Cruel Devotee

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Organized Play Member. 332 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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As the subject states.

If I had the Greater Hat of Disguise, could I not use it on my monkey familiar to turn him into small or medium humanoid?

I made this build like a year and a half ago, but didn't post it. It may be pretty normal, but I certainly like it's edge and flavor.

Human: Fighter, Ninja: Scout archetype, Gunslinger: Maverick/Mysterious Stranger archetype

1. Fighter: TWF, Enforcer, Bludgeoner

2. Nin/Scout: Sneak 1d6

3. Mav/Myst: Weapon Focus: Pistol

4. Nin/Scout: Vanishing Trick

5. Mav/Myst: Quick Draw

6. Mav/Myst: 

7. Nin/Scout: Shattered Defenses, Sneak 2d6

8. Fighter: Weapon Finesse 

9. Nin/Scout: Improved Critical, Combat Trick: Improved TWF

10. Nin/Scout: Sneak 3d6

11. Nin/Scout: Critical Focus, Violent Display

12. Nin/Scout: Sneak 4d6

13. Nin/Scout: Disheartening Display, Pressure Points

14. Nin/Scout: Sneak 5d6

15. Nin/Scout: Invisible Blade, Assassinate

16. Mav/Mist: Extra Ninja Trick: Crippling Strike

17. Fighter: Dastardly Finish

18. Fighter: Blinding Critical 

19. Fighter: Staggering Critical

20. Fighter: Stunning Critical

Dexterity first, Charisma second.

Enforcer & Bludgeoner with Shattered Defenses, used with gun pellets.

Quick Draw for Pistols. Class Gunsmithing feat to make 12 pistols with appropriate gold.

Weapon Finesse and all Critical feats with Wakizashi.

And the rest is self explanatory. I suggest you make no changes to level and class order.


I was inspired by the Django Unchained movie gun fight scene, and a lot of gun popping rap music.

In my mind I thought of this masked and robed marauder looking dude with like 12 pistols strapped all over his body, and he just enters a saloon and just unloads all of his guns on everyone, and drops the empty guns (hopefully teleporting back on his holsters somehow). Once out of ammo, he'd rush in his wakizashi's and make a bloodbath of critical hits.

I want to make a stoic comedian type of character that that makes up these far-fetched stories with Bluff or Diplomacy that people undoubtedly believe.

Now, the Bluff circumstance for far-fetched or impossible lies is a pretty steep price, is there any classes or abilities that can improve these circumstances or that focus on bullshitting their way through a conversation?

Could I use a small sized Culverin and support it with my other hand to fire without the -4 penalty? (Given the -2 for inappropriately sized weapons)

So just a quick clarification, Enforcer is Demoralize and in the Demoralize check, it says "Using demoralize on the same creature only extends the duration; it does not create a stronger fear condition."

But under the Fear section of Special Abilities, it says "Becoming Even More Fearful: Fear effects are cumulative. A shaken character who is made shaken again becomes Frightened, and a shaken character who is made frightened becomes Panicked instead. A frightened character who is made shaken or frightened becomes Panicked instead."

So which one is it? Can I use Enforcer to cause greater Fear conditions or no?

Empty Quiver Style + Leaping Shot Deed + Whirlwind Attack

Notice as Whirlwind Attack says "When you use a full-attack action" and Leaping Shot Deed says "As a full-round action", and of course Empty Quiver Style saying "You can switch between melee and ranged attacks with this weapon without penalty, even during the same round." ...So, does that mean that I can use my firearms as a light mace while moving with Leaping Shot Deed and making Whirlwind Attack?

And another theory I have that extends this is: what if attacking with a rapier while just holding a pistol in the off-hand?

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I just want put out my thoughts out on this subject matter.

I think a lot of people mistreat players who want to optimize their character's.

This is a game, and should be treated as such. Everyone comes together at the table to play, some people like it for the story, and some like it for the mechanics. There is no reason for people to judge other's based on personal preference or play style. There is no reason for people to think they have the right to demoralize a power gamer for wanting to make his own cool character or maybe even copy a build from the internet. There is no hierarchy when it comes to gaming. It's just people sitting at a table.

