
Ulrich Rovanky's page

36 posts. Alias of Twistlok.


Dotting in, I really want to play this one.

Revisions coming.

A man carrying a bow arrives at the area of protest, looking for his friend.

GM Red Box submission - I think I hit all the requested points. Ulrich does have a crafting skill but it is bows and his desires are modest.

Congratulations everyone.

"Someday I will find my story."

I am working on backstory for young Ulrich, the slayer.

Hero Lab PDF can be found in the profile.

Sadly waves goodby to those going on an adventures and turns to find his uncle to tell him of his sisters death.

I do not know the town but if there is a place we should head there. looking at Mizzug Preferably someplace with a high ceiling

Seeing Mizzug create water Ulrich is surprised. Well he is more then she appears.


Having had his flabber gasted.

Mr. Biggs, that was... amazing. I have never shared a drink with a goblin but at some point I owe you one.


Addressing Rixa's question

Don't worry, I am not hidinig that I have a relative in town but I am in no hurry to see him. At best it will be a difficult conversation.

To everyone

I could use a nice meal I did not have to kill myself. I have heard stories of how this town celebrates, it should be most fun.

Sorry you are right five years. Sent that from my tablet while on the move.


An excellent song. You are quite the musician. Your songs make me, somehow, fell more competent even.

I spoke in haste before. The fire was years ago but still no need to alarm my uncle, er, the locals.


Well now it might be a good time to pull things back a bit. The whole reason for the new catherdrial is a fireworks accident last year I belive.

We must be good guests and not cause alarm.

Taking a deep breath. Plus, I have nothing so impressive to offer.


Very impressed by the song.

Whispers Every day my decision to leave home is further confirmed.

Looks up at Mizzug to gauge her reaction.

Mr. Biggs and Group:

Mr. Biggs I understand being miss judged.

Clearly uncomfortable with his mistake. I guess I would not like to be thought to only speak orcish.

Mr.Biggs I did not realize you spoke common. No offense intended, I happen to speak goblin so did not think. I have seen the fireworks what other inventions do you travel with? I have seen nothing like what you have shown so far.


Considering the questions about being a hunter.

Well I guess that is as good as anything to call me. Learned to make bows and discovered I was a fair shot with them.


Good eye on the orc blood. Not my favorite feature but there it is. Had a good mum at least.

Gesturing to Mr. Biggs

Mizzug and Mr. Biggs:

[b] Mr. Biggs if you answered my quesiton about if you were providing fireworks I missed it in all the commotion of the day. I am sure that Miss Mizzug here would like fireworks this evening as much as I would.

No I am not of the flock but have an appreciation for the unity of religion. I was raised with Desna in my life which fits a traveler.

Assessing further.

Half human you say, so am I. Bet you can guess the other half though cant you. Never met my non human half but I doubt he would enjoy the meeting as much as I would. gestures to is bow at that last part.

He is very curious as to her other half but dosn't want to ask as he knows how it is to be embarrassed by it.

Baldric Moore wrote:
I don't typically RP in recruitment threads unless the GM says to (IMO it can clog up the thread, and sometimes overwhelm the GM), but I just wanted to confirm that I'm still around and would still love to play in this.

Yeah, that was my fault. Thought of it is an opportunity to work on the character since I have spent a ton of time trying to get into games with precious little success.

Still speaking with Mizzug

Among other things. I have a relative in town.

What an unusual person. In the wildrness I may have held back fearing attack.

That is a unique marking on your face. Is it a bird?

Hearing a voice from an unusual point, above his head, Ulrich turns and give a start, his hand sliding slightly towards his bow as he backs up, giving himself a small amount of space.

What in the heck?

Composing himself.

Umm hi there. And, umm, who might you be? composing himself Sorry, I am Ulrich. He cautiously extends a hand.

Approaching Mr. Briggs behind Ruaidhrigh. I was hoping to be of use here since I can communicate with the little goblin, still if I am joining a new world best to be open minded.


