Merchants and Mages

Game Master bbangerter

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I'm going to try something a little different this time around, rather than cross posting for players, I'm going to run a separate thread and let players post as they wish here. If you want to lie about something, or exclude important details in regards to something for some reason, you can make a note of it in your private game threads and I will make the appropriate bluff/sense motive rolls, and let the other group/person know something is fishy.

Just a note to start out here, there is a discrepancy in the timeline between the two groups currently. For the merchants, the war in Gumlat has ended, for the mage group it has not yet done so. I will be updating the mages group on what Master Veray has promised to the merchants to facilitate things in that regard. For other things going on in Coran, either timeline doesn't really matter one way or another to the overall scheme of things.

For players first post in this thread, if they could also provide a brief visual description of their character.

Note that this conversation is taking place somewhere safe from prying eyes and ears - either on the Tower grounds, or in the Merchant hall. I don't feel the particulars are relevant to what I'm expecting out of this current conversation.

Male Human, Bard 8, (Init +2; Prec +10; AC 18/13/16; HP 67/78; Fort +3, Ref +9*, Will +8*; CMD 17)

Cormick Egerton

A human male in his early thirtys, wearing fine courtier's clothing with glimpses of a fine chain shirt can be seen under the garments. A finely crafted rapier rides at his side. Various pieces of jewelry adorn his hands, neck and head. On his left side, near his ribs, a small bandoleer holds five rods of various sorts, but you think two of them may be flutes.

Cormick Egerton image

-1 wis Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 7 - HP 73/77

A half elf male, age unknown. He wears clothing similar to that of a guard, though no marks of service or rank are apparent. Over the clothing, he wears a chain shirt complimented by clothing articles of finer make, boots, belt, bracers, and cloak. He carries a greatsword and a bow.

He walks in silently, gives no name, nor any other indication of his intent to speak. His demeanor is severe but not angry.

Male Half-Elf Fighter(8) Init +5, Perception +9, AC (25/13t/23fl), HP 100/100, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +12 (+2 vs. Ench., Immune Sleep), CMB +14 (+2 Sunder), CMD 24 (23 fl) (+2 vs. Trip, +3 vs. Disarm & Sunder)

A large warrior, past middle age with some gray in his hair. Rough gravelly voice. Almost 7' tall and broad-shouldered, a very imposing figure born from decades of combat and training. Isn't as quick as he used to be, but still has plenty of fight left in him. His naturally light skin has been tanned and scarred by two decades in the guard. He keeps his black-with-gray hair close cropped, military style, with a (usually) clean shaven strong chin and jawline to match. Those traits keep him from being outright ugly. A deep scar crosses his left eye, and the iris is slightly misty. His half-elf blood barely shows--pointier ears than most humans, taller, and green eyes just slightly too bright. He wears a custom set of full steel platemail with the Tower emblem on the chest, and spikes on striking points such as his elbows, knees, shoulders, boots and knuckles. His cape bears the colors on Coran: blue and white.


Ian walks in with a bored, dangerous confidence, scanning the room casually then smiling to Cormick, taking a steel gauntlet off and offering a thick calloused hand.

"Been awhile since we met you lot. Don't remember you though."

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Leo is a slightish figure wearing mostly black with white trimming, cloak, tabard and gloves. He wears his hood up, and his eyes are covered with dark, circular lenses which conceal his eyes. A shining breastplate can be seen in places under his cloak and tabard, and a holy symbol to Nethys dangles openly from a chain around his neck. A round shield painted with the tower's symbol on a field of black/white is strapped to his back and he appears unarmed besides several scroll cases that hang across his body and rest near the hip where others would wear a sword.

All in all, he has a mysterious look about him, but appears to be a rather fair-skinned and boyish young man despite this. He appears almost too fair to be human (Your call on this detail, GM.).


Leo enters and gives a not-unfriendly smile to the group of gathered merchant representatives, bobbing his head in greeting at each one. "Hey there!" he says, his voice kindly and far from deep.

He quite clearly differs to the others.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Alabaster pale skin, piercing blue eyes, and full blonde hair create an immediate impression of physical beauty, but a predatory coldness about Serelina Bellifini stops the beauty from truly becoming remarkable. Her beautiful clothes and tasteful jewelry show her success, and if she notices people paying attention her features animate and she plays the role of a mysterious and wealthy young woman, quiet well. Otherwise, she looks at most people around her with discerning calculation, almost like a falcon sizing up a rabbit from a height, and the lack of emotion in her features is rather unnerving.

Serelina smiles coldly saying, "Well then, what does the illustrious guild of merchants desire?"

