Young Master

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I've noticed a lot of the triggers or requirements for unleash psyche requires the player keep track of what turn something happened on or how many have gone by. It's interesting but there are feats like

"Requirements The same enemy has damaged you on at least two of its turns in this encounter."

that seem fiddly. As a player you have to keep track of the creature damaging you twice, and that it did so on its turn. If you get attacked on enemy turn, then move away and it AoO's you in the head, RAW it wouldn't trigger since that AoO reaction happened on your turn.

Which seems overly bookkeepy and restrictive, if it was just "damaged by enemy on two different turns" it would be nicer?

I do dig the meta nature of tracking turns being part of a Psychic class, it fits pretty well.

I've got my pdf of SoM, were there any burning questions I can help answer for anyone?

Would Bespell Weapon apply to the Strikes in the flurry granted by Ki Strike?

Ki Strike is a "non-cantrip spell" to qualify for Bespell but I wasn't sure what the correct order of actions is for the Strikes. Are the considered part of the spell so Bespell Weapon can't happen until after? Or does it happen and then the strikes are made?

A -> Ki Strike Spell used (Bespell Weapon free action triggers) -> 2x Strike from Ki Strike.

B-> Ki Strike Spell used -> 2x Strikes from Ki Strike -> Bespell Weapon free action triggers.

I very much want it to be A, but suspect it's B by RAW.

As the title says, is there any cost to putting your weapon away?

I was making a Monk archer for the 101 Monk Builds thread and stumbled onto some interesting interactions. Mostly the often overlooked Perfected Form that all Monks gain at lvl 19.

Perfected Form Level 19

You have purged incompetence from your techniques. On your first Strike of your turn, if you roll lower than 10, you can treat the attack roll as a 10. This is a fortune effect.

At level 19 when a Monk gains this ability their attack mod should be 25(prof) + 3(item) + 7(22Dex + Apex Item) for a total of 35.

10+35 = 45 Attack roll no matter what.

level 20 Monsters
Balor AC - 45
Apocalypse Daemon AC - 44
Tarn Linorm AC - 46
Vazgorlu AC - 45
Pit Fiend AC - 46
Ancient Umbral Dragon AC - 45
Eremite AC - 45

At level 19, a Monk cannot miss their first Strike against a Balor, Pit Fiend would need a status buff on the Monk or a debuff on the creature.

Eldritch Shot
> Effect You Cast a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires a spell attack roll. The effects of the spell do not occur immediately but are imbued into the bow you're wielding. Make a Strike with that bow. Your spell flies with the ammunition, using your attack roll result to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. This counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but you don't apply the penalty until after you've completed both attacks.

Searing Light


You shoot a blazing ray of light tinged with holy energy. Make a ranged spell attack. The ray deals 5d6 fire damage. If the target is a fiend or undead, you deal an extra 5d6 good damage.

Critical Success The target takes double fire damage, as well as double good damage if a fiend or undead.
Success The target takes full damage.

Heightened (+1) The fire damage increases by 2d6, and the good damage against fiends and undead increases by 2d6.

Max Spell level following build below would be 6 at this point(lvl 19), jumps to 8 at 20, so casting Searing Light as lvl 6 spell is 11d6 fire(38.5avg) + 11d6 good + Dangerous Sorc(6) = 83 (at 20 this jumps to 113)

Monk using a +3 Major Striking Flaming (Greater) Frost (Greater) Shock(Greater) Composite Longbow does

4d8+8+ 1d6 fire+ 1d6 cold+ 1d6 electric

18+8+3.5+3.5+3.5 = 36.5 Piercing Fire/Cold/Electric.

Alright so lets see what happens Lvl 19 Monk vs lvl 20 Eremite

Eremite AC - 45

Monk automatically hits Eremite for 120, triggers weakness to Good for an extra 20 for a total of 140.

A crit would be 240+Deadly d10 + Persistent dmg from runes + 20 from Good Weakness.

