Winterwalker's page
RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Champion Voter. Organized Play Member. 1,104 posts (1,911 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 20 aliases.

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M Monk 10, Rogue 3, Bard 6, Wizard 2, Cleric 4
Gahrul of the Sea wrote: Chaotic good people can and have (Or at least I have) Threatened innocents in the past in order to scare them away from trouble/danger.
A paladin would have to smite said CG person for this and personally I find that RUDE or lose their powers.
At least if we are being literalists who demand the most out of a Paladin's code.
I saw Tyrant and I'm glad that that was made an Archetype to drag Anti-paladin away from the position of CE...I just never felt that was right unless there was an archetype that allowed paladins to be beacons for the greater good IE CG and just be people who embody their gods tenets and not the "paladin code"
(I see a Paladin still attempting to believe his god could never truly die and that their ideals and code should still be honored...but that's my interpretation of the class.)
It's true that we don't have to get along necessarily, but I feel that given that Skinwalkers don't exist outside their respective bloodlines (They don't just happen as some divine accident or fiendish accident....they have to have a Skinwalker parent to receive the 'curse') and that they are fairly tight nit communities that don't let people just walk away and start their own community....that we grew up thinking that abandoning others for our goals in life is something not to be scorned...but that if you want to have a family that gets along and doesn't leave the other to die...they should have somewhat of a common goal even if it varies just ever so slightly.
re: paladins
I disagree a LG character (of any class) would do this, Paladin code or not. Murder is sort of frowned upon, or at least shouldn't be the first choice when dealing with a situation where a good character "scared" some people into not being harmed. I would see that as a RP opportunity for the LG character to discuss tactics, and or alternatives...but to be rigidly 'required' to smite someone for verbal threats? that seems excessive. :) and i would strip that Paladins powers for abusing their smite, which would fail anyway as that guy was CG.
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ambnz wrote: Quick question~ as there appears to be many more than the maximum 5 interested at the moment, when will you be planning to randomly choose the players? Probably by the end of the day today, so as to get the group together and planning their characters.
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Covert Operator wrote: The reason it cannot harm undead, constructs, and objects is because it passes directly through them. If it stopped upon hitting them, that would be harming them, eh? Except it doesn't actually SAY that in the rules though does it? What it does say is that it 'ignores' nonliving matter. that doesn't automatically mean it 'phases' or 'passes through' it.
By the wording it only passes through 'armor' that's it.
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by RAW: "...most Drow are Chaotic Evil." Which leaves enough room for the oddball player character Drow that isn't.
There are no hard set rules saying they MUST be evil. (that I have seen or heard about)
Sadly you don't get to add 2 free scimitars, or figurines to your character sheet.
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I've seen everything I think, just hit champion voter. woo!
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While I cannot see the above as a valid (GM Approved) method of gaining unlimited wishes.
The easiest way is probably to simply be a wizard and cast it yourself, assuming you're a diamond hoarder.
(Good luck finding a CR16-ish Efreet that goes along with this though.)
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I dig some of the names on the list, Haven't seen many that I haven't voted on yet. But I think there's still a few more to see.
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Thanks, this was helpful.
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Toodles or summat wrote: if it makes a difference, the concept is that of a gnome synthesist who uses his idyllically beautiful eidelon disguise as a medium for pranks, seducing other creatures into evil acts to open their eyes to a more infernal friendly worldview. /Takes notes for home game. Thanks! (sadly still no homebrew, but that is clever, stealing it!)
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Avenger wrote: Being dead is usually one of the prerequisites of becoming a vampire. Nah, being alive is.
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I enjoyed the Extradimensional Librarian, where a door would open up to a small demon that read all the popular books and gave you skill bonus'.
I think that was the title anyhow, cool item for roleplaying there. it was one of the few items i copied and pasted as I planned to use it in some form.
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I'm officially attuned (24 hours since this thread opened, give or take 10 min.)
I'm the first to do it right!
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Curaigh wrote: Winterwalker wrote: So far I saw my own item 3 times, still waiting to see my wife's item though. DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote: Just saw my item twice almost in a row. A friend had seen it the day after the culling. So that's three votes up :) My emphasis.
Statistically speaking, when does this become significant? I assume it is in the hundreds (depending on the number of entries).
I am just curious, the sheer volume and the judge's final call offers enough balance IMHO.
3 times, out of 1,000 votes. I doubt I'm skewing my own item significantly at all.
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I finally saw mine after days of clicking on votes. It took me a minute to recognize it as my own.
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If the Haste doesn't fit, you must quit!
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Arbane the Terrible wrote: So, undead are auto-immune to all damage that requires a fort save? O_o
Another dumb question on Ice Tomb: What's its range?
I almost wonder if this was a ritual Necromantic bump , 1 year later on the day! Well done Gravemaster!
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stringburka wrote: The RAW is clear, but it's probably not as intended; using a water blast that can't put out a larger campfire to knock the tarrasque away feels weird, to say the least. I doubt you're going to beat the tarrasque's CMD of 66.
The balance here is you do not get a size mod, and still have to beat their CMD to be affected.
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@AdAstraGames: You are fighting hard against RAW, but the fact remains that your combo as written is not the 1-2 punch you made it out to be.
