Waltder den Isnende's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Derwalt.


I’m preparing this scenario for tonight (danish time, in approx 5 hours). Great scenario! Really looking forward to it :)

I’m thinking about the last encounter right now - on the low tier - where should Corner of Spheres start out? He has blindsense so has sensed the PCs coming from 120 feet away - so shouldn’t he Airwalk about 30-60 feet straight up and wait there?

Rules question: The Yangethe has the grab special ability (with it’s tentacles) with a +18 on CMB - shouldn’t this be 19, adjusting for Weapon Focus? And if it does not take a -20 to its grapple check, it goes into full on grapple, which takes a standard action - but then it cannot use its feeding tentacles, as they too require a standard action - correct? ...because then I don’t think it will ever get to use those feeding tentacles a lot...

Is it just me or is the search function on the forums much worse than it was before the site makeover? It normally turns out a lot of excellent posts when I use it - now I’ve tried searching several times in different ways for a few subjects and it lists a huge amount of unrelevant posts.

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I think the Swashbuckler's Derring-do ability is quite underwhelming, and something I very rarely use, as panache is so valuable and I'd much rather use it to survive dangerous attacks.

But! Maybe we could hcange that? For example by introducing new magical items, that trigger off the Derring-do ability?

If any of you have suggestions to make the ability more worthwhile - or suggestions for magical items of you own, feel free to post them here :)

These are my suggestions for magical items (they are not fully fledged out, as I don't really know the rules for magic item creation - they may very well be priced wrongly as well):

Swashbuckler’s Amazing Hat
Price 2,000 gp; Slot head; CL ?; Weight 0,5 lbs.; Aura ?

This hat is large and gaudy with a wide brim.
Whenever the wearer uses the Derring-Do special ability, any dice rolled as a result of the ability, gains a +2 bonus.
Special: The user is able to fasten a “Circlet of Persuasion” to the hat, and both items will function at once. The gaudiness of the hat does overshadow the circlet somewhat, resulting in the circlet only conferring a +2 bonus.

Swashbuckler’s Brooch of Social Dares
Price 3,000 gp; Slot none; CL ?; Weight 0 lbs.; Aura ?

This brooch is made of gold and formed as a stylish man or woman holding a glass.
Whenever the wearer uses the Derring-Do special ability, he or she may add the d6 roll to one of the following skills instead: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Perform or Sleight of Hand.

Swashbuckler’s Bombastic Breeches
Price 4,000 gp; Slot none; CL ?; Weight 1 lbs.; Aura ?

These are some flashy breeches indeed!
Whenever the wearer uses the Derring-Do special ability, any roll of the dice of a 1 or 2, results in the wearer regaining 1 panache point. A maximum of 1 panache can be regained this way, per use of the ability. Additionally the wearer gains a +10 feet movement untyped bonus for the same round that he or she uses Derring-Do.

Swashbuckler’s Charming Daring and Life-Saving Cufflinks
Price 4,000 gp; Slot none; CL ?; Weight 0 lbs.; Aura ?

These cufflinks are made of silver and can take any form the wearer wants them to.
Whenever the wearer uses Charmed Life, as part of a Reflex saving throw, he or she can spend 1 panache point to activate the Derring-Do special ability, adding the result of the roll to his or her Reflex saving throw in addition to the bonus from Charmed Life.

Swashbuckler’s Amazing Boots
Price 4,000 gp; Slot feet; CL ?; Weight 2 lbs.; Aura ?

These boots are tall and good looking.
The wearer can, as part of a move action, activate the Derring-Do special ability, and gain an increase to his or her movement speed equaling the result of the Derring-Do roll x 5 feet. While using the boots this way the wearer also gains the use of the Mobility Feat, but with a bonus to AC equal to the Derring-Do roll.

Hi everyone!

My swashbuckler recently became a paladin. He's struggling with "being a good guy". His personality profile is as follows: cowardly, arrogant, judgmental, know-it-all, racist/ speciest/ hater of poor people, conservative. He's a former soldier and officer and he is a taldan noble, but the seventh son of a large family, so no inheritance for him - that's why he became a pathfinder, which he views as kind of a gentleman's club. He was CN, and now he's LG.

He recently had a near-death encounter and discovered the value of friendship, teamwork and the belief in a higher power. So now he turned to the way of the paladin and tries to amend his ways.

I initially settled on Aroden as his god, but maybe some other god would fit such a character as his, better?

Any ideas? :)

Hello to you all - been a while since I've posted anything here :)

I have a 4th level inspired blade swashbuckler, who levels up to level 5 after tomorrow's game. After that, I intend to make him into a paladin. I think the build is pretty solid - and really shines from lvl 7 and up.

