UnfitParrot's page

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The way I would introduce Mythic Rules would be an optional subsystem that functions similarly to Archetypes but without the class feat buy in. I would have at level 1 or so you would pick one that gives a numerical bonus to your class, The Fortress would give a mythic +1 to saves and AC. The Striker would give a Mythic +1 to your to hit as well as to damage equal to dice, The Archmage would give a +1 to your spell DC and spell attack and so on. Giving a +1 to ALL of your players doesn't "break the math" in my experience and there are a lot of players who feel that the current system feels like their character is too weak so this would make you feel more powerful, and do more without completely destroying your enemies. In addition it would help tell stories where the players can have better chances against PL+3 or PL+4 which is in my opinion the point of mythic, letting you face higher level monsters while. Then I would have at level 5 and every 5 levels after a flavorful choice of a high level ability like flight or immune to knockdown so your character can feel more powerful without changing numbers. Then at level 20 your mythic proficiency bonus would increase to an even higher plus, so that you could face higher CR monsters, without making the lower levels fall apart. I think this would allow for a higher tier game, adding power to lower levels, while still maintaining 2e's balance.

In addition to this I would add higher level monsters so we can fight characters like Cthulhu in 2e.

For all the people saying Demigod is too varied a concept, are there really that many large demigods that wouldn't fit a martial with supernatural abilities/strength? Like I can't really think of any skill monkey demigods, or super magic using demigods. From Hercules to Hou Yi, Cu Chulain to Xbalanque, Maui to Samson, they're all mostly just supernaturaly strong people, and certainly feel ripe for a class. Honestly the more I think about it the more I think it really works for a class in 2e. Perhaps a focus point heavy martial?

Man both these classes look amazing and I am fully hyped! Really hoping one is the demigod, though I think it's a long shot even with the picture.

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Unicore wrote:

I am still pretty strongly convinced our 2 new classes will be the Seneschal and the Weaver.

The seneschal feels like it will mostly be a martial character who I am guessing will have a troop minion and otherwise be very buff focused.

I agree with these and would really like these as new classes, although I'm not sure how I would feel about the troop minion, but could be really interesting.

Unicore wrote:

I was pretty uncertain what a weaver could be as far a caster class, but with how long and how many people have complained about wanting a caster not really connected to spell slots, and the popularity of the kineticist, I am wondering if it won't be a class who gets very specific spell like abilities that they can use frequently, by pulling energies from various non-elemental planes. Perhaps it earns its name "weaver" by specifically requiring pulling energy from 2 or more disparate planes, weaving together types of magic that otherwise don't usually mix together.

Honestly that just sounds like the kineticist from different planes. Personally I would hope that this new weaver class would have very different flavor then at will magic pulled from another plane. Something like able to pull on the threads of fate and destiny for allies and foes alike. Mechanically I would like it to do for support/debuff casters what the kineticist did for blaster casters, which is a non spell slot caster, with a strong 'magic' feel.

I would love to see a necromancer class! Honestly to try to have it be a minion master class is a bit short in scope and kind of antithesis to PF2e designs. I propose something like the inventors inventions where you could choose a undead minion like they have a clock work one, or go in a different path! Keep in mind not everyone's idea of a necromancer is minion swarm. I could see an AOE path with necromantic or bone attacks. Or a path with a special ray or touch attack!

I would love the idea of an Evolutionist or Adaptable class that can evolve or adapt their body within a fight. Things like using a reaction after being hit with elemental damage to gain resistance to that type or spending actions to grow slashing claws or a bludgeoning tail. Being able to gain dark vision or even luminescent scales. Something like a monk in versatility just in a different approach and can still use weapons or armor, just with the option to forgo them. I think this could fulfill a lot of the body morph desires people want or can go into fully while still being an interesting class for people who aren't into that but want an interesting martial.

I'm also not married to the idea it'd be a naturey. While I think an evolutionist is a cool idea for a class I could also see it be a bit more occult flavored using dark or spirit power to fuel your transformations. Hell while I don't love the idea I could see it be a divine paragon esque class using divine favor to change ones physical form to better fight for your god.

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Hope we get that evolutionary class that was mentioned by the designers in another flood. A class all about adapting your body seems super cool and novel to me

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This is a problem I've seen not just in TTRPG's but pretty much all sorts of fiction from anime to videogames or fantasy novels and which I've started referring to as the 'Gimmick problem.' Basically someone comes up with one super original idea, but the rest just feels lackluster and like it's only interesting because of that one 'gimmick'.

I can't tell you how often someone recommends me an anime because "it has this super interesting power system!" or some novel "because of how amazing the world building is!" Only for me to find the most generic plot and boring characters and give up on it.

I don't think this is the biggest deal in TTRPG's because everyone kind of plays for their own reasons and it's not a job, but this gimmick burnout I've been having has definitely lead my last few characters to be very generic concepts, (I used try to play the weirdest/most interesting characters I could think of) that I focus on sculpting through actual play.

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AnimatedPaper wrote:

In theory, I think the Kineticist or Medium was supposed to fill this slot in PF1. The Medium did a fair job in my opinion, but the Kineticist's Scanners/Carrie/The Bone Clocks flavor (as introduced with the Burn mechanic) was overtaken by associations with AtLA and Captain Planet.

But yes, a horror themed martial would be great. There's lots of possible ways to go; perhaps the 5e Blood Hunter might be an interesting start point, and able to cover some of the vampire flavor you'd find interesting?

Yeah I completely agree with both points here where Kineticist became very ATLA and legend of the five ringsish flavor While the medium remained occult. I've never played 5e but the flavor of the blood hunter always seemed cool to me though I heard it wasn't very good. I'd love for a martial that was able to do things like sap hp from an enemy. Use focus points for things like invisibility or shadow magic (which I believe is coming in secrets of Magic!) or some beguiler stuff like charming opponents. A lot of people I talk to when I introduce them to PF2e want to play a character like a ghost rogue or shadow ranger which you can kind of do with the magus or archetypes, but I think would be really popular as a class on its own.

I think the think I want the most is a kind of 'dark monk' where the power isn't coming from my own skill or training with weapons or athleticism but some type of extra force. Instead of harnessing my own ki to move super fast I call upon my vampire abilities or instead of using my own rage to get temporary hp I call upon my curse to syphon it from you. As an example when I first read through the inventor playtest my first thought was to make a character divinely inspired to create their invention and when I got an upgrade it would come to me in a dream or something. Classes like the Witch and Oracle are my favorite and would love to see a martial that captures that flavor.

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One class concept I haven't really seen mentioned is that of a spooky martial. I think 2e has done a remarkable job of diversifying the martials up so as to have made a bunch of unique ones like Charismatic martial (swashbuckler) and Smart guy/Engineer martial (Investigator and Inventor) while still having interesting takes on the iconic classes. With that being said I think we are sorely missing a spooky flavored martial and something like a dark hunter, cursed warrior, slayer, or martial psionic would fill a gap I think we currently have. Even the shifter class could be tweaked to be more occult then primal and I think that would be a really interesting take on the martial chassis.

Personally, and I don't know how popular it would be, but I would like to throw my hat in the ring of a Vampire full Martial that makes ample use of the focus pool system. The vampire class is the only thing that's ever made me want to try 4e and would love to see Paizo's take on it.