
Zelik's page

79 posts. Alias of Uthraed.


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Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik nods at Betovs curt response and adds nothing. He's right we don't know. I'd wager that he or she for that matter is already among the camp" but he keeps his pessimistic view to himself.

That watch schedule works for me if it's cool with the GM that Luna takes a watch and that I get my 8 hours.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik prepares his spells and adds to the group, "I may be an old man, but I'm no stranger to long nights. I'll take. My turn at watch, just as long as I have enough time to rest to prepare any spells, that is if I use any tonight. Which I hope that I do not."

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik dodges another bolt, but this time the second finds it mark, sinking deep into his thigh.

He continues to fire his wand at the driver and then limps to find cover

Magic Missile: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5

moves west behind the rock, maybe it can give him some kind of cover

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Sorry I remember typing out half of this then getting pulled off to work and never coming back

Zelik is hit with a bolt and doubles over in pain just as a second goes whizzing over his head. He raises up and draws a wand pointing it at the caravan driver that shot him he fires off a blast of his own.

Magic Missile: 2d4 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7

His celestial companion, meanwhile, swoops over to the approaching ogre and attacks, smiting it for being evil.

Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 +1 if evil

I want to position the eagle behind the ogre so that someone could get a flanking bonus next round. The eagle should be able to fly up and over the others to avoid AOOs

Edit: Actually it would only be for this round because he is gone at the end of it

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

I could be reading the posts wrong, but I think Betto and Spot have another attack from the AOO on the guards

Zelik fires a flare at the driver.
Flare: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13 if hits the driver is dazzled

and the celestial eagle all out attacks.
Bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Talon 1: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Talon 2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

A celestial eagle appears high in the sky and swoops down behind the enemy facing Beto and attacks with its beak

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Zelik meanwhile conjures up a slick spot of grease behind the 2 center hobgoblins who can each make a DC 17 Reflex save or fall prone.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

I feel for you, I've been driving from Atlanta to Tennessee everyday last week and now this week to see a client for work. I leave at 5:30 and get home at 7:30 everyday. So sorry about my posting rate being super low. Feel free to bot me if you need to move forward.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik will cast message on 2 companions, if anyone is splitting up he makes sure to get them and if not he will cast on jasmine and Filon.

His first round will be spent summoning if he can summon the round before he will.

So surprise round is generally 1 standard or 1 move so he couldn't summon then, I don't know he has to spend a full round summoning, then gets 3 rounds with the creature. You tell me when it appears.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"I took it relatively easy today," Zelik says looking up from what he is working on. "I've nearly a full compliment of my spells. May as well use them, and a night raid sounds like a fantastic plan. One thing to consider in the darkness though is who can see and who cannot. I for one don't see particularly well in the daytime let alone when it is dark."

I'm in for a night raid!

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"Both plans are sound," Zelik says lookking up from his writing. [i]This would be so much simpler with a lap desk[i] he scratches a few more line and looks up again. "I could perhaps summon us a few mounts tomorrow. Three at the most, but it could allow a few of us to make haste to which ever destination we choose. An early morning ride to see the wizard, or perhaps a daring getaway from an exploding bridge. Either way, it might be helpful, but it would mean splitting up.."

Created a scroll of grease with a CL of 1, do we have an alotment of money, or how do I spend the money on creating the scroll cost me 25 gp

As for the mounts I can summon 3 horses for 4 hours. I don't know I can see us using them for something, but that's all my decent spells

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"So what you are saying is that you will not aid us, and you intend on attacking us without provocation, but we are supposed to leave you alone. So that what? You can regroup and organize an attack. You are fine builders of tunnels, I can see that, and your defence of them is very well thought out. Did you know that the hobgoblin raid was conducted through tunnels such as this. I'm inclined to think that it was you," he points a boney finger at the troglodite, "Who helped them into our town in the first place"

Know Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Do Trog have a God that they worship, or a code that they follow?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik stops next to Filon and ponders deeply. " I know nothing of this perhaps there are things that these people can yet teach me" "What is it Filon, why have you stopped. I may be old but I've no need to stop and catch my breath, I haven't seen this much excitement in years, isn't it exhilarating!?" the old man puffs, clearly catching his breath.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik too ambles towards where the others are gathering "I am sorry I was to slow on the draw, I am ready now, let us go"

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

This week has been a rough one, sorry
Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

Seeing the others moving to attack Zelik is ready. He runs, more like quickly hobbles forward and fires off a flare

Fort Save DC 15 or Dazzled for 1 min. [ooc]-1 or attack rolls and perception.