Now a lot of you might be thinking
"It ruins the game for everyone if one player can simply do everything and the other players are just looking to interact with the role playing aspect of it. People are there to have fun, not to cheat. Simple as that."

That is the most derogatory answer. People are there *to have fun*, just because the majority of the groups idea of fun doesn't correlate with the individual, doesn't mean they should cast him out, or try and "convert" them into a more "understanding" player.

In fact, you can learn a lot from them, because they actually have the patience to invest in the games principles, rather than narrative actions.
In another fact, power gamers are responsible for most of the errata, to balance the game even further. Power gamers are a developers best friend, because they get everyone's ideas flowing.

It's the GM's responsibility to create a game for everyone, not just for the story.

Some of you may be asking: "Well, what about the new GM's? What are they suppose to do against an experienced power gamer!?"

Simple. Compromise.
Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
Again, we come together for everyone to enjoy the imagination. GM's make up everything, including the probability of the games outcome. There is has no 100% random chance when you're telling the story. Don't be afraid to tell it a little differently.

"What about fighting monster's and CR??"

If you notice, all the monster's have about average hit points listed, but they have the total hit dice, max them out or suit it to your liking on how you think will fair against the party. Use the monster's feats that come with the monster. You'd be surprised to find that monster's are actually a lot stronger when used at their full potential.

Practice outside of game. One the smartest GM's I know pits our party against an enemy outside of the game before we start, and we have this unofficial players vs big bad monster battle, so he could challenge our character's survivability, then ends it prematurely and starts the game. I always have a blast at his games because he challenges his ideas with the players.


I say this because whenever I post something on the advice or rules board about my interests in optimization, there's always someone with a bag full of resentment looking to down me. And I think that's not right, and perhaps the people at paizo should take it a little more seriously in addressing this issue in their books and understand that it is a type of bullying.

People should understand that's it's not a one way world, and that respect goes a long way.

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The Spell Sage's Spell Study says: "Once per day, a spell sage can spontaneously cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or druid spell list as if it were a wizard spell he knew and had prepared."

And the variant multiclassing Cleric says: "She also gains the cleric's spontaneous casting ability, which she can use with any prepared casting classes that have the appropriate spells on their spell lists."

Does this mean that the Spell Study can be used as a "feint" to give up one your normal prepared spells to cast a cure spell of that level?

I've been going through ultimate intrigue these past few weeks, and I'm really curious about some of these class archetypes. I find the practicality of it is really preplexing to understand.

Personally, I find the Vigilante abilities such as having multiple identities and social value and social feats, etc. to be quite dominating in an RPG, because you are shaping the path of the campaign. But only if you have the GM also understands the virtues of a story driven world.

...I've always liked that notion of using mundane practices to reach overshadowed properties that are indistinguishable by magical abilities, but are somehow detected by skills. Such as the Cipher's Inattention Blindness, mimicking a form of invisibility by tricking the perception, rather than transforming your state of being.

I'm really not sure if there is a hidden message in the Cipher that I might be missing, that somehow correlates the line between perception and reality in a role playing setting by using profound logic as a type of tool that could cut through a "golden path" to your objectives. That perhaps actions are the best way to resolve your goals instead of direct confrontation. I'd really like to believe that is the case, but I also don't want to venture off into a crazy delusional mindstate as well.

Think of it this way, if your entire party was playing the Cipher archetype, including yourself, could you not plan together to walk through pretty much anywhere without conflict to meet your goals?

Has anyone else felt this way about this?

The Cipher in Ultimate Intrigue seems to be pretty interesting in terms of avoiding all confrontation.

It has Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform removed as class and inspiration skills. And it has most of its talent selections replaced. As well as removing any chance to multi-archtype.

What makes this archetype so special?

It clearly doesn't excel in combat, or social interactions, so how can I play a cipher?

I have two questions concerning these feats.

The wording of the last part of Persistent Spell seems a little weird, and I'm not exactly sure how to interpret it.

"If a creature fails this second saving throw, it suffers the full effects of the spell, as if it had failed its first saving throw."

