
XLordxErebusX's page

151 posts (177 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Male Human Desert Druid 20th
neonblues wrote:

Some specific elements I'd like some more clarity on--

Magnus: Do you have a particular breed of monster in mind for your history, or do you want me to "reveal" it over the course of the story? Also, how old is your character?

You may come up with one if you want. I should have some idea what it looks like and what to look for as im searching for clues, but that doesnt mean i know what it is.

mid to late 20s, maybe.

Ive never played before, but ill do my best to learn all the rules.

Id like to play The Wronged.

Magnus immigrated from iceland as a child, adopted by an older and wealthy couple in an affluent town in California. He had a rough childhood, being bullied for his gentle demeanor, giant size, and unwillingness to fight back. His parents tried to teach him to stand up for himself, enrolling him in martial arts, wrestling, boxing, and even football. He excelled in all of these, but he did them only to make his family proud and he didnt like the fact that he often hurt others due to his size and strength. He grew into a powerful young man by the end of high school that quickly dwarfed his friends and family, being nearly 7 foot tall and powerfully built, which got him a college scholarship and a place on the football team there. He ended up falling in love with a fellow student, Miranda and before they both graduated they were married and expecting. His parents, overjoyed by the news, bought them a small home in a secluded neighborhood nearby their home.

Their bliss was shortlived, though. Something had been stalking the couple and on one dark night, the police and paramedics arrived to find the house nearly demolished, Miranda and her unborn child brutally murdered and Magnus pinned under part of the roof, arm crushed and eye maimed beyond repair, screaming and raging at something he claimed had attacked them. They quickly sedated him to get him to safety without further harm to themselves and or him. He recovered slowly from is injuries, losing both his left arm beneath the elbow and his right eye.

The investigation ruled him out as the murderer, but his ranting and raving led to his time at a psychiatric hospital for several months before being discharged into the care of his mother following the death of his father from a stroke while on a business trip. He spent the remainder of the year there recovering, until the thing returned one night. His mother was slain and although he tried to protect her, he failed and was knocked unconscious. When he awoke and found the scene, he vowed to track down the creature. Taking as much money and valuables as he could, he burned down the house of his childhood and set out to find what had became a curse upon his life... He has tracked the creature to Howling Creek from across the country, dodging any contact with police or authorities.

He would have his revenge.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

Suggestion #2: if you absolutely MUST run Skull and Shackles or some other AP that's partially OOP, buy the .pdf, print it in a color printer (or pay a printer's shop to print it in color), and then either stick it in a binder or pay the printer's shop a bit more to bind it for you. Much cheaper than hundreds of dollars.


Doug M.

Its literally Skull and Shackles that i want, too.

Why not release them as a print option, on drive thru rpg or something?

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I understand that Paizo is moving towards 2nd Edition and Starfinder, but can we get some Compiled Versions of APs or some reprints on APs for 1st edition? I worry that Paizo will basically forget about their APs and just do their soft cover version of core books.

Some of the AP books are going for hundreds of dollars for a single book online and I really dont want to spend 500-1000 dollars for a single AP. Sure, PDFs are a thing, but it makes it hard for me to run them, especially on my devices.

Just a loyal fan, hoping for paizo to hear my call for adventure. Surely I'm not the only one asking for this.

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Its like a tablet, but better (because Science).

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Ravingdork wrote:
And people can make hammers. That doesn't mean our hammer making abilities alone qualify us as being alive (per the scientific definition). It takes more than that.

If your hammer becomes self aware and goes on to make more self aware hammers? yes.

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This dieselpunk science-fantasy setting has it all. Imagine an entire solar system to explore... Fly your Aethership through the system, with each world tied to an elemental plane that gives it its own flavor, challenges, and rewards.

Journey to the desert world of Akasaat, homeworld to the humans, and explore their Arcologies. Perhaps you will work with their government known as the Hierarchy, or else seek out the Vox Riders that broadcast their pirate radio signals across the wastes?

Perhaps a visit to the lush Erahthi homeworld of Kir-Sharaat? Travel through the dense jungles of colossal trees, seeking relics of the hundred year war. Meet with some of the natives, learning about their culture and bio-engineering. Just remember to steer clear of the Darkwilds, for within dwell the dangerous and territorial Zahajin.

If you're not above working hard, you could mine the asteroids of the Amrita asteroid belt, selling your ore and minerals to one of the many traders or factions that operate out of Complex Four. Be wary of the gangs, for its easy to get wrapped up in their endless street wars.

Take a trip to see the gas giant Seraos?

