Hi I have a doubt about how create a map, what i should use? Craft or profession? We are using the exploration and Discovery Points rules in our campaign. I'm playing with a Gnome cartographer and I ran into a problem. On these rules Exploration and Movimentsays: "Documenting: The character spends the day mapping the territory or recording its features in a gazetteer and can attempt one skill check for each day spent documenting. Creating a map requires one or more successful Profession (cartographer) checks, while creating a gazetteer requires one or more successful Linguistics checks (at the GM’s discretion, other skill checks can be used in place of these). The number of checks needed equals the territory’s CR, and the DC equals the territory’s exploration check DC. Once the character has succeeded at the required checks, she has created a detailed map or gazetteer of the region, which grants a +5 circumstance bonus on future exploration checks in that territory (bonuses from multiple maps or gazetteers don’t stack)." And the Expert Cartographer Feat say to use craft to make maps. Which one i should use? And what is the diference between Craft(maps) and Profession (Cartographer)?
Hello. Ok, I know when you make all of your attacks is a Full-Attack Action and it is a Full-Round Action, as charge, it is a Full-Round Action and it's an attack. My question is if there any difference between Full-round Action and Full-attack Action? For exemple: I have a monk with the Maneuver Master Archetype, and she has the Flurry of Maneuvers Ability, in the text says: "At 1st level, as part of a full-attack action, a maneuver master can make one additional combat maneuver, regardless of whether the maneuver normally replaces a melee attack [...]". ... And have the Tiger Claw feat, that says: "While you are using the Tiger Style feat and have both hands free, you can use a full-round action to make a single unarmed strike with both hands.
I wonder if my monk can make a Flurry of Maneuvers in combination with tha Tiger Claw special attack? Can i make a Flurry of Maneuvers in a charge? Thankss
Hello I wonder if it causes opportunity attacks to enter a threatening area with a range greater than yours. Example: An average warrior carrying a long sword moves 20ft to attack another warrior with a 10ft range spear. 1- Can the lancer make an AoO for the swordman entering the threat area of the lancer?
Hello I'm sorry for the silly question but some players have confused some rules and I can not prove who is wrong, help me! So, I wonder if the ranger's favored Terrain allows you to walk on difficult terrain in that place, for example: A ranger with Favored Terrain Cold (ice, glaciers, snow, and tundra) walks in light snow or heavy snow. 1 - The ranger suffers the normal penalties to walk in the snow? 2- If he suffers, how does he walk in it without leaving traces? 3- On frozen surfaces, does he need to check acrobatics DC 10 to walk on it? Already notice that I think this is absurd because it is throwing in the trash feats as Acrobatic Steps. And in Favored Terrain's ability, it says absolutely nothing about difficult terrain or even any bonus Already to advance my thanks.
Say I charge on enemy 30ft and finish my turn to 5ft from another opponent in straight line who does not move on his turn, on my next turn, I can charge on him? By interpretation I did not stop, just ended my turn, right? The rule says:
Jurassic Bard wrote: That's a very interesting, I personally always try to make the more monstrous creatures playable as well. I love the work you put in to the document, it must of been an absolute pain to type out, it's well written and clearly well thought out too. Thank you so much, you do not know how happy I am that you have enjoyed it. Bloodrealm wrote: I thought of trying to convert Serpentfolk at one point, then abandoned that idea because I realized Pathfinder Serpentfolk have legs. I understand you, I was sad to hear that too, but I found the Serpentfolks rather captivating after seeing some pictures and reading about their culture. You should try with other races like Lamia and Naga. If you do, share with us, I would love to see.
Here is the file with the conversion. Please note that there are two versions, one weaker, for players and the other very strong, trying to stay the same as the book.
I hope enjoy!
Hello! My question is this, what exactly does the unseat feat do? Unseat(combat):When charging an opponent while mounted and wielding a lance, resolve the attack as normal. If it hits, you may immediately make a free bull rush attempt in addition to the normal damage. If successful, the target is knocked off his horse and lands prone in a space adjacent to his mount that is directly away from you. Okay, I may try to take down my opponent from his mount, but only works against a mounted opponent? Can I make a free bull rush attempt against an landing opponentd? If so, he fall on prone? The second question is, how do you bring down the opponent of your mount without Unseat feat? And finally, would be possible to make a sunder/disarm/trip in charge?
JDLPF wrote: Care to show rules for a giant using a creature as a club? =/ Dream breaker! xD Well, I dont know any rules about this, but not need to be a living creature, if you can catch a rosted chicken to hit, why he cannot use a corpse? Its a improvised weapon or something like this. I understang we're talkin about rules, in my case house rules, but is a fantasy world, we're talking about people being thrown into catapult! Why giants can not throw people? Some times rules look like silly... I understand that I'm not talking about the subject of the post....
Hi every one! I Have a question about the hex Frozen Caress, says this: Frozen Caress (Su) Whenever the winter witch casts a touch spell, she can infuse the magic with cold as a swift action. This grants the spell the cold descriptor, and adds 1d4 points of cold damage to the spell’s effect. If the touch spell allows a saving throw, a successful save negates this additional cold damage. When says, "touch spell" I imagine it to be spell like, "chill touch" or Touch of Fatigue", but, this hex works with ranged touch spells like ray of frost" or "ray of exaustion"? Both are ray spells but you make a touch ranged attack to hit the target... Looks like a dumb question... but... I'm learning how to play, and I want learn the right way...
Hi there! Well,there any way a medium character use a large heavy shield? The heavy shield still giving +2 CA bonus or increases? Or only the damage is modified? Heavy Shield(M) 1d4
My purpose is to use bash attack with a GREAT shield, like tower shield, but its not possible... So a had a idea of using a large heavy shield to bashes them!! hyahahya xD Is it possible in any way? ><
Hi. Im playing with a Witch, and I have a winter patron that gives me spells.
The Spells are:
My question is, at level 6, I learn Ice storm, It's a 4th circle magic and i only can cast 4th circle spells in level 7th... I really cant cast ice storm? well, why i have learned? And to make it worse, i have taked winter witch prestige class, at first level of winter witch, she gains no caster level, rigth? I will only be able to cast 4th level spells in level 8th??
Hi there. I have some questions and I would like you to help me ^^ 1- If a witch's familiar dies, she loses all spells stored in her familiar, but, she can still use her hexes? And other abilities from archtypes? 2- Using "Spell Hex" feat and selecting "Blood Money" as Hex, she can still use that spell as "swift action"? And three times per day? |