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Organized Play Member. 157 posts (159 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.

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Grand Lodge

Was Aesocar overlooked when the list of associated gods were picked for this subdomain? Her areas of concern specifically include medicine. Just realized this when someone suggested I pick up the medicine subdomain for my PFS character... and I couldn't.

I know it's a tall order with PFS1 already sent to pasture, but a campaign clarification that added her to the list wouldn't go unappreciated.

Grand Lodge

I was under the understanding that if you don't have the Improved Grapple feat, you only provoke when you first initiate the grapple, not every subsequent round you maintain it.

GM believes that you provoke every round you make your combat maneuver check to maintain, in addition to the initial grapple maneuver. I found several flow charts that agree with my side of the discussion, but he says the flowcharts are "fan-made rules," and not official.

Can someone point me to some clarification on this?


Grand Lodge

I know traits don't normally stack, but Blessed Touch doesn't read as a trait bonus (at least, it makes no mention of bonuses). The Rescued campaign trait from Jade Reagent adventures, on the other hand, explicitly gives +2 trait bonus to HPs healed with cure spells.

Blessed Touch: You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell.

Rescued (relevant part): You gain a +2 trait bonus whenever you use cure spells to heal damage.

Yay, or nay?

Grand Lodge 1/5

I would think they would be, as they're listed in the equipment section of the Core Rulebook, as well as mentioned in animal archives as possible mounts -- however, they don't seem to be statted anywhere. I can't find any official post regarding this, nor is it mentioned in the FAQ or erratas.

Grand Lodge

Assuming I have control of the grapple, can I can use the Move action of the grapple rules to place my opponent upright (no longer prone) in an adjacent square when I'm done moving him or her about? Or, perhaps, upright before hand as part of the movement?

Was trying to find some rules for forcing an opponent out of prone position, and this was the closest I could find.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Just noticed in the AR all that beautiful red text lifting the Ratfolk embargo (main ARG heading still says nothing from Ratfolk is legal, but the red text below says it is... assuming the former is an oversight?).

Were there Ratfolk boons given out at GenCon? Or is this some clever foreshadowing? :o)

Grand Lodge

Hey All,

Was reading up on the treesinger archetype, and saw that the treant does double damage vs objects. This got me thinking about making a sunder specialist -- of sorts. I'm keen on the idea of a hulk-smash treant, but I'm not sure how effective it would be.

Here are my initial thoughts on feats and such at each level for the treant (PFS, so level 10 is about where it caps for animal companion in regular play).

01 Toughness OR Extra Item Slot for some future beneficial item
02 Power Attack
04 +1 int
05 Improved Sunder
08 Improved Natural Attack
09 +1 wis
10 Deific Obedience (Rovagug, +4 hit/dmg vs objects)
13 Greater Sunder

At level 10, vanilla STR 26 treant would be:

+20/+20/+20 @ 4d6 + 24 damage vs objects.

Does this seem viable at all, particularly with lack of adamantine? What other feats would you suggest (for both the druid and treant)?


Grand Lodge 1/5

Question about further enchanting an item that appeared on my #00-34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones chronicle. There are three Core Rule items that were fluffed to use a different item slot. The one of particular interest is this one:

Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (Crocodile Skull Headdress)

Is this item considered unique, or can I enchant it beyond the +1?

Grand Lodge 1/5

In Destiny of Sands Part 3, you gain 3 mythic tiers for the duration of the adventure. The Mythic book says, " Upon reaching the 2nd mythic tier, an ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2." Emphasis mine. If the ability increase is permanent, wouldn't that mean you get to keep the stat increase regardless of losing your mythic tiers at the end of the scenario?

Grand Lodge 1/5

I was looking up some unrelated stuff, and just now noticed that Whimsy subdomain is no longer legal. I know I can pick a new subdomain for free, but I picked up the subdomain via the Separatist archetype and it was the sole reason for taking the archetype.

As such, am I limited to only selecting a new subdomain, or can I change archetypes (or remove it completely) for free since that was the whole purpose of taking said archetype? Or is intent irrelevant and I'm stuck with it?