I'm going to assume for now that the meeting would be held in the Tower, but we can change that if needed

Bustling into the room a few minutes late, just as conversation was about to commence is a 5'10" aasimar with blonde hair and vivid green eyes. Dressed fashionably, he appears more a man-about-town than an adventurer. Quite attractive, he clearly takes his appearance seriously. Holding a wine decanter in one hand and several glasses in the other, he additionally has a book under his arm. Greeting to you, our friends! The man's style stood in sharp contrast to Leo's deferential approach as well as Serelina's cold demeanor. He makes a point of shaking everyone's hand with a broad, genuine smile. Call me Roland, please to make your acquaintances. He pauses a bit longer with each of the women if any, with perhaps a tab bit warmer smile. Wine is in order, yes? Without waiting for an answer he begins pouring glasses and handing them out.

I was just reading through some notes a former, rather stuffy member of our merry band wrote. It seems he may have met some of you before. A Halfling named Tomlin? Regardless, I'm very happy to meet with you all and see how we can help each other along. Cooperation can only help, yes? Now, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

A somewhat familiar man at arms enters the tower room. You are all sure you have seen him, or maybe his brother in the halls before. With a quick gesture the image of the man is gone and a young half woman stands in her his place. Its hard to guess her age as those with orc blood grow up fast but those of you experienced in such matters guess she cannot be more than 16. She stands 5’2” and weighs in at a healthy 115. Her hair is a honey brown held back in a practical loop and her eyes are a piercing black. Her skin has a slight greenish tint that is only noticeable by peering through the light makeup that she wears. She wears a modest dress of pastel green but her skirt is an armored haramaki. Across her back is a great axe that looks impossibly large for her slight frame.

Forgive me my disguise. she says. I have no desire to deceive you but I also do not wish any who watch this tower to know that I am back in town and meeting with you. And thank you for agreeing to meet so quickly. Your employers were instrumental in setting up this meeting and did so at my request after we assisted them in a matter involving both drow and demons. We know your time is valuable and will not take up more than is necessary. My name is Cindy. It is good to see you again Ian, and I greet the rest of you. I recall well my friend Tomlin and hope he is in good health and prospering. As with our team, it seems many of your team is new. So with your permission I shall take a moment to review our past dealings. She waits for further introductions and permission to continue.

Roland La Vallette wrote:

I'm going to assume for now that the meeting would be held in the Tower, but we can change that if needed

This was the preference for the merchants they expressed in their own thread. To show up looking as common guards, and dropping the disguises once out of sight of prying eyes from the streets.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

"I am Serelina Bellafini, Mage of the Tower. My family historically has significant dealings with the Merchants Guild, so I am somewhat familiar with your organization. A review of your thoughts on our past dealings would be welcome."

With a wave of her hand, wine glasses float to the various members in the chamber ahead of Roland, followed by bottles to fill the glasses. Serelina drinks after offering a tip of her glass as an unspoken toast. "Roland, we are in the Tower not one of your taverns... we can sit and talk while the wine is addressed properly."

Spellcraft DC 16:
Serelina apparently has unseen servant operating.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Pleased with Serelina's response and with the offer of wine Cindy accepts and tastes the offered vintage with appreciation and no hesitation. She begins:

When our team first became active we recognized that our goals were very much in line with the Towers and arranged a meeting to form an alliance between our two teams. We met in this very room. Trust was not easily won, but in the end we agreed that we would for an alliance, trading information back and forth and even supporting one another in the field when support was requested. Tomlin from your side was instrumental in this alliance. We agreed to certain communication protocols and left with our agreement. She takes a moment to breath before continuing.

Six weeks back my team was charged with protecting a member of our merchant family who found himself the target of extortion and death threats by a group of thieves that were members and supporters of the guild that was at the time and I believe currently still is in power. As you can guess our employer does not tolerate such threats against our membership and so my team was sent to investigate and intervene. Through a combination of good research, some risk, and luck we were able to find these thugs and ambush them. She takes another sip of wine and her eyes hold your attention. I will not lie. Even with our preparation the fight was not easily won. We killed one of their member and took another captive, while the others of their group fled. We brought our prisoner here and turned him over to the previous members of your team. At that time most if not all of your membership had changed and there seemed to be little memory of our previous agreement of cooperation. That is when I met Ian. Still we acted in good faith and turned this prisoner, a ninja, over to you. In turn you were to question him and share what information you learned. I am the only remaining member of that initial Merchant's team and was concerned upon returning to the city that these rogues may still be looking for me for retribution. I hope this explains my caution in coming to the Tower. I highly suspect that these rogues have a spy network and the Tower could be under constant watch.

Letting that sink in she continues. We have been away from the city for close to 6 weeks on our guild's business. We have worked to keep the roads free and commerce flowing. We have fought goblin raiders organized by an evil creature of great intelligence and barbarian tribes intent on overrunning our lands and closing our trade routes. We have exposed demons hiding within the leadership and working against cities and have killed both Succubi and their kin. And recently we discovered a major drow movement towards the surface, killed their scouting party, dealt with their demon servants and delayed their coming to the surface until our army and leaders of the Mages were ready for them. For these acts we were rewarded by both our guild and your Tower. I invite you to check these facts with your leadership.

