books are not allowed.

I recommend all characters train the stealth and disguise skills, but this is not required.

House Rules:

Leadership feat is not allowed, I've got enough to keep track of without worrying about cohorts.

Antagonize feat is not allowed. It is especially problematic for a PvP type game.

You may take item creation feats, but these feats will not be applied to your starting wealth to reduce the cost of magic items. You will be able to get use out of item creation feats though if you select them.

Diplomacy and intimidate skills don't exist. They are all rolled into the bluff skill. If your chosen class has diplomacy or intimidate as a class skill you instead have bluff as a class skill. Feats and traits that would increase diplomacy or intimidate instead affect your bluff skill, however these do not stack with other feats or traits that would increase one of these skills.

In game when you are using your bluff skill please specify what you are actually trying to accomplish. i.e., still state you are trying to intimidate someone, or calm someone with diplomacy, etc, but your bluff skill will be used to modify the d20 roll to determine the effectiveness.

Because of the potential PvP encounters realize that using the bluff skill to get someone to act more friendly towards you (because of good diplomacy or fearsome intimidation) in a social situation may or may not work, though role-playing in this area is certainly encouraged. Combat uses of bluff skill can also be used to apply the shaken condition (as per intimidate) or apply class specific abilities that rely on one of these skills.

Game Play:

Note that many d20 rolls will be done by the GM. Skills that have an obvious success or failure such as climbing, swimming, crafting, attacking, should be made by the players. Skills which have more hidden results will be made by the GM such as Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception, etc.

When your character speaks, unless you specify otherwise, it will be assumed you are speaking in common. This means any listeners, known or hidden, will be able to understand you. Speak in another language and you may be able to foil spies if they don't have a means of understanding the given language.

Because this game is taking place in different threads simultaneously I ask that you refrain from reading the other factions threads. Doing so will only reduce your own and other players enjoyment.

Also because of the three threads game time will not always be consistent between the different groups. This could also result in a given thread being put on hold for a day or two if an encounter is about to occur between two groups but one group needs to finish something up.


The campaign takes place in the city of Coran, capital of the Ondian empire. Coran lies on the eastern coast of the continent and in the southern foothills of the Chaggath Spine, a large mountain range that runs northwest from the city. Coran is home to the great library, which draws scholars from across the continent to it for study and research. The city is a good sized metropolis with a large transient population. The given population at any given time is around 15,000 people. Many magical wonders and exotic goods are available in the city, as are illicit substances and other secrets for those who know where to look. Coran is also home to the current ruling Mageocracy, who rule from the Tower of the Heavens. What happens inside the walls of the tower is a secret to all but those allowed inside. From the tower come the laws of the land as enacted by the Council of Seven. Coran is primarily human though it is not uncommon to see all the varied races of the lands walking its streets.

A weeks travel to the west is a small village known as Gumlat (population of around 600). This village lies at the edge of a large expanse of forest. Rumors and stories of were-creatures surround the rise of this small village. It is said many years ago, Aroale Nulil, priestess of Erastil, defended what was then a settlement against a large number of lycanthropes through the strength of her god, though she perished in the effort. The tales of beast men continue to float about the area, though no one has since that time brought forth clear proof that any such creatures continue to exist in the area. Many believe the forests west of Gumlat are haunted though, and more than one soul has disappeared into those forests to never return. The land between Gumlat and Coran is mostly farmlands with small thinly wooded areas near the base of the Chaggath Spine. Gumlat is primarily human though a good number of gnomes and haflings also inhabit the area.

North across the Chaggath Spine, two and a half weeks of travel over the high mountain roads, lies the city of Akleta with a population of around 3,000. This population is not centralized though, perhaps 1500 live in the city proper, with the other 1500 inhabitants within two days travel of the city. The area consists mostly of shepherds, cattle ranchers, and miners. The mountains separating Akleta from Coran have given the people of Akleta a sense of independence from the rest of the empire, though they are still dependent on Coran for trade goods from across the sea and rely on them for aid in times of war and to influence the surrounding tribes of hillmen. Akleta consists almost entirely of humans in population. Other races visiting this area are frequently given a cold shoulder.

South of Coran lies a large expanse of desert known as The Endless Desert. At the northern edge of the desert, nine days travel south of Coran (or 3 days by ship), lies a mining town known as Issust Hold. The population is actually scattered between a small walled port that services Issust Hold (population of roughly 100 people) and a more heavily fortified settlement that was built on top of a natural oasis (population of around 500). Issust Hold primarily produces iron, but also mines some precious metals and gems. The place seems to attract the unsavory sorts of characters, perhaps in part due to a recent war against pirates from the southern seas which occurred nearly 30 years ago. No doubt some of those pirates make up part of the holds population. Issust hold is the home of a large number of dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, and ifrit, though other races are also commonly seen.

Seven days voyage by sea, to the east of Coran, lie the islands of Ioso, considered a tropical paradise by many. A relatively simple people inhabit the islands, which export fish, spices, and exotic goods from other lands. Outside of the villages the islands are the home of wild animals, dinosaurs, and a few other dangerous creatures. The islands are primarily inhabited by humans and undine.

The Chaggath Spine is home to several goblin clans, but these are probably the least dangerous of the the creatures that roam the mountain cliffs and dens.

The Endless Desert is home to desert nomads and various dangerous creatures, both natural and magical.

West of the empire are various smaller kingdoms who trade with the Ondian people.

South of the islands are pirate infested waters, and east of the islands lies a great ocean.

North of Akleta live tribes of savage hills men. These disparate groups are usually not a concern for the inhabitants of Akleta though there was a time in the past when they banded together under one tribal leader and threatened the area.

Laws, political upheaval, and conflict:

Laws are about what might be expected of any medieval society, with punishments fitting the crime. Pick pockets will lose their hand after a 3rd offense. Murder is punishable by death. Creating undead is illegal (this doesn't mean you can't select spells/abilities to do so, just don't get caught). Slavery is illegal.

The Tower of the Heavens is home to the current ruling mageocracy. While it primarily consists of wizards, they also have among their ranks magus, witch's, sorcerers, and all other forms of arcane magic users. The Council of Seven makes up the ruling body and currently consists of masters Veray, Isul, Akeli, Torenest, Danroth, Banock, and Liam.

In recent times the roads have become a bit dangerous for individuals or small groups. Bandits and highwaymen, and in the mountain and desert roads more dangerous creatures are becoming a growing problem. This has been a cause of contention between the Mageocracy and the Merchants Guild. Tariffs have been raised to help pay for the costs of patrolling the roads but the added protection seems to be of limited effectiveness.

At the same time a group dissatisfied with the mages rule is starting to become more than a mere nuisance. The Mageocracy would like to put an end to this discontentment, if only they could figure out who is behind it and where they are hiding out.

With the current turmoil and politics the thieves guild is looking to expand their operations while the mages are distracted with other matters. Crime in Coran is on the rise, from petty thefts to rumors of a new underground slave trade.

While this isn't Golarian, I am using the Golarian pantheon of deities. Paladin PC's or NPC's all belong to the Order of the Mithral Rose. This order doesn't follow a specific deity (though individual paladins do), but is a organization of knights following the various good and lawful aligned deities who work together for the greater good. Likewise any anti-paladins would have once belonged to this organization.

Squick factor:

Because this campaign allows for evil characters there are some things that are likely to come up that could make other players uncomfortable discussing.

Sexual content should be limited to a PG-13 range. Rape or other sexual crimes are not allowed in the campaign.

Violence against children is not allowed, though you may run into street rats and such at times – bringing them to the authorities if the situation merits is a real possibility. You may burn down an orphanage if you like, but slaughtering its inhabitants is not allowed.

Torture is allowed, but highly detailed descriptions of such are not. Cutting of a limb or breaking some bones is fine. Descriptive details of what you do with a carving knife, or hot poker, etc, are not.

Highlights to Date (from the last several years of game play) – players from other factions in this game should stay out:

The campaign started with the thieves black mailing a glass merchant, one Mr Jumai. (Mr Jumai and his family have since been placed in protective hiding by the Merchant's Guild.)

Upon returning from that a coup rose up between Ilvaria, a drow priestess, against Mistress Diguri, current head of the thieves guild – and also drow. Ilvaria was killed along with several henchmen, one of her henchmen, Maklo, escaped – but was captured by the city guard, and is being held a prisoner at the western gate. Maklo has been marked for death, but currently other more pressing issues need to be taken care of.

The splinter in the guild left Mistress Diguri and her allies (the players and some NPC's) trying to out manuever Firyin (an ally of Ilvaria, and former lieutenant to the Mistress) and retake control of the entire guild. Most of the focus has been on engaging with Firyin's underlings and in a more recent struggle killing his lover.

Strong rumor is that Firyin is looking for ways to bring more drow into the city.

The death of his lover destabilized Firyin and he revealed the location of Diguri's hold out to the Mageocracy, a valuable and well secured location that offered protection from scrying and multiple ways in/and out. Previously Firyin had hoped to claim the location for his own uses. The place was immediately raided by the mages and another lieutenant of Diguri's, Tasem, was taken. Tasem has been loyal to the Mistress.

Other events going on:
Master Torenest of the Council of Seven is believed to be dead, assassinated just north of the great library after a public meeting.

Gumlat has been invaded by a neighboring kingdom, aided by a demonic horde.

A killer known as Radgar the Butcher, has returned to Coran after 10 years absence. Mistress Diguri revealed him to have once been a paladin of the Mithril Rose. His wife was slain by the guild for his breaking up the slave trade in Coran. While Radgar has no respect for life, he has a particular hatred for drow.

War across the sea has resulted in a increase in piracy.

Can an arcanist use a pearl of power?

Pearls of power cannot be used by spontaneous casters, only prepared casters. Is an arcanist considered a spontaneous caster or a prepared caster in this regard?

I am looking for a couple of a replacement players in a fairly long running PbP (over 2 years now).

This is a PvP oriented game with multiple factions of players. Original recruitment thread with details is here.

Current active players is a synthesist summoner, a cleric/inquisitor, and a ninja. Looking for 2 additional players to seek out vengeance for the thieve's guild. Starting player level is now level 7, with 23500 starting gold.

