Silver Dragon

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So the D6+2 piercing plus knockdown for the hyena is a free knockdown or does it require an action?

A proper Druid!

brad2411 wrote:

How long does it last? It gives not duration. Does it last for the whole battle after used or just the next strike?

Edit: It is on pg. 76 under 8th level feats

As it is an action and says "once per round", I would surmise it only last for one round until the beginning of your next turn.

I would also like to see an option to swap general for class feats.

The Shaman wrote:

That is the purist reading, yes. However, you can use them for class skills, and there are currently very few general feats for characters who want to focus on other options.

I think if "general" feats give you the option to take more skill feats, they should give you the option to specialize in class abilities like the "extra X" feats from 1E and get more class/multiclass feats. What do you think?

Actually there is the Ancestral Paragon feat that allows an additional ancestral feat but only once as far as I can tell.

Admittedly not huge restrictions but I'm used to more options.

Has anyone have any advice on building an effective healer, if I can only build a character using the CRB, APG, ACG, UM, UC and UE books?
Also no starting stat above 18 after racial bonus.

The PRD says "The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet (or 40 feet if it wears medium or heavy armor, or if it carries a medium or heavy load)."
Note "Can fly at a speed", it does not state it gives a fly speed!
So a dwarf in medium or heavy armor can fly at a speed of 40 feet with this spell.

Maybe I am miss interpreting this but if it costs 2 or more squares to move one is that not slowing you down?
If that is the case then the

PRD wrote:
If any line from your starting space to the ending space passes through a square that blocks movement, slows movement, or contains a creature (even an ally), you can't charge.

- emphasis is mine.

LazarX wrote:
Earthglide only covers unworked earth.

Where does it say that?

Universal Monster Rules say "Earth Glide (Ex) When the creature burrows, it can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water."
Emphasis mine.

Frolicious wrote:

So im very new at DMing, and decided to try out pathfinder. Have a first lvl druid in the party but im finding we are prob doing a few things wrong and she is much more powerful then she should be..

-first, for daily meditation, are druids allowed to just stop as many times a day that they wish and take an hour and meditate to change spells? or are they only allowed to do that once a day?

-second, if they are allowed to meditate more then once a day, does that "recharge" the number of spells per day she can do? or is she simply only allowed to change the spells she knows

-3rd, i did finally just see the fine print on this, but want to make sure, she has a wisdom mod of 2, allowing her 1 extra first and 2nd lvl spell, but is she only allowed those spells ONCE her character lvl lets her? basically she has 14 wis which gives her an extra 2nd lvl spell, but she is only a first lvl druid, and wont have normally gotten a 2nd lvl spell till 3rd lvl, does she have to wait till 3rd lvl to have access to the extra 2nd lvl spell?

sorry hope this isnt to confusing

Meditation for spells is only done once a day, (that wont stop someone meditating more often but it will not allow more spells, change spells or to recharge).

Bonus spells are only allowed if you can cast at that level (ie the bonus level 2 spell is only allowed once the druid has reached character level 3)

In this case you can take it more than once (emphasis is mine).

PRD Ultimate Combat wrote:
Terrain Mastery (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a favored terrain as the ranger ability of the same name, though the favored terrain ability does not increase with her level as the ranger's ability does. A rogue can take this ability multiple times, each time applying it to a new terrain, and granting all other favored terrains a +2 increase to the favored terrain bonus.

Also, would I be correct in thinking you cannot do a 5' step whilst flying with the fly spell as it says "The subject can fly at a speed of 60 feet" but does not say you get a listed fly speed?

That would have been my understanding of it too.

I'm totally with you in that. I drop really heavy hints each session that they don't have to slaughter everything they come across. So far to little effect!!

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On another note what is the book in room K21 written in?

As Sorshen wrote it, I assume that it is written in Thassilonian. In which case would the players need to be able to read Thassilonian to take advantage of it?

ZomB wrote:

You could add Adamantine weapons, or a Golembane scarab to a treasure hoard as a flag.

If my memory serves me, there is a golembane scarab in the treasure near the end of the previous AP book!

LOL, although my players chose to sell it in the city before travelling to the Lady's Light DOH!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for the reply James.

I think part of the problem arises from my reading of the advancement track and that my players always seem to skip bits. I mistakenly assumed that they should reach lvl 6 just before entering the dungeon. A couple of thematic wandering monsters are called for I think.

Magnuskn - I have just leveled players at the appropriate place in a lot of previous AP's but find it a bit uninspiring and not very motivational, at least not for my group.

Missing XP!

My players (party of 4) are about to get to the first dungeon level and are level 6 on a little over 23k XP

It states they should be level 7 by the time they reach the second dungeon level but I only count 33,600 (total party) XP available.