Thanks everyone,

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hey Everyone,

I have a bazillion prestige right now after a long period of slow advancement + Borderland Keep (generates +1 prestige in place of day job).

Aside from Pathfinder Society Field Guide and the the Pathfinder Society Primer, are there are any other sources of vanities or prestige purchases? I have a whole lotta' prestige I need to spend.


p.s. Thank you for the responses!

Grand Lodge

So, I got the race boon yesteryear at DundraCon, and recently discovered the firesight feat. Was thinking that it was a natural fit with an eversmoking bottle, but then I realized that ifrit aren't immune to the effects smoke inhalation.

Was hoping to do an alchemist or investigator (something with craft alchemy), but I'm running into the smoke inhalation problem. Any suggestions for getting around that?

I could spend 9k for a necklace of adaptation, but I figured it'd be more fitting for an ifrit to have an innate ability of some sort (feat, persistent class ability, etc.) to avoid choking to death on smoke. Something other than holding ones breath, of course. Sadly, smoke isn't considered a poison, otherwise that'd be an ez fix by merely leveling as alchemist.


Grand Lodge 1/5

Have a couple questions for this feat:

1) Since it no longer requires Ability Focus (a monster feat), and it's not explicitly listed as being banned in the Additional Resources, am I to assume I can now take this feat, providing I meet all other prerequisites?

Was thinking of taking this chain for my crawling vine companion.

2) This feat references old mechanics, and hasn't been updated to reflect the change in Bestiary 2 to what sizes grab and constrict abilities can affect. As such, does this feat no longer provide any benefit to a creature that already has grab and constrict (e.g. crawling vine)?

Grand Lodge

Hey Everyone,

I can't for the life of me remember where I saw it, but I had come across either a magic item or alchemical substance that when combined with an alchemical item, increased all its saved DCs by 1.

Anyone here know where I saw that? Or was it some crazy lucid dream?


Grand Lodge 1/5

9 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Quick rules question. Do the advanced classes count as their constituent parts with respect to PFS rules? i.e. Does investigator count as an alchemist for the crafting exception?

Grand Lodge

Hey Hey,

Quick verification for my edification:

The touch attack made with a mancatcher's initial attack is still a type of melee attack, correct? As such, I should be able to channel smite with said touch attack, followed by the free grapple?

I only ask because it's such an oddly worded weapon (and I'm still unsure as to whether you deal damage with the initial strike or not).


Grand Lodge 1/5

Was hoping we could have the oozes from the other bestiaries added to the list of available oozes for the alchemist's Bottled Ooze discovery. Currently, only the original Bestiary is legal for use.

Grand Lodge 1/5

We played 1st level Confirmation as I was the only 2nd level at the table. GM said there's no out of tier gold for Confirmation, so he gave me 1st level gold, but I'm not seeing anything on the forums saying otherwise. Another GM at an adjacent table was awarding OoT gold.

So... OoT or not to OoT?


Grand Lodge

For special materials that are limited to light and one-handed weapons only, does this extend to their large-sized cousins? For example, a large-sized bronze longsword?


Grand Lodge 1/5

10 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Mentioned ever so briefly in another thread. In short, temporary bonuses aside from that granted by Crafter's Fortune can't be used to modify a Day Job roll.

• So... is the Investigator's Inspiration ability considered a bonus with respect to Day Job rolls? It's not explicitly labeled as a bonus.

Grand Lodge

I was working on a character that would be specializing in unorthodox grappling methods, primarily the mancatcher. Am I going to run into the same problem as with AoMF? Or, would grappling weapons be a different story since it's the weapon it self that's doing the grappling?

Grand Lodge

The reason I ask is that the brawling armor enchantment seems to imply that it is, in that the description puts grapple under the umbrella of "unarmed attacks." At least, assuming that you're grappling via plain 'ol fisty-cuffs.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Seems legit, by RAW, but that isn't always the case for PFS. Anybody see a problem with stuffing a young, fiendish, gelatinous cube into a 2nd level extract slot? Or an advanced, giant, cube into a 5th level slot, should I reach 13th level?

