M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Reggie Two-Fist wrote:
GM: Oh my a critical action! Plot Deck Card:
I award plot deck cards when people get crit rolls, however I left my deck at home so I will see this note later and update you. I will resolve this as soon as work dies down! ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Gahrul of the Swamp wrote: Hazzah, I didn't have to make an immediate new character...cause I think I was looking at 5 charges worth of black powder in that powder horn....so 5d6 would've been the damage if I'm not mistaken. I think 5d6 was for a barrel of powder, I looked quick and could be wrong though. But alas, the powder horn is worth it's weight in gold today. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Krendec wrote:
Magical aid rendered and noted. This will help out with the boats overall saving throw at the end of this mini-event. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:
Thanks for being honest about being all explosive. I'll give it a small chance for now. Flame Lashing damage!: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 10% sounds fair. So 1-10 is not good for you.
o...m...g... Well off to look up blackpower exploding on someone...be back soon. GM Edit:
But it may have made you sweat a little bit. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Krendec wrote:
Fire Lashed!: 1d2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Yorick of the Swamp wrote:
You take a hit from the fiery tendrils! Fire Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Ouch! ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() The torch tumbles in midair in slow motion as it spirals down and makes contact with the mass of weeds. There's a bright phosphorous like explosion as the weeds light on fire, blinding everyone temporarily. Spots dance before your eyes as you readjust and see massive amounts of tentacles rising from a now boiling ocean. Flaming stalks of whipping fury lash out randomly and haphazardly on deck, lighting random things on fire. A dolphin that was trying to rip at the seaweed is hoisted into the sky, the smell of burnt flesh fills the air before it is painfully unsummoned. The ship is being lit on fire in random areas. This challenge now requires rolls to put of fires before structure damage is accrued. As well as avoiding the flaming random whip strikes of devilish seaweed strikes. Every one on deck moving or taking actions also has to make reflex saving throws to avoid being struck by firewhips. The boat needs to make saving throws for the next 6 rounds. You as crew are free to describe how you wish to help those saving throws. one basic example is: "I stamp out fire with my boots, or I use magic to get water to a burning section." Feel free to be creative, no wrong answers here. I'll make a few 'boat' saving throws based on your responses and see how much damage the ship takes, or avoids taking. The weeds are not technically alive in the sense they are creatures, though it seems like it is as it engages in it's death throes. Have at it crew! side note:
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Ancient Dragon Master wrote: can I use mage hand to stop the torch going over the edge? GM: Tough call on this, the answer would be better served if I was keeping more track of positions. But in the end I think I'm going to say no to this request simply because it's more reasonable that this was done as a surprise so you won't have time to invoke the spell, and be in position in enough time to stop this torch from being hurled. Which may even be considered a weapon attack at this point, so without a pre-readied action, also no for now. Sorry! Don't worry blame the incoming flaming mess on Reggie :)tl;dr - No. But had you readied an action to do so earlier, yes I could allow that in the future. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Tactics being used: Gahrul: Prof Soldier[20] (mental)
GM: Did I miss anyone? ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Krendec: Devilweed: For Krendec only:
There's an entry on Devil weed that may fit, it specifically warns not to use fire on it. While it will burn it will animate and lash out while burning, though it will probably take care of it, there may be damage and some problems if it animates even more than it is doing now. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Reggie Two-Fist wrote: Reggie immediately moves to assist with the ropes. s she does so, oil, any lamp oil? that will help to keep the stuff burning. she asks as she works with Gahrul to make rappelling ropes. Oil is available on the ship. May have a full barrel or two below deck you can pull up. amount of 'full' oil barrels: 1d2 ⇒ 1 ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Gahrul of the Swamp wrote:
GM: It will help. Adding this to the event effectiveness in overcoming this challenge. Also, the NPCs will also start rigging up a rappelling system to follow your orders. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Erimis wrote:
GM: The summoning works, but the weeds seem to grow faster than a single dolphin can keep up with. I will add this to the overall effort and effectiveness of this encounter. But this alone may not suffice. Great use of a spell though! I dig it. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Grauk wrote:
GM: Profession (cooking/chef/something relevant) or a related Knowledge check may be relevant. You can let me know what you want to roll, and I can give results. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Sorry for the delay. I have completed a script to generate some random events. Some are good, some are bad, some are potentially campaign ending, or at least life threatening to the point people will die. But those type of events are very rare. Here is the first event:
The sweeps, or oars, are affected by this, as well as the rudders and other exposed sections of ship touching water. Minute by minute the stubborn weeds seem to be encroaching upon the vessel, and it might be wise to find a way to get dislodged quickly. What do you all do? ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Reggie Two-Fist wrote:
I figure "engineering" is sort of the "we sprung a leak!" and "The ropes are on fire!" kinda deal. So Engineering is pretty open to a lot of things. But again, feel free to define yourself doing whatever you wish, even if it's not on this list. I'm not going to be penalizing anything/anyone based on roles. Plus you can always react to whats going on as it happens, or move around. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Here is my basic proposal for "roles" they you can fill for the upcoming Man Vrs. nature battle. I have no problem if you recruit "NPC crew" to fill any slots, just assume the NPC crew listens to orders at this point, they don't want to die after all so they are very agreeable. You may decide who stays on deck, or below deck as you see fit. Potential Ship/Crew Positions:
Job Details: Steering & Directing the ship. May require Str, and Dex based checks. Job Role: Perception based role. Aid’s Captain and crew roles. Can help decide best paths and spot dangers. Job Details: Strength based checks to move ship forward or back, to increase or decrease ship speed. May help avoid obstacles or dangers. Note: Pe’Oter is occupying one of these slots. Job Details: Physical based, repairing the ship, tweaking broken or malfunctional ship components. May enhance ship components for additional effects or bonuses. Job Role: Provide magical aid to crew. Examples include healing roles, navigational aid, useful cantrips such as Light, Mending, mage hand, Guidance, Know Direction, etc. many creative uses for spells can probably be done here and provide extra bonuses on certain roles. Note: The Dark Elf can/will fill one of these slots, unless others wish too. She's already casting light/dancing lights as needed. Job: You create a job for yourself, and describe how it functions, or would aid. Once you choose a role, or create a role for yourself, I will create a few sea based encounters and challenges to overcome. Good luck mates! ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Reggie Two-Fist wrote:
Working with Krendic, and using both sails and sweeps, you may actually outrun the more dangerous parts of the storm. Shall we engage in a game of skill roles versus the angry sea? The answer is yes. We shall! I will try to come up with a mini game for the crew to beat this 'foe' using skill roles, crew jobs, and maybe a few other things.
