
Tsi'kazochi's page

41 posts. Alias of Axolotl.

ROW 3: Night Terrors

Welcome, welcome!

ROW 3: Night Terrors

Cinematic Opening

It’s been a discouraging trip to Absalom for you. After applying for the illustrious Pathfinder Society at the Grand Lodge, you’ve been gathered into a rather nondescript room by a lieutenant you haven’t seen before, a Garundi woman in a trim and officious outfit. ”It is my deepest regret to tell you all that the Pathfinder Society has chosen to not admit you as Initiates,” she says in crisp tones, to an answering chorus of grumbles and moans. You can tell that there’s something misfit-like about the group you’re part of, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. ”However, if you are interested, we do have a limited term of opportunity working at Sharrowsmith’s Exports. A barque for Nantambu leaves in three days; please sign here if you are interested. Please understand this is a limited opportunity…” The rest of her warnings are ignored as you and others eagerly sign up.

You notice that several barques leave for Nantambu, each of them relatively small. Is In case one barque sinks?

On the voyage to the Mwangi Expanse, you and your shipmates hear a rumor that an Aspis lodge in Oppara has fallen…and possibly a Pathfinder lodge? But these are quickly forgotten as you head up the reddish, churning waters of the Vanji River, heading steadily to Nantambu. Along the way you see a burnt out ruin, and deckhands hiss in surprise. ”That was Whitebridge…more Aspis getting taken out,” says one of them, and spits off into the water.

As the ship continues to plow upstream, you find yourself wondering…just what in Golarion have you gotten yourself into?

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Cinematic Opening

It’s been a discouraging trip to Absalom for you. After applying for the illustrious Pathfinder Society at the Grand Lodge, you’ve been gathered into a rather nondescript room by a lieutenant you haven’t seen before, a Garundi woman in a trim and officious outfit. ”It is my deepest regret to tell you all that the Pathfinder Society has chosen to not admit you as Initiates,” she says in crisp tones, to an answering chorus of grumbles and moans. You can tell that there’s something misfit-like about the group you’re part of, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. ”However, if you are interested, we do have a limited term of opportunity working at Sharrowsmith’s Exports. A barque for Nantambu leaves in three days; please sign here if you are interested. Please understand this is a limited opportunity…” The rest of her warnings are ignored as you and others eagerly sign up.

On the voyage to the Mwangi Expanse, you and your shipmates hear a rumor that an Aspis lodge in Oppara has fallen…and possibly a Pathfinder lodge? But these are quickly forgotten as you head up the reddish, churning waters of the Vanji River, heading steadily to Nantambu...and discover new events. Rumors of attacks on multiple organizations. Fires in the night. Chaos and dissensoin. Along the way you see a burnt out ruin, and deckhands hiss in surprise. ”That was Whitebridge…more Aspis getting taken out,” says one of them, and spits off into the water.

As the ship continues to plow upstream, you find yourself wondering…just what in Golarion have you gotten yourself into?

Quick Pitch

Hi folks! This is a recruitment for Pathfinder 2E Scenarios chosen from The Year of The Open Road. We will start with The Mosquito Witch.
The conceit, as you may have gathered, is that you will be doing Pathfinder Society type stuff, but not with the Pathfinder Society–more like with a scrappy bunch of rejects.

The scenarios will not be played in PFS mode, though, and we’ll be playing with the understanding that beginning players are very much welcome to the game (and I haven’t GM’d in PF2E yet, so we’ll all learn a bit together). Paizo has a lot of new players coming to it and a dearth of PF2E play-by-post games, and so this is me throwing my hat into the ring.

The fact that these are shorter scenarios means that people can join and play a scenario without committing to the years-long time frame of an Adventure Path, and also, players can potentially come and go (ideally not, but it happens) without too much discontinuity.

About Your Humble GM
I’m technically a grognard, dating back to 1e, but oof, I am not and have never been a rules encyclopedia. ;)
I’ve been playing PF1 since 2012, almost entirely on Paizo boards, and mainly as a player, although I’m GM’ing a long running Reign of Winter Game. I am no expert on PF2E rules, but hey, we’ll learn together.
In real life I’m some sorta Social Justice Bard/Druid (free archetype, I guess).

Game and Character Specifics

The party size will be 3 players, or maximum of 4. This gives everyone spotlight time and keeps us from waiting on anyone.

I definitely want to get beginners/newcomers in these scenarios if possible. (Maybe you left That Other Game and wanna check this one out?)

3 scenarios = 1 level up, just like in PFS. Well, technically, it’s 4xp per scenario and 12xp to level up.

I’d like a friendly and inclusive virtual table. Your characters might bicker but you generally like each other–lone wolves and disharmonious tropes won’t work.