At 16th level, I could even summon a single CR 6 young black pudding! That'll show 'em. :D

Grand Lodge

The extract level that's taken up by the Bottled Ooze discovery is based on the created ooze's CR. As such, can I create a young fiendish gelatinous cube to bottle into a 2nd level extract slot?

Grand Lodge

Anyone know off the top of their head if there's a spell or class ability that can hasten the effects of a disease already in place? Sort of like contagion, but only make a pre-existing condition immediately affect the person.

Grand Lodge

I was looking at the throwing shield shield add-on, and it says it's a free action to chuck your shield.

Then I looked at the quickdraw shield, and it says it's a free action to don/put away if you have the Quickdraw feat.

That's a lot of freebies, unless I'm reading it wrong. Am I?

Grand Lodge

Hey All,

I didn't see anything noted in the arcane school section like it is for domain powers that states what the default action type is for these powers. Is it assumed a standard action? The Assume Control ability for the Infernal Binder (Inner Sea Primer) doesn't state the action type, only what it is for the original owner to re-establish control.


Grand Lodge 1/5

The AR says, "Bottled ooze discovery may only be used to bottle oozes which appear in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary." Is that Bestiary 1 only, or all three (soon four) Bestiaries?


Grand Lodge 1/5

As of right now, golem manuals are legal purchases and you add the golem to your item inventory sheet upon creation (I assume this follows the "one active companion at a time" limit?).

So, another question that follows is: Can a flesh Golem Manual also be used to craft the unholy and electrified variants presented in Classic Monsters Revisited Classic Horrors Revisited?

I ask because I'm not aware of any "legal monsters" list for PFS, and I've even seen the occasional monster from 3rd party books (Tome of Horrors) used in PFS scenarios.

For the sake of sanity, I should probably abandon this character concept right now, but I kinda' want to know anyway...


Sorry, meant Classic Horrors Revisited, not Monsters.

Grand Lodge

Hey All,

The farming variant channel to harm seems a bit unclear to me, so I have a few question regarding this:

1) Does the fatigue stack? e.g. If my targets fail their save a second time, are they now exhausted?

2) Is the fatigue indefinite until they eat something?

3) Do the targets take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage in order to meet the fatigued criteria for starvation?

Quoted Rules for reference:

Heal—Creatures ignore fatigue (but not exhaustion) for 1 minute. The healing effect is enhanced for plant creatures. Harm—The damage effect is enhanced for plant creatures. Creatures are fatigued, as if experiencing starvation.

Starvation and Thirst:
Characters might find themselves without food or water and with no means to obtain them. In normal climates, Medium characters need at least a gallon of fluids and about a pound of decent food per day to avoid starvation. (Small characters need half as much.) In very hot climates, characters need two or three times as much water to avoid dehydration.

A character can go without water for 1 day plus a number of hours equal to his Constitution score. After this time, the character must make a Constitution check each hour (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters that take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit points begin to take lethal damage instead.

A character can go without food for 3 days, in growing discomfort. After this time, the character must make a Constitution check each day (DC 10, +1 for each previous check) or take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage. Characters that take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to their total hit points begin to take lethal damage instead.

Characters who have taken nonlethal damage from lack of food or water are fatigued. Nonlethal damage from thirst or starvation cannot be recovered until the character gets food or water, as needed—not even magic that restores hit points heals this damage.

Grand Lodge

Hey everybody. I'm starting to prep my very first entry for the upcoming RPG Superstar. Assuming the archetype is still an option, I'd like to share my initial thoughts and get some helpful critique/criticism. So, here we go:

Reach Expert

Second rank warriors utilizing reach weapons are essential to any modern army, and a reach expert is a specialist in such matters of warfare.

Tactical Reach

A reach expert gains Combat Expertise and Gang Up feats as bonus feats at first level even if she doesn't qualify for them.

This ability replaces the reach expert's 1st level bonus feat and proficiency with heavy armor and shields.

Precise Reach (Ex)

At 2nd level when a reach expert makes a melee attack through an ally's square, that ally only provides soft cover instead of the normal cover. At 6th level a reach expert ignores cover from allies when making melee attacks through an ally's square.

This ability replaces the reach expert's 2nd level bonus feat.

