
Varian's page

377 posts. Alias of JAF0.


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AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

If we're still live... I am leaving on a retreat on Thursday the 3rd and won't be back til Sunday afternoon. I will try to keep up on my phone, but it's very hard to post using it, so please bot me as necessary to keep the game flowing. Thanks

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

still here...

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian approaches the man's stall and looks at his goods, prepared to assist with any haggling, and perhaps doing a little of his own if he spots something worth having.

perc if nec: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"I agree.. we'll sell what we can and buy additional gear before going back."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Do we have a time limit on our exploration? If not, what matters how long we rest for full recovery?"

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Just so you know, I will be at Strategicon all weekend (Friday-Monday evening). Probably won't be home til late Monday. I will try to keep up with posts via phone and computer at the hotel, but I will be mega-busy at the con, so no guarantees. Please bot my character as necessary to keep the game flowing... Thanks, and sorry in advance for my absence.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

I missed that the party was up again...

Varian backs away further and fires another ghost salt blanched arrow that makes 2 used

to hit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian shoots at one of the shadows with a ghost salt blanched arrow (which should do normal damage to incorporeals).

to hit: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Then, if he's the last one left (ie if everyone else ran), he'll back up 30'.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

know religion: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + 8 + (6) = 20

"SHadows! Ugh! They are incorporeal, hard to damage. They also tend to guard certain areas... they might not follow if we flee.. just sayin'"

Varian pulls out one of his special arrows and awaits his chance to shoot at one of them if 'fight' is the group's choice.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

B works for me as well... sorry I am so slow responding, but today I had a class, followed by my home game.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

perc: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25 you didn't list the dc of the check, but i'm hoping 21 makes it (25-4 = 21)

"Well, that doesn't sound good.. that whispering sound... something is aware of us now and knows we're here... what? you can't hear it?"

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

I'll keep that in mind, but right now it's a bit chaotic, because I have SO many pfs games open that aren't going to start til the 27th because of the online gameday starting that date, so there are no posts in them... I will try to keep a closer eye on this game for sure.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Aye, north is fine with me, too."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

ok... all caught up reading the gameplay thread... apparently i missed a LOT... I hate when the paizo boards suddenly decide not to update a thread for someone... plays hell with game continuity... I kind of have no idea how to reinsinuate myself back into play... I guess I will just make a post as we go north? Where ARE we going now anyway?

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

I'm still here.. apparently thread was not updating for me... I will read and catch up today... sorry about that.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Have fun!

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

no problem... life happens.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Nil makes a good point... saving the ravine for later sounds like a good idea to me too."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"I feel it too.. and it feels like something is off.. like we're being watched... it's too silent and there are no-see-ums among the trees... moving shadows that aren't there when you look directly."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

VArian slips into the middle of the group, behind the warriors, and moves along behind them.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

will level Varian later today.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian will enter and examine the runes and the temple..

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian follows behind, keeping a sharp eye out for trouble.

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

If there is a large leg bone still in tact or something else that might suffice as a club, Varian will collect it for use against more skeletons, if any.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian delays, not wanting to waste arrows against a skeleton and having no bludgeoning attacks with which to help.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian puts his bow away with a sigh, knowing it will be useless, and picks up a rock and tosses it at the nearest skeleton.

to hit: 1d20 + 2 - 4 ⇒ (8) + 2 - 4 = 6
dmg to hit: 1d3 ⇒ 2 ??? not sure what a thrown rock will do... but with a 6 to hit it doesn't matter anyway.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Perhaps some runes only work on the living... what about 'detect magic' on the runes?"

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian watches curiously...

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

note the time stamps on our posts... I couldn't possibly have seen hers before I posted.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"It's a language I can't read... can any of you decipher it?"

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"These seem to be the same kind of marks as the ones on the scroll cases we found before."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

"Well that looks odd... best take a closer look at it." And so he moves up to it and looks at it more closely...

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian chuckles and nods... "TO the temple then..."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"A blade, eh? hadn't really considered getting into hand to hand combat... all I have is this dagger... Perhaps I should invest in a blade, or we might find one I can use while we are here."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian breathes a sigh of relief and thanks Somonti profusely. "Thank you so much... that toad was certainly a tough one, at least for me. And I was so nervous, all my shots were going awry."

He tries to recover arrows from missed shots.

high is good: 2d100 ⇒ (88, 16) = 104

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian steps back again and shoots the toad attacking him.

to hit: 1d20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 + 2 = 7
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 2 = 8

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian steps back from the toad that attacked him and shoots it.

to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

... well shoots AT it... but misses.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian will try talking to the toads, but he doesn't really expect a response. "We don't want to fight... go back to the water and no one has to die." If they continue to come forward, he'll fire (readied action)

to hit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
dmg if hits: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

to confirm crit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
extra dmg if crits: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 4) + 2 = 9

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Not lack of concern, dear Somonti, just lack of ability to do anything useful to help, but it seems Alianne had the right tool at hand, so I"m glad she is alright."

He holds his bow, with an arrow nocked, at his side so as not to appear threatening, in case the toads are not aggressive... Perhaps they are merely curious...

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Agreed, going around seems best... the lake looks foul... and foul waters often hide foul beasts."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"A compartment? in a pillar? that seems odd... anything in it?" Varian asks, mildly interested, though his gaze lies up the road, looking ahead to where they must go next.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Let's hope the path isn't overgrown like the rest of the area."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

that works for me!

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"I too can see well in the dark and use a bow, and would prefer to be on first or thrid watch, but ultimately, it doesn't really matter if it's not feasible."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

Varian would like first watch or last watch, and about the middle of the group for exploring, enter rooms, etc.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

on the way out of town, Varian will stop and buy some rations.

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

just an fyi, Tuyena, I did rework his background a little to fit into Taldor... instead of Varisia...

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

know local: 1d20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 8 + (4) = 27

"Well, it's not far, but I still think at least a few days rations would come in handy, we will most likely end up camping out at least a night or two."

AC 11/t11/ff10; hp 16/16; saves: F 1 R 3 W 5; bab 0, melee 1, ranged 1; CMB 1, CMD 13; speed 30; init +1 half-elf investigator/1 wizard 1
Acro 2, appraise 4, bluff 8, craft alchemy 13, diplomacy 8, disable 5 k arc 10, k nature 8, k local 8, k hist 9, k plns 9, k relgn 8, k dung 8, k engrg 8, perc 7, spellcraft 9, stealth 1

"Well, we have a key, and know the way... let's be off if everyone has what they need for such a journey... does anyone know how far it is? I might want to pick up some rations on the way out of town if we might be gone for several days."

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