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![]() Getting to level up to 7th and I am not sure where to take him next. I have him built as an (enlarged) two handed warrior that can punch and kick if they get past the poleweapon using Bloodrager and Brawler. Other than taking another level in Bloodrager to get Improved Uncanny Dodge, they do not have much to offer the build. I am looking to Full BAB classes like a Ranger but the weapon styles they have are not really floating my boat. I was thinking a marine type as the last adventure had ship board combat. He is a follower of Gorum so something along those lines also works. Any suggestions? Male Nagaji Bloodrager 4 / Brawler 2
![]() I am looking over making a Harrower for PFS using the Shaman for its base class and wanted to double check to make sure the idea is feasible, using Speaker for the Past archetype with the Lore spirit. 1. Adding the spells from the Ancestor and Time Oracle Mysteries along with the additional skills is straight forward. Losing the familiar is not a problem since it would only get to level 5 anyways but I was wondering if I lose access to be able to spontaneous cast the Lore spells. 2. Do I have to take the revelation at 4th or can I take a Shaman Hex? (2nd is going to be Witch hex (Slumber) and Extra hex to take Benefit of Wisdom at 3rd). ![]()
![]() Looking to start an Undine Commando for PFS (already have ideas for an Ifirt Ninja, Sylph Investigator and an Oread Shaman). Other than going pure Ranger, are there any other options? I had looked at the Inner Sea Pirate but the 3/4 BAB does not float my boat (or ship for that matter) (the idea is a Pathfinder SEAL) STR 12 (14 - 2 racial)
Feat:Weapon Finesse Traits:
Alternative Racial traits:
![]() With the volume of Pathfinder material, sometimes its hard
I hope this guide helps. If there is a change, please post the name of the material,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook: 6th Printing 5/30/2013 Link Advanced Class Guide: 2nd Printing 7/22/2015 Link Advanced Player's Guide: 2nd Printing 12/01/2010 Link Advanced Race Guide: 2nd printing 7/29/2015 Link Bestiary: 3rd Printing 9/12/2011 Link Bestiary 2: 2nd printing 7/16/2012 Link Bestiary 3: 2nd printing 11/10/2014 Link Bestiary 4: None Bestiary 5: None Game Mastery Guide:3rd printing 1/22/2014 Link Mythic Adventures: None Monster Codex: None NPC Codex: None Occult Adventures: None Pathfinder Unchained: None Strategy Guide: None Ultimate Campaign: None Ultimate Combat: 3rd printing 8/20/2015 Link Ultimate Equipment: 2nd Printing 5/16/2016 Link Ultimate Intrigue: None Ultimate Magic: 2nd Printing 3/30/2012 Link Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Pathfinder Player Companion
![]() I wanted to make sure that I am not shorting myself some additional languages, but I might have since there are no other ones listed for half-orc. (9th level PFS Wizard (Spell sage)) Half-orc from Varisia
So was I to have gotten another language when his Int went to 22? What about for his +4 headband of Intellect? ![]()
![]() Over the weekend at Ancient City Con, ran a half-elf diplomat (Zealot/Fey) of the Sovereign Court to give the class a shot in PFS for two sessions. Regretfully, the class did not really seem to be much of use due to the levels, classes, feats of the other players. Game 1:2-23 Shadows Last Stand Part 1:At Shadows Door (1-7). Figured that the table might be playing low (or middle) as of the other players on Warhorn, 3 were unknown and a 4th level inquisitor, well I was wrong. Ended up carrying a wand from another player in case one of them went down (as they all decided to play up) and stayed out of their way since one hit from the various monsters would kill him. One player was impressed on the one diplomacy check that was done during the adventure but otherwise uneventful (Rolled a 5 and got a 22 on the result). At 1st level, you might as well just stay in your social persona as a Zealot since there is no disadvantage for using your basic vigilante ability (and I did not even use that one). Game 2:6-10 The Wounded Wisp. Had more fun with this one but combat wise, nothing spectacular. I give an A+ to the four players that had used the teamwork feats (Shield Wall, Precise strike, Shake it off) to build their group (Sven, Sven, Sven & Sven) 3 Fighters, a bard (their band leader) along with a cleric and the diplomat. The battles ended up being a cake walk due to the design of the group but did have an issue dealing with traps. Diplomacy was not a problem between the bard and the diplomat. The class might be useful for a home game but not too sure with PFS due to the time constraints to switch between modes. ![]()
![]() The renown function seems clunky and does not cover as large an area as it should. I think that renown should be a part of the class ability and not one that needs to be selected as a talent. At 1st level, you might be known by a few people but by 20th, you should be a figure to be reckoned with on the entire world, not just 25,000 people. Also, your fame (or infamy) will be more concentrated in your area that you operate, so the ability should scale based on how well known you are. I suggest the following where the bonus are useful in both modes of the Vigilante. (Maybe swap out Bluff with Sense Motive) 1st: Renown (Local).
5th: Renown (Regional).
10th: Renown (National).
15th Renown (Continental).
20th Supreme Renown (Global)