Post your characters back stories following the specifics outlined in the original recruitment thread. Crunch is not required at this time (though you are welcome to post it if it helps you build your back story).

At present the thieves are looking for some pay back on the mages (there has been some back and forth there), need to exact vengeance against a rival gang, and owe some pay back against a certain merchant in particular (though some trouble for the merchant's guild in general would not be a miss), and a certain drow in the clutches of the city guard has been marked for death by the guild.

The thieves are currently prowling Coran. Gumlat has been attacked by a rival nation, backed by demons according to the rumors. And most recently a murderer known as Radgar the Butcher has made a reappearance after being gone for 10 years, and is now systematically killing off members of the city guard.

Blistering Invective wrote:

You unleash an insulting tirade so vicious and spiteful that enemies who hear it are physically scorched by your fury. When you cast this spell, make an Intimidate check to demoralize each enemy within 30 feet of you. Enemies that are demoralized this way take 1d10 points of fire damage and must succeed at a Reflex save or catch fire. Spell resistance can negate the fire damage caused by this spell, but does not protect the creature from the demoralizing effect.

I already have an opinion on these, but wanted to ask the following questions without 'tainting' the discussion with my opinion on it.

1) Targets of the spell fail their saving throw. Do they take 1d10 damage + 1d6 for catching on fire? Or 1d10 only?
2) When do those that caught on fire make a save to put out the fire or take additional damage?

Looking for 1 (or 2) replacement players.

Original recruitment thread with all the nitty gritty details is here

Interested parties should start at 6th level instead of 5th, with 16k gold.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Here is a nice set of rules that seem to be completely inconsistent and could use some errata to make things simpler and easier to remember. Feel free to discuss, but mostly just looking to get a FAQ/errata to clean this up.

In an effort to make for more consistent rules what kind of action is it to get out of a web spell, entangle spell, animate rope spell (and various other abilities and spells that apply an entangled condition)? The escape artist skill, web spell, and entangle spell all list different actions required giving a prolific set of rules to remember for each case.

PRD on Escape Artist wrote:

Action: Making an Escape Artist check to escape from rope bindings, manacles, or other restraints (except a grappler) requires 1 minute of work. Escaping from a net or an animate rope, command plants, control plants, or entangle spell is a full-round action. Escaping from a grapple or pin is a standard action. Squeezing through a tight space takes at least 1 minute, maybe longer, depending on how long the space is.

Emphasis and added emphasis mine.

Simple enough so far. Per RAW this gives us a general base line rule for escaping - until we get to spells/abilities that actually apply the entangled condition.

PRD on nets as a weapon wrote:

An entangled creature can escape with a DC 20 Escape Artist check (a full-round action).

Nicely matches with escape artist, full round action to escape.

PRD Web, the spell wrote:

If the save fails, the creature gains the grappled condition, but can break free by making a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check as a standard action against the DC of this spell.

Okay, specific trumps general, RAW no problem, though inconsistent rules are harder to remember.

PRD Web, eidolon ex ability wrote:

Creatures entangled by the web can escape with an Escape Artist check or a Strength check (at a –4 penalty). The DC of these checks is equal to 10 + 1/2 the eidolon's HD + the eidolon's Con modifier.

No mention of time to get out of the web, so use the baseline rule. Irritating it doesn't match the web spell (or that web spell is unique from the baseline rule).

PRD Web, universal monster rules wrote:

An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst the web with a Strength check. Both are standard actions with a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature's HD + the creature's Con modifier.

Back to a standard action, specific trumps general. You'd think an eidolon would follow universal monster rules - but no the UMR are more like the web spell. Yay for more superfluous inconsistencies.

PRD Entangle, the spell wrote:

Entangled creatures can attempt to break free as a move action, making a Strength or Escape Artist check.

One more new rule to remember, in this case its neither a full round or standard action. Now its just a move action.

Animate rope spell mentions strength and escape artist, but no duration, so use the full round general rule action to escape.

Command plants and control plants spells make no mention of being able to use the plants to entangle or snare things, no mention of DC's to break free of them, and no mention of how long it would take to do so if they do entangle you.

There are probably other spells/effects as well I haven't listed.

I am looking for 1 replacement player for a PbP game. Original recruitment thread and game details can be found here:

Merchants Guild

The current group consists of Human Air Elementalist 5, Cleric 5, Monk 5, and Scarred Witch Doctor 5, and (an as yet unknown 5th player).

I'm looking for a 6th player to fill the group out.

Please post your character concepts/builds here.

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

The rules of the game have a state referred to as 'insubstantial'. This appears under the description of ethereal, gaseous form, and probably other places. The rules do not define anywhere what effect being insubstantial actually has though.

Most (all) of us probably understand its intended effects, but it would be nice to see this formally cleaned up and codified into the rules.

One of the issues to be clarified in this was something brought up in the thread discussing invisibility/total concealment preventing a creature from threatening (do not discuss that here, go to that other thread if you really want to debate that). I'm looking for this to be a FAQ/errata candidate, though I'll give a brief synopsis of what has eventually come out of that thread and why this needs clarification.

Threatening is based upon being able to attack into a square. By pure RAW then, ethereal creatures (which are insubstantial by virtue) can both threaten and be threatened by creatures on the material plane (everyone intuitively understands and screams this is not RAI, logical, common sense, etc.) This condition exists because the material plane and ethereal plane are coexistant, meaning they occupy the same space, so a square in one is the same square (space) in the other.

A definition of what insubstantial actually states should include it in verbage that dictates insubstantial creatures cannot threaten or be threatened (maybe). Off the top of my head I'm not sure if there are any creatures that are naturally insubstantial (there are a number of them that are incorporeal, which already works fine with existing rules). If there is some other portion of the game rules where a insubstantial creature could threaten or be threatened that would need to be fixed/cleaned up/addressed in some fashion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Any chance of adding a message prior to posting in an old thread (say anything more than a 2-4 months since the last post, but especially anything older than a year). Something along the lines of:

"You are about to perform the dark arts of thread necromancy. Continuing this act will likely damn your immortal soul to the bottom of the abyss where it will be renewed each morning so that it can be devoured by the demons that lurk there. Prior to your banishment you will be publicly mocked and scourged for participating in this vile deed."

Okay, sometimes a thread necromancy has a legitimate cause, and its probably more just my personal irritation at thread necromancy, but this practice should be discouraged. But if a thread that is that old doesn't already answer a persons question it usually isn't the right place to get an answer be bringing it back to life - a new post with a new question that specifically addresses the persons question is likely to be far more clear and concise for both the original poster and those stumbling into it.

I am looking for one replacement player to join the cause of the rebellion in a large scale game.

Original recruitment thread

I had one player disappear from this group and am looking to replace them. Post character concepts in this thread here if you are interested in filling the spot.

If you are one of the other players in one of the other factions do not read this.

Current party:

Current party consists of 2 summoners, a bard, a rogue, and a ranger.

Does a synthesist use its own speed, or the eidolon form speed for its movement rate? For example hafling (spd 20) with quadraped eidolon (spd 40). What about a human (spd 30) with a serpentine eidolon (spd 20).

If he takes a level dip in oracle with the lame curse does he still take the movement penalty while fused?

I *believe* he would use the eidolons base speed when fused but would take the penalty for lame curse against the eidolons speed. But... I'm not certain there isn't some aspect I've overlooked on this.

Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Will post shortly with some opening information.

Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).

Will post shortly with some opening information.

Will post shortly with some opening information.

Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).

Will post shortly with some opening information.

Discussion thread is now open for the selected players.
Please post in here to indicate you are working on your character stat blocks (or to indicate you have completed your stat block).


I'm looking for 16 or 20 players to form four groups of 4/5 players each representing a different faction. Each of the four groups has different goals and motivations, sometimes those goals will overlap with another faction's goals, and sometimes they will conflict. As a result players will find themselves sometimes working with the other groups, and other times in opposition to them.

Players wishing to participate in this game should be able to post once per day (Mon-Fri). More is certainly allowed, but if you cannot meet this posting requirement please don't sign up for this game. I will generally post updates between 10-11 PM MST. I will sometimes post small updates during the day as well dependent on me having some down time at work. Maps will be posted to my photo bucket account for viewing by the players. For example

Despite the campaign name, this game is not using the mythic play test rules, and there is no mythic ascension point in the campaign.

This is the recruitment thread for the Rebellion.

Other factions can be found here:
Merchant's Guild
Thieve's Guild

I'm expecting to leave the recruitment thread open for about one week. After which players will be selected for each faction and another week will be given for players to flesh out any final details for their character back story and create a character stat block.


You have tired of the rule of the mages due to their incompetence or some perceived or real injustice, or perhaps you seek power but are outside of the current political system to ever get it. Perhaps you were thrown out of the tower for some reason or another. Or maybe the rumors of the mages practicing dark and evil experiments with strange creatures and consorting with other worldly beings has left a uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach. Regardless you have joined in the rebellion to see the mages overthrown.
Allowed Alignments: NG, CG, N, CN, NE
Allowed classes: Any as allowed by the above alignments.
Allowed Races: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Haflings, Humans, Catfolk, Ifrit. If you select Ifrit in addition to your normal racial abilities you also get an extra feat (similar to humans).

When creating your back story feel free to talk with other players wishing to join this faction and create ties between your back stories.

More information on your faction will be given once the game starts, though you are free to ask questions if you are looking for additional details to flesh out your back story.

The remainder of the spoilers contain information that is identical in each of the faction threads. If you have already read this information in one of the other threads you can skip these.

General Information:

This campaign is mostly an urban campaign, though some wilderness travel and ocean travel will also occur.

The factions will give their teams various goals or objectives to meet, it is up to the players to determine how to achieve those goals. While I've got a number of missions for each faction to give to players, this campaign is intended to be fairly sandbox. If players come up with things they'd like to try to further the overall goals of their faction I will try to incorporate those ideas into the campaign. Be aware though that there are some places in the world that will prove death to the players if they wander about haphazardly.

Character Back Story:

I'm not currently interested in character stat blocks, I want to see first and foremost a back story for your character. As part of this back story all characters are required to include one (though more is allowed) individuals living in Coran, Gumlat, or Issust Hold (see geography below) whom they hold dear. When your character is in the neighborhood it is expected your character will take some time (stealthily or openly) to visit with this person. This could be a spouse, sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. But it must be someone the character would take great pains (or even be willing die for) to prevent harm to them. This NPC will be a commoner and is not capable of defending themselves from more powerful PC's or NPC's.