Is it saying "You have to roll twice" or "Pick the worst result"?
Because what if the creature fails the first one and saves the second one, what happens then? Does the creature roll the second time if it fails the check the first time?

And my second question is: does the Dazing Spell stack with Persistent Spell?

Ok, so I'm starting a new class. I'm going with Admixture Wizard, I want to maximize damage with fireballs. I want to pick Sin Magic Specialist for my wizard and go for the Evocation specialist.

Now, I'm kinda new and sloppy in understanding spells and such, so I was wondering if I can get a confirmation on how the benefits of the Sin Magic Specialist works.

Sin Mages wrote:
Benefits: A Sin mage receives two additional spell slots of each spell level he can cast. These bonus spell slots must both be used to prepare the same spell from the wizard's school of specialization, allowing the wizard to cast that spell twice (as he has prepared the spell twice). The wizard cannot use these slots to prepare two different spells, even if they are of the school he is specialized in.

Does that mean that I get to cast two more Evocation Spells per Day?

Okay, I got two questions that almost sound the same.

If I had the Combat Reflexes feat, could I attach Stunning Fist to the Snake Fang style feat?

Moreover, could I use the Kata Master's (Swashbuckler's) Opportune Parry and Riposte to parry an attack and interject with Snake Fang instead of using the normal riposte?

Edit: Can you use two AoO's to link feats that use AoO's?

I'm kind of new to this grappling business, and I was just wondering...can the maneuver master use her flurry of maneuvers to grapple and pin in the same round?

I've put together a shortcut to coup de grace for the kids. Not sure if there's another build like this.

How it works: You designate a Stunning Fist with your Snake Fang, and Dastardly Finish the following round.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Rogue Variant Multiclass (Unchained)

Snakebite Striker
1. Sneak Attack 1d6, Weapon Focus, Enforcer
2. Improved Feint
3. Trap-finding
5. Snake Style, Dazzling Display
6. Sneak Attack 2d6
7. Sneak Attack* 3d6
8. Stunning Fist
9. Shatter Defences
10. Sneak Attack 4d6

1. Sneak Attack* 5d6, Evasion, Dastardly Finish

Master of Many Styles
1. Snake Fang

"As a full-round action, you can move up to your speed and make firearm attacks at your highest base attack bonus with each loaded firearm you are wielding. You can make these attacks at any point during your movement, and if you are wielding two firearms, you can make the attacks at different points during the movement"

"with each loaded firearm"
Meaning if I have a revolver, I can plant 6 shots into enemies? Because even if you shoot once, it would still be considered a loaded firearm.

"you are wielding"
With the Quick Draw and Gun Twirling feats, you can draw and holster a one-handed firearm as a free action if you have at least 1 Grit. If I can draw a pistol as a free action during my Leaping Shot Deed, isn't that considered wielding the firearm?

Hello everyone. I'm a long time role player, writer, graphic designer, and coder. I've worked with many development companies that focus on books, apps, board games, card games, and video games. I'm here to hopefully grab some ideas off you community members who spend countless of hours writing stories, and optimizing builds to no end.

I'm currently working on a project that involves similar mechanics to the Inklewriter, from inkle. inkle Ltd is the development company of the Sorcery! saga, and 80 Days, that are published in the Android and iOS app marketplace. Their idea is derived from the famous 'Choose Your Own Adventure' gamebook series that I'm sure most of you are familiar with.

I came here to ask: If you could create any type of writing game, what would it be?

At 20th level, a martial master can use this ability to gain the benefit of any number of combat feats as a swift action.

Does this literally mean I can have all the combat feats as a swift action?

Can a spell or a spell like ability targeting a Will DC arouse suspicion if failed?

Hi all, we've going to start another campaign pretty soon, and I've played a good handful of the classes, rogue, monk, fighter, brawler, paladin, hexcrafter, synthesist, wizard.

I can say that brawler, hexcrafter, and synthesist were the most fun to play, because they were just hilariously deadly.

Is there any other "hidden gem" classes out there that offer plenty of fun options, similar to the three that I've mentioned?

I'm famous for these simple questions, however, believe me when I say that there has been much thought and discussion on this with a few people:

What's better for sneak attack, Feinting feats or Tripping feats?