I like to post daily, with the understanding that life gets in the way and weekends are slower. To prevent decision delay, we may want to work out “hey do we go through that door?” decisions on Discord or in Discussion threads.

With regards to posting, here is an excellent guide about PbP posting etiquette. We’ll be writing in 3rd person present tense–past tense is too weird. For PbP at my virtual table, grammar is key.

I’d like character sheets in Pathbuilder–it’s a great way to build your character and for me to see it.

We won’t have any Rare feats/spells/items/etc at the onset–if there’s something that you really think works for you thematically, though, talk to me and we’ll see.

We will probably use Free Archetype as it’s just a fun thing to explore.

You can choose any Heritage. You can make it work, right? :D

I like some character background, but it doesn’t have to be as long as the 10-minute character background (which honestly takes more than 10 minutes!) Just like the lone wolf trope isn’t great, the sullen orphan desiring revenge is a bit played out. ;)

I won’t require one “wizard”, one “healer”, one “meat shield” and one “skill person”. If we wind up with all rogues, cool.

Submission Details

No need to make an alias just for the application.
Submissions accepted until March 20th; if we don’t have enough by then, I’ll push it out another week.
I’d like a character sheet (doesn’t have to be totally fleshed out)(and doesn’t have to be a Pathbuilder sheet at first) and a paragraph of description/personality and a paragraph or two of backstory.

Thank You! <3

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I have been silently bemoaning the lack of PF2E opportunities on these boards, and I decided to be part of the solution. I want to run some shorter PF2E bounties or adventures, like The Whitefang Wyrm, and lead people through something, say, from levels 1-4. I like groups of 3-4, 5 maximum, and I like to be a cheerleader for my players rather than, y'know, Grimtooth.

I would do this using Pathbuilder and possibly would spring for Foundry VTT, which can apparently incorporate Pathbuilder forms! :)

I wouldn't be running this for PFS and I'd be happy to take PF2E newbies, and newbies in general.

About me online: I've been playing PF since 2012, always play by post or play by email (or play by Discord post, which was fun). I'm GMing a Reign of Winter campaign that has been going well, and am in a wonderful, rollicking, large Age of Ashes party. I'm a once a day type poster ideally, although sometimes work deadlines make that difficult.

About me offline: Grognard, I guess, since I started with 1E of That Game, not that I have ever been a rules expert, and I spend my time working in music or trying to smash the system, maaan, and growing native plants. I often have a cat or dog sitting on me, as one does.

Post if you are interested!

Hello Paizo PbP players!

Spoiler Alert!
First off, don’t read this recruitment unless you’re ok with minor spoilers for certain parts of “The Snows of Summer”. This recruitment is for the final quarter of “Snows of Summer”, so I need to mention character requirements, and describe where we are, which include said spoilers. Ok? Cool!

I am in need of 1-2 players to round out a Reign of Winter party that has suffered from some character attrition. The characters are in the process of infiltrating the Pale Tower, and are at level 2, on the cusp of attaining level 3. Current characters are a tiefling investigator with a fighter dip, a tiefling witch, and a Kellid hunter who is currently sans animal companion (there was a tough fight). They could use a divine caster and a front liner, or possibly just a divine caster. (I hate to be so specific, but ROW can be tough if you’re missing a particular resource, I’ve found.)

Link to gameplay is here: GM Axolotl's Snows of Summer

Posting Frequency and Style:
Please check out our gameplay thread to get an idea of our interactions and progress. We’re a friendly group, and ideally, people don’t simply post a die roll, but actually move the game forward and add a little of their character’s life to the game with each post. I’d like 1 post/day with the usual understanding for life getting in the way.

Background/Fluff: I would like 10 minute backgrounds as part of your submission. Unlike Level 1 characters, you don’t have to be from Heldren! However--I would like a reason why you’re in Irrisen and are, unbeknownst to the other characters, in the Tower. Another infiltrator, a prisoner, a turncoat, etc (another portal?). (also, see Crunch; there’s an NPC that you could PC-ize.) However, you DO have to have agreed to the quest in question, accepting a geas from The Black Rider to find Baba Yaga. This will have to figure into your backstory somehow. You don’t have to be linked to the other characters, either, but if you wish that, write it in. I would like 10 minute backgrounds as part of your submission.

Crunch: Level 2. 1000 gp starting wealth - note that you will need snowshoes and cold weather clothing!
Class: Ideally a divine caster or front liner, but I’ll look at other ideas if you sell ‘em well. One option that no one is obligated to take: there is an NPC sylph cleric that can be turned into a PC. If anyone goes down that road we can discuss.
20 point buy. Nothing dumped below 8, pleeze.
Most races acceptable with explanation (please no drow, strix, svirf or other overpowered/xenophobic races)
2 Traits. 1 must be a Reign of Winter Campaign Trait. You cannot have two Campaign Traits. No Drawbacks. Forbidden Traits: Leadership and Tribal Scars (them Tribal Scars are too powerful), although other People of the North stuff is flavorful.