Greetings sir. Seeing your explosion makes me hope we will have fireworks this evening, are you involved or just here for the festival.

Seeing the goblin in town Ulrich hides the trophies that he collected on his way to town.

Maybe what I was told about the goblin problem around here was overstated if they are walking around town.

Speaking to Ruaidhrigh first

Ruaidhrigh if I am being honest you are the first gnome I have come across but you look different then what had been described. It could just be that i am from a smaller town. What has brought you to the festival? Hope of a good party or the giants you mention?

at Lubella

I am please to meet you Lubella. My world is certainly expanding fast since leaving home.

Responding to Ruaidhrigh

Giants? Well that is a different sort of hunting for sure. I have never seen a giant.

still amused by Lubella's opening line

How am I the only one to state a name quietly and when did I become the social one rising and to the group again I am Ulrich from Trunau and I come looking for family that probably will not care for my presence.

a little embarassed now for saying so much

so who is who?

Laughs so hard a piece of apples come out his nose.

Welcome Still laughing fat human child giggle

composes a little

to Inarus Big day and elf, orc blood, gnome and halfling. sounds like the start of a joke

so glad i left home, Desna bless a traveler

What a fierce group we are here under the tree. Lets pass the time, Who has a story of travel?

Orc blood, Elf, Gnome and... well who am I to judge. What do you think 1gp a piece for questions from the locals? chuckles

Well I am starting over what about all of you?

Well now my friend's we are a veritable side show are we not. What is odder that we are here or that we are talking as new friends.

gesturing yet again to to the ground

Mom there may be a blessing in your passing, the world is better then home it seems

I no not about fireworks but be careful with that. The town had a fire and may be jumpy.

Offering some more food from his pack.

What brings the two of you to town?

Extending a hand as greeting.

Friend you are as out of place as me. bemused Oh, I am Ulrich from Trunau.

Taking the halfling question seriously.

So you have never seen a halfling. I have never spoken with an elf. Can I guess you have also never met someone with orc blood? Don't worry I won't try and eat you or anything. My mom was human and my dad a, well &^#$.

Pauses to change the subject he picks up his bow

Sandpoint has always had a minor goblin problem. That is my excuse for being here, along with some family. Why do you come?

Ulrich looks up from his seat under the tree. Shifting slightly in his seat and tipping his hat back a bit.

I'm here and the festival is soon which is better then many other things. Your not from here... neither am I... sit.

Offers the elf a slice of his apple.

Really.. sit...

gestures to the ground beside him.

An elf and half-orc sitting together will at least be an novelty for the locals. Find us a halfling and someone will pay us as an attraction.

One question on my submission. Is Big Game Hunter a trait in the anniversary edition? It comes up in HeroLab but I know some things are original flavor and some new coke and HeroLab doesn't notate.

Ulrich is happy to see he arrived just as the festival has started. Ne

Well I am back in Sandpoint, better then my home town for a half orc like me.

With luck something will happen to give me a direction in life at the festival.

Looking around he finds a place to sit and watch the preparations.

Well thank to the downtime I obsessively made last minutes changes to the backstory.

I like the idea of +ing characters you like. Certainly makes me more invested in the campaign (that odds are against geting in lol).

It does seem that Runelords gets the highest submission rate and there is a good reason.

I was about to start RotRL for the first time when I lived in NYC but ended up moving and new town doesn't have a gaming community, well at least that is out of high school and not just playing magic the gathering.

Ulrich here. Finding myself back in Sandpoint I would be happy to lend a hand, or bow as the case may be.

Congratulation to the winners.

@Ulrich Rovanky okay, sounds good. I can consider that a submission :)


I would be interested in trying Kingmaker on this alias.

Please accept Ulrich as my first attempt at a submission for Dragons Demand. I have been trying for some time to get into a PbP game and this sounds perfect.