At the medium advancement track they need 35k XP each, that's a requirement of 48,000 total party XP needed (35k - 23k = 12k each or 48k party). They will be a little under 4,000 each short of target.

Or am I missing something here?

What do you think I should add to get them the required XP?

Ah I think you may have mis-interpreted what I was getting at.

All I was pointing out was that a ranger can identify with a knowledge check, not whether they need to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Avatar-1 wrote:
Seems like a pretty huge oversight in the rules that a ranger has a favoured enemy where the ranger can't tell what his favoured enemy is.
Ah but he can, under FE is states
PRD wrote:
He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type.
PRD wrote:
A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

Bluff Checks as in Shattered Star AP

PC being in the body of Sorshen has to make Bluff checks to convince others that they are indeed Sorshen.

High enough level Druid :-
Gets a large enough piece of oak, casts Wood Shape on it to create a club sized for a huge creature, casts Shillelagh on it, transforms into a huge whatever and bosh! plenty of hurt!

Personally I would allow a "huge sized" elemental as the other wild shapes / spells do not specify a specific creature i.e. Huge plant with Plant Shape III, Huge beast/animal with beast shape IV.

Just a question and sorry if this has come up elswhere but..
If the Pyrohydra moves does each head still get a breath attack?

Its in the Darkness section of the Environment chapter.

From the PRD :-

PRD wrote:

Creatures blinded by darkness cannot use gaze attacks and are immune to gaze attacks.

In the equipment section it states

PRD wrote:
Brace: If you use a readied action to set a brace weapon against a charge, you deal double damage on a successful hit against a charging character

(emphasis mine.)

I would read that as saying you have to ready and action against the charge, not an attack.


PRD wrote:
Prone: The character is lying on the ground.

As opposed to what exactly in a snakes case?

If they get up would they provoke?

If a snake "gets up" from prone is it not lying on the ground then?

Seems a bit daft to me but hey ....

Not sure what your problem with the Druid is Dnlas.
If you don't like them, don't play them! Simples.

I played a pathfinder druid in one particularly difficult campaign from lvl 1 to 20 and was the only character that did not die at all. And this was with only the core rule book. Not because he was the best at any one thing but more because of he was almost as good as the best in almost all aspects.

Druids are not the easiest character to play because of the variety. To get the most out of them, even after Paizo "fixed" them, requires an understanding of their role as a secondary Tank, Dps, Caster and Healer all rolled into one.

They are still awesome IMHO.

Lastoth wrote:

Lead blades is GARBAGE. Turning a d4 into a d6 (or even a d8 with enlarge, if your DM lets two size effects stack) Is exactly one or two more points of damage.

Instead, get keen edge scabbards and get the mage or cleric to drop greater magic weapon on his two swords. The cheapest method is likely just giving the mage a third level pearl of power or two in exchange for his memorization of the spell. It should last nearly all day and will be a lot better than lead blades (which is again, garbage).

Lead Blades should stack with enlarge person as it is an untyped effect.

PRD wrote:
as if one size category larger than they actually are.

Emphasis being on the "as if".

Admittedly not as useful with a TWF but can be great with 2 handed (what's the damage for a huge greatsword 4D6?) all of which is multiplied when Vital Strike!

So I would say lead blades is not garbage, it just depends how you use it!

Tirq wrote:

To take that to the next point, ferrinwulf, the minimum is 32 points of damage.

In fact, a few levels from now, your Druid might decide that a Keen weapon would be good, since that would make it a 19-20x4 crit weapon. Pretty catchy, even if it's for a Druid.

Er, would that not be min 36 points of damage on a crit!

2D4+7 (min 1+1+7=9 x 4 = 36)

You could always try a dose of wolfsbane

Bestiary 1 wrote:
Alternatively, consuming a dose of wolfsbane (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 560) gives an afflicted lycanthrope a new Fortitude save to recover from lycanthropy.


prometheus's_curse wrote:

Next is as to the number of uses for whirlwind, the description says 3/day but does a wild shaped druid have that many?
You get the ability as if you were a small air elemental, so I would assume yes.

The number of times a day is only listed under the universal monster rules as a "format".

The number/day for air elementals is not shown so I would assume unlimited uses but you are still restricted to 1 round per 2HD.

AaronOfBarbaria wrote:
Belarias wrote:
Please what build is this, what level, and is it PFS legal/
Definitely not PFS legal - it's impossible to have a BAB higher than your level, and the build has more than a BAB 12.

Actually +38 to hit at level 15 is quite achievable, even with a BAB of 13

Ah, Ok.