Crash land on Orbis Aurea? Maybe meet some giants, all while running from the giant telepathic bugs and undead that wander this frozen planet? Try to strike it rich on the Aetherite deposits?

all in all, there is so much to do.

It includes:
*Four new races (Erahthi, Infused, Okanta, & Phalanx) to play alongside humans and a handful of other races.
*A whole new class (the cantor, which is sort of a divine bard tied to the setting's 'background music' called the Score).
*Tons of archetypes for everything from the core classes, all the way to the occult classes.
*New equipment, feats, aetherships, magic, and so much more.
*A decent sized bestiary with tons of new monsters to face off against.

In the end, the choice is up to you, but if I can sway you to pick up a copy, I promise you wont regret it. Even when its at its worst, its still a hell of a lot better than the majority of settings.

10/10, would crash on Orbis Aurea again. Now if you'd excuse me, i have something I have to do.
Picks up blazing torch to fend off the approaching swarms of Azaka

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Kiln Norn wrote:

I'm a little concerned with the scaling of some of the starship DC's based off ship tier. Things like DC 10+3×tier seem fairly impossible once you hit a certain point. Early on, sure. DC 13,16, 19... meh. DC 70 though... for this like, "You, shoot him one more time."

That's not to count the DC 15+2×tier that is all over. Sure, 45 isn't terrible at cap but it's punishing you for upgrading your ship why?

Assume you have a stat mod of +6. Then class skill for another +3. Skill Focus is +3. 20 ranks because why not. If you have a racial bonus it's +2. Invest in skill versatility +2.

You get +32 as a base, putting you under a 50% success chance.
+34 worth racial, still under 50%.
+36 and just over 50% with versatility.

You can get computers that grant an additional +10 which helps (not sure you can apply that to captain checks). Nor does it allow you to make a DC 70 check.

Am I just missing something or is it bad to upgrade past a certain point?

How many tiers are there?

Considering double checking the math... DC 15+(2*Tier), it might not be that bad.

make a skeleton pig. the meat falls right off of the bone :P

Not sure if a deity has katana for a favored weapon, but Warpriest could make an interesting choice.

Warpriest of Shizuru

(Shizuru is the Tian-Min goddess of the sun, honor, ancestors, and swordplay.)

i just need to hold out for Book of the Damned.

karlprosek wrote:
Lords of Madness is the main source for 3.5 Mind flayer information but if I remember correctly it doesn't touch on space.


It is rumored that not all mind flayers live beneath the surface. Some tales speak of ships shaped like the shell of a nautilus that are capable of flying through the spaces between worlds. Most serious scholars discount these tales as pure fantasy, despite those who claim to have seen such ships first-hand. The illithids themselves know that the tales are true. The great ships are remnants of their glorious future, when their empire will span not just worlds but the entire universe (see The Whispering Shadow, page 70-71). The knowledge of how to build these stunning vessels is lost—or, more correctly, hasn’t been discovered yet. Until it is, the remaining ships ply the great gulfs of the night skies cautiously, seeking evidence of lost mind-flayer colonies and hidden githyanki outposts.

--Lords of Madness pg 69

They are time travelers stranded in the past, as they were from the far future.

MageHunter wrote:
I think the game mastery guide has a section on an apocalypse.

nothing that i can find...

MageHunter wrote:
I think the game mastery guide has a section on an apocalypse.

ill check it out.

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Rylar wrote:
Are they only going to progress in mythic levels? Or both levels and mythic?


Rylar wrote:
The setting sounds like a lot of fun. Demons and Devils running amok. I would assume the artifacts will somehow close down the gates that are allowing these outsiders to come through and probably sucking some of the weaker ones back to where they came from.

Not sure how yet, but yeah.

Rylar wrote:
I love the idea of champions from all across the land. It will need some coordination from the players. I'd probably use the gods instead of sages/seers. Get one champion from each of the chosen gods to go on this quest.

This is a definite possibility.

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I've been wanting to run a mythic/Gestalt campaign set in Golarion for a while now. I want it to take place during the Apocalypse.

Basically, the end of the world starts happening and the wisest sages and seers discover a way to stop it from progressing any further. They gather some of the most powerful heroes from across Golarion and explain what must be done.

The heroes must go to Hell, Abaddon, and the Abyss; seeking several greater artifacts of great power. Once all three are obtained, they must seek out three places of power to charge these artifacts with energy. Then they must return to Golarion and use/destroy the artifacts in such a way as to stop the Apocalypse.

I dont have all the details worked out yet, but I wont be running it until December, so I have plenty of time to plan this out. Bestiary 6 and the Book of the Damned will be wonderful for planning, but they are not out just yet.

Anyways, I wanted to pick the Hivemind's brain and discuss how to do this the best way.