Allied Defense (Ex)

At 3rd level when using the Combat Expertise feat, a reach expert may forgo the bonus to armor class and instead grant an equal bonus to an adjacent allay's AC and to CMD to resist bull rush, reposition, and drag attempts. She still suffers any penalties associated with the feat.

This ability replaces Armor Training 1.

Reach Training (Ex)

At 5th level a reach expert gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with spears and polearms. The bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 5th.

This ability replaces Weapon Training.

Tight Formation (Ex)

At 11th level, whenever a reach expert takes a five foot step she may designate a single allay to take a five foot step with her, so long as the ally ends her movement in a square adjacent to the reach expert. This ability does not use up the designated ally's five step, but must otherwise follow the normal rules for taking a five foot step.

This ability replaced Armor Training 3.

Fortified Defense (Ex)

At 19th level when a reach expert uses her Allied Defense ability, she grants all other adjacent allies half this bonus.

This ability replaces Armor Mastery.

Weapon Mastery (Ex)

A reach expert must choose a spear or polearm for her Weapon Mastery class feature.

Grand Lodge

The archetype says that cantrips and 1st level scrolls are treated as masterwork weapons, however, it doesn't say that scrolls have a minimum of 1 HP. So, as written, does this mean if I attempt to activate a cantrip scroll, it immediately crumbles to dust, having 0 HPs?

In addition, it says that the archetype is proficient in "this weapon." Does that mean they're proficient in short swords as the scroll blade acts like a short sword, or are they proficient in scroll blades specifically?

Grand Lodge

Assuming I can succeed at the 10 ft (DC 40) or 20 ft (DC 80) jump, would anyone here see a problem with moving your enemy UP as a grapple action to move the enemy? I'd assume they get the usual free attempt at +4 to break the grapple because I'd be attempting to move them into dangerous terrain, but aside from that, it's still movement, correct?

At 4th level, my human luchador will be as such:

01 Monk (MoMS/Hungry Ghost)
02 Monk
03 Ninja
04 Ninja (Acrobatic Master trick)

1b Punishing Kick [Hungry Ghost]
1b Improved Unarmed Strike [Monk]
1b Kobold Style [MoMS]
1b Improved Grapple [Human]
1 Combat Reflexes
2b Kobold Groundling [MoMS]
3 Vicious Stomp

Tactic: Round 1, grapple. Round 2, attempt to move enemy 10 ft. into the air (mostly succeeds at this with a 5 or higher). Free action, release enemy. He falls for 1d6 damage and is prone. Triggers Vicious Stomp (atomic leg drop, flying elbow, meteor pile driver, etc.). Kobold Groundling makes him lose dex while prone, so I get an extra 1d6 sneak from ninja (it IS his signature move, after all... his flying elbow should be more devastating than others. hehehe).

At 6th level, he'll have his 2nd ninja trick (High Jumper) and presumably Monk's Robes and Boots of Speed. He'll be able to auto-succeed a 20ft jump because of the very healthy bonus to Acrobatics from increased movement. At 10th level, he'll be able to mostly succeed at 30ft jump. :D

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey All,

I'm looking at the FAQ, and wanted to make sure I'm understanding it correctly:

SKR wrote:

Ray: Do rays count as weapons for the purpose of spells and effects that affect weapons?

Yes. (See also this FAQ item for a similar question about rays and weapon feats.)

For example, a bard's inspire courage says it affects "weapon damage rolls," which is worded that way so don't try to add the bonus to a spell like fireball. However, rays are treated as weapons, whether they're from spells, a monster ability, a class ability, or some other source, so the inspire courage bonus applies to ray attack rolls and ray damage rolls.

The same rule applies to weapon-like spells such as flame blade, mage's sword, and spiritual weapon--effects that affect weapons work on these spells.

—Sean K Reynolds, 07/29/11

I'm creating a Samsaran Oracle (Wind Mystery) with the Mystic Past Life racial option, and was going to add Barkskin, Flame Blade, Light Lance, and Holy Weapon to her divine spell list. If I'm understanding the FAQ correctly, does that mean my Flame Blade or Light Lance spell can benefit from a Keen Edge or Holy Weapon spell, since both the Flame Blade and Light Lance are creating specific weapon-like effects (scimitar and lance)?


