Xan_Ning's page

Goblin Squad Member. 37 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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I blame him for Kickstarter and my ever increasing debt for things that don't exist yet.

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I've replaced DR/Magic with DR/+1/4HD Magic.

It doesn't seem right that a +1 sword is equally effective at bypassing DR of a young adult dragons or ancient dragons. Or a CR4 Gargoyle vs. a CR13 Azruverda.

I've also changed the cost for special material from a static value to a base price multiplier: mithral x15, adamantine x30, etc.

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This book is about items, therefore we need rule to make those items. A total reworking of Crafting, for magical and mundane items, that is logical and practical.

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I wouldbe very interested in a blank item cardPDF . A single page of each of :

Weapon x2
Wonderous Item
Wand, Rod, Staff

Thats 1 page of 9 cards.