Ignoring Persistent Runes, deadly adds 3d10, 16.5 more damage for an avg total of 276.5 dmg on crit. But with +35 attack roll crit is only 5%.

95% of 140(133) + 5% of 276 (14) = 147avg damage per turn. vs the lvl 20 Fiend.

Also with this build, Arrow of Death auto-hits for 91 damage.

And at lvl 20, being able to add Polar Ray's damage + Drained 2 without having to worry about missing and following it up with Arrow of Death or an Eldritch Shot (Disintegrate) seems pretty nice.

Ancient Elf Demon Slayer

Using flaw to swap int for cha
str 14++ 18
dex 18++++ 22 (24)
con 10++++ 18
int 8+ 10
wis 10++ 14
cha 16+++ 20

1. Monastic Archer Stance, Sorc Dedication
2. Stunning Fist
4. Basic Sorc Spellcasting (Primal/Arcane Bloodline)
6. Basic Blood Potency - Dangerous Sorc
8. Eldritch Archer Dedication
10. Advanced Blood Potency - Bespell Wep
12. Expert Sorc Spellcasting
14. Bloodline Breadth
16. Flinging Blow/Enchanting Arrow
18. Arrow of Death
20. Master Sorc Spellcasting

Does this all seem correct and accurate to how the abilities above should function? Is there anything that averages more damage than a lvl 19 Monk with Eldritch Shot? Did I miss something?

In a group with +3 Heroism or a Bard, and the enemy flat footed a Monk hits 75% of the time and Crits the other 25%.

I'm trying to figure out when/why you'd want to use One Inch Punch?

It's 2 actions to make 1 Strike that deals 1 extra damage die, or 2 dice for 3 actions, but if you have a Striking Rune or any Property Runes it does less than just using Flurry?

lvl 6 Dragon Stance (BackSwing), Striking Rune, No Property Runes, 18str

One Inch Punch
2 Actions, 3d10 + 4 avg 14 dmg

1 Action, (2d10+4) + -5MAP(2d10+4) avg ~17dmg

dmg graph

The gap widens as you gain higher Striking Runes + Property Runes and Flurry combines attacks for weakness/resistance so One-Inch Punch doesn't do anything there, so what's the point?

Attacking twice does more damage once you have a Striking Rune and uses the same amount of actions.

Flurrying does more damage for less actions.

The only time I can see this actually being a damage increase is if you're using a weapon with no runes I guess?

Did I miss something that makes this better?

Does Improved Knockback

When you successfully Shove a creature, increase both the distance you can push the creature and the distance you can move to follow along with the target by 5 feet on a success or 10 feet on a critical success. If you push the target into an obstacle, it takes bludgeoning damage equal to 6 plus your Strength modifier, or 8 plus your Strength modifier if you have legendary proficiency in Athletics.

apply to abilities like Tiger Slash with the "as if" wording?

You make a fierce swipe with both hands. Make a tiger claw Strike. It deals two extra weapon damage dice (three extra dice if you’re 14th level or higher), and you can push the target 5 feet away as if you had successfully Shoved them. If the attack is a critical success and deals damage, add your Strength modifier to the persistent bleed damage from your tiger claw.

Would a wizard with Metamagical Experimentation be able to pick silent spell without first knowing conceal spell? The thesis doesn't mention needing prerequisites for the metamagic you can pick for free, just 1/2 lvl.

Is there a definition of what qualifies as a "creature"?

Is it just any non-PC animate object/organism?

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Going through Gods and Magic and Shizuru looks like a pretty sweet option for aspiring Good warpriests.

Divine Abilities - Str or Wis
Domains - Duty, Perfection, Sun, Vigil
Spells - True Strike, Reflective Scales (??), Summon Dragon
Favored Wep - Katana

Looks like a pretty sweet set of abilities to start from. Katana's work for 1hand or 2 and are versatile.

