Silver Dragon

Turkina_B's page

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Has anyone have any advice on building an effective healer, if I can only build a character using the CRB, APG, ACG, UM, UC and UE books?
Also no starting stat above 18 after racial bonus.

Appologies if this has been asked before but I could not find a reference to it.

Aasimar are outsiders with the native subtype, correct?

In the bestiaries it states that


An outsider possesses the following traits:-

"Proficient with all simple and martial weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry."

Does this mean all Classes of Aasimar are proficient with martial weapons?

Please accept my apology if this has been asked before but...
As the Eidolon is an Outsider.
Can someone other than the Summoner heal the Eidolon?

The reason I ask is that there is the feat "Alignment Channel" to allow channel energy to affect outsiders so I assume without it they cannot heal the Eidolon in this manner, Yes?

If that is the case then what about "cure" spells as they state

When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures xd8 points of damage...

, in this case would you also need the feat to affect the Eidolon?

Sorry if this has been mentioned before but I get no result if I search the messageboards.

Was the "Align Fang" spell for druids missed out of the final PFRPG on purpose?
Is there an alternative?
It was in the beta!

The damage output for Earth and Water Elementals do not match the strength bonuses i.e. Med Earth Elemental, Str 20, Damage is 1D8+7
Where is this extra damage comming from?
And when a Druid wildshapes, do they get this extra damage?
D8 +Str bonus +2?

Ok, I do not know if this has been answered before but I cannot seem to find an answer.
Seeing as you can't speak in wild shape how do you communicate with your party?
Any ideas?