It is expected your character has friends and acquaintances from this region of the world, feel free to include a couple such friends in part of your back story.

All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place.

I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience.

Please also include a physical description of your character including such things as skin color, hair color, eye color, and style and color of clothing.

Character stat blocks:

Your posted stat block for your character should use this format or something very similar to it. Feel free to copy and paste this into your profile then change it up to match your own character.

Characters will be created using a 20 point buy.

Characters will start at 5th level. You may choose no more than 2 classes (or 3 if the 3rd is a prestige class) to create your character. This also applies when leveling up.

Each character starts with 10,000gp, of which no more than 50% may be spent on a single item. During character creation all items within the given 5000gp or less per item are available.

As you accumulate wealth you can assume anything costing 4000gp or less (assuming it is not an illegal item) are readily available. Anything costing more than 4000gp will require crafting time to have made for you, though anything up to 15000gp can be obtained. Anything above that price may or may not be available. Characters may not start with custom made magic items. You may request to have a custom magic item made – though I'm likely to add a flat cost on top of whatever costs might normally be associated with said items – or may just flat out disallow it.

Slotless magic items that mimic the ability of an existing magic item that normally requires a equipment slot are not allowed.

Magic items that provide +x enhancement bonuses such as cloaks of resistance, rings of protection, belts of physical stats, headbands of mental stats, etc can always be upgraded to a higher level for the cost difference. Also, these items may always be combined with another effect that uses that item slot for the price of the additional magical enhancement + 50%. For example a cloak of resistance +1, cost 1000gp, could be combined with a catching cape, normal cost of 200gp (plus 50% for a cost of 300gp), for a total of 1300gp. Or a ring of protection +1, cost 2000gp, combined with a ring of counterspells, normally 4000gp (plus 50% for a cost of 6000gp), for a total of 8000gp.

Players should select 2 traits using the standard rules.

Depending on which faction you are a member of there are alignment and racial restrictions (see the individual faction recruitment threads for this information).

Because of the nature of this campaign there will be PvP between factions. Players should plan for escape mechanisms from a battle turned against them.

Inter-party PvP will be strongly discouraged. If you wish to engage in PvP with those who should be your allies you must talk to me about it first, and your reasons must be compelling in story character reasons (like your allies endangered your NPC dependent – not something petty or trivial).

All players will get one free true resurrection during the course of the campaign should they die (you may choose to use this to raise a fallen ally). Unless the player's gear can be recovered though, resurrected players will start with one-half their WBL based on their current level. For arcane casters you will get a new spell book with only those spells you would have for your current level, any additional spells will need to be purchased again. If your body can be recovered then normal uses of spells like raise dead are available.

Players get max HP at every level.

Players will level up when I say they do, but this will be roughly following the fast experience track.

I do enforce encumbrance rules, keep this in mind when equipping your character. In general I will not be keeping track of food or normal ammunition (things like arrows made out of special materials will be tracked). If you somehow get yourself trapped in an area though where you could not readily restock these items then these items will be tracked until you can escape the situation. You must still buy 1 quiver (or 2) full of arrows, bolts, sling stones, what have you. At such time as you may become trapped you will have the amount listed on your character and those items will be tracked at that time.

Rule books allowed are Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, and some portions of the Advanced Race Guide (alternate racial features and archetypes are allowed, as are racial spells and feats, and see faction specific areas for races allowed). Other source books are not allowed.

I recommend all characters train the stealth and disguise skills, but this is not required.

House Rules:

Leadership feat is not allowed, I've got enough to keep track of without worrying about cohorts.

Antagonize feat is not allowed. It is especially problematic for a PvP type game.

You may take item creation feats, but these feats will not be applied to your starting 10k wealth to reduce the cost of magic items. You will be able to get use out of item creation feats though if you select them.

Diplomacy and intimidate skills don't exist. They are all rolled into the bluff skill. If your chosen class has diplomacy or intimidate as a class skill you instead have bluff as a class skill. Feats and traits that would increase diplomacy or intimidate instead affect your bluff skill, however these do not stack with other feats or traits that would increase one of these skills.

In game when you are using your bluff skill please specify what you are actually trying to accomplish. i.e., still state you are trying to intimidate someone, or calm someone with diplomacy, etc, but your bluff skill will be used to modify the d20 roll to determine the effectiveness.

Because of the potential PvP encounters realize that using the bluff skill to get someone to act more friendly towards you (because of good diplomacy or fearsome intimidation) in a social situation may or may not work, though role-playing in this area is certainly encouraged. Combat uses of bluff skill can also be used to apply the shaken condition (as per intimidate) or apply class specific abilities that rely on one of these skills.

Game Play:

Note that many d20 rolls will be done by the GM. Skills that have an obvious success or failure such as climbing, swimming, crafting, attacking, should be made by the players. Skills which have more hidden results will be made by the GM such as Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception, etc.

When your character speaks, unless you specify otherwise, it will be assumed you are speaking in common. This means any listeners, known or hidden, will be able to understand you. Speak in another language and you may be able to foil spies if they don't have a means of understanding the given language.

Because this game will be taking place in four different threads simultaneously I ask that you refrain from reading the other factions threads. Doing so will only reduce your own and other players enjoyment.

Also because of the four threads game time will not always be consistent between the different groups. This could also result in a given thread being put on hold for a day or two if an encounter is about to occur between two groups but one group needs to finish something up.


The campaign takes place in the city of Coran, capital of the Ondian empire. Coran lies on the eastern coast of the continent and in the southern foothills of the Chaggath Spine, a large mountain range that runs northwest from the city. Coran is home to the great library, which draws scholars from across the continent to it for study and research. The city is a good sized metropolis with a large transient population. The given population at any given time is around 15,000 people. Many magical wonders and exotic goods are available in the city, as are illicit substances and other secrets for those who know where to look. Coran is also home to the current ruling Mageocracy, who rule from the Tower of the Heavens. What happens inside the walls of the tower is a secret to all but those allowed inside. From the tower come the laws of the land as enacted by the Council of Seven. Coran is primarily human though it is not uncommon to see all the varied races of the lands walking its streets.

A weeks travel to the west is a small village known as Gumlat (population of around 600). This village lies at the edge of a large expanse of forest. Rumors and stories of were-creatures surround the rise of this small village. It is said many years ago, Aroale Nulil, priestess of Erastil, defended what was then a settlement against a large number of lycanthropes through the strength of her god, though she perished in the effort. The tales of beast men continue to float about the area, though no one has since that time brought forth clear proof that any such creatures continue to exist in the area. Many believe the forests west of Gumlat are haunted though, and more than one soul has disappeared into those forests to never to return. The land between Gumlat and Coran is mostly farmlands with small thinly wooded areas near the base of the Chaggath Spine. Gumlat is primarily human though a good number of gnomes and haflings also inhabit the area.

North across the Chaggath Spine, two and a half weeks of travel over the high mountain roads, lies the city of Akleta with a population of around 3,000. This population is not centralized though, perhaps 1500 live in the city proper, with the other 1500 inhabitants within two days travel of the city. The area consists mostly of shepherds, cattle ranchers, and miners. The mountains separating Akleta from Coran have given the people of Akleta a sense of independence from the rest of the empire, though they are still dependent on Coran for trade goods from across the sea and rely on them for aid in times of war and to influence the surrounding tribes of hillmen. Akleta consists of almost entirely of humans in population. Other races visiting this area are frequently given a cold shoulder.

South of Coran lies a large expanse of desert known as The Endless Desert. At the northern edge of the desert, nine days travel south of Coran (or 3 days by ship), lies a mining town known as Issust Hold. The population is actually scattered between a small walled port that services Issust Hold (population of roughly 100 people) and a more heavily fortified settlement that was built on top of a natural oasis (population of around 500). Issust Hold primarily produces iron, but also mines some precious metals and gems. The place seems to attract the unsavory sorts of characters, perhaps in part due to a recent war against pirates from the southern seas which occurred nearly 30 years ago. No doubt some of those pirates make up part of the holds population. Issust hold is the home of a large number of dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, and ifrit, though other races also commonly seen.

Seven days voyage by sea, to the east of Coran, lie the islands of Ioso, considered a tropical paradise by many. A relatively simple people inhabit the islands, which export fish, spices, and exotic goods from other lands. Outside of the villages the islands are the home of wild animals, dinosaurs, and a few other dangerous creatures. The islands are primarily inhabited by humans and undine.

The Chaggath Spine is home to several goblin clans, but these are probably the least dangerous of the the creatures that roam the mountain cliffs and dens.

The Endless Desert is home to desert nomads and various dangerous creatures, both natural and magical.

West of the empire are various smaller kingdoms who trade with the Ondian people.

South of the islands are pirate infested waters, and east of the islands lies a great ocean.

North of Akleta live tribes of savage hills men. These disparate groups are usually not a concern for the inhabitants of Akleta though there was a time in the past when they banded together under one tribal leader and threatened the area.

Laws, political upheaval, and conflict:

Laws are about what might expected of any medieval society, with punishments fitting the crime. Pick pockets will lose their hand after a 3rd offense. Murder is punishable by death. Creating undead is illegal (this doesn't mean you can't select spells/abilities to do so, just don't get caught). Slavery is illegal.

The Tower of the Heavens is home to the current ruling mageocracy. While it primarly consists of wizards, they also have among their ranks magus, witch's, sorcerers, and all other forms of arcane magic users. The Council of Seven makes up the ruling body and currently consists of masters Veray, Isul, Akeli, Torenest, Danroth, Banock, and Liam.

In recent times the roads have become a bit dangerous of late for individuals or small groups. Bandits and highwaymen, and in the mountain and desert roads more dangerous creatures are becoming a growing problem. This has been a cause of contention between the Mageocracy and the Merchants Guild. Tariffs have been raised to help pay for the costs of patrolling the roads but the added protection seems to be of limited effectiveness.

At the same time a group dissatisfied with the mages rule is starting to become more than a mere nuisance. The Mageocracy would like to put an end to this discontentment, if only they could figure out who is behind it and where they are hiding out.