As far as characters go, I'm gonna let them roll up 10th level Gestalt characters, before slowly granting mythic ranks as they progress and overcome the horrors that await them.

I just think it needs errata or something to make it functional.

My version:
Land Rush:
Overeager settlers claim an unclaimed hex and construct a Farm, Mine, Quarry, or Sawmill at their own expense, but are fighting over ownership.

Attempt a Loyalty check. If you succeed, Unrest increases by 1, but the hex becomes a part of your kingdom and provides the normal benefits.

If you fail, Productivity, Society, and Stability decrease by 1, while Unrest increases by 1d4. In addition, this hex is treated as not being a part of your kingdom, so you gain no benefits from it. You may choose to claim this hex during the edict phase on any following turn, so long as you currently control an adjacent hex. Doing so removes this event’s changes to Productivity, Society, and Stability.

Kingdom Building Question:

"Land Rush:
Overeager settlers claim an unclaimed hex and construct a Farm, Mine, Quarry, or Sawmill at their own expense, but are fighting over ownership. This hex is not part of your kingdom, so you gain no benefits from it. Productivity, Society, and Stability decrease by 1. Attempt a Loyalty check. If you succeed, Unrest increases by 1. If you fail, Unrest increases by 1d4. If you construct an identical improvement in an adjacent hex during your next Edict Phase, remove this event’s changes to Productivity, Society, and Stability."

Can someone explain to me how and why Land Rush is on the Beneficial Kingdom Events table? How is this even beneficial?

From my understanding of this, it provides you no benefit, is not a part of your kingdom, and the unrest doesn't go away on its own.

As written, it appears to be a burden with no benefit.

QuidEst wrote:
XLordxErebusX wrote:
Boomerang Nebula wrote:
We also need gremlins in space. Little space creatures that sabotage spaceship engines just like their Earthbound kin did to aircraft in WW2.
do Fey belong in deep space, away from nature?
What about space makes it less a part of nature than, say, the sky?

a general absence of life, micro or macro.

Boomerang Nebula wrote:
We also need gremlins in space. Little space creatures that sabotage spaceship engines just like their Earthbound kin did to aircraft in WW2.

do Fey belong in deep space, away from nature?

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Balancer wrote:
Obviously the kobold started up their own space program to help them worship outer dragons

This... all of this.

Can you imagine an adamantine rocket ship built by kobolds?

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this thread is full of awesome.

i disagree on that demand bit, considering i had about 50 people on fb willing to pay an arm and a leg to get them in English.

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So several months ago I stumbled across the fact that foreign AP protector jackets were made, but were largely unavailable to us in the states unless we were willing to pay a king's fortune to get them.

Is it possible for paizo to remake them for those of us who have bought the APs, but are unable to obtain the hardcover compilation books for the APs? From my postings on fb groups and on KnowDirection videos, people seem to go completely crazy for them.

i personally would like the Operative to have an ability to trade off their iterative attacks for a higher BAB to make a sort of Vital Strike, combining all the damage from a bunch of attacks into one single attack.

Perhaps a later ability to get multiple rerolls to hit the mark on that single powerful attack. Extra accuracy and a butt load of damage when they hit, without sneak attack's silly requirements.

Steve Geddes wrote:

"Three moody sonnets, please."

"Can you change an epic tragedy?"

Why bother? Nothing matters... :P

Perhaps we can use AU from Aethera?

both should be non-magical in starfinder.

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If they work for you all at Paizo, you're all welcome to publish these. I use these in my pathfinder games and my players love them. They work quite well and I havent had any real problems with them so far.

Reflex Sight:
A reflex sight halves the range increment penalties for firearms, causing you to only suffer a -1 penalty per increment beyond the first.

Sniper Scope:
A sniper scope allows you to take a full round action to carefully aim and fire one single shot. This single shot suffers the standard -2 penalty per range increment, but allows you to hit at your opponent's touch armor class, regardless of range.

Id recommend keeping every skill, since none of them needs to be removed for such a Science Fantasy game.

The Pilot skill should be added, since while Ride is still fine to keep, it doesn't quite cover the same skills required for piloting a ship.

Add in a few knowledge skills, such as: Planetology (strange worlds and terraforming), Technology (tech related things), and Exobiology (Alien life) and you got your basics covered.

Disable device can cover computer use, hacking, and lock picking.

I think the polyps would increase the shell body's diameter by one inch per year,starting from medium size. Once they approach large size, theyd enter into their final life stage.