And now we are back in the city. We are once again charged with the defense of member merchants, and in fact those members of our team who are not here are performing that duty now. But our information suggests that our charge is not in immediate danger. So we have come to you to re-engage and ask about that prisoner we handed off to you 6 weeks ago. And we offer once again to work with you sharing information and being available to support any tactical operations. It is true that our goals will not always be in alignment. But I believe for the most part, what is good for the tower is good for the cities law abiding merchants. Can we once again become a team?

I may have mixed up some details slightly but not due to Cindy's desire to mislead or even leave out any important details. So please feel free to correct or add to this GM Ascension.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

With a cold smile, Serelina nods thoughtfully. "Drow and demons... it seems we have had similar difficulties, even with succubi. It appears our paths still run together. We have consulted with leaders among the tower, and our arrangement stands. Roland has studied Tomlin's journals thoroughly, and so I believe he would have the most complete recollection. Roland, if you please?"

Roland shot Serelina an amused expression as she utilized her spell to distribute the wine. Instead of addressing her, he looked back to Cindy. I can certainly see why you would value an alliance with us, given our obviously strong command of low-level magic. Most impressive, yes?

The aasimar leaned back casually as he listened to the young half-orc speak, smiling and appearing more than a little intrigued as she spoke. The mention of a succubus brought a glance over to Leo and the others of his group. When she finished, Roland let out a low whistle. My, my, I do believe we have quite a bit to catch up on.

Pushing himself upright, Roland flipped through the pages of the book he brought in, apparently to jogged his memory for some past events. I myself have never met this Tomlin, but the Halfling did keep fantastic notes, if I may say so. More flipping through pages, Where to begin...well, let me first start by saying that we have been intimately familiar with the Thieves' Guild and the various inner working in Coran over the last few weeks while you and yours were active in Gumlat. Veray, one of the Tower Masters, sent us a letter stating that you all performed exceptionally well and asked us to work with you where possible.

We have actually fought the Thieves twice since you did. The first went...poorly for us, and resulted in a....reconstitution of our team. Some poor tactical choices appear to have played a role. I can only speak from notes on this incident, as I joined the team after the fact. We then fought the Theives again, this time routing them and killing two of their members. They were rather lucky they decided to run from the very beginning of the fight, or we quite likely would have eradicated their entire group. We followed this pleasant turn of events up with a roll of up of the Theives' main hideout, the Wailing Spirits. This include the take down of several key lieutenants. The status of the remainder of that wing of the guild is unknown, but suffice it to say if they have animus with anyone it is us, not you.

Roland took a slow drink of wine, then continued. We had hoped to catch the Mistress, but that hasn't yet occurred. In an attempt to trap the Thieves on our first dance with them, the ninja Vaek was released, after cutting off his right hand for his offenses. He is now on the street, but his fighting prowess has been, shall we say, halved. Both of their half-orcs are dead. Anthony, sadly, got away. Would have very much loved to tangled with that one personally, but as I say he ran off. As for the other wing of the guild, Firyin remains at large, though we've had contact with him and could likely do so again. Zov is still in jail.

Another drink. Which brings us to Radgar the Butcher. Charming fellow. A fallen Paladin, he has taken to killing guardsmen until Zov is executed. We ran into him right after routing the Thieves at the Western Gate and had him subdued when he used teleportation magic to swap places with a homeless woman. So, still at it on that account and short on leads as to where to find him again. Any help there would be most graciously appreciated.

Now, onto more current matters. It is fascinating to hear you mention a succubus infiltrated our governing systems, as it appears at least one as done the same in Coran's quarry industry. In addition to the Thieves, we have been dealing with an anti-government movement. One of our leads on this front was a plot of some sort involving "red rocks". This led us to one of Coran's two quarries and a quick fight with a succubus named Sadra. Raseb and the rest of the Merchant Guild leadership may be interested in that tidbit, as I doubt they are any more happy about demons in positions of authority within the business sectors than we are.

@Merchants Group: We were literally right in the middle of this piece as this meeting was called, maybe more to follow

Throwing back the rest of his glass of wine, Roland again smiles a wide smile and looks at each of the visitors. With such a myriad of problems, I for one would welcome a full alliance between our teams. I'm sure you have follow-on questions for us, as we will for you. Ask away!

Is it just Cormick and Cindy present from the Merchant's group? If so, Roland would also ask who else is on their team.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Bah! Roland has no sense of ambiance or drama...

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

I'm also very interested if we should be expecting others of your team to be joining this conversation.

Slightly fascinated that such a young looking person is speaking for the Merchants (indeed, Leo appears to barely surpass her in both age and height), Leo is caught off guard by Roland's joke about the prowess of the Tower's group.

He laughs into his glass of wine, spilling some and wetting his face. "Destroyer's side!" he mutters, turning vaguely red and trying to dry his face.

Leo looks from each unknown representative, clearly chagrined. "Err... Sorry." He tries to regroup and address the topic at hand, and as Roland and Serelina have promised cooperation Leo decides to attempt to move things along.