With the current turmoil and politics the thieves guild is looking to expand their operations while the mages are distracted with other matters. Crime in Coran is on the rise, from petty thefts to rumors of an underground slave trade.

While this isn't Golarian, I am using the Golarian pantheon of deities. Paladin PC's or NPC's all belong to the Order of the Mithril Rose. This order doesn't follow a specific deity (though individual paladins do), but is a organization of knights following the various good and lawful aligned deities who work together for the greater good. Likewise any anti-paladins would have once belonged to this organization.

Squick factor:

Because this campaign allows for evil characters there are some things that are likely to come up that could make other players uncomfortable discussing.

Sexual content should be limited to a PG-13 range. Rape or other sexual crimes are not allowed in the campaign.

Violence against children is not allowed, though you may run into street rats and such at times – bringing them to the authorities if the situation merits is a real possibility. You may burn down an orphanage if you like, but slaughtering its inhabitants is not allowed.

Torture is allowed, but highly detailed descriptions of such are not. Cutting of a limb or breaking some bones is fine. Descriptive details of what you do with a carving knife, or hot poker, etc, are not.


I'm looking for 16 or 20 players to form four groups of 4/5 players each representing a different faction. Each of the four groups has different goals and motivations, sometimes those goals will overlap with another faction's goals, and sometimes they will conflict. As a result players will find themselves sometimes working with the other groups, and other times in opposition to them.

Players wishing to participate in this game should be able to post once per day (Mon-Fri). More is certainly allowed, but if you cannot meet this posting requirement please don't sign up for this game. I will generally post updates between 10-11 PM MST. I will sometimes post small updates during the day as well dependent on me having some down time at work. Maps will be posted to my photo bucket account for viewing by the players. For example

Despite the campaign name, this game is not using the mythic play test rules, and there is no mythic ascension point in the campaign.

This is the recruitment thread for the Thieve's Guild.

Other factions can be found here:
Merchant's Guild

I'm expecting to leave the recruitment thread open for about one week. After which players will be selected for each faction and another week will be given for players to flesh out any final details for their character back story and create a character stat block.

Thieve's Guild:

You grew up as a child of the streets, or maybe you found gainful employment as a fence or information broker. Maybe you are merely a bouncer from a rough part of town that has gained a bit of reputation. Regardless you've caught the attention of organized crime in Coran and the benefits of associating with them was to good an opportunity to pass up.
Allowed Alignments: N, CN, LE, NE, CE
Allowed classes: Any as allowed by the above alignments (thieves, ninjas, and assassins are a natural fit, but the party should be well rounded).
Races Allowed: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Haflings, Humans, Tieflings, Drow. If you choose Drow be aware that general reactions to to Drow are going to present problems of mistrust to outright hostility – don't go anywhere without a good disguise.
Based on alignment restrictions this is the only faction allowed to have anti-paladins. My recommendation is that you don't play one. The following applies to an CE character, but especially to anti paladins. The general flavor of the anti-paladin would lead them to not associate with others on any kind of long term basis. That being said if you can come up with a compelling back story about why you are associating with your fellow party members on a long term basis and won't simply betray them on a whim I'd be happy to see it played out.

It should be noted that LE alignments in this group is more of a honor among thieves ideal than an interest in adhering to the laws of the land.

When creating your back story feel free to talk with other players wishing to join this faction and create ties between your back stories.

More information on your faction will be given once the game starts, though you are free to ask questions if you are looking for additional details to flesh out your back story.

The remainder of the spoilers contain information that is identical in each of the faction threads. If you have already read this information in one of the other threads you can skip these.

General Information:

This campaign is mostly an urban campaign, though some wilderness travel and ocean travel will also occur.

The factions will give their teams various goals or objectives to meet, it is up to the players to determine how to achieve those goals. While I've got a number of missions for each faction to give to players, this campaign is intended to be fairly sandbox. If players come up with things they'd like to try to further the overall goals of their faction I will try to incorporate those ideas into the campaign. Be aware though that there are some places in the world that will prove death to the players if they wander about haphazardly.

Character Back Story:

I'm not currently interested in character stat blocks, I want to see first and foremost a back story for your character. As part of this back story all characters are required to include one (though more is allowed) individuals living in Coran, Gumlat, or Issust Hold (see geography below) whom they hold dear. When your character is in the neighborhood it is expected your character will take some time (stealthily or openly) to visit with this person. This could be a spouse, sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. But it must be someone the character would take great pains (or even be willing die for) to prevent harm to them. This NPC will be a commoner and is not capable of defending themselves from more powerful PC's or NPC's.

It is expected your character has friends and acquaintances from this region of the world, feel free to include a couple such friends in part of your back story.

All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place.

I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience.

Please also include a physical description of your character including such things as skin color, hair color, eye color, and style and color of clothing.

Character stat blocks:

Your posted stat block for your character should use this format or something very similar to it. Feel free to copy and paste this into your profile then change it up to match your own character.

Characters will be created using a 20 point buy.

Characters will start at 5th level. You may choose no more than 2 classes (or 3 if the 3rd is a prestige class) to create your character. This also applies when leveling up.

Each character starts with 10,000gp, of which no more than 50% may be spent on a single item. During character creation all items within the given 5000gp or less per item are available.

As you accumulate wealth you can assume anything costing 4000gp or less (assuming it is not an illegal item) are readily available. Anything costing more than 4000gp will require crafting time to have made for you, though anything up to 15000gp can be obtained. Anything above that price may or may not be available. Characters may not start with custom made magic items. You may request to have a custom magic item made – though I'm likely to add a flat cost on top of whatever costs might normally be associated with said items – or may just flat out disallow it.

Slotless magic items that mimic the ability of an existing magic item that normally requires a equipment slot are not allowed.

Magic items that provide +x enhancement bonuses such as cloaks of resistance, rings of protection, belts of physical stats, headbands of mental stats, etc can always be upgraded to a higher level for the cost difference. Also, these items may always be combined with another effect that uses that item slot for the price of the additional magical enhancement + 50%. For example a cloak of resistance +1, cost 1000gp, could be combined with a catching cape, normal cost of 200gp (plus 50% for a cost of 300gp), for a total of 1300gp. Or a ring of protection +1, cost 2000gp, combined with a ring of counterspells, normally 4000gp (plus 50% for a cost of 6000gp), for a total of 8000gp.

Players should select 2 traits using the standard rules.

Depending on which faction you are a member of there are alignment and racial restrictions (see the individual faction recruitment threads for this information).

Because of the nature of this campaign there will be PvP between factions. Players should plan for escape mechanisms from a battle turned against them.

Inter-party PvP will be strongly discouraged. If you wish to engage in PvP with those who should be your allies you must talk to me about it first, and your reasons must be compelling in story character reasons (like your allies endangered your NPC dependent – not something petty or trivial).

All players will get one free true resurrection during the course of the campaign should they die (you may choose to use this to raise a fallen ally). Unless the player's gear can be recovered though, resurrected players will start with one-half their WBL based on their current level. For arcane casters you will get a new spell book with only those spells you would have for your current level, any additional spells will need to be purchased again. If your body can be recovered then normal uses of spells like raise dead are available.

Players get max HP at every level.

Players will level up when I say they do, but this will be roughly following the fast experience track.

I do enforce encumbrance rules, keep this in mind when equipping your character. In general I will not be keeping track of food or normal ammunition (things like arrows made out of special materials will be tracked). If you somehow get yourself trapped in an area though where you could not readily restock these items then these items will be tracked until you can escape the situation. You must still buy 1 quiver (or 2) full of arrows, bolts, sling stones, what have you. At such time as you may become trapped you will have the amount listed on your character and those items will be tracked at that time.

Rule books allowed are Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, and some portions of the Advanced Race Guide (alternate racial features and archetypes are allowed, as are racial spells and feats, and see faction specific areas for races allowed). Other source books are not allowed.

I recommend all characters train the stealth and disguise skills, but this is not required.

House Rules:

Leadership feat is not allowed, I've got enough to keep track of without worrying about cohorts.

Antagonize feat is not allowed. It is especially problematic for a PvP type game.

You may take item creation feats, but these feats will not be applied to your starting 10k wealth to reduce the cost of magic items. You will be able to get use out of item creation feats though if you select them.

Diplomacy and intimidate skills don't exist. They are all rolled into the bluff skill. If your chosen class has diplomacy or intimidate as a class skill you instead have bluff as a class skill. Feats and traits that would increase diplomacy or intimidate instead affect your bluff skill, however these do not stack with other feats or traits that would increase one of these skills.

In game when you are using your bluff skill please specify what you are actually trying to accomplish. i.e., still state you are trying to intimidate someone, or calm someone with diplomacy, etc, but your bluff skill will be used to modify the d20 roll to determine the effectiveness.

Because of the potential PvP encounters realize that using the bluff skill to get someone to act more friendly towards you (because of good diplomacy or fearsome intimidation) in a social situation may or may not work, though role-playing in this area is certainly encouraged. Combat uses of bluff skill can also be used to apply the shaken condition (as per intimidate) or apply class specific abilities that rely on one of these skills.

Game Play:

Note that many d20 rolls will be done by the GM. Skills that have an obvious success or failure such as climbing, swimming, crafting, attacking, should be made by the players. Skills which have more hidden results will be made by the GM such as Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception, etc.

When your character speaks, unless you specify otherwise, it will be assumed you are speaking in common. This means any listeners, known or hidden, will be able to understand you. Speak in another language and you may be able to foil spies if they don't have a means of understanding the given language.

Because this game will be taking place in four different threads simultaneously I ask that you refrain from reading the other factions threads. Doing so will only reduce your own and other players enjoyment.

Also because of the four threads game time will not always be consistent between the different groups. This could also result in a given thread being put on hold for a day or two if an encounter is about to occur between two groups but one group needs to finish something up.