Perhaps they could have a cultural taboo of individuals carving off chunks or layers of coral to artificially prolong their second stage? It would be an interesting parallel with a human's drive to look young for as long as possible and to prolong death.

i dont know the state of psionics in starfinder, but I initially wanted them to be somewhat psionic. The sea polyps join together for safety in numbers, eventually becoming one through a psychic bond. Together, they become a sentient creature.

I figured that they would have several thin tentacles that slither out of their coral shell to work sort of like hands.

They would require lots of water for their first and last life stages, so Id definitely see them orbiting water worlds in their coral rings, both seeking resources and a place to breed.

They strike me as something reminiscent of snails or other shelled sea creatures.

Perhaps a defensive curl ability to retreat into the coral?
Maybe a natural slam attack with their rough (maybe spiky) body?
They wouldnt have a swim speed... Too heavy and not mobile enough. they'd just sink to the bottom and walk around.

admittedly, the last one is more complete, but it really like the first one.

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I had played around with the idea with creating several new races for Warhammer 40k's spaceship vs. spaceship game: Battlefleet Gothic a few years back, but with its falling interest and lack of players in my area, the idea got quickly abandoned. Instead, I was wondering if anything here is of merit, at least enough to adapt it into something for starfinder. I dont have names for either race yet, but I wanted to get the ideas posted and maybe get the creative juices flowing again.


Coral Race

Physical Description:
This race appears to be made entirely from a strange type of coral at first glance. It’s only when you when you peel back the layers of coral that you learn of what truly dwells inside their shell. Inside, an entire group of bonded creatures work together as if they were one creature.

The race has three life stages, in which they are only sentient in the middle stage of life. They begin live as a varied number of polyps, which bond together in groups to defend themselves from aquatic predators. As they grow, they begin to create the outer shell of their coral body, eventually becoming sentient as they enter their second stage. They live out their second stage as one being connected by psychic energy, before eventually becoming too heavy to move. As their second stage ends, they become immobile spheres of coral for the final stage. They often end their second stage by returning to the sea, becoming the building blocks for coral reefs and homes for the next generation to live around. While not dead in their final stage, they become dormant and practically comatose.


Alignment and Religion:




Sample Introduction:
As you finish navigating your ship around the dark side of the moon, you let out a gasp. An immense ring of colorful coral comes into view, floating high above the little blue world. While it is a complete ring, it appears unfinished. One side of the ring is considerably thicker in diameter than the other side, with long spires of coral extending outwards from the center.

As you cautiously pilot your ship closer this ring, your sensors begin picking up movement. Tiny coral ships of all varieties move within the center of the ring. From your angle, the entire thing reminds you of a Coral Atoll, complete with fish swimming in its lagoon.

You set your ship’s destination to thickest side of the Coral Atoll, sending messages translated into their strange language. The response comes quick, assigning you a docking station within one of the coral spires. You breathe a sigh of relief. You’re finally here.


Plant Race

A race of sapient plant beings who harness solar energy to spread bliss… and sometimes war

Physical Description:
While humanoid in form, they have a number of features the reveal them to be more of a mixture of plant and fungi than animal. Their skin appears to be similar to a smooth, soft bark in varying shades of dark green. They have pigment cells in their skin, which allows them to display changing colors and patterns, but they always return to a general shade of green when at rest. Their faces have sharp and angled faces, featuring either a split or ridge line (or something similar) right down the middle of their nose-less face. They have two lower jaws, which completely divides into left and right jaws when opened.

Their most striking feature is their ‘hair’, if they choose to have it. They have the ability to grow in just a few short weeks a nearly endless variety of plants, vines, or fungi on their heads. At any time they have the ability to remove this growth by cutting out the nutrients they provide to it or change it to another type entirely by weeding it out. Their ability to do this is considered an art form, and typically reflects a lot about their personality, overall health, and style.

They tend to be quite thin and small, generally only standing about a meter in height and typically weight around forty pounds. They are not very strong, but try make up for it with enthusiasm and skill. They have brains centralized in their heads, like most races do. Theirs are predominantly located in their chest, but it also spreads throughout their body. Their hands are very delicate, each having five fingers and a thumb.

Their society is meritocratic and near Utopian, where they believe that through hard work, patience, and skill can rise to greatness. There are passionate about the arts, music, and education. They are a curious, passionate, and intelligent people, constantly seeking out new discoveries and adventure. They have quickly spread throughout the galaxy, and are well known for their skills and openness. They are sensitive and understanding. Their very nature seems to make them quick to adapt and change, warmly referring to it as “growing with the ebb and flow”.

They require shelter, food, and water for basic survival, much like any other race. They also require sunlight as a sort of nutritional supplement. If they don’t obtain this, certain sicknesses and disease can take root in their bodies and minds. They are sensitive to certain toxins, and tend to not do well on certain worlds with strange contaminants.

