Owen - I know you inherited the albatross from another 3PP, but I confess I'd like to see some progress with Warlords of the Apocalypse. I'm aware there's Fall of Man (which I ought to investigate), but having a vested interest, I'm curious what will come of it. Thanks!
Your thread in PIE lead me on here and I decided to drop in. I wasn't going to wade through the 7.8k unread messages. Just wanted to say 'hi', but I usually run across most of you via that social network ad spamming thing. =)
Good Morning FawtL's! So I see Kirk told you guys about our big summer move. :) Im very excited. Its a whole new ball game for me. No more retail. Ill be doing payables and apprentice accounting.
My new boss is very agreeable and laid back. So much so that I am to write my two year contact myself and he will tweak it if he feels it needs it. I was hoping you could help me Sebastian.. if you have some time. I have no idea how to even begin. This request for advice is not limited to the pony.. in case any of you other professionals have a few spare minutes :)
Just hopped in briefly to read / skim about the FAWESOME news. :D
Given what you do for a living, someone will be drawing disability prematurely and I'll cause a bio-hazard. You don't want me anywhere near that stuff. :D
Aw c'mon. I've done this for ten years and I'm fine... you've met me. ;)
Why do you think we're not allowed to occupy the same state again? They're worried we'll set something off.
Forget 8 hour courses. My elementary school had a battledome.
haha that was actually something taught in those 9 years of middle-high school wrestling: If your opponent is 8 in or more shorter than you, do that. It works. I know, I was only 5'4 until I hit 19. 8/
Imagine if you had that 8 hour training course tucked into that nine years of grade school wrestling? You'd have gone to Iowa on a full-ride scholarship. Dan Gable would have given you the red carpet treatment. He'd even show you an unsanctioned reach around.
I wonder if there's a three hour version. I need to squeeze in some snacks.
1) Where's this 8 hour class I can sign up for to make me Chuck Norris indestructible?
2) Why are you unable to join the military or the police? With an 8 hour course that would make a 19 year old have some serious combat training, you'd think we'd be whipping ass overseas and would want to have more of those types on the front lines. Right?
It means you should schedule a visit to see a psychiatrist, immerse yourself into a new hobby to fill up your free time, watch reruns of the 700 Club, or cease and desist OTD trolling?
Why does it mean that?
** spoiler omitted **
Pot. Kettle. Black.
P.S. I'm not the one posting these redundant topics that really don't amount to anything worthwhile. Maybe you should hang a mandala above your computer monitor and see if Jung speaks to you.
It means you should schedule a visit to see a psychiatrist, immerse yourself into a new hobby to fill up your free time, watch reruns of the 700 Club, or cease and desist OTD trolling?
Me: "You know, I just realized that I know four openly schizophrenic people, and they all have extensive record collections. You think there's any sort of correlation between the two?"
Roommate: Long pause. "Well... don't date a chick who collects records?"
That would be a snippet which would make into a status update I'd post if I was involved. Awesome!
At some point you have to ask yourself: would you rather have a bff who will always be well-behaved and polite at the dinner table or would you rather have a bff who would tackle a cop in riot gear to save your ass.
I refuse to click on a link that's labeled German Sparkle Party - it just sounds too.....Urizen.
Then you should totally check out Lemon Party.
I only know of Cream Lemon.
You've obviously visited one before by that remark. I'll bet it's during your second job.
No, I knew of it before the second job - - its one of the first hentai I know of. The Wikipedia entry gives it a VERY bad introduction, but check it out.
He was referring to Lemon Party.
** spoiler omitted **
Your angelic visage is anything but. You are but cake. A beefcake full of yummy lies.
I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~ I love my job. ~bang~
I wish I got to spend that much time banging at my workplace.
I wish I had a work place to spend that much time banging.