Thank you!

Hi there,

I'm going to start GM'ing Dungeon World at my place in Tujunga one Saturday night a month. I may have a spot for one--or possibly two!--players. If interested, let me know.

So, an Unsworn Shaman gets Wandering Spirit at 2nd level. Does it get the Spirit Ability at that time as well? E.g. electrical touch attack if one chooses Wind as one's Wandering Spirit, at Level 2.

It seems that should be the case, but it's not showing up that way in a certain eroHay abLay. I'm here about the rule question, not a forum discussion about how much you love or hate the program. :)

Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate! I won't be posting much for the next day or so. Deszõ, hope all is well! :)

ROW 3: Night Terrors

Dot in here. Thank yew!

Hello! This is a closed game, my sincere apologies.

Players, please check in once your character is completed/revised.

Hi there,

This is a bit of an unusual interest check: I'm GM'ing for some friends here in L.A., and we are down a few players. Due to our lives, we can't get together and play a tabletop game, but we've had fun playing on the Paizo forums. Ideally, I'd like to find local players (1-3 of 'em) as it would be nice to occasionally meet in a "tavern" here in town. All play, however, would take place here on the forums.

As for my background and style, I've GM'd very little, but led the group through Master of the Fallen Fortress quite ably. I play a lot of PbP on here and still have my 1st Edition books, so I guess that makes me some form of seasoned player. I do my best to hew to the rules, but I truly value witty, immersive roleplaying.

I am thinking of running Reign of Winter, 20 point buy, no gunslingers or summoners, and really odd races will require some justification. We could use some casters.

I know there are SoCal folks around--if you are interested in this format, let me know.


Hello--I have been GM'ing a game for a few local friends here in Los Angeles--we just finished Master of the Fallen Fortress. I'd love to add 1-3 more folks to the game; we are down to 3 and need some arcane and divine folks. While we play online, due to busy schedules, we are going to meet from time to time in 'taverns' and the like.

I'm considering starting an AP after this. My GM style is similar to PFS in terms of rules, but less strict. :) If there's anyone out there in L.A. who is in a similar boat--can't get to an actual table, but wouldn't mind gaming remotely with locals and occasionally meeting up--lemme know. Thanks!

ROW 3: Night Terrors

I have made the Google Doc available…it was private previously. No moving the blank rectangles! :D Nothing to see behind the curtain!

ROW 3: Night Terrors

It is one of those hot, windless days in Absalom, the mighty City at the Center of the World, when the garbage truly reeks something awful, and you long for a cool breeze to waft from the Inner Sea...but none are forthcoming. You have sought some relief at the Crimson Coin, a two-story tavern that is usually bustling with gamblers and gladiators of all shapes and sizes, but with the Irorium just finishing up a week of battles, it's quieter than usual, although far from empty. You sit and count your dwindling coins. It's not easy to live in Absalom without regular work, and your quests for employment have not gone well of late.

A few patrons get to talking about the countless ruins of failed conquerors that litter the plains outside the city’s walls. You’ve heard rumors that one of the sealed siege castles has been laid open by a minor earthquake. Word on the street is that no one has yet entered the tower, which folks are calling the “Fallen Fortress.” A hulking half-orc gladiator, his best years behind him, and an older woman dressed in robes of red and white, say something about the Fortress that piques your interest...

Long time player, first time GM, leading friends through the Fallen Fortress.

Recruitment is currently closed. If it opens, I shall happily inform you.

Players, please dot with your characters once you're in here.

Hey all,

It's rare for players to snag a GM, but we're going to give it a go: we have a sorcerer, a swashbuckler, and a druid who have bonded well in their brief time in Serpent's Skull. We aren't ready to throw in the towel, but our GM has poofed and our barbarian has had to put school over gaming for the time being. Our campaign gameplay thread is here:

If anyone wants to lead us onward, let us know. Thanks!

I've been tinkering with the Shaman, and on Hero Lab at least, one can make an Animist Spirit Warden Unsworn Witch Doctor. Is that really possible, or is this a Wolf Lair glitch? It seems like one would be replacing hexes multiple times, but I can't brain well right now. I like all those archetypes, so if it does work, then it would be a truly awesome buffer/healer/utility caster. Thoughts?

Please do not use this as an opportunity to cast snark upon Wolf Lair.

I was thinking about weapons designed in the Middle Ages specifically to bust open armor, e.g. lucerne hammers. In the real world, you just wouldn't get anywhere hitting someone in plate mail with a club. Some of this ability is acknowledged in their Sunder quality, but not all.