This is for PFS play. And I know his Will save is ATROCIOUS. Paladin will help with that :)

Inspired Blade Swashbuckler / Oathbound Paladin of Vengeance
Starting stats: Str 13, Dex 18 (+2 race), Con 13, Int 13, Wis 7, Cha 14

Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 5

Str 13
Dex 20 (+2 from belt)
Con 13
Int 14 (+1 at lvl 4)
Wis 7
Cha 14

Fort 3 = 1 + 1 + 1
Ref 10 = 4 + 5 + 1
Wil 0 = 1 - 2 + 1

1st Power Attack
Weapon Focus (Rapier) (Class Bonus)
[“Inspired Finesse” (Class Feature)]
Fencing Grace
3rd Combat Reflexes
4th Weapon Specialization (Rapier) (Class Bonus)
5th Extra Panache (+2) (Panache: 6)

Magical Items:
Plume of Panache x2
Rapier +1
Mithral Breastplate
Cloak of Resistance +1
Belt of Dexterity +2

Attacks To hit Dmg Crit
Rapier +13 1d6+15 15-20/ x2
Rapier w PA +11 1d6+19 -

AC: 21 (Armor: +4; Shield +1; Dex +5; Nimble +1)

Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 5 / Oathbound Paladin of Vengeance 1

Magical Items:
Mithral Breastplate +1
Buckler +1
Headband of Charisma +2 (Panache: 7)
Swordmaster’s Flair (Blue Scarf)

Attacks To hit Dmg Crit
Rapier +14/ +9 1d6+15 15-20/ x2
Rapier w PA +12/ +7 1d6+19 -
Rapier w Smite +17 / +12 1d6+16 -
Rapier w PA and Smite +15 / +10 1d6+20 -

AC: 23 (Armor: +5; Shield +2; Dex +5; Nimble +1)
AC w Smite: 26

Inspired Blade Swashbuckler 5 / Oathbound Paladin of Vengeance 2

Fort 10 = 4 + 1 + 2 + 3
Ref 14 = 4 + 5 + 2 + 3
Wil 7 = 4 - 2 + 2 + 3

7th Extra Lay on Hands (Lay on Hands per day: 6)

Magical Items:
Cloak of Resistance +2

AC: 23 (Armor: +5; Shield +2; Dex +5; Nimble +1)
AC w Smite: 26

If I have the money and fame to get the "Answering" enchantment at this level, I will - or it'll be next level. This will give me a huge boost when parrying.
Opp. Parry & Riposte:
Normal: +19
/w PA: +16
/w Smite: +22
/w PA & Smite: +19

At lvl 9 I'll be getting Critical Focus as feat. I don't know about lvl 11 - but that's not so important right now.

My thinking is that he'll miss out on a bit of damage on regular mooks by going paladin, but he'll be so more effective against bosses. And his saves will get a huge boost - which will start to REALLY matter in PFS now.

Any advice for me? :)

Right now he's CN and a cowardly, arrogant, know-it-all, stuck up aristocrat - the seventh son of a lord. With 6 brothers, there would be no inheritance left for him, so he joined the Pathfinder Society on his father's orders. He mostly thinks of it as a Gentleman's Club and a club for Hunters and Explorers - the other pathfinders he mostly sees as servants, porters and hired guards. In the next 4 game days he'll get steadily more annoying (although he is already questioning his place in life and the value of his comrades) and I'll then engineer him to have some sort of epiphany and a massive change of heart - and some sort of vision from a god (hopefully it'll present itself organically as part of a scenario or the actions of my fellow players) - and then he'll change alignment to LG and change his ways - somewhat - he'll still be immensely annoying, now with the added bonus of being a god's chosen LG paladin, with all the knowledge of him being spiritually better than everyone else. That way he can deplore his own past and how mean he was to people, while still being completely ignorant of how annoying and holier-than-thou he now is. And his father, his 6 brothers, and probalby most of Taldan royalty, will hate him for it. That reminds me - what are the rules if I want to switch from f.ex. Sovereign Court to Silver Crusade?

I'm looking foward to both the multiclassing and the roleplaying :)

[Edit]: This is for PFS!

Hi all!

I'm looking for some feat/ build advice for my "viking" :)

My character is an aasimar (angelkin) Trapper Freebooter Ranger 1 / Archaeologist Bard 3.

[spoiler from Eye's of the Ten]: He's also my "protege" character from "Eyes of the Ten", giving him a +2 to one ability score.

I play him as a "viking" type of character (of Ulfen descent), who is more of a "Loki"-viking than a "Thor"-viking. He knows seidr-magic (Bard spells), and he's born under a lucky star (archaeologist, fate's favored, aasimar). He has joined the Society to travel the world, loot treasure and woo women! He's used to the great outdoors, sailing, and trading in cities. His adventuring career started with looting graves, lost temples and so on, and he's therefore picked up on trapfinding, picking locks and more (he's got lots of skills).

His stats are as follows:

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14

AC 16, HP 33, Saves: 5 / 7 / 3 (+2 with Archaeologist's Luck)

Most used attack: Mwk Bardiche +8 (1d10+6 damage) (+2 with Archaeologist's Luck).

His traits and feats are: Fate's Favored, Maestro of the Society / Lingering Performance, Extra Performance.

