Dinvaya Lanalei

Violant's page

230 posts (1,283 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 aliases.


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What does the party look like currently?

It is curse of the Crimson Throne!

OH RIGHT. So that's even more HP then. Putting finishing touches on the character sheet.

Forgot to send this in my previous message since I passed out, but my condolences for your loss, Javell. I know loss can be... quite a lot, and take time if you need it.

Greetings! I am the new player, and am drafting up a switch-hitter who can abuse the tech gear while remaining distinct from the already-present Techslinger.

1d10 ⇒ 8 => 8
1d10 ⇒ 3 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 3 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 3 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 6 => 6
1d10 ⇒ 3 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 8 => 8
1d10 ⇒ 6 => 6
1d10 ⇒ 2 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 10 => 10
1d10 ⇒ 7 => 7
1d10 ⇒ 7 => 7
1d10 ⇒ 5 => 5
1d10 ⇒ 9 => 9
Favored Class HP is 91 then?

Why does my brain always go to gunslingers. Hope you still brought alcohol!

Would a Buccaneer Gunslinger be acceptable? They'd be able to craft ammunition and the like themselves, so there's no need for extra loot distribution. Could fluff them to be originally Alkenstari as well. They're, naturally, entirely pirate-themed.

Two questions:

- What kind of class would you need?
- Are you still in the phase of forced imbibing of alcohol?

Haha. I'll draft her up once I finish posting in my other campaigns.

Fair warning I likely will fumble as this is my first foray into Starfinder.

Alright. Have a bit more thought up. Amhesha, Pahtra Soldier/Mechanic. In contrast to DoubleGold's "Security Officer and somewhat Lead Engineer," I'll be making a "Lead Engineer and somewhat Security Officer," a Puloni Pahtra with a few fur deformities mucking with their mystic-assigned destiny, leading to off-world shenanigans. Role would in combat would be ranged (not used to any kind of Starfinder).

Personality-wise, they'd be eager with a thirst for knowledge of any kind, and have taken a particular interest in the Burning Archipelago due to the fact that it's well... The Burning Archipelago. I know there's already a full Mechanic in the party, so I'll do my best to make them mechanically a distinct character.

Hopefully that's enough to go off of, this would be my first foray into Starfinder so it took a good day or so of looking over the rules to get an idea of what concept I want for this one.

Alright. Pahtra Soldier/Mechanic Multiclass sounds interesting enough. Would have to read up more on setting to flesh them out beyond just race and class(es), though. Could fit into either Lead Engineer or Security Officer, and that would largely be up to whatever role is needed.

I'd be entirely new to Starfinder. What races would count as Near Space? I might be interested in finally trying this out.

Dropping out of the running here.

Yeah. Carrion crown is the horror-themed one with a bunch of undead, right? I might draft up a Pact Witch of the Boneyard. What would you say about familiar archetypes (Sage)?

Oh, Eletido, you're supposed to drop the lowest I'm pretty sure.

4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1) = 15 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 2) = 11 8
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 1, 5) = 16 15
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 5) = 13 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 2) = 17 15
4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 3) = 14 11
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 6, 3) = 19 16

So 16, 15, 15, 14, 12, 11 then, unsure of aura.

And what about templates that change based on HD? I am very tempted to take the option for a template here.

I'd like to withdraw my dot. No ideas are coming to me right now.

Another one? Dotting, anyways.

Errenor wrote:
Violant wrote:
It'd be a bit like how there's still electricity within an EMF, it just prevents you from using it in any meaningful way!

Ok, what 'EMF' are you talking about? If it's electromagnetic field, firstly, it's always here and everywhere and secondly - electricity is the consequence of it, it cannot exist without it at all. If you are talking about EMP - it's just a bad analogue. After EMP only some equipment could be broken, not laws of nature. Bring new equipment at the point and it will work just fine.

But yes, there's no reason to equalize magic and fundamental, binding forces of nature in Golarion. If the lore allows the world exist but without magic - it can. It's just the fundamental force of imagination.

Was half-asleep while I wrote that and my keyboard was dying. EMP was what I meant. Another analogue, probably a little better, would be atmospheric nuclear testing that inherently taints magic. Only things animated before, like the analogues of shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean, would be able to continue magicking in the hollows.

