
Resuce's page

19 posts. Alias of Phurs.

Full Name





Armiger 3 Hp 42/42 AC 27 (24/15) Spd 20ft (+8 Perc; +4 Init) (Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +5)










Common, Dwarven

Strength 17
Dexterity 15
Constitution 18
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 14
Charisma 9

About Resuce


Broken no I've never been broke. My charges are Unbreakable, I was built to defend others but unlike a golem I have feelings and beliefs.
I hold the line and I hold it well, I provide protection when there is no other protection. I am a wall of living steel I don't allow anything past the wall that doesn't belong there.

My master was a Dwarf wizard who fell when the soulforge I was created in was destroyed. He didn't want a golem he wanted something with the ability to think outside the box. I'm still upset I want to find something to protect. That's my job, that's my purpose.

When I plant my feet into the ground I don't move. Soft targets are weak and need protection that's my job I may not stand at the front of the line but once I set I am unbreakable and I help the less armored stay safe! Other warriors attack I defend that's what I do that's who I am!

Resuce is a rock solid defender he believes that dieing to defend a weaker person is the most honorable thing he can do. Other warriors may look down on him for this, but he's well respected for his job with the rest of a group!

At 7 feet tall and armored to the bone its hard to think of this trident using shield wielding warrior as a backliner! But he prefers to defend others to attacking don't get him wrong he's an expert crossbowman and quite vicious with his trident


◾Humanoid (Living Construct Subtype)
◾Medium Size or Small Size. Once chosen, this size cannot be changed.
◾Those that choose to be Small Size get the standard +1 size bonus to hit and armor class and -1 penalty to CMB and CMD.
◾Those that choose to be Medium Size do not get any size bonuses or penalties.
◾Base Speed: 30' for both Medium and Small.
◾Attribute Modifications: +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma
◾Racial Traits:
◾+2 natural armor bonus to AC. While this is usually provided by a combination of metal plating that covers the warforged body, it can also be done with darkwood plating as desired. It is still considered natural armor. Warforged can still wear normal armor as can other races. Once chosen, this material cannot be change. This does allow warforged druids or other classes that have a material based limitation.
◾Warforged have a single slam attack: Medium (1d4) or Small (1d3). This follows the normal rules for natural attacks.
◾Immune to paralysis and sleep effects.
◾+2 racial bonus vs. disease, death effects, energy drain, exhaustion, fatigue, mind-affecting, nausea, poison, stunning and sicken effects.
◾+2 racial bonus to checks to remove negative levels and stabilization checks.
◾Do not need to eat, breathe or sleep, but do need to rest for 8 hours to regain spells or similar abilities.
◾Do not heal hit points or attribute damage naturally, but can be repaired with use of the Craft skill or with effects that repair constructs. Repairs made with the Craft skill take 8 hours and a warforged repair kit. The amount of hit point damage repaired per check is the result of the Craft check -15. Repairing a point of attribute damage requires 8 hours and a Craft check, DC 25. Repairing both hit point damage and one point of ability damage can done during the same 8 hour period, but still requires two different checks. Appropriate Craft skills include armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting and sculpting. A conscious warforged can repair itself.
◾All applications of the Heal skill while used on a warforged are replaced with an appropriate Craft skill.
◾Spells from the conjuration (healing) subschool or supernatural abilities that duplicate them are only half as effective, rounded down.
◾Can be targeted by spells and effects that affect objects objects made from metal, stone and wood.

Class Abilities:

Hit Die: d12. An armiger that rolls lower than 6 on a hit die treats the result as a 6.

Bulwark (Ex)
The armiger knows how to protect not just himself, but also how to help protect his allies. An armiger grants soft cover to any ally adjacent to him, even against attacks the armiger is not aware of and those that come from a direction that would not normally count the armiger as cover. The armiger does not count as cover for himself, though two armigers standing next to each other both do gain this benefit.
An armiger must be conscious and able to take actions in order to grant this benefit. He cannot do so if suffering under effects such as being flat-footed, unconscious, dead, paralyzed, or stunned.

Armiger Talents
Armor Training (Ex): Armigers often learn to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. An armiger with this talent improves the armor check penalty (to a maximum of 0) and maximum Dexterity bonus to AC by +1 for any armor he is wearing. This talent may be taken more than once. Its effects stack.

Reflect (Ex)
A 2nd level an armiger can maximize the protection his armor gives him to reduce the damage area attacks deal him. An armiger in heavy armor takes only half damage from any attack, spell, or ability that allows a Reflex saving throw. The armiger is still allowed a normal saving throw, he simply takes half of whatever damage he normally would based on the result of that saving throw. If the attack, spell, or ability has a non-damaging effect, the armiger suffers the appropriate effect based on his saving throw result.

Defensive Maximization (Ex)
At 3rd level, an armiger learns to get more out of his armor, increasing the armor bonus to AC he receives from medium or heavy armor by +1. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level, and +3 at 15th level.


AC Penalty = -8
Appraise (Int) 2
Bluff (Cha) -1
Climb (Str) 3
Craft Armor smiting (Int) (2) 7
Diplomacy (Cha) -1
Handle Animal (Cha) (1) 3
Heal (Wis) (2) 7
Intimidate (Cha)(3) 5
Knowledge (engineering) (Int) 2
Knowledge (local) (Int) (3) 8
Knowledge (nobility) (Int) (1) 6
Perception (Wis) (3) 8
Profession (Wis) 2
Ride (Dex) (2) 7
Sense Motive (Wis) (1) 6
Survival (Wis) (1) 6
Per Level 4+2 (18 total)


HP 12+9+6 = 27 class +12 con bonus +3 favorite Class = 42
AC(10 + 7 armor + 3 shield + 2 dex + 2 race + 0 deflection + 0 Dodge)
AC Normal 24 ; AC FF 22 ; AC Touch 12
CMD 18 (10+3+3+2)

Fort 7 (3+4)
Reflex 3 (1+2)
Will 5 (3+2)


BAB +3
CMA +6

Initiative +4 (2+2)

MW Trident +7 1d8+3 20 x2
Long Sword +6 1d8+3 19-20 x2
War Hammer +6 1d8+3 20 x3
Slam Attack +6 1d4+3 20 x2

MW Light Crossbow +6 1d8 19-20 x2 80' Range


Benefits: You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, once per day when you make an attack of opportunity, you gain a +2 trait bonus on the attack roll.

On Guard
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus to Initiative checks, and if you are able to act during the surprise round of an encounter, you can draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round.


Sheild Focus
Gain a +1 bonus to your AC when using a shield

Combat Reflexes (Combat)
You can make additional attacks of opportunity.
Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.


115# weight carried (medium load - penalties included)
16 GP 8 SP 4CP
MW Banded Mail (400) -35-
MW Large Metal shield (170) -15-
MW Trident (315) -4-
Long Sword (Free) -4-
War Hammer (12) -5-
MW Light Crossbow (350) -4-
20 Bolts (2) -2-
5 Alchemical silver Bolts (10) -.5-
Warforged Repair Kit x2 (100) -2-
Id Papers (free) -.5-
MW Backpack (50) -4-
bedroll (1) -5-
belt pouch (1) -.5-
flint and steel (1) -.1-
iron pot (.8) -4-
mess kit (.2) -1-
Spider Silk rope (100) -4-
soap x3 (.06) -1.5-
trail rations x 4 (2) -4-
waterskin (1) -1-
Grappling hook (1) -4-
Wandermeal x10 (.1) -5-
Explorers Outfit (Free) -8-
Canteen (2) -1-
Everburning Torch (110) -1-
Potions of Repair Light Damage x2 (100) -.2-