Unless he can act right before the horn is blown in which case he pulls out the wand and fires a magic missile hitting the Trog for Magic Missile: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (2, 1) + 2 = 5

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"I could try to dazzle one as you go rushing in but I agree that the best course of action is to try to take them out with minimal noise, though they are. Likely already on alert"

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Okay how far is it when I get to act. If it's within 120 feet.

Zelik quickly pulls out his wand. And flicks his wrist. 2 whirling purple arcan blasts come jetting out and slam into the bird.

Damage?: 2d4 + 2 ⇒ (3, 2) + 2 = 7

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"Someone shoot that bird down" Zelik says, annoyed that he is unable to do more.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29 What did the Trog do, how fast is that bird, where is it headed. Do I know anything!?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Zelik Casts flare at the lizard Fort 15 or Dazzled for 1 minute.

Do we have a map for this one, how are the Torgs positioned, can I get both in a grease (10 ft square)?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"If no one is opposed I'd take one of those potions that heal you up. Just in case," the wizard smiles and sticks it into a side pocket of his pack.

Changed out unseen servant for another grease on prepared spells and I'm ready to go

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik will go and check out the berry patch if someone will point him in the right direction. Standing 30 feet away he will cast unseen servant and while he rests and eats he allows the servant to safely collect more berries.

I don't know he is invisible but he can pick berries and bring them back to Zelik for 2 hours

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
As the boar charges out Zelik casts his readied spell. Grease coats the ground under the BOAR [ooc]DC17 reflex or fall prone[/dice]

He then conjures a ball of acid and slings it at the beast.

Ranged touch: 1d20 ⇒ 12

Lola takes flight and the aging Wizard raises his walking stick. He is off the the side but is still weary of the boar being so close

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

I could fire a flare in there

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

He casts a quick detect magic when they arrive.

"Fire," The aging wizard says with a hint of glee in his voice, "what a wonderful idea. I can spark the arrow if you need me too and I will be ready to grease the pig as he comes out" He adds.

While not exactly greasing the pig Zelik will position himself 25 feet to the side of the entrance and ready an action to cast grease on the square 5 feet in front of the entrance if the pig comes out.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik and Lola look at the tracks and try to help with the tracking

Survival Aid: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

They also look over the corpse "he won't be needing these and we will" he thinks to himself. For good measure Zelik also casts detect magic around the area.

From now on Zelik will likely leave some gear at camp I'll edit the sheet when I'm home

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik pulls out the wand of magic missile and points it at the space between the two combatants. A purple missile launches into the air and splits, one slams into the bugbear and the other slams into the fleeing hobgoblin.

bugbear: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
hobgoblin: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

I assume that because the Identification DC was 18 that this is a CL is 3,so 2.missles

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik sends a burst of arcane energy streaking across the battle field and it slams into the enemy (bugbear if still alive)

Magic Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

As he finishes casting his spell a celestial eagle appears next to the bugbear and claws and pecks at its head as it screeches (smite evil).

Beak: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5+1 if evil
Talon 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4+1 if evil
Talon 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Damage: 1d4 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4+1 if evil

While his bird attacks the hobgoblin Zelik attempts to dazzle it by firing a flare in front of it eyes. DC 15 Fort save of be dazzled for 1 minute taking a -1 to attack rolls.

Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
"Excellent, we shall pick away at their numbers. Come fourth from the beyond, even stronger than before," the wizard raises his hands to the sky and makes a great, albeit unnecessary, show of summoning a monster.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

shall we head east and North then? Perhaps we will find a stream that can lead us to the troglodytes the wizard says taking a purposeful step forward as his moth lands on the end of his staff.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"As much as I would like to go and find a fellow wizard, I agree with Morde. Troglodytes can be nasty and if someone in our group stumbles apon them unprepared, well it may spell nasty business. How though so we go about finding them? Does anyone in the group have an idea of the general direction that they are in?" Zelik asks as he finishes preparing his spells for the day.