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CreepyShutIn wrote:
Errenor wrote:
CreepyShutIn wrote:

I've always been of the opinion that magic is as much a part of the world as gravity. Its absence is fundamentally impossible, at least without changing what the very universe looks like. If you take away matter, spirit, life, and mind, then what remains?

Magic is not "supernatural." It is natural. To be without it, and yet still exist at all, THAT is unnatural in the extreme, implying that you are made of something that the entire universe around you isn't.

I like the approach very much. I'd even say that any anti-magic and borked-magic areas in player-facing settings so much entangled in magic as Golarion are extremely bad idea, bad taste, not fun and must be actually forbidden. Yes, to hell with Alkenstar. Maybe even literally...

But, it still is very easy to imagine all these essences without magic. Like with gravity and electromagnetism. You are in the first and kind of exist because of the second. So what? Can you fly or shoot lasers from eyes? :)

You. I like you.

Yeah, I've never been a huge Alkenstar fan. The idea that the world is just like ours except with wizards stapled on haphazardly, that's irredeemably boring. It's also wildly inconsistent with a lot of what we actually see, since the world has a bunch of spirits and things, it has souls and ghosts. Do those go away in Alkenstar too?

I do disagree with the conclusion, mind. If gravity and electromagnetism vanished, we would disintegrate into loose sub-atomic particles. Same principle. The world can't exist without its four fundamentals, and magic is just the recognition of those fundamentals and means of directing them, same as boiling water to make steam.

I do have a counter to that. It's merely casting and the like that go away. The magic that animates constructs and golems continues to function in Alkenstar, even in Smokeside (hell, clockwork constructs are a commonplace thing there. And they aren't robots, magic was involved in their creation) . It'd be a bit like how there's still electricity within an EMF, it just prevents you from using it in any meaningful way! Nethys's anathema explicitly even points out that there is some kind of distinction between the mundane and the magical.

For the record, this version of Violant (namex my board self after my first PC...) would be a Wizard, with the archetype going to Time Oracle.

I'm going to be playing two versions of the same character at once if I get in, which will be funny.

Errenor wrote:
CreepyShutIn wrote:

I've always been of the opinion that magic is as much a part of the world as gravity. Its absence is fundamentally impossible, at least without changing what the very universe looks like. If you take away matter, spirit, life, and mind, then what remains?

Magic is not "supernatural." It is natural. To be without it, and yet still exist at all, THAT is unnatural in the extreme, implying that you are made of something that the entire universe around you isn't.

I like the approach very much. I'd even say that any anti-magic and borked-magic areas in player-facing settings so much entangled in magic as Golarion are extremely bad idea, bad taste, not fun and must be actually forbidden. Yes, to hell with Alkenstar. Maybe even literally...

But, it still is very easy to imagine all these essences without magic. Like with gravity and electromagnetism. You are in the first and kind of exist because of the second. So what? Can you fly or shoot lasers from eyes? :)

There's a reason the Alkenstar campaigns didn't require it. Anyways, EMFs exist so why not the magical equivalent.

Yeah. If since this is Free Archetype, I can port her relatively easily. She loses the one reason I built her (Erase from Time chicanery), but the fluff of the character would be largely the same. Just shove her in a different part of the world.

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The Raven Black wrote:

I like how it shows that all the other deities are unable to answer prayers in vast areas once Nethys is gone.

Indeed, these tales do show how mortals should not rely too much on deities.

I wonder if Yvali's quest for answers will be what ends up in the death of the Core20 deity. As in all proper prophecies, or how Kung-fu Panda's Master Shifu's fear-inspired action resulted in precisely what he feared : the release of Tai lung.

Like I said before, the whole world just gets the Alkenstar treatment. Divine Magic fails there too. I want to see what people do with this, but it might be because I'm running an Outlaws Backport as well.

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Wondered when I'd see Findeladlara. Nice seeing you here, Evindyl. Might make a half-elf as well. Time to to create a 2e-ified version of my first PC maybe?

Is this using the remastered rules or not? Also, dot.

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Jan Caltrop wrote:

Ooh I like how she's like "maybe we should study pulp novels for how to make our research papers more interesting".

DAMN it's Nethys, I was hoping he'd be the one to die; ah well. At least we get to see what happens....

Irori mention!

But hm. Yeah. I have to wonder, was this a deliberate reference to some Forgotten Realms edition-change stuff, or is that just like, the inevitable most obvious consequence of the magic deity dying?

