
Xorgrond's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Bringslite of Fidelis wrote:


Currently housing Full Metal Syndicate, Peace Through Vigilance, and Fidelis. Looking for more!

We want to talk with Companies/Guilds or small groups that want to operate their own Point of Interest around our settlement.

  • Mechanics require that you be LN, LG, or NG
  • We will listen to any proposal as to type of POI
  • You will have a say in the governing of the Settlement
  • We would prefer that you are in it to have fun and be successful

Our current Land Rush spot is: E Click [Control Overlay] to see letter designations.

Come live with the Best and the Rightest! Apply to settle with us.

Come with votes or without. If your heart is good, you are an invaluable asset in a dark world.

Will mechanics be in place for people to run solo POI's? Man, I'm out of the loop. I just assumed due to lack of #'s the focus would be on Settlement management, not POI's. Cool though. What are the benefits to having other people run POI's?

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BrotherZael wrote:
With a rustle of movement, Zael gets up and walks to the door where he sits outside under a tree writing letter after letter which he ties to his pebbles before throwing them into the air and allowing the little sparrows to fly off to whatever destination is needed. While he writes his single eyeslit is intently watching the many newcomers walking into the tavern

Xorgrond sees a sparrow flying, carrying some sort of letter. He takes aim with his trusty bow as it flies over head. *Shoots* ... And a miss.

He grumbles. Walks away. After walking about 10 feet to the East, an arrow comes down from the sky, and lands directly into the top of his head. Ouch! *grumbles*... *falls to the ground*.

Thus ends the heroic tales of Xorgrond...

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BrotherZael wrote:

Sigh, and so we come to the fateful crossing, friends.

Well Andius (and Amora, whom I've yet to meet until now)...

I ask you not if you have the ability to protect but if you have the strength of will to do that which is necessary to achieve your aims. Will you, when the crucible burns hot, find yourself faulted and flawed, or will you come through forged in the highest flames?

If you dare answer this, know that all sorts of consequences will escalate upon you. As it is Alpha I feel it might be time to engage certain preliminary actions for TVC and my own interests.

Thank you as always.

They're bound in Chaos.

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muertog wrote:

One of the biggest problems I have with the online games has been the people on it. I am looking to avoid the immature crowd, and tired of people who are disrespectful, racist, or in general rather unpleasant attitude.

I tend to be a bit quiet until I have something specific to say. I do have access to several VOIP options (Vent, Mumble, G+, TeamSpeak, Raidcall, Skype). If you want a voice-call to see how the fit is, please message me and I'll join up. I am West Coast, so would likely be on evenings in that time zone.

Unbelievable that some people behave that way. Truly despicable. ;-(

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Nihimon wrote:
Keovar wrote:
Xorgrond wrote:
I don't know who you are...
I'm sure several folks have ventured a guess...

Several folks here are smarter than several others.

P.S: I've "liked" a few of my own posts. Duh.

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Audoucet wrote:
Don't forget the 75% of EvE players never putting one foot outside of high security territory.

And don't forget, Ryan specifically saying he wanted to avoid that cowardly behavior in PFO.

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I'll be 26 in a few weeks! (Don't count that as a new result hehe).