Changed out mount for unseen servant, and touch of fatigue and acid splash for message and flare.

As the prepare to leave he makes sure to cast message on Morde and one of the other Frontliners any one else think they may go stealthong around away from the group?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Well I auto hit the DC's to scribe these, but I'll roll anyway if I can scribe 2 I scribe mount and Grease at lvl 1 CL if I can only scribe 1 I'll scribe Grease at level 1. 12.5 gp a piece that I'll remove from my character sheet in the morning.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16 DC 6

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Yes I grabbed a ton of parchment and ink before we left and stuck it on my loot sheet.

The knowledge religion was for the eternal battlefield I believe, you said that we could all roll if we had it.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

@DM I was wondering about how many spells I can scribe and on that Knowledge Religion check?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Spellcraft that other wand: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24
Survival to forage: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

"Ahh, this is a Wand of Magic Missile a staple, one of the first that I ever learned in fact. I still remember being told to fire at bottles that professor Berknard would line up for me. I thought I was the greatest Wizard to ever live, hitting bottle after bottle. Little did I know the spell doesn't miss. HAHAHA!" he ends his reminiscent tale with jovial laughter. It doesn't seem as though he has been phased to badly after the days events.

He attempts to help gather food, but after being only slightly effective he decides to sit down and scratch some of his unused spells from the day onto the thick parchment he carries with him.

How many is he able to scribe? It takes 2 hours per and I am assuming I can just take it out of my existing gold.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"does any have a sharp blade, I did promise him a quick death." he says and then as the hobgoblin attempts to headbutt Radok, "now that doesn't seem like you are honoring our deal?" he reaches out for a blade and if given one uses it, unwieldy of course, to Coup de Gras the hobgoblin.

depending on the weapon the damage is changed but the idea is he kills him quickly

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik leans over and again interrogates the hobgoblin. "You have done good thus far. How long did you travel in the tunnel? How many are in your army?" asks the aging wizard in goblinoid.

Turning to his companions "I believe the hobgoblin is telling the truth, as for the tower I doubt he knows anything. Does anyone have other questions to ask?"

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Intimidate: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 For what he tells me

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik approaches the goblin and slowly lowers on to a log and rests his quarterstaff in his lap. He begins to speak in a tongue that is high pitched and his voice cracks before dropping into a lower, smoother goblinoid dialect.

"That appears to be a nasty wound you have there. Such a pity. My name is Zelik what is your name?" He pauses to wait for a response and then continues. "I am here to offer you a deal. A quick and honorable death in exchange for information. You see we are refugees from the town that you and your compatriots just savagely sacked and we want, no, need to know why our village was targeted, who led the raid, and who ordered the raid. If you answer our questions truthfully then you shall die with honor and your name will be spoken of near and far as a warrior who died with honor in battle. If you choose to not answer us your death will be slow and your kin will know that you died a coward weeping for your mother," His voice swells when he speaks of honor and battle and becomes sibilant with disgust as he finishes.

Zelik then sits back and sighs "It has been a long time sice I have had an occasion to use that tongue and if it's another several decades before I have to use it again it will still be too soon" This he says in common to anyone near.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Before they leave to sneak up on the hobgoblin Zelik says "If we can take him alive we may be able to learn valuable information about who was behind this attack and why our town was targeted. I know the urge to kill it will be high, but try and show restraint. We have all lost much and I've no qualm with disposing of him later, but it is paramount that we gather as much information as we can if we are to fight back. We do mean to fight back don't we?" the aging wizard asks, and again a youthful glint can be seen behind his spectacles.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik stays in camp and watches Morde work. "Why that man knows what he is doing" he thinks to himself as he looks at his own shotty craftsmanship. "It's no high tower, but it will do for tonight."