I'm most intrigued though by the mention of Irori. Like, was Pharasma asking a report from him specifically? Why did he swear he'd make it right; is that the kind of thing he'd be linked to? It might just be that I don't know enough of his lore, but like, it stands out, him being there.

Also, people from Alkenstar: "lol. lmao, even."
...would this make the Mana Wastes actually MORE hospitable?

Okay, so from reading the comments... I think it's not so much that it's fundamentally IMPOSSIBLE to mix those elements to create two new traditions, more like... frick I don't remember enough chemistry to give a proper metaphor. Maybe it's like, he was trying to invent nuclear power stations but ended up with nuclear explosions instead?
Heck, it's possible that this wouldn't have been disastrous were it anyone OTHER than Nethys attempting the experiment; he just has so much magic on him that it adds a dangerous extra factor. Like not drying a container sufficiently of water, before adding in hot oil.

From what I can tell, this basically makes large swathes of Golarion just like Alkenstar, maybe even like the Mana Wastes. Depends on its affect on creatures. And yeah, especially the people from Ironside and Smokeside are completely unaffected by this.

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Meanwhile, everyone in Smokeside continues on with their daily life. Now my bets are on one of the Prismatic Ray or ZK, as much as I hate the Prismatic Ray being split apart.

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Well, it coincided with the archives remaster. Whoever said that, props to you. So... if Nethys dies, there's about a ton more Alkenstars out there? Sounds about right. GUNS FOR EVERYONE.

I'm just hoping Nethys is either dead, or in this list of prophecies. I want to see how he dies. Bets are either on spontaneous combustion, or some magicless technological death.

I'm unsure whether I want to see Nethys die right now in a prophecy, or see him actually die come War of the Immortals.

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Bluemagetim wrote:
Violant wrote:
Bluemagetim wrote:
Vali Nepjarson wrote:

This is hilarious to me, because a couple of friends and myself literally just spent a few hours talking about what we would be if we were gods in Golarion, what our teachings would be, what our Edicts and Anathamas would be, and all that stuff. Then I jump on to the forums and immediately find this.

I think a good number of people kind of missed the point though and wrote up a god that they thought would be cool, rather than who they would be as a god. Which is awesome too! Don't get me wrong. But unless you are admitting that you, yourself are evil aligned, the "God that is You" should most certainly not be.

I made the deity I felt like being at the time. Very much me-ish in a Golarion kinda a way but with lightning cause it is cool.

Yeah same here. Me from earth being a Golarion god would be so very different. Likely just Ydajisk but Axis.
Right! honestly I have no idea if I would even still be myself if i ended up in Golarion, let alone ended up there and passed the starstone test. I'm sure either of those events alone would change me in ways I could never imagine.

Yeah, that's the reason I had to just decide on a region to put myself in, otherwise there'd be so many Golarion stuffs I'd care about. Also drafted up the Erages version as well:

Violant, the Living Exchange

Symbol: A handshake of visibly different ancestries.

Category: Newly Risen God.
Areas of Concern: Mixed ancestries/heritages, cultural exchanges.
Edicts: Seek to understand others. Promote cultural contact and exchange. Identify with your heritages equally. Even if it's distancing yourself from them.
Anathema: Follow any god who claims domain over an ancestry. Promote isolationism. Treat anyone differently because of their ancestry.
Favored Weapon: Dagger.
Sanctification: May be Holy. Would be NG pre-remaster
Divine Ability: Charisma or Intelligence
Domains: Change, Family, Freedom, Introspection

Divine Font: Heal
Divine Skill: Society
Spells: 1st: Celestial Accord, 2nd: Calm Emotions, 3rd: Crisis of Faith

Far more political then just "Nethys can rot" given why Erages evven exists. Would have beef with a lot of racial pantheons.

And for the linguistics version, I'd imagine I'd end up as an Ydajisk clone with a few modifications.

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Bluemagetim wrote:
Vali Nepjarson wrote:

This is hilarious to me, because a couple of friends and myself literally just spent a few hours talking about what we would be if we were gods in Golarion, what our teachings would be, what our Edicts and Anathamas would be, and all that stuff. Then I jump on to the forums and immediately find this.

I think a good number of people kind of missed the point though and wrote up a god that they thought would be cool, rather than who they would be as a god. Which is awesome too! Don't get me wrong. But unless you are admitting that you, yourself are evil aligned, the "God that is You" should most certainly not be.

