
Resuce's page

19 posts. Alias of Phurs.


my campaign

1 since I knew i wasn't going to be picked
2 and since DB said i could im posting a link too my campaign

I should warn you though my custom rules are a bit hard to understand.
please come look and consider joining mine (for those who havent or didnt get into this game.)

I thought hobgoblins got to choose a +2 of choice

LOL I love it you two Chierak of the Ghaal'dar & Dharatatak even if I don't get into this campaign I'm gonna read how you two get along.

Alex Mack wrote:
Now stop looking at me like I'm gonna cook your Dinner! We ain't in Darguun any more bro!

I do agree I really prefer rolled stats myself but sometimes the player will just not come back if they roll and don't get atleast 3 decent stats. I've seen this happen to often player rolls 6 sets of 3d6's and gets nothing above 11 and averages 8 or worse, as any stat of 8 or worse is just frankly too hard to play.

8 int means the person or creature is just plain dull has trouble making decisions. Frankly GG himself stated that intelligence itself was equivalent to a IQ of 10 per point rolled that's kind of a misnomer and a very large stretch. 80 IQ individuals sometimes are brilliant in their beliefs and amaze people who have 180+'s. That's why I was rather pleasantly surprised when I saw the cost charts minimum at 8 as below this a person would generally have to much problems with life to care about adventuring!

I personally would have stated 4d6 drop lowest and reroll any mental stat below 8.

Chierak of the Ghaal'dar wrote:
Jokes aside: The random rolling is unusual, but I'm enjoying myself so far. Thanks for taking an interest in our characters!

Truth be told I understand a dm's use of random rolling as it provides a chance for players to have flair over function. Function being the use of point buying a system I really don't like.

Instead of point buying my last table top game used bonus buying he gave us +10 and told us to divide those into stats. I came up with 1,2,2,1,3,1 (before the +2 on any) on a human priest of the sun(sun/healing domains). We understood this was effectively point buying but it did away with a table that at the time few of us were willing to use, and to this day I can't see why they didn't use bonus buying instead (which frankly is easier to understand in my opinion).

Like I said earlier if I don't get picked to play in this one I will open a eberron campaign of my own and if anyone else who doesn't get picked would like top cracks at the game itself I'll post a my startup when this one is done. Although if that happens I do request that players in this campaign if choosen not apply for mine, as its unfair for me to take away players from another dm!

Ok quick note GMT he corrected stats from 5d6 to 4d6 drop lowest
and you can only roll once for level.

I would take the 2nd set of stats as they are better but he may enforce the fact you rolled a 1 so your first level.

12,10,15,16,14,16 would be your array

Indeed but just in case I'm not chosen I've gotten the basic intro for the campaign I will run. All I will say is that its against everyone's favorite must hate religion! (Yes that means the flame)

Enough of that for now might not even get to run it for awhile.

I fixed my equipment as I noticed something just awhile ago.

First thing this character would be hell bent on getting is mw full plate. Although he could create it with his armor smithing skill it would take along time and equipment he doesn't have access to.

As a dwarf his master was proficient in both armor and weapon smithing but Resuce only saw his master work the forges making armor. His armor although he's paid for it was crafted by his master when he was still alive. (He asked his master for it and was paid for one full year of service with the steel making iron for his armor and sheild).

DB can we get a list of potentials and whos made characters so far. I can make this list for you if you want just incase a late straggler comes in he can see whats going on.

Sounds like a bunch of misfits (sorta like both other games I play in LOL!)

Ok I wont drop out LOL I forget how much fun it is to play in a group of misfits. My last tabletop game was so structured it was hilarious
everyone had a place everyone knew his job and it was finally lame. Though it started out fun we could break encounters up to +5 CR above us! So I can understand how if played well a group without a front liner can win. This guy here has a 27 ac most cr 3 encounters they'd have to natural 20 to even hit him LOL as walking wall of steel is an understatement.

Although I could see how a group without a front-liner and instead a tank would work.

Group sticks near tank and sends out the stealthy individual to check ahead. Who returns with info they make plans and move in. When they need to get the attention they open door and volley missles (nothing says hello like opening fire without a word!)

I'm not saying I don't want to play I much prefer to play.
But I'm saying there are so many interested in eberron campaigns I'm willing to step aside to do a dm job for those who DB doesn't pick.

Chierak of the Ghaal'dar wrote:
We don't even know whats coming right now, I really wouldn't think too much on party roles. Take my Eberron game for example, my players are 5th level ranger, barbarian, magus, artificer, and witch. They have kicked my ass all across Khorvaire in all kinds of encounters (sometimes with CR+4 above their APL) they shouldn't have been able to according to internet wisdom. Take it easy, and have fun!