The campaign takes place in the city of Coran, capital of the Ondian empire. Coran lies on the eastern coast of the continent and in the southern foothills of the Chaggath Spine, a large mountain range that runs northwest from the city. Coran is home to the great library, which draws scholars from across the continent to it for study and research. The city is a good sized metropolis with a large transient population. The given population at any given time is around 15,000 people. Many magical wonders and exotic goods are available in the city, as are illicit substances and other secrets for those who know where to look. Coran is also home to the current ruling Mageocracy, who rule from the Tower of the Heavens. What happens inside the walls of the tower is a secret to all but those allowed inside. From the tower come the laws of the land as enacted by the Council of Seven. Coran is primarily human though it is not uncommon to see all the varied races of the lands walking its streets.

A weeks travel to the west is a small village known as Gumlat (population of around 600). This village lies at the edge of a large expanse of forest. Rumors and stories of were-creatures surround the rise of this small village. It is said many years ago, Aroale Nulil, priestess of Erastil, defended what was then a settlement against a large number of lycanthropes through the strength of her god, though she perished in the effort. The tales of beast men continue to float about the area, though no one has since that time brought forth clear proof that any such creatures continue to exist in the area. Many believe the forests west of Gumlat are haunted though, and more than one soul has disappeared into those forests to never to return. The land between Gumlat and Coran is mostly farmlands with small thinly wooded areas near the base of the Chaggath Spine. Gumlat is primarily human though a good number of gnomes and haflings also inhabit the area.

North across the Chaggath Spine, two and a half weeks of travel over the high mountain roads, lies the city of Akleta with a population of around 3,000. This population is not centralized though, perhaps 1500 live in the city proper, with the other 1500 inhabitants within two days travel of the city. The area consists mostly of shepherds, cattle ranchers, and miners. The mountains separating Akleta from Coran have given the people of Akleta a sense of independence from the rest of the empire, though they are still dependent on Coran for trade goods from across the sea and rely on them for aid in times of war and to influence the surrounding tribes of hillmen. Akleta consists of almost entirely of humans in population. Other races visiting this area are frequently given a cold shoulder.

South of Coran lies a large expanse of desert known as The Endless Desert. At the northern edge of the desert, nine days travel south of Coran (or 3 days by ship), lies a mining town known as Issust Hold. The population is actually scattered between a small walled port that services Issust Hold (population of roughly 100 people) and a more heavily fortified settlement that was built on top of a natural oasis (population of around 500). Issust Hold primarily produces iron, but also mines some precious metals and gems. The place seems to attract the unsavory sorts of characters, perhaps in part due to a recent war against pirates from the southern seas which occurred nearly 30 years ago. No doubt some of those pirates make up part of the holds population. Issust hold is the home of a large number of dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, and ifrit, though other races also commonly seen.

Seven days voyage by sea, to the east of Coran, lie the islands of Ioso, considered a tropical paradise by many. A relatively simple people inhabit the islands, which export fish, spices, and exotic goods from other lands. Outside of the villages the islands are the home of wild animals, dinosaurs, and a few other dangerous creatures. The islands are primarily inhabited by humans and undine.

The Chaggath Spine is home to several goblin clans, but these are probably the least dangerous of the the creatures that roam the mountain cliffs and dens.

The Endless Desert is home to desert nomads and various dangerous creatures, both natural and magical.

West of the empire are various smaller kingdoms who trade with the Ondian people.

South of the islands are pirate infested waters, and east of the islands lies a great ocean.

North of Akleta live tribes of savage hills men. These disparate groups are usually not a concern for the inhabitants of Akleta though there was a time in the past when they banded together under one tribal leader and threatened the area.

Laws, political upheaval, and conflict:

Laws are about what might expected of any medieval society, with punishments fitting the crime. Pick pockets will lose their hand after a 3rd offense. Murder is punishable by death. Creating undead is illegal (this doesn't mean you can't select spells/abilities to do so, just don't get caught). Slavery is illegal.

The Tower of the Heavens is home to the current ruling mageocracy. While it primarly consists of wizards, they also have among their ranks magus, witch's, sorcerers, and all other forms of arcane magic users. The Council of Seven makes up the ruling body and currently consists of masters Veray, Isul, Akeli, Torenest, Danroth, Banock, and Liam.

In recent times the roads have become a bit dangerous of late for individuals or small groups. Bandits and highwaymen, and in the mountain and desert roads more dangerous creatures are becoming a growing problem. This has been a cause of contention between the Mageocracy and the Merchants Guild. Tariffs have been raised to help pay for the costs of patrolling the roads but the added protection seems to be of limited effectiveness.

At the same time a group dissatisfied with the mages rule is starting to become more than a mere nuisance. The Mageocracy would like to put an end to this discontentment, if only they could figure out who is behind it and where they are hiding out.

With the current turmoil and politics the thieves guild is looking to expand their operations while the mages are distracted with other matters. Crime in Coran is on the rise, from petty thefts to rumors of an underground slave trade.

While this isn't Golarian, I am using the Golarian pantheon of deities. Paladin PC's or NPC's all belong to the Order of the Mithril Rose. This order doesn't follow a specific deity (though individual paladins do), but is a organization of knights following the various good and lawful aligned deities who work together for the greater good. Likewise any anti-paladins would have once belonged to this organization.

Squick factor:

Because this campaign allows for evil characters there are some things that are likely to come up that could make other players uncomfortable discussing.

Sexual content should be limited to a PG-13 range. Rape or other sexual crimes are not allowed in the campaign.

Violence against children is not allowed, though you may run into street rats and such at times – bringing them to the authorities if the situation merits is a real possibility. You may burn down an orphanage if you like, but slaughtering its inhabitants is not allowed.

Torture is allowed, but highly detailed descriptions of such are not. Cutting of a limb or breaking some bones is fine. Descriptive details of what you do with a carving knife, or hot poker, etc, are not.


I'm looking for 16 or 20 players to form four groups of 4/5 players each representing a different faction. Each of the four groups has different goals and motivations, sometimes those goals will overlap with another faction's goals, and sometimes they will conflict. As a result players will find themselves sometimes working with the other groups, and other times in opposition to them.

Players wishing to participate in this game should be able to post once per day (Mon-Fri). More is certainly allowed, but if you cannot meet this posting requirement please don't sign up for this game. I will generally post updates between 10-11 PM MST. I will sometimes post small updates during the day as well dependent on me having some down time at work. Maps will be posted to my photo bucket account for viewing by the players. For example

Despite the campaign name, this game is not using the mythic play test rules, and there is no mythic ascension point in the campaign.

This is the recruitment thread for the Merchant's Guild.

Other factions can be found here:
Thieve's Guild

I'm expecting to leave the recruitment thread open for about one week. After which players will be selected for each faction and another week will be given for players to flesh out any final details for their character back story and create a character stat block.

Merchants Guild:

Either you are a son or daughter of a wealthy merchant, or perhaps a caravan guard or caravan captain. The lack of action on the part of the mages has forced the merchants to trust to their own devices for protecting their caravans and interests. Some of the merchants are motivated by simple greed, others simply seek a peaceful and lawful society which the mageocracy seems incapable of providing. Some of the merchants have started (or increased) smuggling operations or started dealing with illegal goods while trying to use their political influence with the mage tower to improve the situation. You have been entrusted to work towards the common interests in the merchants guild as a whole.
Allowed Alignments: CG, LN, N, CN, LE
Allowed classes: Any as allowed by the above alignments (rogues and fighters are a natural fit, but the party should be well rounded).
Races Allowed: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Haflings, Humans, Catfolk, Undines. If you select Undine in addition to your normal racial abilities you also get an extra feat (similar to humans).

When creating your back story feel free to talk with other players wishing to join this faction and create ties between your back stories.

More information on your faction will be given once the game starts, though you are free to ask questions if you are looking for additional details to flesh out your back story.

The remainder of the spoilers contain information that is identical in each of the faction threads. If you have already read this information in one of the other threads you can skip these.

General Information:

This campaign is mostly an urban campaign, though some wilderness travel and ocean travel will also occur.

The factions will give their teams various goals or objectives to meet, it is up to the players to determine how to achieve those goals. While I've got a number of missions for each faction to give to players, this campaign is intended to be fairly sandbox. If players come up with things they'd like to try to further the overall goals of their faction I will try to incorporate those ideas into the campaign. Be aware though that there are some places in the world that will prove death to the players if they wander about haphazardly.

Character Back Story:

I'm not currently interested in character stat blocks, I want to see first and foremost a back story for your character. As part of this back story all characters are required to include one (though more is allowed) individuals living in Coran, Gumlat, or Issust Hold (see geography below) whom they hold dear. When your character is in the neighborhood it is expected your character will take some time (stealthily or openly) to visit with this person. This could be a spouse, sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. But it must be someone the character would take great pains (or even be willing die for) to prevent harm to them. This NPC will be a commoner and is not capable of defending themselves from more powerful PC's or NPC's.

It is expected your character has friends and acquaintances from this region of the world, feel free to include a couple such friends in part of your back story.

All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place.

I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience.

Please also include a physical description of your character including such things as skin color, hair color, eye color, and style and color of clothing.

Character stat blocks:

Your posted stat block for your character should use this format or something very similar to it. Feel free to copy and paste this into your profile then change it up to match your own character.

Characters will be created using a 20 point buy.

Characters will start at 5th level. You may choose no more than 2 classes (or 3 if the 3rd is a prestige class) to create your character. This also applies when leveling up.

Each character starts with 10,000gp, of which no more than 50% may be spent on a single item. During character creation all items within the given 5000gp or less per item are available.

As you accumulate wealth you can assume anything costing 4000gp or less (assuming it is not an illegal item) are readily available. Anything costing more than 4000gp will require crafting time to have made for you, though anything up to 15000gp can be obtained. Anything above that price may or may not be available. Characters may not start with custom made magic items. You may request to have a custom magic item made – though I'm likely to add a flat cost on top of whatever costs might normally be associated with said items – or may just flat out disallow it.

Slotless magic items that mimic the ability of an existing magic item that normally requires a equipment slot are not allowed.

Magic items that provide +x enhancement bonuses such as cloaks of resistance, rings of protection, belts of physical stats, headbands of mental stats, etc can always be upgraded to a higher level for the cost difference. Also, these items may always be combined with another effect that uses that item slot for the price of the additional magical enhancement + 50%. For example a cloak of resistance +1, cost 1000gp, could be combined with a catching cape, normal cost of 200gp (plus 50% for a cost of 300gp), for a total of 1300gp. Or a ring of protection +1, cost 2000gp, combined with a ring of counterspells, normally 4000gp (plus 50% for a cost of 6000gp), for a total of 8000gp.