If I move 10ft between my Dimensional Dervish, could I make multiple charges with Pummeling Charge?

Primary hand: Short Spear

Using the Improved Two-Weapon Feint, could I use my short spear to forgo my first primary melee attack while adjacent to a target, even if I can't attack adjacent targets with my reach weapon?

Sohei to 6, Polearm: Nodachi
Titan Mauler to 2: One hand free

Bladebound/Hexcrafter: Spell Combat

Spell Combat says: "This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast."

Flurry of Blows says: "When doing so, he may make on additional attack, taking a -2 penalty on all of his attack rolls, as if using the Two-Weapon Fighting feat."

My question is, could I use my Nodachi Flurry of Blows with Spell Combat since Spell Combat is considered functioning like Two-Weapon Fighting?

Monstrous Physique says "If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability" Does that mean if I have one of those abilities from the list, I gain all of them?

Give me some examples of what you could do with these two spells?

Just stumbled on a thought here...could I get Dares as a bonus feat with Amateur Gunslinger/Swashbuckler?

ok, so I'm level 6 and eventually I'll be able to retrain all my feats and talents because I picked some stupid ones in the beginning (I don't know what I was thinking), and I kind of put together this build to begin a jack of all trades strong rogue that can dish out good damage, as well as hold his own out of battle.

I started with Sap Master because the world I'm in is mostly in urban human environments, so I thought that would come in handy. Improved Initiative because it's amazing to battle tactics sooner then later. Two-Weapon Fighting because I want that damage from Sap Master as well as lethal with my knifes. Finesse Rogue for the Dex attack of course. Offensive Defensive for the double Sap Master sneak attack dice to AC, depending on how you read it. And Underhanded because it's fun to do max damage in a surprise round.

Scout archetype because of the Scout's Charge/Skirmisher, I think this is essential for a combat Rogue.

I'm not really sure about Knife Master, I'd like to have it because it gives me something to do lethal sneak attack damage at a d8, but I also like Trapfinding and Sense Trap for my kind of master of none type build, which I think would be more appropriate.

I also thought about forfeiting my Human feat for the Focused Study alternate racial trait to get a Skill Focus at level 1, 8, 16 which is amazing for a Rogue.

Most of my trusted skills that I know I will be using are above ten, so don't worry too much about skills, I got that part covered.

1/6 Talent

Knife Master/Scout
1.Two Weapon Fighting, Sap Adept
3.Improved Initiative
5.Sap Master

2.Finesse Rogue
4.Offensive Defensive
6.Underhanded, (Free Talent)

So after level 6, I don't have any concrete plans, I was also thinking about a trip two-weapon fighting set after, but its feat taxing and I feel uncomfortable with using that many feats to get a solid grip of an ability. I want to limit using feats for something particular to two, or even three feats if it's a really good ability.

Please help me figure out how to put this together.

I'm new to the Inquisitor class, what are some archetypes, domains/inquisitions, feats I should note down?

Call me ignorant, but can someone explain what this means in RAW?

Secret Identity (Su): At 3rd level, a mysterious avenger’s force of personality and dedication to her cause give her the ability to keep her true identity secret, even from magical prying. She gains a +4 bonus on Disguise checks in a single disguise of her choice, typically her avenger persona. Once this disguise has been chosen, it can’t be changed. She also gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against divination effect. At 11th level, she becomes immune to all scrying effects and other magical effects used in attempts to uncover her secret identity. This ability replaces nimble.

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I will be starting in a new campaign very soon and my GM said it would be appropriate if I played as an Investigator, but I'm not really a fan of the Alchemy, even though some say that it is effective at higher levels. I'm more interested in using the talents and skills, so I was thinking of going for the Sleuth and multi-classing to Swashbuckler for a mix of Inspiration, Luck, and Panache.
I'm not quite sure which archetype would be more effective for my Investigator, I'm toying with...

• Inspired Blade
-Inspired Panache

• Musketeer
-Musketeer Instruction
-Quick Clear

• Mysterious Avenger
-Secret Identity
-Greater Charmed Life

• Picaroon
-Two Weapon Finesse

They all seem pretty advantageous.