"So, if I follow correctly you have no pressing need of us, and are simply wishing to exchange information and reestablish our alliance? I know little of the ninja, but I apologize on behalf of the Tower if the old-guard's release of... Vaek? was premature for the needs of your guild."

"We have many ears to many unique spots of ground, I don't want to compromise any oaths you might have made to the charge you are protecting, but if you share with us their identity it is possible our independent investigations have, or will, turn up information important to that cause of yours. As for our part, we have enough to keep us busy for some time and our knowledge of some of our responsibilities are admittedly lacking."

Leo counts off on his fingers, looking intently at Cindy and Cormick from behind his dark glasses, trying to read their reactions. "We're primarily concerned with Radgar and the Theive's Guild. Our looking into the Pesh trade is unfortunately thin..."

He moves and takes the floating bottle out of the air, and circles the room to refill the glass of anyone who needs it personally, spending more time near the merchants as he does so. He looks at them steadily from behind his glasses for a moment before remembering his manners and removing the smoked shades to reveal bright, blue eyes.

"Additionally, something called 'The Red-Stone Project' has fallen onto our laps as well... If you have anything to share on any of these matters, it would be most helpful."

Male Half-Elf Fighter(8) Init +5, Perception +9, AC (25/13t/23fl), HP 100/100, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +12 (+2 vs. Ench., Immune Sleep), CMB +14 (+2 Sunder), CMD 24 (23 fl) (+2 vs. Trip, +3 vs. Disarm & Sunder)

Ian looks at Cindy a moment before it clicks, "I remember you now. Yeah, you're older now. Still just as tough lookin', kid," Ian grins, much friendlier than their last meeting. He was brooding about something or other at the time, and took it out on the thief prisoner.

When she brings up Succubi, Ian proudly takes a severed woman's pinky finger from his pocket and shows her. "Was gonna make a necklace out of the fingerbone."

After that he clears his throat and sits back, drinking his wine. He grabs Leo's arm as he passes and holds out his now empty cup for a refill.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Serelina turns a genuinely bemused smirk towards Ian and says, "A demon-bone necklace worn hear your heart... Tavern tales will surely tell that nothing could ever go wrong with that."

Turning to the group she adds primly, "It appears that the Red Stone Project has direct links to demons, as the quarry the path lead us to was run by the aforementioned succubus of the severed finger. We have had several encounters with the scions of the abyss lately. One was a shadow demon who had an odd interest in our efforts against Radgar, as if it wanted Radgar dead more than we do. As with most encounters with there kind, it turned violent and we forced the creature to flee. Since then we have armed ourselves liberally with cold iron."

Male Human, Bard 8, (Init +2; Prec +10; AC 18/13/16; HP 67/78; Fort +3, Ref +9*, Will +8*; CMD 17)

Cormick has been slowly drinking his glass of wine, listening to the offered recount of each groups recent activities. With the glass now empty, he extends his arm waiting for whatever conjuration magic is at work to refill the glass.

In an revealing tone,"So what additional details can you provide about this "Red-Stone Project" or the demonic infiltration into our business holdings, do you have? I am sure our leadership would like to know what you have learned. I personally have not heard of either of these two topics before this meeting and can thus provide you with no additional information."

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Cindy's eyes widen when she learns of your two fights with the thieves guild. Obviously this was news to her. And her smile seems sincere when Roland tells of killing two of their members. Yes, that would explain why our actions against them earlier were back-burnered if not forgotten. she adds. At the mention of the two half orcs she smiles wider. The barbarian and the cleric. Both were nasty pieces of work and the city is better off without them. I do lament that Anthony got away and still prowls the city. He is quite powerful, even by himself. I suspect he will continue to be a problem for both our groups.

Responding again to Roland's information about the rival guilds Cindy adds I think it quite dangerous that both thieves guilds are headed by drow. I know we will likely always have thieves in this city but were I given a choice I would choose them a different leader. I believe it likely that these drow thieves are supported by their brothers and sisters in the underdark. How that happens is a mystery worth solving. I do believe that they are likely responsible for and in league with the demons we both have recently encountered. But I suppose it could be the other way around...

At Cormicks comments Cindy adds Likewise we are ill informed about Radgar. The stories we had heard about him being back in the city seemed more myth than truth. How is he related to this Zov person? I may have known but if so have forgotten who Zov is.

Cindy also adds Would there be a transcript of the questioning of the ninja Vaek? I would know what might have been gained from him. A low sense motive will reveal that Cindy is more interested in your willingness to share intel that that 6 week old information. Since it came from the Merchant's prisoner she does feel entitled to it under the initial terms.

Finally Cindy addresses Leo's questions. Ah yes, the alliance. I propose that we work together in those areas our interests overlap and try to negotiate instead of bicker or, heavens forbid, fight in those areas where they differ. This of course will have to be blessed by those above us, but we can at least agree to work towards such resolutions. Our working together can start by openly sharing information as we are doing now. And like we had previously arranged, we should have a way to request a meeting directly between our groups. I propose the flying of a flag at some neutral location to request a meeting within a day or two but we also need some way to get in contact with each other faster in case of a, well a tactical event. And finally, while this could change at any moment I do not believe our group is fully tasked at the moment. It might be that through discussions above our heads that the Merchants could have us working on some problems for the Tower, for fair and reasonable compensation of course.

