
TrollingJoker's page

319 posts (321 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 3 wishlists. 1 alias.


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Trevor86 wrote:
... -Take the feats martial versatility (falcata), slash from the air and smash from the air. ...

Rereading what you said just gives me more to doubt about. Even the "cut from the air" feat which you didn't bother looking up for the correct name even states specifically ranged attacks while parry and riposte specifically states melee attacks. So either I'm missing something or this was a troll.

MrCharisma wrote:
TrollingJoker wrote:
MrCharisma wrote:
I had a Paladin build kind of like this. ...
Now this does seem interesting and some parts are definitely useful even if I don't take the build entirely but I do indeed wonder about things as spell damage or super natural. Knowing my DM he will just exploit that weakness. What would you suggest?

I had this planned on a Human Paladin, so I took the UNSCATHED trait and use the human FCB to get some elemental resistance in acid/cold/fire/electricity.


While I like the idea I don't think you can use that trait afterwards. If you have no resistance from the start then no resistance should be upped by 2 I'd wager. Even if you get resistance in the future.

Slim Jim wrote:
Stack Fey Foundling, Greater Mercy, and Extra Channeling into a paladin -- and, so long as you're not one-shotted, are basically unkillable.

By taking feats (didn't know greater mercy) such as these, that'll prevent me from the part where I take the hits of enemies for my allies.

MrCharisma wrote:
I had a Paladin build kind of like this. ...

Now this does seem interesting and some parts are definitely useful even if I don't take the build entirely but I do indeed wonder about things as spell damage or super natural. Knowing my DM he will just exploit that weakness. What would you suggest?

Trevor86 wrote:
... -Take the feats martial versatility (falcata), slash from the air and smash from the air. ...

Correct me if I'm wrong but that feat requires you to be a 4th level fighter so aren't I dipping more than just one level in swashbuckler?

So this is probably one of the oldest requests in the book but here goes.

I want to play a human paladin and I'm looking at feats such as:

Bolstered Resilience
Stalwart (improved)

But aside from being tanky and dealing decent damage, I want the paladin to take the attack an ally within range is supposed to receive. Now I remember there being feats for this kind of thing.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or give any other suggestions?

Well true, though this is something we discussed among ourselves beforehand. I'll leave it at this then :)

Ravingdork wrote:

If you are the GM you should not have such an adversarial attitude towards your players. This is also true even if you are a fellow player.

Either way, talk to the player about the specific aspects of his behavior or playstyle that are bothering you. You are both adults, presumably, and so should be able to talk out your problems like adults and then get back to having fun.

If he continues to cause problems, talk to the GM about it or, if you are the GM, consider not inviting him back to the next game. No one needs disruptive attitudes at the table.

Sorry you read me wrong so I'll elaborate. First off, I'm not the GM and second this is certainly not to nerf him. This is mainly meant as a in game moment to laugh about and then continue on our merry way. He is by no means disrupting anything and I do not plan on making this a problem for us all. This is meant for a good laugh and then we'll be done with it.

Something like a small bit of comic relief.

A party member is playing an Astrazoan and at times he really cannot be trusted with his shapeshift ability. If possible I would like to be able to get back at him but was wondering something.

You often see in series/comics/movies etc. that there are things like ability cancelling collars. I was wondering if there is a similar item which can cancel out an Astrazoan's shapeshift ability.

Probably not but I figured I'd ask anyway.

Thanks in advance!

Lucy_Valentine wrote:

What's the part you're having trouble with? The limit break?

It's got to be a custom magic item. So work out how you want it to work, and just say it does that. IIRC FF7 limit breaks applied after being attacked a set number of times, so you could use that or you could go for below half HP as the activation condition. As for the effect, it's probably some kind of giant AoE, IIRC most of them were.

Well the main idea is gathering of energy but the problem is pacing and indeed limit break effects

NorthernDruid wrote:

Hm. Personally, if I were to run a Room of Swords campaign I'd probably look to something other than Pathfinder to run it in, probably FATE or Hero System.

Both those systems have decent support for stuff like limit breaks.

To implement it in Pathfinder, you'd have to create a system for counting up the ruin energy, and the drawbacks for being at your max.

And then make sure that's at the right pace. Too slow and it never comes into play, too fast and everyone gets crippled before they can get to a sword.

For the limit breaks themselves, you need some degree of player creativity, but set some guideline for power level.

So far we've only seen rather powerful limit breaks from higher level characters. So it's not unreasonable to scale it down for lower level ones.

Treating it as a spell like ability emulating a spell of your choice (with modifications as allowed by the GM) with a level up to half your character level (rounding up) would probably work decently, and then if someone wants to stack multiple lower level effects together instead that's probably fine but needs more looking at directly by the GM.