The Vigil domain makes it work well since they can become expert in any weapon with the initial doman power Object Memory, while Duty offers a soft taunt with Dutiful Challenge.

I've noticed in the appendix there are some Gods with granted spells that only appear in the Advanced Players Guide, Blistering Invective is one.

But since the APG isn't coming out for months those spells are essentially non-existent.

Is Precise Strike meant to automatically use Panache and apply the extra damage or should it be optional?

Basically asking if the wording should be changed to "you may deal additional precision damage" so a Swashbuckler could use a finisher without adding the extra damage if they chose.

So in a situation where a swashbuckler tries to disable a target using Targeting Finisher they don't accidentally kill them with the extra precision damage.

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I have a few questions, or concerns about swashbucklers as they are currently.

While I don't necessarily like that Panache generation is tied to the non-primary stat (Intimidation, Deception, Grapple/Shove/Trip) it isn't that big of a deal. Although I think Gymnasts should get a "Add the Finesse trait to the Grapple/Shove/Trip actions" so they can use Dex for them as things are currently.

The main thing is that Gymnast's are the only Style that get negatively impacted even if they succeed on their action that gains them Panache, in the form of MAP.

Braggart Turn - Demoralize (Gain Panache)-> Finisher with target at -1 or -2 AC from frightened. 1 action left to move, raise shied, parry etc.

Fencer Turn - Feint (Gain Panache)-> Finisher with target -2 ac from flatfooted. 1 action left to move, raise shied, parry etc.

Gymnast Turn - Trip/Grapple/Shove (Gain Panache)->Finisher with -5(-4) MAP with target at -2 ac from being flat footed.

Does this seem like an issue to anybody else? To gain Panache to be able to use a finisher a Gymnast makes themselves worse at landing the finisher on that turn.

The only real advantage to being a Gymnast is that Demoralize, Feint and Distract are Mental effects so some creatures are immune, but that doesn't seem like a great trade off. There are 0 feats that require being a Gymnast, and getting a free Step after a Finisher at lvl 9 doesn't seem that strong, also seems more like a fencing thing.

Against a non-immune foe, Braggart seems the strongest, Demoralize ->Tumble Behind->Finish with target flat footed and either -1 or -2 from frightened.

Does it seem odd to anybody else that Monks have to take a feat to get access to Crit weapon effects? While all the other martial classes essentially get it for free?

Rangers, Fighters, Barbs, Champions just get their effect for free from class features.

Rangers get it vs their Hunted Prey at lvl 5.

Fighters get it with every wep they have Master prof with, at lvl 5.

Barbs get it with every wep they can use while raging, at lvl 5.

Champions get it as an extra rider on their Blade Ally, at lvl 5.

Monks can get it at lvl 2 if they use a Feat to take Brawling Focus, and that's all the Feat does.

Clerics and Bards, get crit effects for free at lvl 7,13

So Monk's, the masters of unarmed combat, have to take a feat to get something that every other martial class + Bards? gets for free.

It's weird to me, not sure why Monks just didn't get "you gain weapon crit spec in brawling attacks" attached to their weapon expertise. Could even give it a restriction of only when using an attack granted via a Stance if it needs a limiter.

I saw a fellow PF2 GM on reddit looking for assistance creating a False Hydra for 2nd edition. Now that the monster rules are out I figured I'd give it a shot and see what I could come up with.

I mostly used the 5e version as a base and then adapted things for PF2.

My version for Pf2 is here and any feedback criticism is welcome. Was my first time adapting/creating something to the new rules.

I also have them as individual pdfs with better resolution, was a pain combining them all into one.

One of my players had a question about how the damage combines on these abilities.