Players should select 2 traits using the standard rules.

Depending on which faction you are a member of there are alignment and racial restrictions (see the individual faction recruitment threads for this information).

Because of the nature of this campaign there will be PvP between factions. Players should plan for escape mechanisms from a battle turned against them.

Inter-party PvP will be strongly discouraged. If you wish to engage in PvP with those who should be your allies you must talk to me about it first, and your reasons must be compelling in story character reasons (like your allies endangered your NPC dependent – not something petty or trivial).

All players will get one free true resurrection during the course of the campaign should they die (you may choose to use this to raise a fallen ally). Unless the player's gear can be recovered though, resurrected players will start with one-half their WBL based on their current level. For arcane casters you will get a new spell book with only those spells you would have for your current level, any additional spells will need to be purchased again. If your body can be recovered then normal uses of spells like raise dead are available.

Players get max HP at every level.

Players will level up when I say they do, but this will be roughly following the fast experience track.

I do enforce encumbrance rules, keep this in mind when equipping your character. In general I will not be keeping track of food or normal ammunition (things like arrows made out of special materials will be tracked). If you somehow get yourself trapped in an area though where you could not readily restock these items then these items will be tracked until you can escape the situation. You must still buy 1 quiver (or 2) full of arrows, bolts, sling stones, what have you. At such time as you may become trapped you will have the amount listed on your character and those items will be tracked at that time.

Rule books allowed are Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, and some portions of the Advanced Race Guide (alternate racial features and archetypes are allowed, as are racial spells and feats, and see faction specific areas for races allowed). Other source books are not allowed.

I recommend all characters train the stealth and disguise skills, but this is not required.

House Rules:

Leadership feat is not allowed, I've got enough to keep track of without worrying about cohorts.

Antagonize feat is not allowed. It is especially problematic for a PvP type game.

You may take item creation feats, but these feats will not be applied to your starting 10k wealth to reduce the cost of magic items. You will be able to get use out of item creation feats though if you select them.

Diplomacy and intimidate skills don't exist. They are all rolled into the bluff skill. If your chosen class has diplomacy or intimidate as a class skill you instead have bluff as a class skill. Feats and traits that would increase diplomacy or intimidate instead affect your bluff skill, however these do not stack with other feats or traits that would increase one of these skills.

In game when you are using your bluff skill please specify what you are actually trying to accomplish. i.e., still state you are trying to intimidate someone, or calm someone with diplomacy, etc, but your bluff skill will be used to modify the d20 roll to determine the effectiveness.

Because of the potential PvP encounters realize that using the bluff skill to get someone to act more friendly towards you (because of good diplomacy or fearsome intimidation) in a social situation may or may not work, though role-playing in this area is certainly encouraged. Combat uses of bluff skill can also be used to apply the shaken condition (as per intimidate) or apply class specific abilities that rely on one of these skills.

Game Play:

Note that many d20 rolls will be done by the GM. Skills that have an obvious success or failure such as climbing, swimming, crafting, attacking, should be made by the players. Skills which have more hidden results will be made by the GM such as Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception, etc.

When your character speaks, unless you specify otherwise, it will be assumed you are speaking in common. This means any listeners, known or hidden, will be able to understand you. Speak in another language and you may be able to foil spies if they don't have a means of understanding the given language.

Because this game will be taking place in four different threads simultaneously I ask that you refrain from reading the other factions threads. Doing so will only reduce your own and other players enjoyment.

Also because of the four threads game time will not always be consistent between the different groups. This could also result in a given thread being put on hold for a day or two if an encounter is about to occur between two groups but one group needs to finish something up.


The campaign takes place in the city of Coran, capital of the Ondian empire. Coran lies on the eastern coast of the continent and in the southern foothills of the Chaggath Spine, a large mountain range that runs northwest from the city. Coran is home to the great library, which draws scholars from across the continent to it for study and research. The city is a good sized metropolis with a large transient population. The given population at any given time is around 15,000 people. Many magical wonders and exotic goods are available in the city, as are illicit substances and other secrets for those who know where to look. Coran is also home to the current ruling Mageocracy, who rule from the Tower of the Heavens. What happens inside the walls of the tower is a secret to all but those allowed inside. From the tower come the laws of the land as enacted by the Council of Seven. Coran is primarily human though it is not uncommon to see all the varied races of the lands walking its streets.

A weeks travel to the west is a small village known as Gumlat (population of around 600). This village lies at the edge of a large expanse of forest. Rumors and stories of were-creatures surround the rise of this small village. It is said many years ago, Aroale Nulil, priestess of Erastil, defended what was then a settlement against a large number of lycanthropes through the strength of her god, though she perished in the effort. The tales of beast men continue to float about the area, though no one has since that time brought forth clear proof that any such creatures continue to exist in the area. Many believe the forests west of Gumlat are haunted though, and more than one soul has disappeared into those forests to never to return. The land between Gumlat and Coran is mostly farmlands with small thinly wooded areas near the base of the Chaggath Spine. Gumlat is primarily human though a good number of gnomes and haflings also inhabit the area.

North across the Chaggath Spine, two and a half weeks of travel over the high mountain roads, lies the city of Akleta with a population of around 3,000. This population is not centralized though, perhaps 1500 live in the city proper, with the other 1500 inhabitants within two days travel of the city. The area consists mostly of shepherds, cattle ranchers, and miners. The mountains separating Akleta from Coran have given the people of Akleta a sense of independence from the rest of the empire, though they are still dependent on Coran for trade goods from across the sea and rely on them for aid in times of war and to influence the surrounding tribes of hillmen. Akleta consists of almost entirely of humans in population. Other races visiting this area are frequently given a cold shoulder.

South of Coran lies a large expanse of desert known as The Endless Desert. At the northern edge of the desert, nine days travel south of Coran (or 3 days by ship), lies a mining town known as Issust Hold. The population is actually scattered between a small walled port that services Issust Hold (population of roughly 100 people) and a more heavily fortified settlement that was built on top of a natural oasis (population of around 500). Issust Hold primarily produces iron, but also mines some precious metals and gems. The place seems to attract the unsavory sorts of characters, perhaps in part due to a recent war against pirates from the southern seas which occurred nearly 30 years ago. No doubt some of those pirates make up part of the holds population. Issust hold is the home of a large number of dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, and ifrit, though other races also commonly seen.

Seven days voyage by sea, to the east of Coran, lie the islands of Ioso, considered a tropical paradise by many. A relatively simple people inhabit the islands, which export fish, spices, and exotic goods from other lands. Outside of the villages the islands are the home of wild animals, dinosaurs, and a few other dangerous creatures. The islands are primarily inhabited by humans and undine.

The Chaggath Spine is home to several goblin clans, but these are probably the least dangerous of the the creatures that roam the mountain cliffs and dens.

The Endless Desert is home to desert nomads and various dangerous creatures, both natural and magical.

West of the empire are various smaller kingdoms who trade with the Ondian people.

South of the islands are pirate infested waters, and east of the islands lies a great ocean.

North of Akleta live tribes of savage hills men. These disparate groups are usually not a concern for the inhabitants of Akleta though there was a time in the past when they banded together under one tribal leader and threatened the area.

Laws, political upheaval, and conflict:

Laws are about what might expected of any medieval society, with punishments fitting the crime. Pick pockets will lose their hand after a 3rd offense. Murder is punishable by death. Creating undead is illegal (this doesn't mean you can't select spells/abilities to do so, just don't get caught). Slavery is illegal.

The Tower of the Heavens is home to the current ruling mageocracy. While it primarly consists of wizards, they also have among their ranks magus, witch's, sorcerers, and all other forms of arcane magic users. The Council of Seven makes up the ruling body and currently consists of masters Veray, Isul, Akeli, Torenest, Danroth, Banock, and Liam.

In recent times the roads have become a bit dangerous of late for individuals or small groups. Bandits and highwaymen, and in the mountain and desert roads more dangerous creatures are becoming a growing problem. This has been a cause of contention between the Mageocracy and the Merchants Guild. Tariffs have been raised to help pay for the costs of patrolling the roads but the added protection seems to be of limited effectiveness.

At the same time a group dissatisfied with the mages rule is starting to become more than a mere nuisance. The Mageocracy would like to put an end to this discontentment, if only they could figure out who is behind it and where they are hiding out.

With the current turmoil and politics the thieves guild is looking to expand their operations while the mages are distracted with other matters. Crime in Coran is on the rise, from petty thefts to rumors of an underground slave trade.

While this isn't Golarian, I am using the Golarian pantheon of deities. Paladin PC's or NPC's all belong to the Order of the Mithril Rose. This order doesn't follow a specific deity (though individual paladins do), but is a organization of knights following the various good and lawful aligned deities who work together for the greater good. Likewise any anti-paladins would have once belonged to this organization.

Squick factor:

Because this campaign allows for evil characters there are some things that are likely to come up that could make other players uncomfortable discussing.

Sexual content should be limited to a PG-13 range. Rape or other sexual crimes are not allowed in the campaign.

Violence against children is not allowed, though you may run into street rats and such at times – bringing them to the authorities if the situation merits is a real possibility. You may burn down an orphanage if you like, but slaughtering its inhabitants is not allowed.

Torture is allowed, but highly detailed descriptions of such are not. Cutting of a limb or breaking some bones is fine. Descriptive details of what you do with a carving knife, or hot poker, etc, are not.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


I'm looking for 16 or 20 players to form four groups of 4/5 players each representing a different faction. Each of the four groups has different goals and motivations, sometimes those goals will overlap with another faction's goals, and sometimes they will conflict. As a result players will find themselves sometimes working with the other groups, and other times in opposition to them.

Players wishing to participate in this game should be able to post once per day (Mon-Fri). More is certainly allowed, but if you cannot meet this posting requirement please don't sign up for this game. I will generally post updates between 10-11 PM MST. I will sometimes post small updates during the day as well dependent on me having some down time at work. Maps will be posted to my photo bucket account for viewing by the players. For example

Despite the campaign name, this game is not using the mythic play test rules, and there is no mythic ascension point in the campaign.