You could probably look to making the limit break design point-based, with gaining more points per level, but that takes a bit more work.

It's fine if they're a bit OP because they require a plot coupon to activate (a sword) and you suffer penalties for not using them when you're able.

I was hoping to find someone who has read this and is part of this forum :).

We've chosen pathfinder mainly because we're familiar with it and this is a side campaign for when our usual Starfinder campaign is on hold, which happens every now and again.

The pace is exactly the problem. I figured something like a point system regarding ruin energy. For example you'd have a maximum before you hit limit break. The points gathered differs from each monster difficulty. Lower monsters would give points based on d4 and d6 while big baddies might have d20 to d100. The pacing in that idea would be difficult.

Regarding drawbacks, I'd like them to be serious enough to not ignore.

Regarding the sword itself, I plan on making the sword transform to the most comfortable form for the user. Dagger or rapier for a rogue or a greatsword for a fighter etc.

I like your suggestion of combining lower spells or just using a higher spell. I'll consider that

Hi there!

I've been a big fan of the web comic Room of Swords and I always thought that it would be an interesting setting for a campaign.
For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, make sure you go read it because it is awesome! Go read it!.

In any case the setting is as this:


A number of people are thrown into an unknown world and they are all from different times and locations. The world has one goal and that is to steal the sword the boss of the world. If you manage to steal the sword then a gate will open leading into a hub world. From within this hub world you continue on repeating this mission in a multitude of different worlds until you reach a certain goal.

Aside from the standard inhabitants and enemies and such, there are shadow monsters. These are extremely OP and you'd do well to avoid them at all costs. The world they are in is based on a timer. When time runs out, shadow hour starts and the world is overrun with these shadow monsters.

There are three ways it can end.
One: you steal the sword and flee to the hub
Two: Die at the hand of a shadow monster during or before shadow hour or any other manner except for the boss sword.
Three: Kill yourself using the sword you're supposed to steal

To clarify the last one. Shadow hour is something you must avoid at all costs because if you die at the hands of a shadow monster then you are dead for good. If you die using the sword, then you retain your memories and experience. When shadow hour is over or if everyone died then the world resets to where you first began. This would mean that if you died using the boss sword, you can use your previously gained knowledge and experience in this world to make things easier for yourself.

End spoilers

So if you want to implement this as a campaign setting then you can do so. I'm stuck on the sword though. This sword allows users to have a limit break much like Final Fantasy 7. I'd like some advice as how to properly implement a system like this.

Hopefully this makes some kind of sense and if not then I'd be happy to try and clarify it further!

Weables wrote:
check the deific obedience feat, it basically gives most of what you're asking for

Kind of helps defining the idea and how it would work so thanks!

All I now really need are ideas for effects because I do not plan on using the vanilla gods but homebrew. The damage bit I got covered, the second and third boon effects are what I need now.

Hi there!

It has been a while since my last campaign and I am starting a new one where I had a specific idea regarding the gods of my new world.

These gods are of my own design and are actively a part of the world. All inhabitants go through a rite of passing at a certain age at which point they associate themselves with a god.

I plan on giving all inhabitants certain blessings depending on the chosen god.
I would like to have 2 or 3 effects gained from the blessing.
For example if there is a god which represents faith and kindness then someone who associates themselves would gain a 1d6 holy based bonus to damage with whatever weapon they use.
But I would also like to see some minor effects like bonus to a certain skill.

Would anyone have suggestions as to what kind of minor effects I can add?


His stats are:

STR: 7
DEX: 14
CON: 14
INT: 18 + 2 racial
WIS: 7
CHA: 14

so 24 checks out.

Hi there!

So quick question regarding a small discussion within my group. We use 25 point buy but a player wants to use up 24 and not use the remaining point.

As far as I can remember, you have to spend all the points and if you cannot finish all the points, you need to rearrange your stats to you can use it all up or is he allowed to not use it all?

Please tell me! Thanks :)

GM Rednal wrote:

1) It's both active and passive. The base effect (smell foes within your range) is always functional, but you still have to take a Move Action to figure out the direction it's coming from.

2) Pinpointing the location of foes is mostly for tracking down invisible enemies, those that are hiding, and so on.

3) Not particularly. Outdoors might be more affected by the environment (wind can affect the range Scent works at, for example), but on the whole, there's not much of a difference between indoors and outdoors.

I see! I'll forward this towards my GM and I think this is a fair description of the ability.


Hi there!

I've been having a discussion with my GM and we're disagreeing on some points and would like to hear what the community has to say.

