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Print Edition Unavailable

Non-Mint Unavailable

So Much Fun!


I ran this for two of my players and they each wanted to play one character so we went with gestalt rules and 25 point buy, so keep that in mind. Overall, it's a pure dungeon crawl without any real chances of talking your way through an encounter, but the players were aware of that going in so had the right expectations. My full group played through Mummy's Mask a couple of years ago so myself and the two players for Risen from the Sands were quite excited to revisit Osirion. It only took minor descriptive tweaks to have it as a follow-up with the module being affected by the events in Mummy's Mask, and the two PCs were people that were mostly on the sidelines during the events of the AP.

The descriptions of the rooms are really well done, it's a surprising amount of encounters for a Free RPG Day module that's only 10 pages of adventure, and the map is fantastic as it allows multiple ways to get to the goal. My players missed a room due to bad rolls, which made it so they didn't solve a puzzle but instead of brute-forcing their way through it they moved on and found another way through the problem.

Some of the fights allow creative players to use the terrain to their advantage, it's not all undead, and all of the encounters feel different from each other. The final fight is really hard. Thankfully there's something the players can find along the way that make it easier. Even with that they still a lot of uncertainty about the outcome.

The pregen characters are going to have a terrible time with the module so I'd highly suggest that you allow your players to make their own. As I said, I only had two PCs so went with 25 point buy and gestalt, but I'm confident that a group of 4 with 15 or 20 point buy would do about as well, possibly better, than my two players did.

This is by no means a guaranteed win for the group, but so long as the GM likes the module a group should have a lot of fun with it. We ended up laughing throughout it and having a great time, and the two players were excited that they might not survive the final encounter, especially when they both failed their initial saves.

How I Ran Area 3:
In area 3 I treated the encounter more as a trap that couldn't be deactivated than a monster. Think of it as the rolling boulder in Indiana Jones! I had to shorten the hall to the size actually shown on the map in order to have the module fit in to the events of Mummy's Mask so I put the enemy at the very end. Once a PC got far enough down the hall the enemy activated and initiative was rolled. One PC ran back to area 2, the other waited and managed to jump over the enemy (taking half damage as they made the save while it moved past them), and went for the door at the end. When the enemy was stopped by the small walls between areas 2 and 3 it was stuck for a round so the other PC ran up to the door and they started working on getting it open. When the enemy was headed back to them it ended up being 10 feet behind them and they had to really think about which option would be best. They ended up trying once more to get the door open and ran in, both failing their perception checks in their haste. One managed to jump for it, the other failed, while the enemy once again hit the doorframe and was stopped.

Running it as a monster that stays close and attacks would have lead to my group not having fun as they wouldn't have been able to do much damage and a fight against it would've dragged on forever. Running it as I did allowed the players to solve a problem while also being a really tense situation as the enemy very nearly made it back to attack them.