Xan_Ning's page

Goblin Squad Member. 37 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Since they are treated as "ranged attacks" for penalties when firing into combat, and feats for ranged weapons, I would think so. I can't find any range increments anywhere. Only a spells range based on level.

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I believe that this was originally in order #1801287 or #1792702 from 8-14-11:

Hell Dorado: Imperial Sentinel Demon

The store shows that it is available, but it has been bumped to the sidecart for October.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


Since there is not enough experience points to be had in the set pieces,
random encounters are needed (mainly the Caravan Encounters). Since most of these are with undead or creatures that don't carry large sacks of treasure, is there enough treasure in the set pieces to cover Character Wealth by Level, or is more needed?

I understand what happens with this if you are in an enclosed space, but what would happen if your are being flanked? My guess would be that one of the opponants would be pushed back 5'. Is there an official ruling on this somewhere?

Just got The 4 iconic minis and noticed Valeros is holding his sword in his left hand. All pictures I can find of him show right handed. What happened? (not a complaint, just an observation)