I am not suggesting that you guys pay us but saying that were the merchants and tower get together and agree to some trade or tax terms that we might be made available to help on some of your causes. Maybe they align closely enough that we will be assigned anyway. And I do not feel like we have as many things to keep us busy as you do right now, but know that could change very quickly. :)

Roland gave Ian a bewildered look as he mentioned his finger bone necklace idea. You haven't had a date in a while have you? Shaking his head he added, by the gods, I have to agree with Bellafini on this. Terrifying, truly Looking a bit ill, Roland shakes his head, gulps down more wine, and returns to the matters at hand.

Is anyone else from the Merchants Group present aside from Cindy and Cormick?

Roland raised his glass in a silent acceptance of Cindy's approval regarding the deaths of two of the Thieves. A cleric of some kind, yes, but the other was not a barbarian. Rather, he was a witch... Roland's eyes narrowed a moment, looking a Cindy, rather a bit like yourself I might think. He had a fondness for putting people to sleep, quite irritating. Torn him apart with my bare hands. Roland's smile at the end underscored a bit of pride, but also quite a bit of truth.

The Thieves didn't have a barbarian when we fought them. Maybe the group had changed?

Roland glanced around at the rest of his group. Couldn't hurt to share what we know of our common enemy, yes? The way he asked the question made it clear he had already made up his mind. Setting his glass down he continued. So you know of Anthony, who seems to be a bit of a leader to them. He may be something of a right hand man to the Mistress. Sorad is a dwarf who likes to disguise as a Gnome, and has a penchant for unarmed combat. The half-orc cleric was called Sicvivicus; Rilumin there turned him into a quite magnificent pin cushion. I can't at the moment recall the half-orc witch's name, but as he is also dead it is of perhaps little consequence. Vaek you also know...and I see no reason why we could share anything you would like to know from his interrogation. Sadly little came of it. He mostly tried to blame you all for the fight and made up a lot of...shall we say, feces. At one point he did mention a family member he needed to take care of. That was as close to any honesty we seem to have gotten.

Roland is telling the truth about Vaek's interrogation. His bluff was likely ridiculously high and our group not very optimized at the time. One of the reasons we decided to use him as bait was because he wasn't helping anything where he was. Although a few weeks ago for our group, Vaek's interrogation was over a year ago IRL. We could get you more details if you want.

Roland pick up his glass again and took a drink before adding, You are quite right to say that every town has a Thieves' Guild if it gets big enough. It is quite possible that some or all of those notable members may have moved on, and replaced by others. In the midst of a bitter turf war, having lost their main hide out, as well as a number of their henchmen, our group has several higher priorities at the moment. Dealing with drow is another matter, and ultimately their presence being gone would be a blessing. Perhaps something we could work together on, yes?

Teaming up to deal with the Thieves is definitely a mutual interest area I would think, assuming your leadership feels the same. After a year+ of tracking down and fighting the Thieves though, I can't say this is a front burner item for us. Could be in the future though depending what happens.

Noting Cormick's question, Roland nods. Red Rocks, yes. A little background. Several weeks ago, another group rather like yours and ours ambushed and killed one of the Tower Masters in cold blood. Our divinations revealed they had gone to a small general store in town to meet with a contact. At the store we made the acquaintance of one Hezek, but unfortunately the group we were actually after had left. Sadly he was not amenable to us and needed to be beaten down and captured. An interesting man, Hezek. He has special powers, not unlike those of the outer planes, and he isn't the only one. Regardless, although he was a hostile witness we were a bit more successful in our interrogations of him. One lead he produced was the existence of a "red rocks project" that was due to be unleashed quite soon. With little else to go on, we began checking the mines and quarries in Coran associated with "red rocks". One such quarry had an attractive woman named Sadra in charge, who led us to a nearby building, her house actually, to retrieve paperwork. There she attempted mind-control magic on yours truly. That was thwarted and the Sadra, actually a Succubus, was defeated.

As I mentioned before, we were right in the middle of this when we suspended the timeline to have this meeting. We literally just killed Sadra when we started this meeting, so not sure what else we'll find there yet.

Quite possibly another area for cooperation, yes? Perhaps your group would want to check out the 2nd quarry in the area, as well as anything similar? Of course that depends on your bosses, but I suspect demons running businesses in the city would be notable. At this point you know what we know of this Red Rocks business. Truth from Roland here too

We are turning our attentions primarily to two areas: dealing with our old friend Radgar, and dealing a sharp check to the group that killed Master Torenest. If you hear anything more about Radgar, please do let us know. We are...running short on good leads for him. We know he hates drow with a passion, it seems the Thieves' Guild drow were involved in the savage murder of his family. That's where Zov comes in. He was capture the night the Thieves Guild war started; Anthony and the rest tried to kill him because he was on Firyin's side. Zov has no love for Anthony, and Radgar wants him dead badly. We are considering using Zov as bait, but given how well that worked the last time...well, let's say we have reservations.