Grand Lodge

I'm having trouble locating posts with regard to whether or not temporarily meeting a feat prerequisite is good enough to take the feat. For example, as a sixth level Urban Barbarian with a 14 dex and Greater Brawler rage power, do I qualify for Improved Two-Weapon fighting, since raging can grant me an 18 dex and Two-Weapon Fighting for unarmed?

If that's the case, then can any charismatic adventurer with UMD and a wand of <insert stat-boosting spell> also qualify?

Or if you have a magic item that grants you a feat that's a prerequisite for another feat you want?


Anyone know?


The Exchange

Is this where we do feature requests?

I humbly submit that skunk / giant skunk get some official animal companion stat blocks. You can purchase a giant skunk as a mount, but you can't pick it as a bonded mount. It's an animal that has affinity with gnomes, but a gnome druid/cavalier/ranger can't bond with one. I can get a skunk as a familiar, but again, not as a bonded companion, or a giant version as a bonded mount.

Giant slug, yes, giant skunk, no. :(

Please, oh please? My PFS gnome would love the devs forever and ever. Just a teeny blog post in a corner somewhere, and I'll be happy. And others, I'm sure.

Grand Lodge

Is there a region in Golarion that has a Hellenistic style to it? I had a character many moons ago in a Greyhawk campaign that was a self-exiled priest of Apollo. He carried a column upon his back as penance for failing to warn his temple of an impending attack by warrior-priests of Ares. Was hoping to revisit that idea in a PFS game, since I discovered the Raging Hurler feat and stuff. Would be cool to splatterize enemies with his column. :)


Grand Lodge

Hey Everyone,

At a recent PFS game, a companion of mine was attacked by a clockwork monstrosity. I stated that I'd like to use my bodyguard feat (from 2nd rank with my bardiche) in order to interfere and grant my allay a bonus to his AC. The GM said I can't use the feat because the monster didn't provoke an AoO.

I scratched my head for a bit, but decided to wait until the break to dispute his statement in order to keep the game flowing. During the break, he clarified:

An enemy has to actually trigger an attack of opportunity (move through a threatened square) while en route to attack an adjacent allay in order for me to use the bodyguard feat. If the enemy doesn't trigger an AoO in its attempt to attack an adjacent allay, then I can't use the bodyguard feat.

I disagreed, stating that I interpret the feat as using up one of your AoO's for the round in exchange for an immediate Aid Another action to AC, and that it's not dependent upon making an actual AoO. He stood by his decision, stating that he has made an official ruling on the use of the feat at a previous con. I shrugged, stated that I disagree, but that I respect his decision as GM and dropped the issue for the game.

So... does the bodyguard feat really require the enemy to trigger an AoO en route to attacking an adjacent allay in order to use it?

Grand Lodge 1/5

Read in the Pathfinder Society Guide that by wearing one of the nifty shirts listed in the book at our weekly gatherings, I'd be rewarded with a single reroll. Only problem is that they're only available in size small.

Any chance that the larger sizes will be restocked?

And just to be certain, the one with the goblin holding the red gem is in fact a GEM, not a d20? I didn't see any goblin with d20 in the store.


Grand Lodge

Quick question: Grappling Hook is classified, normally, as a tool, however, there is an option in my Pirates of the Inner Sea to actually become proficient with it via Exotic Weapon Proficiency.

If I were to do this, would it negate the bonuses from Improvised Weapon Mastery, since I'm now proficient with it?

Grand Lodge 1/5

So, I purchased the Blood of Fiends book specifically because the Additional Resources said the subdomains are legal in PFS. But from what I'm reading, it doesn't appear you can actually use the listed subdomains at all. The book doesn't state who grants the actual subdomains, and unless I'm mistaken, that's sort of required in order to select them?

Book only provides a vague, "The following subdomains grant powers to those divine spellcasters whose power comes from patrons of Abaddon, the Abyss, or Hell."

Grand Lodge 1/5

I have the old Pathfinder Chronicles Princes of Darkness book, and was wondering if Furcas is a legal deity to worship. Looking in the Additional Resources, I -think- I found the entry for this book under "Campaign Settings: Princes of Darkness," but I don't see any mention about the archdevils shown in that book, whereas deities are specifically mentioned in other entries.