I made the deity I felt like being at the time. Very much me-ish in a Golarion kinda a way but with lightning cause it is cool.

Yeah same here. Me from earth being a Golarion god would be so very different. Likely just Ydajisk but Axis.

The Raven Black wrote:
Berselius wrote:
NottaChance wrote:
What in the world could've killed a god (gods???) that easily>?
Probably something that NO Pathfinder in their right mind would EVER WANT TO RUN INTO! Holy bejeezus a monster that hunts and devours GODS? What a HORROR to possibly encounter!
By all rights it should be a party of PCs.

Whatever the 2E equivalent of Level 20 Mythic Tier 10 party is, specifically.

AceofMoxen wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
I tend to suspect "not Nethys" if only because it would make things weird with the archive.
plenty of archives are dedicated to dead beings, but I doubt Neyths would die without a major shake up in the way magic works.

What would you class as major?

Yeah but Erastil is still alive in Starfinder, isn't he?

Yeah, even with the techno-version of me as a god... it's still me. I'd see the situation going on with magic being effectively dead in a region, with no god with a dedicated portfolio over technology, other than arguably Cixyron who... is a demon harbinger. That hits to me at the very core, just seeing that gap there, and the people with such a divide between them and the Skyside residents.

The non-techno version would likely be some Aiuvarin from Erages that sees what kind of division the nation of Kyonin causes their people, and would see to end it. Either way, I would become far more ambitious if I gained powers of a deity, and advocating for the divides to tumble down. Be it an entire facet of life that doesn't function in an area, or an entire nation sending children away just due to the heritage. They're effectively the same character/me, just placed into different places on Golarion.

Meanwhile I'm just imagining what havoc Starfinder-era would bring for my submission. On one hand, Technology isfar more prevalent, so there'd be no need to advocate for technology-above-all when everyone can see that for themselves. Would be a bit saddened they didn't off Nethys themself, though.

On the other, Triune just goes and nabs the guy's portfolio. Likely would direct the churches to aid Triune in anyway possible, and to give the gift of technology to any magic-dead region of the world, becoming even more of a niche god than they were before.

Politics-wise? "Nex, get your hands off of the Duchy." is the big thing I can think of. In terms of relation to other gods, Casandalee, Brigh, and Cixyron would likely have some kind of connection to the guy. And the intense undying hate for Nethys, of course. The non-technology-kick version of me-as-a-god would be uh... far more politically involved: calling for the downfall of one or two nations.

Not to mention, aren't those things immune to bludgeoning damage entirely?

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Errenor wrote:
Ilkash wrote:
I use daemons heavily in my campaigns that deal with evil outsiders just because they're so much spookier and more existentially threatening than anything else the Lower Planes have to offer.
But how are they worse than demons? Those are bad enough, I suppose.

If it helps hammer home the point of the goal and scope of their ruin. Cixyron, in their Starfinder incarnation, is essentially the god of nuclear bombs and striking planets with redirected meteors, not merely slavery or deformities or undeath. The daemons want to snuff out all mortal life, in their preferred way. Bibliodaemons seek to kill people by literal paperwork. Genthodaemons are manifestations of pointless wars where people forget why they're even fighting. And so on.

Stormlord506 wrote:
keftiu wrote:
As a fan who came in with 2e, I still feel like I barely know daemons and the Horsemen... but I know some 1e fans really love them. I'd welcome this being their big apocalypse push!

Honestly, same. I've been reading Chainsaw Man for a while now, and I'd like to see more classic apocalypse stories.

Also, is Daemon pronounced Day-mon or Dee-mon?

Considering there are also Demons, Day-mon. I know a bit about them, but that's mostly about how the Horsemen want an end to all mortal life, and a bit about a few of the harbingers. That, and death by paperwork: Bibliodaemon.

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What saddens me is that we haven't gotten much tech in 2e. Brigh and Casandalee's focus doesn't hit the same itch for a technological answer to Nethys's single minded focus on magic that Cixyron did in 1e. That's what informs my answer here.

Were I not on the tech-kick, I'd likely come up with a different answer entirely. Probably an Aiuvarin Orc / Dromaar Elf god of... Aiuvarin and Dromaar, as well as cultural exchanges of all kinds.