If the PC hits both attacks, one Slashing and one Piercing, it says to combine the damage for the purposes of resistance/weakness. Do the damage types combine as well?

say they hit for 10 slashing, 2 piercing, combine to 12 slashing and piercing damage.

target has resistance piercing 5, does the 12 become 7?or does it only reduce the 2 piercing to 0?

if it's the former it would have been better to not double slice at all since the 2nd weapon hitting actually lowered the damage from the first hit.

Do +1weps and the like ignore B/P/S resistances or are the resistances still applied?

ex. +1 Shortbow does 1d6P, Spider Swarm has Resistance 5(P) does the shortbow do -5 dmg or does it ignore the resistance since it's magic?

Spoilers for Age of Ashes

The Charau-kas encountered in HellKnight Hill have the ability

Thrown Weapon Mastery - When a charau-ka throws a weapon, the weapon gains the deadly d6 weapon trait. When it throws an improvised weapon, it doesn’t take the –2 penalty for using an improvised weapon, nor does it take the penalty for using that weapon to make a lethal attack instead of a nonlethal attack.

What would be an appropriate level for this to be available to a PC? I'm kinda sad nothing like it exists in the CRB already but was thinking of adding it as a General Feat option as it seems pretty good but not exceptionally strong.

I know there's the "Special: You can take this feat again and select a different X Feat" on the Multiclass Archtype feats, but is it written somewhere that you can't take a feat multiple times?

This order has been pending for over a week now, any idea on when things will actually ship? Is there an issue that needs to be corrected?

You enter the stance of a wolf, low to the ground with your hands held like fanged teeth. You can make wolf jaw unarmed attacks. These deal 1d8 piercing damage; are in the brawling group; and have the agile, backstabber, finesse, nonlethal, and unarmed traits.

If you’re flanking a target while in Wolf Stance, your wolf jaw unarmed attacks also gain the trip trait.

Source Core Rulebook pg. 283
You can use this weapon to Trip with the Athletics skill even if you don’t have a free hand. This uses the weapon’s reach (if different from your own) and adds the weapon’s item bonus to attack rolls as an item bonus to the Athletics check. If you critically fail a check to Trip using the weapon, you can drop the weapon to take the effects of a failure instead of a critical failure.

So from what I can tell it just lets you never crit fail a trip attempt if you're flanking in wolf stance since you can't really drop your hand/leg? Or would you just drop out of Wolf Stance as an equivalent to "dropping your weapon"?

And lets you apply any bonus from Handwraps to the check since you're "using the weapon(Wolf Jaw)" for the attempt?

is that correct?

Are the Handwraps of Mighty Fists 1 item that goes on both hands or can a PC wear different ones on each hand?

If you can't wear different ones that reduces some versatility in weapon dmg for Monks, for example a Monk couldn't have one flaming and one frost if they're shared on both hands.

Due to some payment info being wrong, and then lost, it took a bit for my subscriptions to be set up but now that everything is correct I see that the Bestiary is seemingly ready to go, but it looks like the core rulebook? is now backordered.

Is there a timeline on how long that's going to take as it's the most important book?

I set up subscriptions for the new edition and there was originally an issue with my payment information, I updated the payment information and then got the "we lost some your payment info" email, so I've updated it again but the orders still say pending?

Is there something else I need to do to get the order processed, will I get the new books when they release or would I just be better off skipping this month and getting them somewhere else?

First how is the damage for magic missile calculated? Is it one roll that is then applied for each missile or do you roll each missile individually? And if they're individual does Dangerous Sorcery only apply to 1 missile or all of them?

Option A:
The caster rolls 1d4+1 for each missile.

Option B:
The caster rolls 1d4+1 once, and each missile does that much damage.

And how does Dangerous Sorcery interact with this spell?

pg 131 wrote:


When you cast a non-cantrip spell that deals damage and that doesn’t have a duration, you gain a conditional bonus to that spell’s damage equal to the spell’s level.

If the caster rolls for each missile(option A) does this apply to only 1 missile? Or does it apply to every missile like the damage in Option B?