The main point is what the exact usage rules are of the Scent ability.

Specifically we want to know:

- Is it always active like sight or is it passively?
- In what situations is this even applicable?
- What difference is there between using it outside or indoors

Thank you kindly!

Thanks for clearing that up!

Hi there! Pretty easy questions but can't seem to find the source or the answer.

1. If you are attacked and hit while being in a mount. What happens? From what I can gather online you have to made a ride check. Is this correct and at what DC?

2.Can you only attack if your mount has moved? I can only find rules which speak of double movement or more.

Thank you all :). I know understand it better!

Hi there,

So I have this discussion regarding my fighter and the amount of attacks he can make.

He has 13/8/3 bab and a double weapon and the twf feat.

I always thought the following during a full attack:

First bab:
Attack with primary hand with 11 bab and full str

Attack with offhand with 11 bab and half str

Second bab:
Primary with 6 bab and full str
Offhand with 6 bab and half str

Third bab:
Primary with 1 bab and full str
Offhand with 1 bab and half str

Meaning, I get six attacks total.

Am I wrong in assuming this and please elaborate on the why.

Thank you! :)

WagnerSika wrote:
TrollingJoker wrote:

Our goal is to produce a night where there are 3 full moons.
Get three PCs, drop your trousers, bend over and voilá, three full moons. :D

Not quite as requested but I like your thinking!

The Sideromancer wrote:

A full moon occurs when the entire surface facing the planet is illuminated. Any way of providing significant light to a massive distant area will work. This may involve lenses and amplifiers, Just shining a laser won't cut it. However, if you're feeling cheesy, the Light cantrip places no restriction on the size of the target object. In other words,

  • Cast whatever protections you use for space (or not, if the moons have nice atmospheres)
  • Teleport to moon
  • Touch moon surface, cast Light

Why are you trying this?

We're doing this mostly because our DM dared us to find a legit way. So no real reason to screw things over or anything.

Hi there!

Bit of a random question. We were discussing something in the party recently regarding the lunar cycles our DM came up with.

He made sure there are three moons with each their own full moon cycle. The cycles are built so there are never more than 2 full moons at a time. So we were wondering if there was a spell or item or something that could temporarily cause a full moon. Our goal is to produce a night where there are 3 full moons.

So if there are any methods that can cause a moon to look full(please no mind control effects. It must be something that actually happens)

Thank you!

Thank you all! I will take a look at these :)

Chess Pwn wrote:
Are you looking for biggest damage in one hit, or most DPR?

I'd guess DPR because I would like to do more attacks.

Hi there!

So the group that I'm playing with came up with a one time only thing where all players try out something and maximise it as best as we can.

We each drew a lot from an idea pile and that is what we should make.
One received 'best healer'. Another received 'best debuffer' and so on.

I drew the 'best damage output' lot. So I wanted to get some advice here on how to make this.

We have a few guidelines regarding this:

- No 3rd party (companions and such of Pathfinder Roleplaying game are allowed. Pathfinder Society isn't allowed)
- We say best damage output but no amount of damage can be dealt when we can't even hit. So we must have a suitable attack bonus
- Damage output is regarded as highest possible damage in a single round
- Also we wanted this as a test for a level we usually play. So let's keep it at a maximum of level 10

Aside from that, we're good to go. We don't need to have a lot of health or whatever. We just need to be able bring a high amount of damage.

If you have any suggestions, please let me know!

Perhaps! I'll look into it. Thanks :)

So I'm having this discussion with a friend regarding the vigilante class. One of us vaguely remembers a talent of this class which allows you to have a second vigilante identity, next to your social, vigilante and mundane.

We can't find any record to support this claim. So here we are and asking you, is this something that didn't exist and it was just a misunderstanding of something else?

Thanks a bunch :)

Well it's obvious to me that there seems to be a flaw regarding this.

But regarding using other means like magic to spot a target, would that be plausible? Because I agree with Claxon regarding that.

So if one were to use a longbow and the feat Far Shot, one should be able to hit targets at a long distance. For every range increment beyond you'll get a -2 to attack or -1 if using Far Shot.

A bow can have up to 10 times its range increment. Let's take 1000ft. With the mentioned feat that should be a -10 penalty. Doable you would say.

Now regarding perception at those distances. The dc to see someone who isn't using stealth is 0. For every 10ft distance from you the dc will increase with +1.

So a 1000ft would be a dc 100 perception. That would be nigh impossible.

So what am I missing here? They give you rules to attack at such distances and even make it quite feasible to hit something but make it practically impossible to see the target to attack it.

If I'm missing something then please tell me and if I'm correct then give me some solutions.