Next level is going to see a spike in damage and usefulness, as he gets Power Attack, Archaeologist's Luck goes up 1 point, and he gets Heroism (the spell), which I'm guessing will be cast on him for most battles. That means his saves goes up by +3, attack and damage does the same, except when Power Attacking, where he'll be at +10 to hit and 1d10+15 for damage.

My plan is to first thing get him a Wand of Mirror Image and let that take care of most of his physical defenses.

Later he'll get Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, Mithral Breatsplate +1, Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection +1, Bardiche +1 (later adding keen), Runestones of Power and Pages of Spell Knowledge.

The character is very fun to play, with lots of versatility, and has up untill now proven quite adept in battle. Lvl 4 seems to be a bit of a low point for him, where next level seems to be a lot better again (battle-wise especially).

But where do I take him from here? I'm especially thinking feats. Next level I'm planning on getting Power Attack - but I could also take that as a Rogue Talent (Combat Trick), as I'll be getting one of those as well. I haven't really planned his feat progression from here on out... So do anyone have some ideas?

Awesome cover! And it sounds like a cool product!

Hi - does anyone know of a first Level spell providing a Climb speed?

This is my alternative take on a buffer. He is a melee fighter type that will most likely be able to hold his own in combat. He will never have the versatility of a bard or a cleric, but hopefully he'll bring something else to the table.

Maybe most importantly, the bonuses he brings are either untyped or luck bonuses - whcih makes him a great addition to having a bard or a cleric, I think (I'm not quite sure how many luck bonuses are out there...).

Also, he's the rogues best friend as he provides great benefits for AC and to-hit - exactly what a rogue needs. He doesn't really shine untill quite late in the game (lvl 7 and again at lvl 9) - but he'll be a welcome addition to any party already from lvl 3, I would think.

Character Build:

NG Male Human Cavalier Honorguard of the Dragon 4 / Monk Master of Many Styles of the Sacred Mountain 2 / Fighter Lore Warden 4

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10

Traits: Adopted: Helpful (Halflings of Golarion), Reactive

1st - Cavalier lvl 1 - Challenge 1/day (Sworn Defense), Mount, Order (Dragon), Tactician (Escape Route, 1/day, 3 rounds)
Feats: Racial Heritage: Halfling*, Catious Fighter (Halfling), Escape Route*
Aid Another: +4

2nd - Monk lvl 1 - Unarmed Strike* (1d6), Stunning Fist*, AC & CMD Bonus (+1), Fuse Style, Bonus Feat
Feats: Unarmed Strike* (1d6), Stunning Fist*, Crane Style*

3rd - Monk lvl 2 - Bonus Feat, Iron Monk (+1 natural AC, Toughness*)
Feats: Blundering Defense (Halfling), Toughness*, Crane Wing*
Skills: Acrobatics (3 ranks)

4th - Cavalier lvl 2 - Order Ability (Aid Allies: +5)
Str: +1
Aid Another: +5

5th - Cavalier lvl 3 - Intercept (+6 AC)
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard*

6th - Fighter lvl 1 - Scholastic, Bonus Feat
Feats: Dodge

7th - Fighter lvl 2 - Expertise, Bonus Feat
Feats: Gang Up, Swift Aid*, Combat Expertise*

8th - Fighter lvl 3 - Combat Mastery (+2 CMB/CMD)
Str: +1

9th - Fighter lvl 4 - Bonus Feat
Feats: Crane Riposte, Team Up*

10th - ? (Cavalier lvl 4 - Challenge 2/day)

From lvl 3, any ally adjacent to him recieves a +3 luck bonus to AC.

From lvl 4, he'll provide a +5 bonus when he Aids Another character (fx. with skill checks out of combat).

From lvl 5, he'll be able to "intercept" incoming attacks on he's allies 3 times per round (as AoO's), giving them a +6 untyped bonus to AC (in addition to the +3 luck bonus he is already providing)! This should negate a lot of attacks.

From level 7, he'll be able to Aid Another as as Swift Action, providing either a +5 bonus to AC or a +4 bonus to hit.

From level 9, he'll be able to Aid Another as as Move Action, providing either a +6 bonus to AC or a +5 bonus to hit.

For added goodness, give him a weapon with the menacing property and he'll provide a further +2 bonus to allies that flank the creature he threatens.

Just for fun, let him use a shield and let him attack unarmed.

A loose estimate should then give him AC of about 35 (10 base + 11 armor + 1 dex + 4 shield + 7 dodge + 1 natural + 1 deflection) - Magic Items used: Full plate +2, Heavy steel shield +2, Ring of protection +1.

I never knew, that your carrying capacity is also a question of your size. Small characters are supposed to recalculate their carrying capacity by multiplying their strength score's capacity by 3/4.

Am I just slow, or is this also news to others? :)


"Bigger and Smaller Creatures

The figures on Table: Carrying Capacity are for Medium bipedal creatures. A larger bipedal creature can carry more weight depending on its size category, as follows: Large ×2, Huge ×4, Gargantuan ×8, Colossal ×16. A smaller creature can carry less weight depending on its size category, as follows: Small ×¾, Tiny ×½, Diminutive ×¼, Fine ×1/8.