This is the recruitment thread for the Mageocracy.

Other factions can be found here:
Merchant's Guild
Thieve's Guild

I'm expecting to leave the recruitment thread open for about one week. After which players will be selected for each faction and another week will be given for players to flesh out any final details for their character back story and create a character stat block.


Either you are a student of the tower, were once a member of the city guard, or have some other tie to the current mage leadership of Coran. You are charged with upholding the laws of the empire, rooting out thieves, running sting operations on smuggling operations, and so forth. The mages of the tower are a secretive group and rumors abound about what goes on inside the walls of the tower, but for one reason or another you have earned their trust.
Allowed alignments: LG, NG, LN, N, LE.
Allowed classes: Any as allowed by the above alignments (arcane casters are a natural fit of course, but the party should be well rounded).
Races allowed: Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Haflings, Humans, Aasimar, Tieflings.
Based on alignment restrictions this is the only faction allowed to have paladins. My recommendation however is that you don't choose this class as you may have evil party members and some situations may face you off against difficult moral choices (this really applies to any LG character, but paladins will have a harder time with this). That said, if you really want to play a paladin in this scenario you may. I'd love to see someone with creative role-playing tackle this – just expect you will need periodic atonements. I'm not a GM who takes glee at seeing a paladin fall, but it can happen.

When creating your back story feel free to talk with other players wishing to join this faction and create ties between your back stories.

More information on your faction will be given once the game starts, though you are free to ask questions if you are looking for additional details to flesh out your back story.

The remainder of the spoilers contain information that is identical in each of the faction threads. If you have already read this information in one of the other threads you can skip these.

General Information:

This campaign is mostly an urban campaign, though some wilderness travel and ocean travel will also occur.

The factions will give their teams various goals or objectives to meet, it is up to the players to determine how to achieve those goals. While I've got a number of missions for each faction to give to players, this campaign is intended to be fairly sandbox. If players come up with things they'd like to try to further the overall goals of their faction I will try to incorporate those ideas into the campaign. Be aware though that there are some places in the world that will prove death to the players if they wander about haphazardly.

Character Back Story:

I'm not currently interested in character stat blocks, I want to see first and foremost a back story for your character. As part of this back story all characters are required to include one (though more is allowed) individuals living in Coran, Gumlat, or Issust Hold (see geography below) whom they hold dear. When your character is in the neighborhood it is expected your character will take some time (stealthily or openly) to visit with this person. This could be a spouse, sibling, parent, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. But it must be someone the character would take great pains (or even be willing die for) to prevent harm to them. This NPC will be a commoner and is not capable of defending themselves from more powerful PC's or NPC's.

It is expected your character has friends and acquaintances from this region of the world, feel free to include a couple such friends in part of your back story.

All players are from this region of the world and should select one of the areas from the geography section as a birth place.

I'd like to know what motivates your character and what your character is afraid of. Anything that I can hook some side plots into will make for a much more interesting play experience.

Please also include a physical description of your character including such things as skin color, hair color, eye color, and style and color of clothing.

Character stat blocks:

Your posted stat block for your character should use this format or something very similar to it. Feel free to copy and paste this into your profile then change it up to match your own character.

Characters will be created using a 20 point buy.

Characters will start at 5th level. You may choose no more than 2 classes (or 3 if the 3rd is a prestige class) to create your character. This also applies when leveling up.

Each character starts with 10,000gp, of which no more than 50% may be spent on a single item. During character creation all items within the given 5000gp or less per item are available.

As you accumulate wealth you can assume anything costing 4000gp or less (assuming it is not an illegal item) are readily available. Anything costing more than 4000gp will require crafting time to have made for you, though anything up to 15000gp can be obtained. Anything above that price may or may not be available. Characters may not start with custom made magic items. You may request to have a custom magic item made – though I'm likely to add a flat cost on top of whatever costs might normally be associated with said items – or may just flat out disallow it.

Slotless magic items that mimic the ability of an existing magic item that normally requires a equipment slot are not allowed.

Magic items that provide +x enhancement bonuses such as cloaks of resistance, rings of protection, belts of physical stats, headbands of mental stats, etc can always be upgraded to a higher level for the cost difference. Also, these items may always be combined with another effect that uses that item slot for the price of the additional magical enhancement + 50%. For example a cloak of resistance +1, cost 1000gp, could be combined with a catching cape, normal cost of 200gp (plus 50% for a cost of 300gp), for a total of 1300gp. Or a ring of protection +1, cost 2000gp, combined with a ring of counterspells, normally 4000gp (plus 50% for a cost of 6000gp), for a total of 8000gp.

Players should select 2 traits using the standard rules.

Depending on which faction you are a member of there are alignment and racial restrictions (see the individual faction recruitment threads for this information).

Because of the nature of this campaign there will be PvP between factions. Players should plan for escape mechanisms from a battle turned against them.

Inter-party PvP will be strongly discouraged. If you wish to engage in PvP with those who should be your allies you must talk to me about it first, and your reasons must be compelling in story character reasons (like your allies endangered your NPC dependent – not something petty or trivial).

All players will get one free true resurrection during the course of the campaign should they die (you may choose to use this to raise a fallen ally). Unless the player's gear can be recovered though, resurrected players will start with one-half their WBL based on their current level. For arcane casters you will get a new spell book with only those spells you would have for your current level, any additional spells will need to be purchased again. If your body can be recovered then normal uses of spells like raise dead are available.

Players get max HP at every level.

Players will level up when I say they do, but this will be roughly following the fast experience track.

I do enforce encumbrance rules, keep this in mind when equipping your character. In general I will not be keeping track of food or normal ammunition (things like arrows made out of special materials will be tracked). If you somehow get yourself trapped in an area though where you could not readily restock these items then these items will be tracked until you can escape the situation. You must still buy 1 quiver (or 2) full of arrows, bolts, sling stones, what have you. At such time as you may become trapped you will have the amount listed on your character and those items will be tracked at that time.

Rule books allowed are Core Rule Book, Advanced Players Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Equipment, and some portions of the Advanced Race Guide (alternate racial features and archetypes are allowed, as are racial spells and feats, and see faction specific areas for races allowed). Other source books are not allowed.

I recommend all characters train the stealth and disguise skills, but this is not required.

House Rules:

Leadership feat is not allowed, I've got enough to keep track of without worrying about cohorts.

Antagonize feat is not allowed. It is especially problematic for a PvP type game.

You may take item creation feats, but these feats will not be applied to your starting 10k wealth to reduce the cost of magic items. You will be able to get use out of item creation feats though if you select them.

Diplomacy and intimidate skills don't exist. They are all rolled into the bluff skill. If your chosen class has diplomacy or intimidate as a class skill you instead have bluff as a class skill. Feats and traits that would increase diplomacy or intimidate instead affect your bluff skill, however these do not stack with other feats or traits that would increase one of these skills.

In game when you are using your bluff skill please specify what you are actually trying to accomplish. i.e., still state you are trying to intimidate someone, or calm someone with diplomacy, etc, but your bluff skill will be used to modify the d20 roll to determine the effectiveness.

Because of the potential PvP encounters realize that using the bluff skill to get someone to act more friendly towards you (because of good diplomacy or fearsome intimidation) in a social situation may or may not work, though role-playing in this area is certainly encouraged. Combat uses of bluff skill can also be used to apply the shaken condition (as per intimidate) or apply class specific abilities that rely on one of these skills.

Game Play:

Note that many d20 rolls will be done by the GM. Skills that have an obvious success or failure such as climbing, swimming, crafting, attacking, should be made by the players. Skills which have more hidden results will be made by the GM such as Bluff, Sense Motive, Knowledge, Spellcraft, Stealth, Perception, etc.

When your character speaks, unless you specify otherwise, it will be assumed you are speaking in common. This means any listeners, known or hidden, will be able to understand you. Speak in another language and you may be able to foil spies if they don't have a means of understanding the given language.

Because this game will be taking place in four different threads simultaneously I ask that you refrain from reading the other factions threads. Doing so will only reduce your own and other players enjoyment.

Also because of the four threads game time will not always be consistent between the different groups. This could also result in a given thread being put on hold for a day or two if an encounter is about to occur between two groups but one group needs to finish something up.


The campaign takes place in the city of Coran, capital of the Ondian empire. Coran lies on the eastern coast of the continent and in the southern foothills of the Chaggath Spine, a large mountain range that runs northwest from the city. Coran is home to the great library, which draws scholars from across the continent to it for study and research. The city is a good sized metropolis with a large transient population. The given population at any given time is around 15,000 people. Many magical wonders and exotic goods are available in the city, as are illicit substances and other secrets for those who know where to look. Coran is also home to the current ruling Mageocracy, who rule from the Tower of the Heavens. What happens inside the walls of the tower is a secret to all but those allowed inside. From the tower come the laws of the land as enacted by the Council of Seven. Coran is primarily human though it is not uncommon to see all the varied races of the lands walking its streets.

A weeks travel to the west is a small village known as Gumlat (population of around 600). This village lies at the edge of a large expanse of forest. Rumors and stories of were-creatures surround the rise of this small village. It is said many years ago, Aroale Nulil, priestess of Erastil, defended what was then a settlement against a large number of lycanthropes through the strength of her god, though she perished in the effort. The tales of beast men continue to float about the area, though no one has since that time brought forth clear proof that any such creatures continue to exist in the area. Many believe the forests west of Gumlat are haunted though, and more than one soul has disappeared into those forests to never to return. The land between Gumlat and Coran is mostly farmlands with small thinly wooded areas near the base of the Chaggath Spine. Gumlat is primarily human though a good number of gnomes and haflings also inhabit the area.

North across the Chaggath Spine, two and a half weeks of travel over the high mountain roads, lies the city of Akleta with a population of around 3,000. This population is not centralized though, perhaps 1500 live in the city proper, with the other 1500 inhabitants within two days travel of the city. The area consists mostly of shepherds, cattle ranchers, and miners. The mountains separating Akleta from Coran have given the people of Akleta a sense of independence from the rest of the empire, though they are still dependent on Coran for trade goods from across the sea and rely on them for aid in times of war and to influence the surrounding tribes of hillmen. Akleta consists of almost entirely of humans in population. Other races visiting this area are frequently given a cold shoulder.