This evening I have a date with one Rocosmia, a quite attractive irfrit met at one of the local establishments. She would make a rather enjoyable if didn't also happen to be that she is one of the group that killed Master Torenest. So, my date is likely to turn into a bloodbath, where we hope to take this group of rapscallions out of the equation. That is not your fight. But I tell you of it so that you understand the different directions we are pulled.

Again, no deception. We've got a lot of things to follow up on...the plate is full. Part of the reason why any more chasing after the Thieves is on the backburner. If your group is feeling under-tasked, dealing with the Thieves would be welcome.

Looking around at the others of his group he asked, did I miss anything? After they have a chance to respond he again turns to Cindy and Cormick. As for a signal....getting a message to the Tower has worked well. They track us down rather quickly when the need arises.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

"Don't forget the time we may have faced Radgar, or more likely one of his lieutenants but he used a set of magical rings to teleport away at the last instant, leaving us with the crone instead. Soon after the Shadow Demon seemed intent on Radgar, seemingly with animosity if I recall. For me, Radgar is the most interesting lead."

-1 wis Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 7 - HP 73/77

Rilumin speaks up, finally.

"At the quarry, the workers were clearly depressed. Not sure why. Maybe they were overworked, but it was more than that. Likely the demon's doing."

"Also, don't forget about the bought guards, and the catwoman Leo and I nearly captured. That seems related to... something, I'm sure."

Male Half-Elf Fighter(8) Init +5, Perception +9, AC (25/13t/23fl), HP 100/100, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +12 (+2 vs. Ench., Immune Sleep), CMB +14 (+2 Sunder), CMD 24 (23 fl) (+2 vs. Trip, +3 vs. Disarm & Sunder)

Ian deflates visibly when Serelina remarks about keeping a demon bone close to his heart. "Would it uh...would that be bad?" Hopes dashed.

Listening intently to Cindy, Ian nods. "Damn thieves gave me this," he points to his scarred, fogged eye.

Once there's a pause, he nods. "Guess it's just Serelina and I that worked with you before, but I didn't forget it. We have our hands real f#++ing full and not enough time to follow all these leads. City is falling apart--and I'm bettin' that's bad for business. We both want to keep Coran whole."

After the rest of the group had a chance to comment, Roland added, Ah, one more piece: the Pesh trade. I'm sure your leaders would be as happy to run this black-market enterprise out of the city as much as ours. Some time ago we identified an individual named Rosuc, who works out of the Silver Spirits, as not only a good "man in the know" for information in general, but also a mid-level pesh distributor. We duped him into admitting his crimes, then released him after he agreed to be an informant for us. He stated one of his most significant contacts was a largely unknown individual, who appears in various guises and is from out of town, and supplies a significant amount of pesh to the city. Rosuc was instructed to get back with us when this individual appear. And today, he did contact us. Perhaps this would be a task of interest to you and yours?

@All: I'm going to be traveling the next day, so this is likely my last post before the weekend.

M Half Orc Slayer 7 Hp 88/91; AC 28/27/14; (+11 Perc(*urban+2); +1 Init(*urban+2); Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +6)
Roland said wrote:
Is anyone else from the Merchants Group present aside from Cindy and Cormick?

Sorry - I missed the link

A tall but very sturdy looking half-orc in heavy armor stands by the door. He seems to be primarily concerned with keeping an eye on Cindy and Cormick. Although he does not contribute anything himself, he seems to be closely following the details of the conversation. He (if possibly even rudely) declines the offer of wine, and does not introduce himself unless specifically asked to. He carries a spiked shield, and a second identical shield rests on his back.

He seems to be especially interested when the conversation turns toward the red ore project and the mines.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Obviously pleased with the open exchange of information Cindy will offer up one more piece of information. As far as the rival thieves guilds go I know that it would be better for the tower if this rivalry could be put to rest if for no other reason than to quell the number of murders in the streets. I understand that is adding to the unrest and while it has not disrupted trade in the slightest we will concede that it is best for both the tower and the city if this conflict could be ended. You get the idea that she has quite enjoyed the conflict personally and would prefer it never to be settled. To that end I will mention that, at least for now, Firyin has agreed to not steal from or otherwise harass members in good standing of the Merchants Guild. For that reason and no other we would prefer his faction to come out on top, though I understand he is currently the underdog. Still he would be the lesser of evils and a guild leadership absent of drow would be my first choice.

And about Radgar - If he hates the drow so much can he better channeled against them than cornered and ended? I would never propose him as an ally but if we are about to have a drow problem perhaps it would be convenient not to catch this man right away? I do not know how dangerous this guy is. Is he a raving psychopath killing everyone in his path or is he purely a weapon against the drow?