My other thought is that one particular weapon should be more awesome, namely, the lowly quarterstaff. If one looks into the history of this weapon, there are reports of one staff wielder taking on multiple swordsmen and killing them all.

That being said, a staff won't ding plate armor that well.

So--I'm wondering if there are rules somewhere to account for these differences in armor and weapons? One idea I had was to allow some DR from armor, and to make blunt weapons' damage in some cases be non-lethal against armor--that way, you can make the quarterstaff more deadly in general, but have drawbacks against armor. Of course, this allows for armored characters to be very difficult to kill, so in the interests of game balance one would have to make armor wearing difficult in terms of fatigue and such. (For which there are already rules).

Anyhoo, just a thought. In all likelihood this would make weapon and armor rules too annoying, but I'm curious if there are systems out there that have been devised.

So, as this thread, especially Dagnabbit's post here points out, the rope dart as written is a little odd. I have some suggested changes which my GM in a PbP has approved, but I'd love your opinions.

-First of all, it ain't a ranged weapon with a range of 20'. (as if it could go further.) It's 20' maximum, if that, and related to the Meteor Hammer (which should be a monk weapon, but that's another discussion. Monks should be able to use all kinds of cool weapons. I digress.) which is a melee, not a ranged weapon.

-It's a blocking and distracting weapon, definitely.

-Damage of 1d3 at 10' and 1d4 at 20'. Reasoning: you can draw the rope in shorter, but you have less momentum when you hit, if you have a shorter rope. (Not sure about 15'.)

-It's a two-handed weapon.

-You can Flurry with it, but Flurry of -2 attacks, minimum 2 Flurry attacks. Reasoning: it's hard to whip that thing as quick as a sword or unarmed strike.

-You can Trip, Grapple, or Disarm with it...but not as part of a Flurry.

-The 'dart' can be blunt or sharp and deliver damage accordingly.

Some of the reasons I wanted to do this thing up:

-Martial artists use it. It's cool. (monk-asian-flavor-hate notwithstanding.)

-Monks have one flurryable range weapon: shuriken. Not a monk weapon. Not even a ninja weapon! Samurai used it. (monk-asian-flavor-authenticity-yadda-yadda notwithstanding.) I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that it's weird for monks to run around tossing shuriken. I can totally see a monk loading up a sling with multiple bullets and flurrying them out--neat image--but it's not there in the rules.

-Monks are combat debuffers. This is a debuffing kind of weapon, like a whip.

What do you think?

I am playing a Flowing Monk in a PbP who is doing well as a trip debuffer. In a few more levels, though, he will start to lose effectiveness as trip builds do. He's never going to be a big damage dealer, and I thought it would be cool to keep the mobile debuffing theme going.

Accordingly, I have been looking through mundane and magic items for something that would zap, daze, stun, etc opponents at close quarters. However, normal items like flash powder or sneezing powder have DCs that are too low for higher level opponents. I don't see anything like a glove of paralysis out there. Goggles of Charm Person? I dunno. If there was an item that bestowed Improved Reposition, it would save me a feat, as per the Grappler's Mask thingy. (fun item, but I am not a luchador :D)

Suggestions? I do not want to take a class dip, though I love Surge from the Waves Domain. Thanks.

Ok, this thread here explains that you can choose between your two rolls on an attack, etc, for It Was Meant To Be, so that clears up my confusion in the PRD.

However, it still seems to me that It Was Meant To Be, a 9th level Destined Sorcerer power, is underpowered compared to Bit O' Luck, a 1st level Luck Domain Cleric power. Here is the text for comparison:

"Bit of Luck (Sp): You can touch a willing creature as a standard action, giving it a bit of luck. For the next round, any time the target rolls a d20, he may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier."

"It Was Meant To Be (Su): At 9th level, you may reroll any one attack roll, critical hit confirmation roll, or level check made to overcome spell resistance. You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but before the results are revealed by the GM. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. [see above. This is an erratum.] At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day."

Bo'L: reroll ALL d20 rolls within one round, at least 3x day, starting at 1st level.

IWMTB: reroll ONE d20 roll, 1x day, starting at 9th level.

Am I missing something here? I think the Destined and Karmic bloodlines are rather neato, especially Karmic, but this seems oddly imbalanced to me compared to those jolly Luck Priests. Maybe I'm comparing apples to oranges and the rest of the class balances things out--I don't have enough experience to know. It just caught my eye.

I can't help it--I keep reading and re-reading Treantmonk's Labs. I love 'em. Even if you can't get Exotic Weapon Proficiency for a Bard at Lvl1 without jumping through some hoops. ;) They are neat reads and help one really bring out the shine in a class without jumping through serious min/max'ing hoops. (at least, I think so.)

What other labs do people like for building up characters?