The Death of Magic

Category: Newly Risen God.
Area of Concern: Technology, magic-dead regions.
Edict: Seek advanced technology and use it. Emulate and surpass magic with technology. Innovate and create new technology.
Anathema: Aid Nethys or his followers. Pursue the Purely Magical over the Technological. yes you can rune your gun.
Favored Weapon: Arquebus.
Sanctification: Holy or Unholy. Would be N pre-remaster
Divine Ability: Dexterity or Intelligence
Domains: Metal, Creation, Knowledge, Destruction
Alternate Domain: Lightning
Divine Font: Heal or Harm
Divine Skill: Crafting
Spells: 1st: Technomancy (doesn't exist in 2e), 2nd: Dispel Magic, 8th: Antimagic Field

I'd imagine I would not grant a lot of people spells, as that would go against the entire thing of being "technology over magic." Would probably come from a dead-magic region like Smokeside with a very intense distaste for Nethys.

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Garrett Guillotte wrote:
Anyway, the Beast is probably just Drokalion. Remember to feed your pets before going to sleep at night.

We can only hope for an Iblydos book.

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Jan Caltrop wrote:

Huh oh now THAT'S something I'd never considered; about him in his aspect as god of hunting, not just agriculture.

And here, it's not about "what if Erastil dies", but rather "if XYZ kills him, what effect will that have". Kind of like the Cayden one, actually. But there's a thematic connection here; "what if he gets killed by some beast", and "beasts" don't really stop killing once they've gotten a taste for it.

So. New tentative metric for this. There's gods where "the very fact of them dying" means all hell breaks loose, metaphorically, like Ur-whatsit and Pharasma. Then there's gods where it's the MANNER of their death, and what that MEANS, an causes problems, like Erastil here and Cayden. (Asmodeus... not sure where to categorize his story, prolly need more data points to populate a third category.)

Hm. A thought. There's a definite trend of "these are possibly the deep fears of the god in question", but I don't think that's the actual reasoning; I think it's more likely that "something an could result in a god's death, and feels like it fits thematically" has a strong correlation with "things an that god would prolly fear".

And since I should prolly get this written down: the god I most WANT it to be the one who dies, is Nethys (COME ON HE'S ALREADY JUST ONE WRONG MOVE AWAY FROM EXPLODING AT EVERY MOMENT), but the one I think it's most LIKELY to be is Sarenrae or Iomedae. Because "it would totally mess with their iconics!" could be a feature not a bug.

Someone mentioned Achaekek; I hope he survives the event, if only because "his major curse is that he personally kills you" is hilarious.

My bets are on Nethys here. His holidays are based on the old traditions of magic entirely, and will have lost relevance. The only other gods which are relics of 3.5E/DnD on the list are safe. Now, I wonder what death Nethys would fear. Would it be the one move away from exploding? Some magicless death? The idea of someone taking Nethys out to the shed and shooting the old magic system with a gun is hilarious to me, not going to lie.

With the amount of campaigns I'm in right now, probably won't participate in this, sadly.

Also, isn't 2e built around not allowing the game-breaking interactions that munchkins so heavily rely on?

Party rolls for me would likely include Skills as well... an investigator, possibly helping out anyone with buffs/debuffs by letting them save a few spellslots, and melee damage with studied strike, though the investigator likely woulnd't be a barbarian beatstick.

Are background skills up, and when do you hope to close recruitment by, again?

I am going back on my idea of an Armorist! Now that I see you have Investigators dedicated to Mathematics. Likely will still go with Samsaran for the race still, the idea of someone losing multiple lifetimes of memories is too enticing not to take.

Will hash out more vague details once I get a disaster Cleric build ironed out.

Roll twice take the higher result, if both are below half, then reroll.

Level 2: 2d8 ⇒ (1, 7) = 8 = 7
Level 3: 2d8 ⇒ (8, 2) = 10 = 8
Level 4: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 8) = 14 = 8
Level 5: 2d8 ⇒ (3, 3) = 6 Reroll
Level 6: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 7) = 9 = 7
Level 7: 2d8 ⇒ (6, 7) = 13 = 7
Level 8: 2d8 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8 = 6
Level 9: 2d8 ⇒ (4, 5) = 9 = 5
Level 10: 2d8 ⇒ (7, 3) = 10 = 7

Reroll Level 5: 2d8 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8 5

Alright. With FCBs all going into HP, that's 78 HP. Dice finally did something in my favor for once this time.

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