They still get saving throws in space for suffocation as there's nothing written preventing them from doing so just because they are under the effects of Hideous Laughter. In fact the only thing I would enforce per the RAW is that while in space they are 'prone' and if they choose to could try to spend an action to stop laughing, and reduce their rounds they can hold their breath by 1.
We have specific rules already covering how to handle this scenario, and unless there's another rule written to trump it, it's not trumped.
And just to be even more clear after round 1, he still gets to make a new save to return whether he chose to try and stop laughing or not.

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Gordon the Whale wrote: Per strict RAW, I would say that Hideous Laughter does not prohibit you from holding your breath, because it doesn't say it does.
Common sense obviously dictates otherwise, so I think resolving the situation would have to be up to the GM. Hideous Laughter would make you exhale, but in real life, exhaling without anything to inhale does not immediately cause you to go unconscious. It does reduce the amount of time you can hold your breath though. I would probably treat it as 1x Con rounds, instead of 2x, and still take away extra rounds for standard/full round actions taken.
If it actually came up, I might treat underwater and vacuum differently. Hideous laughter underwater would make you not only exhale your air, but inhale water. In space, the inhalation shouldn't make much difference.
And if you can actually get someone to laugh while immersed in acid or lava...
Common sense doesn't quite apply when you can wave a finger and send a guy to space though does it? ;)
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Yes, it can be re-summoned. Summoner rules trump the general summoning rules. (It even says so in the spell description, so not sure why your GM would fight that.)
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Azure_Zero wrote: All racial archetypes are lock to the race
Half-elves can not take Elven or Human Archetypes,
and they can not take Half-elf archetypes.
Half-Elfs can't take Half-Elf archtypes?
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This silly thread has indeed inspiered me to use a black pie pudding monster. Excellent idea!
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MendedWall12 wrote: Winterwalker wrote: chaoseffect wrote: Winterwalker wrote: perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake. Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different. please tell me where a pie is not a cake, I want RAW on this stat! What If I house ruled cake to be pie?! No, no, no, you can't do that. That would be like houseruling a shortsword is a longsword. It messes with the very fabric of the Pathfinder universe. I quake and shudder at the ramifications. Doesn't this cake have a feat allowing it to 'qualify' as a different type of desert??
I think I read that somewhere. Wasn't it called Dopplercake or Something?
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BltzKrg242 wrote: chaoseffect wrote: Winterwalker wrote: perfectly believable with cake present, everyone was fighting over the cake. Your entire interpretation is invalid because we are talking about pie, not cake. They are completely different. YES! This.
cake /= pie.
They are not near. not similar. not same family unless you mean desserts...
Fail point to Winterwalker I accept said fail point in shame, because I am more a fan of pie than cake....I truly failed here.
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If you're talking a 10' x 10' room, there can only be 4 orcs in there max. Each takes a 5' square.
If you're talking 100' total (10 square by 10 square, why would you have them rush blindly into what my group calls a 'Diablo the Door Tactic?'
They usually have, by their description, 2handers and a ranged weapon. I would have them all back up and toss 10 ranged attacks at any fool blocking the door. Once they run out of those, bullrush them out of the way and swarm them.
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They wouldn't stack due to opposing each other. One bonus is for being seen while doing something aggressive in plain sight.
Example 1:
Guard1: "Did he just steal money from that man in plain sight?"
Guard2: "Nah, I saw him shake his hand and he gave him a few coins, he must know him."
Narrative: What happened, the rogue crushed his grip and threatened to knife the man unless he paid his protection fees he owes, all with a Cheshire smile and a wink to the guards.
They other bonus is for tricking someone that detected you, but hasn't yet seen you, that the noise (or whatever) was normal and to disregard it.
Example 2:
Guard1 whispers "Did you hear that?!"
Guard2: "Here what?"
G1: "That noise, sounded like someone sneaking around back there."
/Thief makes a cat noise.
G2 "You idiot, it's a cat."
G1 "Oh. I feel dumb, lets continue on."
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Although honestly, mechanically, I think it works...even if it is a headache to figure out.
Although if I was DMing a game and a player pulled this, I would say it all works and thank him for the new NPC he created for me. As Orc is not a player race. :P
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Dualwolf wrote: This is going off topic a tad, but can any one think of rhyms/ poems or stories for the Sandpoint Devil? You know like the little rhym the kids have for Das Kurvat (sp) when playing hopscotch. The Sandpoint Devil
One then two and try to stay level,
or else you'll draw the Sandpoint Devil.
Three then four your in the game,
Beware the Sandpoints fire mane.
Five now six your starting to gamble,
The devil charges your gonna get trampled.
Seven or eight it's now too late,
Look at red eyes and see the hate.
Nine and then ten your frozen in place,
The Sandpoint Devil glares into your face.
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Goblin War Song
"Eat The pickle,
we're not fickle!
Swing the sickle,
and make them tickle!"
Break them, kick them, make them sick them!
"Mash them, crash them, grab and smash them!"
Repeat until you get bored.
I think I need to make an MP3 out of this and the others I just cooked up.
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My character fell for Ameiko, and now they are an item. (and she's pregnant, though they don't know that yet.)
Anyone else have any love stories to share?