At the meetings conclusion Cindy will add Let us go and report in to our leadership. You have given us much to think about. I expect that after we have completed our current assignment we will be tasked with something that will be of help to you. We will be in touch.

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Leo shivers at the idea of leaving Radgar alone. "the man is known as the butcher. He has left houses full of corpses and promises continual murder of the town guard if we don't give into his demands. Even if they are met I doubt he'll not use a clearly affective persuasive tool against us again and again for future demands. Leaving him alone isn't an option."

Leo is quite visibly distraught over the very idea of it.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Cindy nods. Pitty Leo. That being the case then I support the idea of his immediate capture and will support you in this effort any way I can. Can we get information on his appearance and last know locations?

The respective groups may continue to chat here if they wish, but I'm going to start moving things along in the respective game threads again.

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Leo hadn't seen the man the others of his party saw, but assuming they describe the man Leo would chirp in. "I don't think he was a lieutenant. It could have been Radgar himself. He seems to have looked quite a bit like what we would expect, including the bow."

Not sure if there is anything more to say at this point. Nice meeting you merchants! You're much more friendly than the last faction ours had met, I hear.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Yep. We are both on the side of law, and our goals should be pretty much parallel at least for now. I am sure GM Ascension will eventually have you guys raise taxes, or impose tariffs or confiscate a caravan or something similar and they we will diverge.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Not completely showing herself Cindy calls out to those she knows, while also speaking through her message spell. Ian, Ms Bellafini, Master Hast. Its Cindy of the Merchants Guild. We were called in to help here and were not expecting you. But its good to see your faces. We just found our second room with undead and can share intel with you. Follow me back to our team. She does not wait around for a response but heads back to her group.

Posting this in both places.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

"Well this is promising. At least the temple didn't simply send their own incompetents, they looked for capable help."

Serelina is surrounded by swirling images of herself, apparently ready for battle. She moves to follow Cindy and signals to an otherworldly apparition and Ian to join her. Gesturing to the apparition she says, "We have an extra-planar ally joining us in addition to Master Hast and our normal group. It can be addressed as Moevae. While not overly intelligent, it is quite capable in battle."

The four armed angelic like being turns its featureless face towards Serelina, its glowing eyes pulsing slightly. "My name is Morvae." its voice is deep, almost booming, and seems to contain an echo within itself. It turns back to Cindy, "What have you discovered?"

Master Hast stands back near Ian and Leo, a pair of wands, one in each hand, held lightly.

Male Half-Elf Fighter(8) Init +5, Perception +9, AC (25/13t/23fl), HP 100/100, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +12 (+2 vs. Ench., Immune Sleep), CMB +14 (+2 Sunder), CMD 24 (23 fl) (+2 vs. Trip, +3 vs. Disarm & Sunder)

Ian's grimace changes to a rough grin when he sees Cindy. "Shoulda f~*!in' known--it's you lot." He lowers his greatsword and offers a rough handshake to Cindy. "It's damn good to see a familiar face. Need a hand down here? Sounds serious."

The dim light flickers against Ian's steel breastplate--the Tower symbol emblazoned on the center. It's a rather pristine contrast to his weathered, scarred face. His hair is a bit more grey than last time you saw him.

Updated Map

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

In response to Morvae's question Cindy responds What do you know? I can tell you the entry way was trapped. We initially headed for the large central chamber to the east and found it to be guarded by undead monks and something darker. They convinced us that nothing had disturbed them and that direction for a long long time and we should look this way. And here we are. We just dismantled a piece of nasty work in here. Some undead tethered to its coffin with iron bars through its chest to make it a guardian of this small room or maybe just to slow us down and make us expend resources.

-1 wis Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 7 - HP 73/77

The humanoid with elven eyes (which were all that one could see due to the hood and mask worn) remained silent, bringing up the rear of the group from the Tower.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Addressing Cindy, Serelina answers in her normal crisp, business like manner. "What we know is that a Seal was broken within the temple above. At the same time a massive whole was dug beneath the Library with incorpreal undead roaming catacombs below. Master Hast believes that there is a significant threat from these catacombs. What specifically we are seeking down here remains unclear, but it may be a substantial threat." The last sentence seemed also to be directed at Master Hast for elaboration or confirmation.

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Leo keeps an eye on Hast from behind his hood and dark glasses, unsure if the master is capable in a fight in addition to wielding magics. Some people just can't keep their wits in a scrap.

Staying near the back and holding a glowing, round shield, he appears friendly if inscrutable. He lets Wizard Bellafini do the talking.

Oh hey, you guys. Turn over a rock and find an adventuring party! Full physical description in my profile if you're interested. Just ignore my eyes, I keep them looking matched out in public.

F Half Orc (Mystic) Scarred Witch Doctor 7 Hp 50/85 AC 19 (22) (+10 Perc; +5 Init; Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7)

Cindy seems to be counting your group and asks notes. Some of you I have not met before, but you are a very welcome sight. I do not see Roland La Vallette in your number. Is he with you?