"That is some good work you are doing young man." Zelik says approaching the hunter. "You look like one who would know their way around the forest. We all thank you for guiding us today. You have saved many lives. And your friend here is quite fierce, aren't you boy?" he adds turning to the grizzly bear. "I've my own companion who assists me in her own way, but she is a bit more slighter then, what did you say his name was? I thought I heard you refer to him as Spot. Spot you did a great job today, thank you. I've no food to give you but perhaps we can go fishing together sometime, do you fish? I do love to fish." this last comment is directed to the bear.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

While the others go searching for materials for the shelters Zelik and Lola begin preparing the area to build them. He clears away underbrush and finds suitable trees to help support the lean-to shelters. He hums quietly as he works. When the others return he adds his hands to theirs in lashing together the sticks.

Survival: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

A few questions, would it be reasonable to take 10 on this? or even 20? I like rolling dice that's why I am but we would have time. Also how much time do we have after building these shelters and the lot? Zelik would like to scribe a scroll if he can before going to sleep, but it takes 2 hours.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik smiles at the man "There is in logic in going it alone, but it does appear that strength in numbers is our best bet under these circumstances. If you can keep up I see no reason that you should not join us. But I do not presume to speak for us all." Zelik looks around for agreement.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"How far away is the patrol, we should try to avoid them if we can?" Zelik asks Edran.

What time of day is? The cabin is a day away so it's not likely that we will make it there today. We will have to get as far away as we can and find a place to camp.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

@GM,ok thanks

@Filon, yeah someone in recruitment someone said something about archetypes and it was the first to pop up. I thought it was perfect for this. And blend is awesome.

Zelik will also have so stealthy spells as we get further along, if he survives of course.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik has a bunch of knowledge skills and good survival. Also Lola, his familiar has the infiltrater archetype so when he grows in level he can help scout and makeup for Zelik's garbage perception.

@GM does Zelik get his spell slot now or when he next prepares his spells?

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Zelik hobbles up shortly after and catches what the man said about being from Taldan. "Edran, my friend, we too refugees trying to put some distance between ourselves and the invading force. They are sure to come looking for us. What brought you to Phaendar? Are you a trader?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Know Geography: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27

If he is from where Zelik thinks he is from, that's an awfully long journey, even for a popular trading festival.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"yes, yes, of course I probably shouldn't be just handing off my work to anyone, but it is nice to be in the company of someone who understands my writings" he takes the book back and stows it in his pack. "As for greatness we are all great in our own way, but no real alchemist is merely a "simple practitioner" the art of alchemy is an astounding combination of beauty and brashness and one must be great to peruse its intricacies. Ah it sounds as though our scout is in a spot of trouble and Lola seems uneasy as well" Zelik adds as he begins to double his speed to catch up.

Meanwhile Lola chases the fleeing man deftly fluttering high in the air above him.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

"Lola shall accompany you, she may not be able to tell me what's happening, but if there is danger she will sense it and so too shall I"

As Lola, Zelik's familiar, takes flight Zelik locks in his step with Filson. "That was some battle back there, really more a massacre, it saddens me greatly knowing that so many that I have come to know as friends did not make it out, but we did. And it is our duty to hold steadfast and to endure. I have known many great and powerful elves in my day and I sense within you the same sort of greatness. Here take this and see if you can gleem any knowledge from it." he reaches into his pack and pulls out a book ornately bound in black leather with swirling red script scrawled across its face. "I once had a tome full of spells, much more powerful than these but that was long ago in another life." He reverently hands the book over to Filion. "please do keep it safe

all 0 level spells for wizard except daze and resistant written in common.
Grease, Disguise Self, Summon Monster 1, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missal, Infernal Healing, Mage Armor, Mount, enlarge person, Color Spray

Most are written in common or celestial, but Infernal healing and Ray of Enfeeblement are written in Infernal

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

Filson, you can take my alchemist fire. And when we have some downtime you can also take a look at my spell book. I have a couple that you could copy onto your formulae list.

Male Human Wizard 2 HP 6/16 AC: 10 TAC: 10 FF:10 Saves: F:1 R:0 W:4 Init: +1 Per: +2
Prepared Spells:
0-level: Detect Magic, flare, message, Spark, 1st Level:Summon Monster 1 , unseen servant, Grease, Magic Missle

HP 6 +1 FCB
1-1st level spell slot
1-0level spell slot
+1 Will saves
Background skills Linguistics (Ignan), Knowledge geography
Skills: Survival, Spellcraft, know arcana, know religion, know local, know dungeneering, sense motive

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