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Grauk wrote: Perhaps someone could make a survival roll to help predict where it will be going so we can try and dodge the storm? Feel free to do so, or ask the 'crew' to do it, all up to you guys. If no one does by today i will assume someone on the crew side makes a choice for the boat on what to do. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Grauk wrote:
GM: Ha! a critical success opposite the strong man...he is not pleased by this competition! He tries to best your attempt to out muscle him (of course)Row, row, row, the boat: 1d20 ⇒ 8 (plus hidden modifies) "8" I don't think that's going to cut it. Pe'oter still is VERY effective, but you clearly have no effort to keeping up with him, and he notices this. The boat is actually moving, it may not outpace the storm...but it is making progress where nothing was done before. The storm still rages over heard but you all think you can manage to put plan "Impale the Whale" to better use now that you have mobility. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() GM Note: Adding sweeps gives you the ability to get the ship moving. You could also try to make sails if you choose, same craft DC, add bonuses for "aid" if you wish, plus an additional bonus for having 'magical aid' available in the form of magic users with mending spells etc. Which drops that craft DC to only '11.' Sweeps, while effective, may/will tire those using them. But Pe'Oter, surprisingly offers to get rowing. It is the first time he offers help, and he recommends two people row opposite of him to keep up his pace. Pe'Oter: "Hand me a sweep, get two people on the other side, it is time we got this floating coffin moving away from that storm." ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Reggie Two-Fist wrote:
GM: "Ship Inventory" There's roughly (as I don't want to keep a complete inventory of the ship) a 50/50 shot of having those available, given the state of what remains on this ship. Here is your shot: 0-49 GOOD, 51-00 BAD
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() GM:
However, You all feel the presence of it's passing as the ship slowly spins in circles. Reggie's Magic Towel: The magic towel from the recruitment thread allows you to breath air when worn or held to your mouth. It's a rather curious little thing, with a dubious past...probably used for torture at some point, as it has an uneasy feeling when used. But, it somehow kept you breathing while underwater. It's frayed now, but still seems to work. You can use that knowledge if you choose to share it. otherwise that's for Reggie only. :)
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Grauk wrote: The dreaded Cetacea Mortis! He had heard tales of these glowing horrors eating a tribe of lizardfolk, if it chose to attack it would be a truly formidable battle, he tries not to raise his voice too much. "Many names and none, shiny green undead big fish are, I heard of one eat a village... my people call it Cetacea Mortis, Grauk no know name in common. Is undead like zombie, no one upset it and maybe it go away, but Grauk not think so." He tries not to make any sudden movements, if it decided to attack he'd be quite happy if it went after someone else first all things considered. Bonus XP awarded for the name! Though XP is sort of freeform at the moment, I figure we'll level up at certain points in the plot, or when it 'feels' right. Hope that's acceptable ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() At some point this week, would you all add a "spoiler" field to your character sheets called "Appearance" and fill it out with 2 things, a brief description of your figure and looks, clothing, gear, posture, whatever and a scale of 1-20 on how beautiful you think your character is in relation to your own kind. This can be rolled if you like, or set to however you wish to be. It's not critical, but I want a baseline for my own point of reference. example: Grunt the Human Npc
Appearance: App: 20 Grunt is a tall man, dark and handsome. He is chased by females (and not just humans) for his ravishing good looks. He typically wears a loose white shirt, leather pants, and carries a whip visibly on his belt. Optional stuff:
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Grauk wrote:
undead fall under religion doesn't it, ya I think so. This type of undead is from the "zombie" flavor. It doesn't have a name formally, as it's homebrew. So call it what you will.
Keep some tabs on characteristics though if you wish. ![]()
M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
![]() Krendec wrote:
It's undead for sure, it's missing vital organs, giant rotting holes, no doubt it's undead at all. It's also a giant whale, as for a real world eq. it's a giant 'blue whale'.
As for the green glow, that's new. You're not too sure what that may be, it could be a parasite of some sort, or strange effect, or some unknown quality of the water. You'd have to study that closer to be sure.