Quadrupeds can carry heavier loads than characters can. Instead of the multipliers given above, multiply the value corresponding to the creature’s Strength score from Table: Carrying Capacity by the appropriate modifier, as follows: Fine ×¼, Diminutive ×½, Tiny ×¾, Small ×1, Medium ×1½, Large ×3, Huge ×6, Gargantuan ×12, Colossal ×24."


This is pretty much the build of my Synthesist / Monk, Waltder, before the ban. Not only was he pretty optimised (especially in the defense department), but he was also, to begin with, silly as all hell. His eidolon was giant mouse called Mickey, that he wore like a translucent suit.

I haven't been playing PFS for that long (a bit more than a year), and my personal tastes have changed a lot since I began - and so has the tastes of the group I run home PFS games with (Waltder has never been used outside of a home game). Which means that today I would change a lot of things. Also the changes to the Synthesist (from errata / 2nd printing of UM), would also have made me make some changes (less dump statting), if that had been allowed.

All in all it's a fairly optimised build, and the synergy of the monk / synthesist (and the possibility of building a less MAD monk), makes me think that people are (sometimes) wrong when they argue for the synthesist being weaker than the normal summoner, simply based on action economy.

I present it here in part because I believe that banning the synthesist was the right thing to do (but not only because of power level, also because of the many weird rules), but also as a little monument to my character, that will now instead live on as a pure monk :)

Waltder den Isnende:

LN Human Synthesist Summoner 4 / Maneuver Master Qinggong Monk 7

Str 19, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 26, Cha 12

HP 108 + 25 for Eidolon (97 without Eidolon)

AC 31 (10 base + 2 shield + 2 dex + 4 natural + 11 monk + 1 deflection + 1 insight)
/w Barkskin and Mage Armor: 38

For 14 (6 base + 3 con + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)
Ref 13 (6 base + 2 dex + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)
Wil 22 (9 base + 8 wis + 3 magic + 2 circumstance)

Bab 8 (7 without Eidolon)

CMB 16 (10 bab + 4 str + 2 magic), 18 w/ grapple, 20 w/ trip (+2 w weapon focus and enhancement bonus)

CMD 39 (8 baba + 4 str + 2 sex + 2 magic + 1 deflect + 1 insight + 11 monk), 41 against grapple, 43 against trip

Attack sequence on full attack: free action: activate boots of speed, swift action: activate meditative maneuver, free action: trip maneuver at CMB +28, if trip is successful, AoO action for Unarmed Strike (dmg: 2d6 + 5 + 1d6 acid), full round attack action: Unarmed strike +14/+14/+9 and 4 claws for +8/+8/+8/+8 (dmg: 1d4 + 3 + 1d6 acid).

Skill points: 70

Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike*, Stunning Fist* (8/Day, Fortitude save; DC 21), Improved Trip* (+2 Trip), Combat Reflexes*, Enforcer (Target #: 10+HD+Wis), Vicious Stomp, Improved Grapple* (+2 Grapple), Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike), Toughness, Greater Trip*, Panther Style, Panther Claw
* = bonus feat

Evolutions: Ability Score Increase (+2 Dex, +2 Con), Limbs, Claws

Magic items: Cloak of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +1, Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (in Wayfinder), Wayfinder, Ring of Sustenance, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Corrosive, Monk’s Robe, Boots of Speed, Necklace of Fireballs (2 x 3d6 beads), Belt of Physical Might +2, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4

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Hello board!

I have a question, that I can't seem to answer myself. It was sparked in this thread.

The question is; "Do you get the forms of movement (other than basic land movement), that the plant you can change into via Plant Shape, has?"

Here is the text of Plant Shape


When you cast this spell you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the plant type. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the listed ability: darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, constrict, grab, and poison. If the form you assume does not possess the ability to move, your speed is reduced to 5 feet and you lose all other forms of movement. If the creature has vulnerability to an element, you gain that vulnerability.

Small plant: If the form you take is that of a Small plant, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Constitution and a +2 natural armor bonus.

Medium plant: If the form you take is that of a Medium plant, you gain a +2 size bonus to your Strength, a +2 enhancement bonus to your Constitution, and a +2 natural armor bonus.

Can a familiar help with the Aid Another action? In every situation it has the needed skill for? Or only some? And what about providing a bonus to hit or to AC?

Hi all

I've been thinking about playing a Cavalier for some time. More specifically a Cavalier of the Dragon, who focuses more on helping his friends in combat, than shining himself. I've been looking into archetypes and prestige classes - especially Battle Herald, as a combination with bard seemed like a good choice for such a character.

I weighed cons and pros and still couldn't quite get the character to perform as I wished. Then the Advanced Race Guide came out, and while browsing it I spotted the new halfling feats. And then this idea formed in my head: A Halfling Cavalier / Monk who fights defensively, buffs his allies with melee bonuses (bonii?), and which works as a bodyguard/tank for the other melee characters. All the while he'll also be great to have around outside of combat.

