Silver Dragon

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On another note what is the book in room K21 written in?

As Sorshen wrote it, I assume that it is written in Thassilonian. In which case would the players need to be able to read Thassilonian to take advantage of it?

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Thanks for the reply James.

I think part of the problem arises from my reading of the advancement track and that my players always seem to skip bits. I mistakenly assumed that they should reach lvl 6 just before entering the dungeon. A couple of thematic wandering monsters are called for I think.

Magnuskn - I have just leveled players at the appropriate place in a lot of previous AP's but find it a bit uninspiring and not very motivational, at least not for my group.

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Avatar-1 wrote:
Seems like a pretty huge oversight in the rules that a ranger has a favoured enemy where the ranger can't tell what his favoured enemy is.
Ah but he can, under FE is states
PRD wrote:
He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type.
PRD wrote:
A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.

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dulsin wrote:

All of the wild shape rules are based on the assumption that the druid is medium sized. What about the gnome or the halfling?

I have assumed that the small druid just gets an extra +2 Str and -2 dex when they wild shape to make up for the racial penalties. But wouldn't it make more sense for a druid to wild shape to sizes relative to their starting size?

Think about a druid pixie or a druid cloud giant. That pixie can only take forms much larger than himself and never smaller? And the giant shrinks to a tiny size relative to his start?

It is stated in the Magic Chapter (Transmutation / Polymorph) that you apply size changes first. "If a polymorph spell is cast by a creature that is smaller than Small or larger than Medium, first adjust its ability scores to one of these two sizes" (from page 160 in the Beta and is carried to the Final ed. cant remember the page but in the same place).

Hope that answers your question.