Cleric of Pharasma

bakamono's page

****** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 13 posts. 6 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 Organized Play characters.


It looks like I can buy it now, it wasn't automatically added to my downloads though despite my VO status. I hope it will be added in the next hours or I'll have to buy it to get it prepped in time for tomorrow.

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Thanks for the input. Anything else wouldn't make much sense I guess.

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I worked quite a bit to get to the point where I can buy the rising star cpastone boon without using adventure path chronicles. Now that I got there I realized that I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the second paragraph:


In addition to the benefits of this boon, once you purchase
this capstone boon, you are encouraged to send an e-mail to with a subject line of “Second
Seekers Rising Star.” Include your character’s race, class, name,
character number, and a description of 75 words or less in the
body of the e-mail. That character is entered into a drawing
to become a future in-world Venture-Captain, member of the
Forum, or even the First Seeker.

What character exactly am I supposed to provide information for and enter the raffle? The character that worked to get the reputation (I assume this one is correct), the 0 XP charactert that gets the benefits of ther boon or is it completely free and any one of my characters without any requirements can enter the drawing?

It's the character with the 45 reputation I assume but I want to make sure to do it correctly.

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Tallow wrote:
Why is nobody actually responding to the issue of the language in the summoning rule. It doesn't say equipment doesn't return with a summoned creature. It says summoned objects don't return. Gear you hand your eidolon is not summoned the first time you give it to them.

That text seems to apply to spells like instant summons which unhelpfully is also a conjuration (summoning) spell, even though calling might make more sense here.

So it might just apply to spells that have an object as target (instead of a creature like many summoning spells).

Unfortunately the description of the sub school is not stellar and could really benefit from a FAQ somewhere down the line.

I think so too, that the line was mostly intended for spells with objects as targets.

Regarding the summoner we also have the issue that the summoning ritual of the Eidolon is neither a normal summoning spell, nor a calling spell. It's something in between that does not have clear rules on all matters and more faqs would certainly be helpful.

Just to make things less complicated I usually let players do what they want with their Eidolon items. Exceptions only come in if the game context calls for it.
If the mission is to smuggle an item from A to B and the summoner wants to use his Eidolon to circumvent the issue completely the item might just have something like a permanent dimensional anchor on it.

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Thurston Hillman wrote:
Hannes Schunk wrote:

I can't seem to find more information regarding the credit reward of #1-01 so I'll state my question here. 509 credits is written on the sheet and that seems to be really low compared to the normal 720ish on Starfinder. Even with selling the Strawberry Machine Cake album you only end up with 659 credits.

Is the 509 credits correct (which might be totally possible for an introdution scenario) or was that some mixing it up with 500ish gold you get in Pathfinder Society tier 1-2?

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh.... looks like there was some copy/pasting from a PFS Chronicle sheet here. Sorry about that, folks!

That is absolutely something that wasn't correctly entered onto the final Chronicle sheet. Luckily, this is something we can likely address in future scenario updates.

The correct amount should be 753 credits.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'll correct the chronicles with my players next time I meet them.

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I can't seem to find more information regarding the credit reward of #1-01 so I'll state my question here. 509 credits is written on the sheet and that seems to be really low compared to the normal 720ish on Starfinder. Even with selling the Strawberry Machine Cake album you only end up with 659 credits.
Is the 509 credits correct (which might be totally possible for an introdution scenario) or was that some mixing it up with 500ish gold you get in Pathfinder Society tier 1-2?

4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

The summoners got to stay. Are lore wardens nearly as bad?



From a rules perspective, even if a Bloodrager could take the Sorcerer bloodline, he would not count his Bloodrager levels as Sorcerer levels for that purpose, so there would be no benefit.

If access to that specific boodline is that important to you, you can always get there with eldritch heritage.

From a GM perspective I can say, using the Ghould bloodline on a Bloodrager designed specifically for its use, it would be very powerful and almost game breaking in certain situations (which usually isn't fun, not even for the players).

If you find any weird ways to make this actually work, you should look into Primalist Bloodrager archetype, because it can give you Rage Powers, that allow access to various natural attacks.

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

Most of the changes and updates are totally fine in my book. Especially the Ioun Stones which simply did too much for the pricetag.

Lore Warden changes I don't get. It clearly is a Nerf, especiall on low levels. None of its abilities and/or feats ever really cause issues. If a Lore Warden becomes game-breaking it's because of abilities of other classes or feats which might need the nerf, not the Lore Warden.

Same with Tribal Scars. Might have been too powerful on low levels but it got nuclear nerfed now and pretty much noone will want to use it anymore.
Not the right way to handle it imo. It could have been 1 extra hp per 2 hit dice instead of 6 for example.

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I`d agree with banning the ring. It`s underpriced for scouting in general and is WAY too underpriced if a character really takes advantage of it.

I don't actually think the ring is the biggest issue here but rather some compounding issues with dexterity builds AND transmutation effects with unarmed/natural attack builds.

The reason banning the ring might still be good is to discourage people from doing that weird stuff by taking one of the signature items for those builds away and making them weaker that way (at least until they have the gold to get alternatives).

I need some kind of solution very soon, I have to prep 7-16 for a con that starts tomorrow and I don't have the time to click my download every 30 seconds for the next 6 hours to evetually get it. -.-

For the people who are reading this and just bought that bundle.....
please do everyone a favour and don't download the stuff for the next 2-3 days unless you actually need it right now. Everyone will profit from it, even you since you won't have any issues loading it later and other people get a chance to download stuff they need to prep.

Soooo... IF fighting defensively can only be used when taking the <attack action> and the <full-round attack action>, why isn't it stated clearly in the rules.
That "as a Standard Action: You can choose to fight defensively when attacking" sentence which is about as unclear as it gets has created about 40 pages of thread arguments about how to use fighting defensively and with what actions, special attacks and so on. Its time for an errata.
Until then I will always ask GMs I play with if I may use fighting defensively with actions that include any type of attack roll and take a standart or full-round-action.