They get sluggish and jovial when in strong sunlight or during other strong solar events. Their celebrations around such events are quite hedonistic.

They are generally well liked by others, as they always attempt to be as courteous and respectful as possible, but they have made mistakes. With their habit of trying to learn as much as possible and attempt to participate whenever possible, they have made unwanted enemies. Some of the more aggressive or short tempered races tend to not like them as much as others.

Alignment and Religion:
They tend to be more lawful or neutral in nature, rather than evil or chaotic.

They are not overtly religious, but they do have some practices and rituals, usually based around the cycles of nature, change, and the cycle of birth, life, and death. To them all life is precious, merely borrowed time and energy, which must return to the cycle of nature when the time comes.

Their love for adventure and discovery makes them natural adventurers. They can be found on nearly every world that hosts a multitude of other races, and they flock to worlds rich in sunlight, water, and life.



Sample Introduction:

I find that almost nothing in the Tech guide would be useful.

The prices are all overpriced.
The creation rules dont work well for something so abundant.
There are massive holes where they could include dozens of different types of weapons and armor.

I hope they start from the ground up and try to cover more bases.

Not in order...

Normandy II (from the last two Mass Effect games, i think)
Voyager (Star Trek Voyager)
Tomb Ships (Necrons from Warhammer 40k)

Do tyranids count, lol?

MMCJawa wrote:
assuming that race stat design is not significantly altered (and i don't think it will be), I don't really think elves are all that important. I would rather see new races or races that are bare bones get more love.

Trox, Ghoran, and Astomoi.

Just to name a few races that could use some fleshing out.

Heck, even Reptoids could use some love.

why not do something more original than porting all the old races and space-ifying them? Fantasy races in space are boring and extremely overused trope.

Warhammer 40k being a big example of where its been done before and done well.

IonutRO wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

An alien species that looks like an elf with green or blue skin and a +2(maybe +4)cha bonus. It could be a new type of elf or something else entirely.

Elves adapt to their environments over living in them, so there can be red or green or blue or orange, etc. elves without needing different stats, just a reason to be that color.

Why not do something original, rather than just reskinning it?

That is so lazy and unoriginal in my opinion.

Plus the designers already want to avoid the 'fantasy races in space' cliche as much as possible. You'll probably still find them out there, but they will not be main races.

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How about a whole section of 'Build your own Aberration'?

Basically a bit like an eidolon and its evolutions, but with classic alien abilities set up to a point buy cost.

It doesnt exist in pathfinder/starfinder? Built it.

Id be happy with a return of Kythons (no that was not a typo).
Xenomorphs would be nice.

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Malwing wrote:
Gold is useful as conductors for electronics.

im not 100% sure, but I think copper is worth more as a construction material than gold is, for it has a wider application of uses. I could be wrong, though.

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platinum, gold, silver, and copper will hold their value for a long time, because of their perceived value, plus their usefulness in construction and art. Rare gems and minerals might also hold wealth for the same reasons.

digital currency would only work if they are in heavily trafficked regions prone to a lot of travel/commerce.

Primitive worlds might still use a barter system. Stock up on blue beads and pretty jewelry.

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Charrend wrote:
XLordxErebusX wrote:

Imagine the scenario.

Your crew comes across a derelict ship in orbit of a gas giant. You're historian on board recognizes the ship's registration number from some esoteric research, revealing it to be from the era lost to everyone's memories. Your captain orders you all aboard to find out more information.

This reminds of the movie Event Horizon. That was creepy. I'd love to put my players through that lol.

Did you not read the whole OP? I literally name dropped Event Horizon, lol. It was the EXACT source of inspiration. :P

pulseoptional wrote:

I'm picturing the future scenes from Hellraiser: Bloodlines here.

Sign me up.

I only consider the first two movies to be canon. the rest went off the deep end.

Kosmonaut Ivan Rûski wrote:
Anyone else hoping for grappler ships, like in Outlaw Star?

we should absolutely incorporate grapple rules, since the cosmic horrors out there are so much bigger.

Small size should be the standard for any common ship on a 1 inch grid.

Frigates and captital size ships could be medium.

That leaves 4 size categories larger than the biggest ships for the use of monsters and the like.

id be happy with Reptoids, Ghorans, and Astomoi being added to the lists above.

Id love to play as Dr. Nicholas Rush.

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We better get some Cosmic Horrors vs. Spaceships, a la Lovecraft.

Imbicatus wrote:
"If they take the ship, they'll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing – and if we're very, very lucky, they'll do it in that order."

It probably wont be...