I really like what I've come up with, but I love how these boards are always able to point out erroneous assumptions and/or other possibilities for making great builds :)

So I present to you Smækker Bumlefod (Smacker Bumblefoot):

Male Halfling Cavalier Honorguard of the Dragon / Monk Master of Many Styles of the Sacred Mountain

Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 9

20 point buy: Str 16 (-2), Dex 12 (+2), Con 14, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 7 (+2)

Traits: Helpful (Halflings of Golarion)
Other trait?

1st - Cavalier lvl 1 - Challenge 1/day (Sworn Defense), Exotic Mount, Order (Dragon), Tactician (Precise Strike, 1/day, 3 rounds)
HP 13 (1d10 + 2 Con + 1 Favored Class)
BaB: +1
Feats: Catious Fighter, Precise Strike*
Saves: +4, +2, +1
Mount: Wolf (Ejnar)
Aid Another: +4

Further level progression::

2nd - Monk lvl 1 - Unarmed Strike* (1d4), Stunning Fist*, AC & CMD Bonus (+1), Fuse Style, Bonus Feat
HP 20 (1d10 + 1d8 + 4 Con + 1 Favored Class)
BaB: +1
Feats: Unarmed Strike* (1d4), Stunning Fist*, Crane Style*
Saves: +6, +4, +3

3rd - Monk lvl 2 - Bonus Feat, Iron Monk (+1 natural AC, Toughness*)
HP 30 (1d10 + 2d8 + 6 Con + 1 Favored Class + 3 Toughness)
BaB: +2
Feats: Blundering Defense, Toughness*, Crane Wing*
Saves: +7, +5, +4
Skills: Acrobatics (3 ranks)

AC with Breast Plate and Fighting Defensively: 26 (10 Base + 1 Natural + 1 Size + 2 Dex + 6 Armor + 6 Dodge)

4th - Cavalier lvl 2 - Order Ability (Aid Allies: +5)
Str: +1
HP 40 (2d10 + 2d8 + 8 Con + 2 Favored Class + 4 Toughness)
BaB: +3
Saves: +8, +5, +4

5th - Cavalier lvl 3 - Intercept (+6 AC)
HP 50 (3d10 + 2d8 + 10 Con + 3 Favored Class + 5 Toughness)
BaB: +4
Feats: Combat Expertise, Bodyguard*
Saves: +8, +6, +5

6th - Cavalier lvl 4 - Challenge 2/day
HP 60 (4d10 + 2d8 + 12 Con + 4 Favored Class + 6 Toughness)
BaB: +5
Saves: +9, +6, +5
Mount: Boar (Trøffel)

7th - Cavalier lvl 5 - Banner (+2 against fear, +1 to hit when charging), Tactician (Precise Strike, 2/day, 5 rounds)
HP 70 (5d10 + 2d8 + 14 Con + 5 Favored Class + 7 Toughness)
BaB: +6 / +1
Feats: Swift Aid (Swift Aid Another: +4, for AC: +5)
Saves: +9, +6, +5

8th - Cavalier lvl 6 - Bonus Feat
Str: +1
HP 80 (6d10 + 2d8 + 16 Con + 6 Favored Class + 8 Toughness)
BaB: +7 / +2
Feats: Combat Reflexes*
Saves: +10, +6, +5

9th - Cavalier lvl 7 - Challenge 3/day
HP 90 (7d10 + 2d8 + 18 Con + 7 Favored Class + 9 Toughness)
BaB: +8 / +3
Feats: Dodge
Saves: +10, +6, +5

10th - Cavalier lvl 8 - Order Ability (Aid Allies: +6, [Swift Aid Another: +5, for AC: +6]), Order Ability (Strategy), Intercept (+7 AC)
HP 100 (8d10 + 2d8 + 20 Con + 8 Favored Class + 10 Toughness)
BaB: +9 / +4
Saves: +11, +6, +5

11th - Cavalier lvl 9 - Greater Tactician (Swift Action, Outflank/Precise Strike, 2/day, 7 rounds)
HP 110 (9d10 + 2d8 + 22 Con + 9 Favored Class + 11 Toughness)
BaB: +10 / +5
Feats: Crane Riposte, Outflank*
Saves: +11, +7, +6

12th - Cavalier lvl 10 - Challenge 4/day, Banner (+3 against fear, +2 to hit when charging), Greater Tactician (Swift Action, Outflank/Precise Strike, 3/day, 8 rounds)
Str: +1
HP 120 (10d10 + 2d8 + 24 Con + 10 Favored Class + 12 Toughness)
BaB: +11 / +6 / +1
Saves: +12, +7, +6

Skills: Handle Animals (12), Ride (12), Perception (12), Acrobatics (6), Diplomacy (8), Climb (3), Knowledge (History 5, Religion 9), Profession (Soldier 1), Survival (1), Swim (3)