Anyone know? I was hoping to make a LN cleric of Furcas.


Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi there,

I'm new to Pathfinder Society organized gameplay, and I have a concern. I know that you can't craft items, mundane or otherwise, and that the rules state:

In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, you may never buy items from, sell items to, or trade items with another player. You may, however, allow another player to borrow an item for the duration of a scenario. You are also permitted to spend your character’s gold to help a party member purchase spellcasting services such as raise dead or remove disease.

My concern is that I'd like my ranger to create what he would call Woodchuck Badges for the other characters. The badges themselves would have no intrinsic value, and he awards them to other players when they succeed on a skill check of some sort -- "Good job on the fire building, Junior Woodchuck! You've earned yourself a badge!" It would purely be a roleplaying gimmick.

But... from the looks of it, it doesn't even look like you can even so much as buy a drink for a fellow adventurer. Or even give a dying comrade one of your healing potions, for that matter...

So, would creating badges and gifting them to other players be a no-no?


Fixed subject line. Typo.

Grand Lodge

Let's say a paladin uses his special ability to cast Holy Aura on persons A, B, C, and himself. Then, a monster with SR decides to attack person A. The paladin makes a check vs the monster's SR and fails to overcome it. Is the monster now immune to Holy Aura's effects as a whole? That is, should the monster now attack person B, person C, or the paladin, the monster needn't worry about the effects of Holy Aura on those individuals as well?

Or, are person B, person C, and the paladin considered different instances?

Grand Lodge

Hey everyone,

I was hoping I could get some people's opinions and suggestions on a house rule I've been working on and am about to start play testing. Since my campaign is a low-magic game, I wanted to expand on the healing skill and non-magical healing more. So, I've basically ported my long-time friend's 2nd Edition bandaging rules to Pathfinder.

Some Background -- Skip if you want:
My campaign setting is a low-magic game. Monsters, mythical beasts, magic, etc... all of it is a fairly recent thing to this world and not supposed to exist, including a mostly-evil and/or insane proto-pantheon that has arisen within the last 1200 years. As such, divine magic is strictly controlled by a monopoly of religious orders dedicated to these corrupt demigods. Asking for healing is like asking for a favor from the Mob. So, people have had to make do with what they had before, but supplement it with all of this new flora, fauna, and minerals/metals that have cropped up. As a result, the mostly-non-magical healing arts are more advanced than that of a standard Pathfinder game -- or so I'd like to have, since the player's magical healing options are limited in their struggle to survive this harsh world.

Quick Technicalities:

Wounds are recorded individually in my game for bandaging purposes. Each wound can be treated with an alchemical bandage in addition to being treated with magic, however, magical healing consolidates all damage into a single wound and renders the remaining damage unbandageable. So, it's common practice in my game to bandage up the wounded before applying any magical healing -- with the exception of Cure Minor Wounds, which can be used on a per-wound basis for a 1 HP boost per wound.

And now the actual part I wanted feedback on (especially wording... I'm having trouble wording the mechanics). Copy/pasted from my notes:

Non-magical healing is improved on Imperia. Before the advent of magic, that was all the people had. In addition to treating deadly wounds once per day as per the heal skill, a person may apply an alchemical bandage to each wound with a standard DC 15 first-aid check per wound. Success restores hit points to the wound, based on the type of bandage used (rolls of 20 bandages):

Type // Cost // Effect // Craft DC
A (Common) // 20 GP // Restores 1 HP // 15
B (Good) // 30 GP // Restores 1d2 HP // 20
C (Masterwork) // 50 GP // Restores 1d3 HP // 25

If the check exceeds the first aid DC by 10 or more, additional damage is converted into non-lethal damage equal the restorative die of the bandage, and again for every additional 5 points by which the check exceeds the DC. For example, if Egbert’s total heal check is a 31 with a Type B bandage applied to a 9 HP wound, then the bandage restores 1d2 HPs and then converts 2d2 points of the remaining damage on the treated wound into non-lethal damage.

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