LOL I see a tank (barb) a fighting healer (ranger) a control/debuffer (magus) a picklock multi-specialist (artificer) and a healer (witch)

Problem is as I see it the group will have to give up a striker for a defender I could see having a character such as mine in a group of 6 or more but 5 which for some reason has become the norm its a very restricted role which even a ranger would probably serve better as since it gets a limited set of spells and has better ranged abilities (especially since I prefer the ranged ranger to the melee ranger LOL)

Heres the problem as I see it at 5 you have limited choices you must

#1 provide for someone who can take hits (reason I chose this class combo is it takes attacks and laughs)

#2 provide for healing if you don't have some kind of healing the group might as well give up

#3 Control/debuff yes I agree this is better than a striker but more often than not they are one and the same

#4 if your going to be raiding into dungeons you need someone who can kill traps (this is a no brainer) as ive seen a group of 6 lvl 12's get smashed by lowly kobalds. Theres a set of books out their that provide a gm the wherewithall to obliterate groups of players grimm tooth's traps 1-8!

Like I said earlier most groups want 2 fronts, a healer, a rogue and a blaster of some sort. Since resuce isn't a front and is a warrior he's not the best choice so I think I'll take myself from the running. Even a well designed alchemist can make a VERY effective fighter LOL, Looks at Gerhard.

This guys meant for a tight group with little fighter power, something most groups dont enjoy having especially with only 5 group members.

I can probably forsee your group makeup already
1 warrior who hits hard and has alot of hp's
1 Backup healer who can fight
1 Rogueish type character
1 healer of somesort
1 high damage yeild ranged blaster

So lets discuss options do you mind if since your only looking for 5 if I put forth my own gmed eberron world to your applicants.

You get to pick your 5 then when your done I'll post mine and its going to be different. As in I don't mind psionics and i have house rules that make it totally different than yours. I wasn't planning on starting a gmed game but with all this interest in eberron a world/setting I enjoy I can't help but think maybe it would be a good time to start a campaign up. And I'm not looking for a small group i perfer 6-8 members since so many of my quests are high danger.

Ah the flame reminds me of the inquisition of the middle ages.
That said hey dragonblood I understand your only doing 5 players and have you noticed the number of applicants who have really good ideas so far. Its cause eberron is one of the few campaign settings that isn't so dead from over extending itself.

I like paizo's world somewhat but eberron's well its better cause of how much love the creator put into it. That and theres so much room for expansion and all that untapped potential!

Introducing Resuce Warforged Armiger.

Crunch, description and background done.
Gonna work on his personality now.
I purchased one small magic item a travelers anytool hopes that wasn't against your rules. And as I said I spent a ton of gold on his armor
MW Full Plate and MW Heavy Metal Sheild is 1420 gold total or almost half of the 3000 I began with but it goes with my concept. I could be persuaded to drop some of the cost but it would be into Tatami-do 1,000 gp +7 +3 –6 35% 20ft 45 lbs dropping the cost of his armor down to 500 gold. If you say oriental armors are allowed then I will do that.

its Phurs
Clarifications please

do we get max hp for all levels if we rolled 2 or 3 or do we need to roll for these or do we take the standard half for the extra levels?

sorry about the further question but I figured I better ask.

the npc gear cost list is confusing heres a better way of looking at it
45% weapons
25% arm
10% limited
20% gear

im gonna modify this as a defender
25% weapons
45% armor
10% limited
20% gear

thus allowing me to choose the armor I want

Ok lemme run this against you.

Warforged Armiger Resuce


Broken no I've never been broke. My charges are Unbreakable, I was built to defend others but unlike a golem I have feelings and beliefs.
I hold the line and I hold it well, I provide protection when there is no other protection. I am a wall of living steel I don't allow anything past the wall that doesn't belong there.

My master was a Dwarf wizard who fell when the soulforge I was created in was destroyed. He didn't want a golem he wanted something with the ability to think outside the box. I'm still upset I want to find something to protect. That's my job, that's my purpose.

When I plant my feet into the ground I don't move. Soft targets are weak and need protection that's my job I may not stand at the front of the line but once I set I am unbreakable and I help the less armored stay safe! Other warriors attack I defend that's what I do that's who I am!

Resuce is a rock solid defender he believes that dieing to defend a weaker person is the most honorable thing he can do. Other warriors may look down on him for this, but he's well respected for his job with the rest of a group!

At 7 feet tall and armored to the bone its hard to think of this trident using shield wielding warrior as a backliner! But he prefers to defend others to attacking don't get him wrong he's an expert crossbowman and quite vicious with his trident