13th - Cavalier lvl 11 - Warding Charge
HP 130 (11d10 + 2d8 + 26 Con + 11 Favored Class + 13 Toughness)
BaB: +12 / +7 / +2
Feats: Gang Up
Saves: +11, +7, +6

14th - Cavalier lvl 12 - Bonus Feat, Defensive Challenge
HP 140 (12d10 + 2d8 + 28 Con + 12 Favored Class + 14 Toughness)
BaB: +13 / +8 / +3
Feats: Team Up*
Saves: +13, +8, +7

An overview of his buff-potential::

Lvl 1
Challenge 1/day (Sworn Defense): +1 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +1 circumstance bonus on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)
Tactician (Precise Strike, 1/day, 3 rounds)
Aid Another: +4

Lvl 3
Blundering Defense: +3 luck bonus to AC and CMD to adjacent allies.

Lvl 4
Aid Allies (+5)

When fighting a challenged foe and the wolf moves to flank, he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC, +3 to hit
2nd ally: +3 to AC, +1 to hit

Lvl 5
Intercept (1/round, +6 AC)

Lvl 6
Challenge 2/day (Sworn Defense): +4 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +2 circumstance bonus on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)

When fighting a challenged foe and the boar moves to flank, he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 1/round for +6 more), +4 to hit
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 1/round for +6 more), +2 to hit

Lvl 7
Banner (all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge)
Tactician (Precise Strike, 2/day, 5 rounds)
Swift Aid (Swift Aid Another: +4, for AC: +5)

When fighting a challenged foe and the boar moves to flank, he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 1/round for +6 more), +8 to hit (swift action)
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 1/round for +6 more), +2 to hit

Lvl 8
Tactician (Precise Strike, 2/day, 6 rounds)
Intercept (3/round, +6 AC)

When fighting a challenged foe and the boar moves to flank, he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +6 more), +8 to hit (swift action)
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +4 more), +2 to hit

Lvl 9
Challenge 3/day (Sworn Defense): +7 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +2 circumstance bonus on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)

Lvl 10
Challenge 3/day (Sworn Defense): +8 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +3 circumstance bonus on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)
Tactician (Precise Strike, 2/day, 7 rounds)
Aid Allies (+6, AC: +7)
Swift Aid Another (+5, AC: +6)
Strategy (Standard action, all allies within 30 feet, once per combat, grant either: a +2 dodge bonus to AC for 1 round, a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls for 1 round, or the ability to move up to their speed as an immediate action once)
Intercept (3/round, +7 AC)

When fighting a challenged foe and the boar moves to flank, he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +9 to hit (swift action)
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +3 to hit

Lvl 11
Greater Tactician (Swift Action, Outflank/Precise Strike, 2/day, 7 rounds)

Lvl 12
Challenge 4/day (Sworn Defense): +10 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +3 on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)
Banner (all allies within 60 feet receive a +3 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge)
Greater Tactician (Swift Action, Outflank/Precise Strike, 3/day, 8 rounds)

When fighting a challenged foe and Smækker has activated Greater Tactician (Outflank) [the boar moves to flank], he will provide the following bonuses each round:
1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +12 to hit (swift action)
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +3 to hit

Lvl 13
Warding Charge (Whenever the challenged target makes an attack against the ward, the honor guard can move up to his speed and make a single melee attack against the challenged target as an immediate action)

Lvl 14
Challenge 4/day (Sworn Defense): +12 Dmg on melee attacks, all adjacent allies receive +4 on Attack rolls, one ally get +1 dodge bonus to AC (Smækker gets -1, -3 against anyone else than the target)
Defensive Challenge (when the challenged target is threatened by the cavalier, it takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls against anyone other than the cavalier)
Greater Tactician (Swift Action, Outflank/Precise Strike, 3/day, 9 rounds)
Team Up (can Aid Another as a move action: +6, AC: +7)

When fighting a challenged foe and Smækker has activated Greater Tactician (Outflank) [the boar moves to flank], he will provide the following bonuses each round:

1st ally (flanking): +4 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +14 to hit (move action)
2nd ally: +3 to AC (Intercept 3/round for +7 more), +9 to hit (swift action)

If you're wearing a menacing AoMF, which is active, and has Improved Unarmed Strike, but you choose to Attack with your +1 Keen Scimitar instead - do flanking allies (and potentially yourself) still get the +2 increase to the flanking bonus?

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I've started an advice thread on the Treesinger druid and the plant wild shape ability (here: http://paizo.com/forums/dmtz63o9?Treesinger-druid-and-plant-wild-shape). But I also have some rules questions for the board. So here we go :)

Do you ever get the scent or tremorsense special abilities when wild shaping via Plant Form?

The Phycomid (Bestiary II, p. 201) has a ranged Touch Attack that causes acid damage - is this an ability that is provided by Plant From I? If it is - do you then add 1½ times your strength modifier to the damage? The Seaweed Leshy has a ranged attack (water jet), which is not a tocuh attack, but specifically says that you do not add str to dmg.