South of Coran lies a large expanse of desert known as The Endless Desert. At the northern edge of the desert, nine days travel south of Coran (or 3 days by ship), lies a mining town known as Issust Hold. The population is actually scattered between a small walled port that services Issust Hold (population of roughly 100 people) and a more heavily fortified settlement that was built on top of a natural oasis (population of around 500). Issust Hold primarily produces iron, but also mines some precious metals and gems. The place seems to attract the unsavory sorts of characters, perhaps in part due to a recent war against pirates from the southern seas which occurred nearly 30 years ago. No doubt some of those pirates make up part of the holds population. Issust hold is the home of a large number of dwarves, half-orcs, tieflings, and ifrit, though other races also commonly seen.

Seven days voyage by sea, to the east of Coran, lie the islands of Ioso, considered a tropical paradise by many. A relatively simple people inhabit the islands, which export fish, spices, and exotic goods from other lands. Outside of the villages the islands are the home of wild animals, dinosaurs, and a few other dangerous creatures. The islands are primarily inhabited by humans and undine.

The Chaggath Spine is home to several goblin clans, but these are probably the least dangerous of the the creatures that roam the mountain cliffs and dens.

The Endless Desert is home to desert nomads and various dangerous creatures, both natural and magical.

West of the empire are various smaller kingdoms who trade with the Ondian people.

South of the islands are pirate infested waters, and east of the islands lies a great ocean.

North of Akleta live tribes of savage hills men. These disparate groups are usually not a concern for the inhabitants of Akleta though there was a time in the past when they banded together under one tribal leader and threatened the area.

Laws, political upheaval, and conflict:

Laws are about what might expected of any medieval society, with punishments fitting the crime. Pick pockets will lose their hand after a 3rd offense. Murder is punishable by death. Creating undead is illegal (this doesn't mean you can't select spells/abilities to do so, just don't get caught). Slavery is illegal.

The Tower of the Heavens is home to the current ruling mageocracy. While it primarly consists of wizards, they also have among their ranks magus, witch's, sorcerers, and all other forms of arcane magic users. The Council of Seven makes up the ruling body and currently consists of masters Veray, Isul, Akeli, Torenest, Danroth, Banock, and Liam.

In recent times the roads have become a bit dangerous of late for individuals or small groups. Bandits and highwaymen, and in the mountain and desert roads more dangerous creatures are becoming a growing problem. This has been a cause of contention between the Mageocracy and the Merchants Guild. Tariffs have been raised to help pay for the costs of patrolling the roads but the added protection seems to be of limited effectiveness.

At the same time a group dissatisfied with the mages rule is starting to become more than a mere nuisance. The Mageocracy would like to put an end to this discontentment, if only they could figure out who is behind it and where they are hiding out.

With the current turmoil and politics the thieves guild is looking to expand their operations while the mages are distracted with other matters. Crime in Coran is on the rise, from petty thefts to rumors of an underground slave trade.

While this isn't Golarian, I am using the Golarian pantheon of deities. Paladin PC's or NPC's all belong to the Order of the Mithril Rose. This order doesn't follow a specific deity (though individual paladins do), but is a organization of knights following the various good and lawful aligned deities who work together for the greater good. Likewise any anti-paladins would have once belonged to this organization.

Squick factor:

Because this campaign allows for evil characters there are some things that are likely to come up that could make other players uncomfortable discussing.

Sexual content should be limited to a PG-13 range. Rape or other sexual crimes are not allowed in the campaign.

Violence against children is not allowed, though you may run into street rats and such at times – bringing them to the authorities if the situation merits is a real possibility. You may burn down an orphanage if you like, but slaughtering its inhabitants is not allowed.

Torture is allowed, but highly detailed descriptions of such are not. Cutting of a limb or breaking some bones is fine. Descriptive details of what you do with a carving knife, or hot poker, etc, are not.

I'd love to have an alternate form of the spoiler BB tag that is actually hidden from all users not specified in the tag.

e.g, something like
Only the owner of the profile TowerOfTheHeavens can read this.

It would be very handy for PbP play.

Ideally with the option to specify multiple profiles
blah blah blah


Game play thread is now open.

Once your character is done post in here that you have completed and feel free to introduce your character to the rest of the group - you have been traveling together for the past 6 weeks now.

Also feel free to ask any questions about Bendon, his caravan, or other parts of the world.

Last of all, I'm eager/impatient/excited to get this going. If you are able/want to start sooner than the 7th please indicate it. If everyone is ready sooner we will start sooner.


Discussion thread is now open.

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Tower of the Heavens (Custom Pathfinder Campaign)

I am looking for 8 players for a custom PbP campaign. Ultimately I'm expecting to have 5-6 players, but I'm going with 8 initially to allow for the fact that PbP usually has some player attrition. If we actually end up with 8 players who work well together and stay active that is cool too.

Players will be expected to post at least once a day, excluding Sundays, and with some leeway given for vacations, real life emergencies etc. Please notify me beforehand when possible if you expect to be gone for a period of time. Players unable to post within 24 hours will be GMPC'd till they can return or can be written out of the story.

How to join:

If you are interested in participating please provide a race/class you'd like to play along with a back story. No characters of evil alignments are allowed, nor will PvP be allowed. The campaign will not be taking place in any of the players homelands, so you are free to make up whatever cities and/or kingdoms your character hails from, but understand that these will have little or no bearing in the campaign. What I'm really interested in seeing is what are your characters aspirations, dreams, motivations, short comings, weaknesses, and fears. What in the present day of their lives makes them who they are. If I select you I will then ask you create the actual stat block for your character. The deadline for providing a back story for your character is April 28th. If the number of interested responses is high this may be moved up to a sooner date (April 26th). If the number of interested responses is less than 8 then we will simply start with fewer players.

On the evening of the 30th (or 28th) I will then select 8 players based on these back stories and to make for a well rounded adventuring group. I will not be choosing any two players of the same class. So no two wizards for example, but a wizard and a sorcerer are possible. Which isn't to say don't select a class that a previous interested poster has already picked if you think you can create a more compelling and interesting back story.

The planned start date for the first chapter is May 7th.

Character creation:
If you are selected for the campaign you will be asked to create a first level character. This will be a 20 point buy using all classes, archetypes, races, feats, etc from CRB, APG, UM, and UC except Barbarians (nothing against barbarians, I'd just like to see a game played that doesn't contain one :). Characters should select 2 traits from any of the four rule books as per standard rules on traits. Take max gold for your class when buying equipment. Spells, feats, etc not contained within the listed books will not be accepted (I will likely approve them at a later point in the adventure if you ask so I can look over the feat or spell). No classes from bestiaries allowed.

Item creation feats can be taken, but be warned that downtime in the campaign will not provide much opportunity to make use of these feats. Perhaps a week of downtime per chapter at best unless the character purposefully skips out on some of the adventuring, and thus takes a loss in potential experience and loot gain during that time frame.

Campaign length:
Long term the campaign will be broken into several sections, or chapters, roughly 3-4 months in real world time each. At the beginning of each new chapter players who played the previous chapter will get top priority in playing in the next chapter, but if someone needs to bow out because of real life schedule changes or other reasons this will give them a clean opportunity to do so and allow the group to recruit new players to fill in the spots.

Campaign setting:
The campaign is primarily focused on urban adventures, but will contain a fair bit of wilderness travel, some short dungeon crawls and some minimal sea travel/adventure. There are several relatively lengthy role-playing portions (besides the typical short RP sections typically scattered throughout any game).

Handling combat:
Combat will be done using google docs for maps with combat working as follows:
Players who rolled initiative higher than enemies
All players (including those who acted before enemies)
All players

The expected life cycle of a single round of combat is 1 day (hence the post once every 24 hours requirement).

House rules:
Metamagic rods do not exist.
Metamagic feats are changed as follows:
Metamagic feats may be applied spontaneously 2/day to spells being cast in the same way that metamagic rods work (that is they do not increase the spell slot level of the spell being cast). However, you must be capable of casting spells that the metamagic feat would normally raise the spell level to. For example, if you choose the Enlarge Spell metamagic feat (increase spell slot level by +1) you can enlarge your first level spells as soon as you are high enough level to be able to cast 2nd level spells. You can enlarge 2nd level spells as soon as you are high enough level to cast 3rd level spells, etc. You cannot take a metamagic feat until you are of sufficient level to be able to cast 1st level spells with the feat applied. You may take a given metamagic feat multiple times to increase your times/day of using that particular feat.
Note that this means you cannot select metamagic feats until you are able to cast 2nd level spells.

Some monster abilities have undergone minor changes. This shouldn't surprise you unless you are meta gaming the monster abilities as the knowledge feats will reveal those changes on a successful check.

Intro teaser:
And with that here is a teaser to the beginning of the adventure.
Tower of the Heavers Chapter 1 - An Innocent Beginning
The last few years have been dry ones. Fears are that a famine will soon sweep across the land. Rumors fly that kingdoms to the west have erupted into war as food supplies have grown short. Wells are going dry and some smaller villages have become ghost towns. Small groups of homeless immigrants now travel the roads. Strangers that were once welcomed at an inn or tavern are being frowned upon in many places as a possible threat; another mouth to feed.

Seeking a change for the better you hired on with a merchant by the name of Bendon. A jovial overweight man, a little short for the average human, short black hair and a close trimmed beard. He hired you to protect his caravan heading east to Gumlat, a small town on the western border of Ondian, promising a fair pay for your services. For six weeks you enjoyed his friendly company and those of your new found companions. Less than a day outside of Gumlat you wake up late in the afternoon, sick to the stomach, dizzy, and a pounding headache. Bendon and his caravan are gone and your promised pay with them.

You are now sitting in a small tavern in Gumlat, the effects of whatever drug Bendon poisoned you with having nearly worn off. The proprietor is a thin wiry man who seems to have a perpetual scowl on his face, but that may just be because you have been taking advantage of the shade provided by his tavern and have yet to order anything.

You recall that to the east of Gumlat lies the city Coran, the capital of Ondian, known across the continent for its great library. The great city is built at the edge of the sea in the foothills of the Chaggath Spine mountains. South of Coran is a vast stretch of wasteland known as the Endless Desert.