Morvae responds, "We only know of the High Priest's death and the broken seal. However, it is concerning that something was able to physically bind a powerful undead to this room. Perhaps we should search on and see if we can discover it. As to the undead monks, do we know who they are and what their role is? I must admit to a level of...concern about simply trusting their motives."

"This isn't the only entrance to the catacombs though. At least not anymore. We actually just came from the library. A hole has been dug through the floor of on of the basement storage rooms. It dropped into a long hallway running east and west. We engaged a large number of shadows there, and were nearly overwhelmed. We had returned to the surface for healing magic when Master Hast summoned us regarding Abadar's temple."

The dark haired woman speaks up, "The catacombs have been sealed for several hundred years, but many of the faithful prior to that were interred there. As to why they were sealed, that is a more delicate matter that the temple prefer the general population not be aware of."

She pauses for a second and she takes on a tone of lecturing a group of students, "According to the histories, a necromancer slipped into the catacombs and begin practicing his arts unawares to the clergy. When he was discovered he was taken and executed, and the priests tried to cleanse the catacombs. But in addition to the constructed part, there are many natural caverns that connect and intertwine beneath the ground. Twice they believed they'd cleared the place, and yet a month or two later more works of darkness would come out of the catacombs. It was decided then, that with the help of the Tower, the place would be permanently sealed."

"I can sense that the spirits have been awoken and are being driven to take up arms against the living. I have read omens that there is a guiding hand behind this. You should know that the Head priest was assassinated by a demon who then proceed to break the seal on the catacombs. The creature acted on orders with knowledge of what to do."

"The masters of the Tower ought to be told that they need to seal again the Gate to the Dark Passages."

Master Hast gasps at news of the high priest, "Murdered? His lackey told us only that he was dead."

Master Hast gives a grunt, "The tower is aware of the seal being broken, I came to look into the matter. And thank you for the history lesson." He pauses and glances between Leo and Serelina for a moment. "I believe there are some inaccuracies in it though. Things that don't fit."

"For example, why, if the necromancer was executed, did undead continue to pour forth? I suspect and fear, that whoever was executed, was a fake, or a duplicate, or did not perish in the execution."

"What concerns me more is that a necromancer implies a powerful spell caster. And those who take to necromancy so deeply often seek the immortality of the dead. I pray to the gods that I am wrong, but what we may find down here is one who has succeeded in passing from life into undeath."

While the explanations and talk are occurring, Cindy begins feeling the stone walls, making her way slowly around the room. Poking and prodding at loose stones, and rapping with her knuckles on the walls. She does not discover anything though.

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Serelina addresses Cindy with a whisper. "To be truthful Roland is routinely found in the bed of some pox-ridden whore or another, head too cloudy with wine to be of use. While he has some ability, he is really someone I have learned I cannot depend upon."

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Kn Religion: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Kn arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Knowledge on liches, use whichever relevant.
If high enough...

... Leo looks to Master Hast, and in an awed whisper says. "You mean a lich...?"

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

Looking to the dark haired woman, Serelina asks, "Do you speak of the necromancer Ris'ja?"

For those not familiar with Ris'jae, feel free to make Kn Arcana and/or History rolls. Feel free to make these rolls even if untrained in the skills.


Sometimes evil practitioners of magic seek to greatly extend their life by seeking out vile and oft forgotten rituals to pass from life into undeath. Liches are extremely difficult to kill, their life forces having been transferred to a phylactery. Destroying a liches body only delays a lich for a week or so while its body reforms in the presence of said phylactery. A liches phylactery is always kept well hidden.

Liches themselves strike fear into the heart of any who come into their presence. Along with the ability to continue to cast the spells they knew in life, they gain many of the advantages and immunities that most undead enjoy See undead traits.

Fortunately, most who seek the eternal life of lichdom fail in their pursuit of it. Often killing themselves in a failed ritual intended to transform them.

The dark haired woman looks confused by the question, "The necromancer Ris'jae? I had thought he lived on the other side of the continent."

Female Elf Wizard 7/Diabolist 1 HP: 49/49; AC: 18|ff14|t12; F+3|R+2|W+6|; Init +0; Perc +8; Bluff +15; Sense Motive +11.

"And distance means little to those with powerful magics. So do we speak of a different necromancer then?

-1 wis Half-Elf Ranger (Skirmisher) 7 - HP 73/77

arcana: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1
history: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (19) - 1 = 18

HP: 63/63, |AC: 20; T: 13, FF: 18| Fort: 10, Ref: 8, Will: 15| Resist 5 acid, cold, elec| Init: +2| Bluff: +9, Perc: +8, Sense Motive: +16, Spellcraft +11

Arcana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
History: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Male Half-Elf Fighter(8) Init +5, Perception +9, AC (25/13t/23fl), HP 100/100, Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +12 (+2 vs. Ench., Immune Sleep), CMB +14 (+2 Sunder), CMD 24 (23 fl) (+2 vs. Trip, +3 vs. Disarm & Sunder)

KnArcane: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 = 17
KnHistory: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

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