Most of the Leshys has a ranged attack that causes 1 dmg and then has a special effect. I'm guessing that Plant Form I lets you do the attack, cause 1 dmg (sometimes +str), but that the special effect does not happen?

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I've been looking at the Treesinger druid (from the Advanced Race Guide) and tried to go through the different Bestiaries for some plants that are actually worthwhile to change into right of the bat (at 4th level), for one reason or other.

I've made a short list of the creatures I found (these should all be FPS legal):

Violet Fungus (Bestiary I, p. 275)
Medium; Low-light vision; Speed 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; 4 natural attacks: Tentacles (1d4+str dmg)

Mandragora (Bestiary II, p. 185)
Small; Low-light vision; Speed 40 ft., burrow 10 ft., climb 40 ft.; Reach 5 ft. / 10 ft. with slam; 3 natural attacks: 1 Bite (1d6+str+grab) and 2 Slams (1d4+str)
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to supernatural darkness

Phycomid (Bestiary II, p. 201)
Small; Speed 10 ft.; Ranged Touch Attack (2d6 acid [+1½ x str?, maximum 6 attacks per minute)

Cerebric Fungus (Bestiary III, p. 52)
Medium; Darkvision (60 ft.), Low-light vision; Speed 30 ft.; Reach 5 ft. / 15 ft. with tendrils; 3 natural attacks: 1 bite (1d6+str), 2 tendrils (1d4+str)
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to sonic

Fungus Leshy (Bestiary III, p. 177)
Small; Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision; Speed 20 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; 3 natural attacks: 1 bite (1d6+str), 2 claws (1d3+str); 1 ranged attack: puffball (1+str)

Leaf Leshy (Bestiary III, p. 179)
Small; Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision; Speed 20 ft., climb 10 ft., fly 10 ft. (clumsy); glide; No natural attacks; 1 ranged attack: seedpods (touch) (1[+str?])

Seaweed Leshy (Bestiary III, p. 180)
Small; Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision; Speed 20 ft., swim 20 ft.; 1 natural attack: slam (1d6+str) ; 1 ranged attack: water jet (1)

Myceloid (Bestiary III, p. 196)
Small; Darkvision 60 ft., Low-light vision, [Scent?]; Speed 20 ft.; 2 natural attacks 2 claws (1d6+Str)
Weaknesses: Vulnerable to electricity

Phantom Fungus (Bestiary III, p. 219)
Medium; Low-light vision; Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.; 1 natural attack bite (2d6+1½ x Str)

What stands out is possible the Mandragora, because of it's speed, it's number of attacks, it's reach and that it has grab (without reach though). Also the Leaf Leshy - as it has a fly speed (glide only though); the Violet Fungus because of its reach and 4 attacks, and the Cerebric Fungus because of its superior reach (15 ft).

Is there something I've missed? Is the Mandragora the basic go-to form for a Treesinger druid?

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...I were just using the search tool to see if I could find a map of Absalom and up popped this little gem of a blog entry, back from 2008. I thought I would start a thread to share the fun for those who has not seen it before :)

Thank you Sean for the blog - and I sure hope that Jason is (still?) a good sport about it!

I just searched the boards and there were some threads about this, but they were often mixed with other questions and were inconclusive.

My questions goes: Does a Spell-Like Abilitiy (like f.ex. the Clerics Fire Domain Power - Fire Bolt) and a Bloodline Arcana that enhance spell damage (f.ex. the Draconic Bloodline Arcana) actually work together? I.e. will the Spell-Like Ability get a +1 to damage per damage die?

Mentioned powers in spoiler here:

Fire Bolt (Sp): As a standard action, you can unleash a
scorching bolt of divine fire from your outstretched
hand. You can target any single foe within 30 feet as a
ranged touch attack with this bolt of fire. If you hit the
foe, the fire bolt deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1
point for every two cleric levels you possess. You can use
this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your
Wisdom modifier.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with an energy
descriptor that matches your draconic bloodline’s energy
type, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.

Hello all

I've got a new character concept in mind for PFS. I want to be a cleric that can heal, buff and do some utility stuff - and I want to be well rounded and suitable for several situations. But I also want to shine in one area now and then - and for this area, I've chosen blasting.

What I'm focusing on right now is the mechanics and making a character that can contribute. Character development and background will come later. And will most likely be severely silly. Cause that's just how it is.

I've made and overview of my character progression below. Advice and critique is very welcome!

I've chosen the sorcerer mix for a plus to caster lvl (evocation) and plus to damage. I've chosen theologian cleric because they can memorize Domain slot spells in normal spell slots, even if the spells are not on the cleric spell list.

