Butch Shanka's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Grand Lodge

So far we started this mod and I'm looking around the boards to see how others have been doing with it and I'm not finding the answers I need.
#1 can you run it with only 4 players?
I ask this because my 4 player party nearly got killed during the first combat. is there an adjustment for a party of 4?

#2 Do we apply chronicle sheets between mods?
we are running the entire story arc, as your supposed to and do you apply xp after each mod, and there by leveling to 13 after 2nd mod?

Grand Lodge

I heard there are a couple of races that we can start for limited time, if we do play them we can keep them. if we don't start them before deadline we have to wait until they are available again.
Question is what if our GM just runs games if he assigns his GM credit to one of these does he keep them or does he have to play it to keep it?

I have mostly PDFs and I was told that in order to play certain characters I need the Hard copy of the books or I can't play them.
is that right?

if I can use the PDFs can I let my girlfriend use them too?