I would think you roll once and compare against all threatening opponent CMD's as you only really make one tumble.

I could be wrong though!

Not sure about your first question but AoO's are rolled per opponent and you only get one AoO per round unless you have the Combat Reflexes feat.

Or even a +1 Vorpal hatpin!

Not forgetting the chain shirt does not require the Endurance feat to sleep in without fatigue!

Channeled Revival modifies a Supernatural Ability (su) (making it a full round action) to behave like breath of life. It does not say it changes it's type to a spell or spell like ability.

Safe curing only affects spells.

So in this case I would say Safe Curing does not apply.

Appologies if this has been asked before but I could not find a reference to it.

Aasimar are outsiders with the native subtype, correct?

In the bestiaries it states that


An outsider possesses the following traits:-

"Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry."

Does this mean all Classes of Aasimar are proficient with martial weapons?

AsmodeusUltima wrote:

The developers kindly explained that this was to avoid abuse from low-level druids wildshaping into bats and negating invisibility. One of those cases where a balance decision caused something totally nonsensical. I suggested, if that really was a big concern, at least give them darkvision, maybe with a caveat that it was rendered inoperable in the area of magical silence. Or just give them the bloody blindsight and let druids have a nice way of dealing with invisible creatures; I somehow doubt it would be gamebreaking.

But you don't get blindsight as a druid wildshaping!

It functions as Beast Shape(x) which never gives blindsight, you only get the listed senses and or abilities in the spell description (if the creature has them) regardless of what the creature has.

Or am I reading it wrong?

flupwatson wrote:

I haven't yet had a chance to try out the new classes in the Advanced Player's Guide, but just flipping through I couldn't help but think in what a precarious position the alchemist must be in - one stray push down the stairs and either boom he explodes with a flash or if he's lucky all his precious potions just shatter and he's SOL. Looks like a fun character to play but still I have to wonder how viable this class would be. As a DM I like things to be as realistic as possible and I'm sure I'd have to house-rule a chance of everything shattering and spilling and even perhaps exploding in case of a rough shove.

Just curious what others think on this!

No, but there is a certain Monk I have considered pushing down the stairs!

But the likelyhood it actually having the desired effect is very low!

stuart haffenden wrote:

Is this legal using RAW to have this?

Would you let it fly?

Is it too strong?

Heh, in the end of the day, regardless of all the arguments for and against a specific rule, is it not down to the decision of the DM <evil grin>.

Davick wrote:
Turkina_B wrote:
hogarth wrote:
Turkina_B wrote:
Never mind, what about "dancing" enhancement?
I think that's the point of the weasel words in the Amulet of Mighty Fists -- some enhancements like Dancing or Throwing don't make much sense when applied to an unarmed attack. I don't see what the problem is with Vicious; a monk certainly isn't attacking the ground whenever he's walking.
Ok, Dancing or Throwing does not make sense. So why would your own fists, elbows, knees and feet damaging your self make sense?
Cause you punch 'em so hard your hand hurts. Duh!

Then why does that not happen without vicious or any other unarmed attack?

hogarth wrote:
Turkina_B wrote:
Never mind, what about "dancing" enhancement?
I think that's the point of the weasel words in the Amulet of Mighty Fists -- some enhancements like Dancing or Throwing don't make much sense when applied to an unarmed attack. I don't see what the problem is with Vicious; a monk certainly isn't attacking the ground whenever he's walking.

Ok, Dancing or Throwing does not make sense. So why would your own fists, elbows, knees and feet damaging your self make sense?

beej67 wrote:

I can come up with some fantastic descriptions for Dancing Fists. In fact, I think I've seen those in a kung fu movie somewhere.

Wow, I'm seriously inspired to draw up an NPC around that now. What a fantastic idea.

Indeed you could as it applies to melee weapons. And from what has been said here, it obviously can be applied to an AoMF.

Stubs McKenzie wrote:
does that mean that every step you take you need to roll a to hit to see if your foot lands on the ground? :)

Heh, this just keeps getting better. Probably an easy target though. Hmm wonder what happens when he misses, or even fumbles.

I'll have to work on that one.

Keep up the ideas people.

0gre wrote:

Yeah, it's a big problem with Flaming Amulets of Mighty Fists when monks walk into wooden buildings and leave flaming footprints. Frosty amulet wearers get frozen to the floor if they stand still too long and corrosive amulet wearers have to keep moving or wind us slowly sinking into the ground as their acidic feet melt the rock under their feet.

This is a huge problem.

Now there's an idea or two!

Never can the monk with a thundering AoMF sneak up on something :)

Never mind, what about "dancing" enhancement?