Human Sorcerer / Cleric
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13

1st lvl Character: Tattooed Crossblooded Red Dragon / Orc Sorcerer (1st lvl)
Traits: Reactionary, Magical Lineage (Fireball)
Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Specialisation (Burning Hands), Bonus: Varisian Tattoo (Evocation)
Powers: Tattoo familiar (Compsognathus; +4 Initiative)
Sorcerer spells (1st: 3/day): Shield, Burning Hands (causing 4d4+8 dmg)

2nd lvl Character: Theologian Cleric of Sarenrae (1st lvl)
Powers: Fire Bolt (6/day; ranged touch attack causing 1d6+3 dmg)
Domain spell: Burning Hands (causing 4d4+8 dmg)
Channeling: 1d6 healing
Cleric spells (1st: 2+1 domain)

3rd lvl Character: Cleric (2nd lvl)
Feats: Spell Specialisation (Admonishing Ray)
Burning Hands now causes 5d4+10 dmg
Cleric spells (1st: 3+1 domain)

4th lvl Character: Cleric (3rd lvl) (Stat increase: +1 Cha)
Domain Spell: Produce Flame (causing 1d6+5 dmg, usable 4 times, but the slot will be filled with Burning Hands)
Spells: Admonishing Ray (1 ray causing 4d6+4 dmg)
Channeling: 2d6 healing
Cleric spells (1st: 3+1 domain; 2nd: 2+1 domain)

5th lvl Character: Cleric (4th lvl)
Feats: Selective Channeling + change Spell Specialisation from Burning Hands to Fireball
Spells: Admonishing Ray (2 rays causing 4d6+4 dmg)
Cleric spells (1st: 4+1 domain; 2nd: 3+1 domain)

6th lvl Character: Cleric (5th lvl)
Domain Spell: Fireball (causing 8d6+16 dmg)
Channeling: 3d6 healing
Cleric spells (1st: 4+1 domain; 2nd: 3+1 domain; 3rd: 2+1 domain)

7th lvl Character: Cleric (6th lvl)
Feats: Empower Spell + change Spell Specialisation from Admonishing Ray to Spiritual Weapon (+7 to hit, causing 1d8+4 force dmg for 9 rounds)
Powers: Fire Resistance (10)
Fireball now causes 9d6+18 dmg
Cleric spells (1st: 4+1 domain; 2nd: 4+1 domain; 3rd: 3+1 domain)

8th lvl Character: Cleric (7th lvl) (Stat increase: +1 Int)
Domain Spell: Wall of Fire (but the slot will be filled with an Empowered Fireball)
Channeling: 4d6 healing
Fireball now causes 10d6+20 dmg
Empowered Fireball causes 15d6+30 dmg
Cleric spells (1st: 5+1 domain; 2nd: 4+1 domain; 3rd: 3+1 domain; 4th: 1+1 domain)

9th lvl Character: Cleric (8th lvl)
Feats: Unknown? Any advice? + change Spell Specialisation from Spiritual Weapon to Admonishing Ray (3 rays causing 4d6+4 dmg)
Cleric spells (1st: 5+1 domain; 2nd: 4+1 domain; 3rd: 4+1 domain; 4th: 2+1 domain)

And that's my thoughts for now...

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I have a question for the community that I'm not certain about. I bet it's easy to answer and I just don't know where to look :) But here we go: Is a monk who have natural attacks, able to substitute his unarmed strike damage for the natural attack damage?

For example: I have 2 claw attacks in addition to my one unarmed strike attack. My claws are secondary weapons and so they have a -5 penalty to hit, and their damage is 1d4 + half strength mod. My unarmed strike is a normal attack at 1d8 damage + full strength.

Can I instead attack with the claws "unarmed" (still -5 to hit) but using my 1d8 damage + full strength?

Any rules qutoes or precedents for or against?


Hi all!

In PFSOP you are only allowed one combat pet. Is the Synthesist Eidolon (suit) considered such a pet? Or could a Synthesist for example multiclass with Druid and still have an Animal Companion (used in combat), while wearing his Eidolon (suit)? :)

I know the rule is made to speed things up, so that there are not too much stuff going on at once. According to that logic, it should probably be allowed - but I don't know if it IS allowed.

What say you all? :)

I have a question for all the sharp rules-minds out there :)

If I create a Cleric with the Animal domain, I'll get an Animal Companion on level 4, which is effectively a level 1 Animal Companion. If I take the feat Boon Companion, my Animal Companion will be effectively level 4 (equal to my own character level).

This much is clear - but! What if I am not just a Cleric, but a Theologian Cleric (Archetype from ultimate Magic), with the ability "Focused Domain", which states the following:

Ultimate Magic, p. 32 wrote:
"All level-dependent effects of the granted powers from the theologian’s domain function as if she were two cleric levels higher than her actual cleric level."

Am I now a 4th level Cleric with an effective 6th level Animal Companion? Or not?

Thank you in advance for any and all insights!

Hello everyone

I'm trying to locate the name and source of a monster, but I can't remember where I saw the damn thing or what is was called!

It's a sort of huge mouth that eats people that step on it - kind a' - a bit like that thing from Stare Wars (in the desert). I'm pretty sure I've seen something like that in a Paizo product somewhere, but I'm not sure and I definitely don't know where.

Can anyone help? :)