I have always been fascinated with the Deft Palm talent because of its passive-contradictory behaviour, and now with Disarming Threat Deed. I've never had a chance to use them, so I'd like to incorporate those two into my character. Also, if there are any other abilities like those two that are contradictory, please let me know.

The talents I was thinking of suiting into my character are,

• Investigator
-Expanded Inspiration
-Inspired Intelligence
-Underworld Inspiration
-Quick Study
-Perspective Tracking
-Eidetic Recollection
-Inspired Alertness
-Inspired Intimidator

• Rogue
-Coax Information
-Convincing Liar

I've marked down the "acing" skills from the Investigator's class skills.

Acrobatics *
Bluff /
Climb *
Diplomacy /
Disable Device /
Disguise /
Escape Artist *
Heal /
Intimidate /
Knowledge (All) /
Linguistics /
Perception /
Profession /
Sense Motive /
Slight of Hand /
Spellcraft /
Use Magic Device
* Those Marked with an asterisk are from the Sleuth's Daring class feature.
/ Those marked with the slash are from the Expanded Inspiration, Inspired Intelligence, and Underworld Inspiration Investigator talents.

The attributes I will be focused on are Int, Cha, Dex in that order.

Again, I want to try and get the most out of skills and talents.

Gun Kata

Mysterious Stranger
1. Combat Expertise
2. Lucky

Kata Master/Qinggong Monk
1. Improved Unarmed Strike
Rapid Reload
2. Two Weapon Fighting
3. Leaping Shot Deed
4. Qin: Ki Stand

Mysterious Stranger
3. Spring Attack
4. Whirlwind Attack

Weapon Cords with Pistols
Drop Weapon: Free Action
Rapid Reload: Free Action
Draw Weapon: +1 BAB, Free Action with movement

Ki Stand (0 Points): Swift Action

Mysterious Stranger Grit: Cha
Kata Master Panache: Cha
Kata Master Ki Pool: Wis

You can use double your Charisma on Leaping Shot Deeds, Ki Stand as a Swift Action and the next round, you can Whirlwind Attack.

Let's go to the "logical extreme" with this, this is by far one of the most badass monk archetypes I've seen. Break this monstrosity to good use.

I got some lingering questions I've been meaning to ask.

-Can you Power Attack with your sword if you have a Longsword in one hand and a Heavy Steel Shield in the other?

-What's the feat that allows Bard spells?

-Can I attack with two small weapons in one hand, i.e. two daggers?

-Can you make ranged attacks with a Spring Loaded Wrist Sheath?

-What are some death defying feats upon reaching 0 hit points?

So after some research, I've discovered that the Sacred Servant/Hospitaler is the best solution for me to really be able to heal like a mad man as well as get some cool action with feats, though I'm still not sure what to pick in regards of my Domain, I was thinking of the Healing Domain, the Weather, and the Destruction. My GM is giving me free reign to pick whatever that is not evil. Any suggestions?

I was also thinking of getting Eldritch Heritage, but wasn't really sure what to pick from that either in correlation with my archetypes.

Is there anything else like Deft Palm, Deceptive Exchange, and Betrayer that lets you do things that are so wacky that its just hard not to laugh? :P

Is there anything else like Deft Palm, Deceptive Exchange, and Betrayer that lets you do things with that are so wacky that its just hard not to laugh? :P

If you had to pick only three best class abilities from three of your best classes, what would they be?

(Can be from any archetype.)

-Invisible Blade

-Leaping Shot Deed
•Mysterious Stranger
-Stranger's Fortune

-Skill Sage
-Uncanny Senses
•Urban Ranger
-Blend In

I've been thinking for some time now in making a Paladin/Warpriest Demonspawn Tiefling, with Magic Blessing. I really want to maximize the healing and damage potential as well. A combat healer if you will, that is as potent as a damage dealer as he is as a healer.

Please let me know your suggestions. I really love seeing your advice.

Hey guys. I was looking at the Warpriests Sacred Weapon and thought, what would the Advice Board have to say taking advantage of a weapons properties?