If I'm doing this correctly Option B would make MM do some serious damage.

pg 236 wrote:


Heightened (+2) You shoot one additional missile with each action you spend.

So assuming 3 actions:

Lvl1: 3 Missiles
lvl3: 6 Missiles
lvl5: 9 Missiles
lvl7: 12 Missiles
lvl9: 15 Missiles
Under Option A:
lvl 1 MM (3Action): 1d4+1+1(Dangerous Sorc), 1d4+1, 1d4+1
(2.5+1+1) + (2.5+1) + (2.5+1) = 11.5 dmg avg

lvl 9 MM (3Action): (1d4+1+9) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1) + (1d4+1)

(2.5+1+9) + (3.5*14) = 61.5 dmg avg

Under Option B:
lvl 1 MM (3Action): 1d4+1+1(Dangerous Sorc) * 3
4.5 * 3 = 13.5 dmg avg

lvl 9 MM (3Action): 1d4+1+9(Dangerous Sorc) * 15
12.5 * 15 = 187 dmg avg!

So depending on how the damage is rolled on this spell/how Dangerous Sorc is applied it changes the damage from 61.5 to 187 and it can't miss!

Seems like a great spell to have as one of your Spontaneous Heightening spells as a sorc if the damage is just rolled once.

So how do you calculate MM damage and how does Dangerous Sorcery Apply?

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This is obviously anecdotal but my players had no issue or roadblock when picking ancestries.

I started part one Doomsday Dawn with 4 PC's, 3 of which have never played Pathfinder and 2 that had never played a TTRPG at all.

The 1 veteran player and 1 that had played 5e before both made half-orcs, Ranger and Barb, because they liked the concept. The two complete novice's made a Goblin Sorc and a Halfling Rogue.

At no point in this process did any of them complain about "being behind" or that they didn't have enough racials.

Pretty much went

GM -"these are the feats you get from your race/heritage/ancestry, you pick one now and then get more as you level"

Player: "ok cool" ->picks feat they like and moves on.

Was just exploring how a crossbow ranger + cleric build could look, and it seems pretty fun. With starting stats of

Human Hunter Ranger

Str: 12
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 16
Cha: 10

lvl1: Crossbow Ace, General Training (Incredible Initiative)
lvl2: Cleric Dedication (Abadar), Battle Medic
lvl3: Weapon Expertise (Bows), Alertness
lvl4: Basic Dogma (Deadly Simplicity)

The Deadly Simplicity feat increases the damage die of our favored wep (crossbows) from 1d8 -> 1d10. Then using Crossbow Ace and hunting our target the damage die is once again increased since we're using a Simple Crossbow. So 1d10 -> 1d12 and we get 1/2 our wisdom.

So unless I've missed something if you Hunt a target or Reload your crossbow, you're making an attacks with +9 to hit and shooting greataxes(1d12+1). It's pretty sweet.

Dex(4) + Prof(4+1) = +9 to hit 1d12 + 1

Continuing onto later levels you can take Favored Aim at lvl 6 to be more Ranger or stay with Basic Cleric Spellcasting, take magic weapon and enjoy hitting with 2d12 crossbow bolts.

My concept for this is essentially the PF1 inquisitor and it seems like the closest I've found in the playtest.

What do you guys think? Did I miss anything with how Deadly Simplicity and Crossbow Ace interact?

When you're falling, how many feet do you fall in a round? I saw there is information about how much damage you take and stopping a fall but nothing on how long it takes to fall?

Are all conditions supposed to give condition penalties/bonuses or do they also give circumstance penalties, if so that's going to be annoying trying to sort out which ones are which for the purposes of adding to rolls.

For example the

Flat-Footed Condition gives a -2 Circumstance Penalty to AC

shouldn't that be a Conditional Penalty?

Also Friendly gives a +2 Circumstance Bonus and not a +2 Conditional Bonus?

Seems pretty unintuitive if things called Conditions are not giving condition effects.