Xan_Ning's page

Goblin Squad Member. 37 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Complete Set Unavailable

Display Unavailable

Pack Unavailable

Good Job


I just bought 2 display boxes of these and 2 display boxes of Relics of War. I bought these mainly for the consumables (Potions, Scrolls, and Wands). The artwork is great. Not quite so barbaric as in the decks specific to the APs. Great randomization, the only card I did not get 1 of was #11. 4 stars.

Complete Set Unavailable

Display (12 packs) Unavailable

Pack Unavailable

Not so Random


I just bought 2 display boxes of these and 2 display boxes of Hero's Horde. I bought these mainly for the consumables (Potions, Scrolls, and Wands). My son and I opened up 1 box apiece. Opening packs 1 at a time starting front to last in each box, we soon found out that the first 6 cards were random, down to the foil, but after that each of the corresponding packs (i.e. first one in each box) had the same final five cards. These were the 2 potions, 2 weapons, and armor. I think that this is the only reason why I didn't get a complete set of items (not a big deal), as the six cards I'm missing are all armor and weapons. The artwork is great. Not quite so barbaric as in the decks specific to the APs. If I could I'd give it 3.5 stars and, if not for problems with randomization, a 4.5 star rating.