Also a friend of mine mentioned that things like scrying should allow it as they function like you're there but I'm not sure that's accurate.

Let me know! Thanks!

Well I'm not saying that it won't stack, I'm saying that it might not stack as it activates at the same time and often there are rules regarding things of the same source do not stack. Though this doesn't apply but still something to consider.

Though CBDunkerson is correct, which is also why I'm doubting the fact they can stack.

Simple question!

What if one would enchant their armor with the determination enchantment twice?

Would that be possible and if so, what would happen?

- A: Both activate when you hit 0 or less hit points
- B: One activates as they cannot stack with each other and the second is saved for the next time.

I'm leaning towards answer A but B could have some truth to it.

What do you guys think?

I really like the ideas! Though I agree with the thought process regarding the coup de grace, I would however rule against it. We always put fun and shenanigans first with my campaigns and the campaigns I'm part of. If a player wants to do this then by all means and remember that you'll get a lot of damage, but insta kill would also kill the fun.

Thanks for all your suggestions! We'll be choosing between the damage from falling objects and receiving the cannon damage twice (once for firing and once for landing). Personally I choose for the latter, mainly because I enjoyed Anonymous Warrior's wording of it.

So if a player would act as the cannonball of a siege cannon, what kind of damage would he experience?

I'd imagine the 6d6 of the weapon itself but what about falling damage?


Tyinyk wrote:
Sounds like a good climactic ending.

Surprising to me but I rather enjoyed it. I made sure that the Bard and others had epic music te roleplay on. It was an epic thing indeed!


For the people who were interested in how this played out, this is how it went.

I asked the Summoner player to go along like how Tyinyk suggested it.
They went to prepare and I informed them on how one could perform a prison break and I also gave them information if needed but not all as they had to work for it themselves as well.

They found out who build the prison and he boasted that it was the best prison ever built. He actually wanted people to try and beat it, so he gave the party a global blueprint of the facility but not detailed inside each building.

So they started talking to some guards to find out how long they would have to prepare. They received the impression that they execution of their buddy in prison wasn't going to be today or tomorrow but in at least a week time. Only they didn't know which building he was in.

So to find out more detailed info regarding the prison buildings and to find out where their party member is, they opted to break into one of the buildings themselves, the records facility. This was the least protected building in the entire prison.

The player whose character is stuck in prison received a new temporary character from me. He wanted AC and I gave him a Holy Shield Paladin with around 40 total AC. He played him as a drunk as his chosen deity was Cayden Cailean The Accidental God.

Long story short, they broke into the facility. They agreed to disguise or invis themselves and use codenames as I mentioned that they might be watched (scrying). They kind of forgot about the scrying all together and two party members unmasked themselves and called the third one by name.

They found out where their ally was held (as a power source for the prison) and they also found out that the entire prison has total scrying and immediately opted to run. After debating to perform the escape then and there, they opted to make a tactical retreat.

So the night of the breakout, they tunneled underground using the Summoner's earth elementals. They had split the party. Two went after the warden (as they suspected that he was the one behind the scrying) and the other two went after the power source of the scrying itself which evidently was also the building where their ally was being held.

The warden kicked the asses of the two party members (they fumbled a lot. Accidental friendly fire and such). One other party member was messaged and he left his post to assist them.

Eventually they all regrouped at the power source and deactivated it. They went to the cell of their ally.

At this point, the Summoner wanted to sound the alarm but he waited for them to be caught redhanded. When they approached the cell and wanted to open it, a large screen of gears blocked their way (clockwork golem in gear screen form).

They couldn't reach the handles to open the cell (which was very much like a floating Mewtwo back in his Team Rocket experiment days). One party member used magic hand to open the cell and to flood the room with water. The golem reacted by transforming.

So now here they were, 4 characters vs a clockwork golem. They used magic that allowed spell resistance. The golem wasn't impressed. They used mind affecting spells, golem was also immune to that. They used Grease, they gave the golem the haste effect.

One melee character was smashed near unconscious while the Bard sneaked towards their trapped ally, the golem did not approve.
The golem grabbed the Bard and took away a good chunk of his health.

The Bard, the most interesting character of the campaign, chose to end it. He ignited 20 pellet grenades in his backpack. He gave an awesome monologue which declares him to be the greatest person ever lived and that he is the only person to ever kill such a great person. Himself.

The grenades exploded, he turned into dust. The Golem was one shotted and the trapped friend they wanted to rescue was also turned into guacemole.

The remaining members of the party needed to escape, but the explosion alerted every guard in the prison. The melee character chose to stand and fight in enlarged form so his allies might be able to escape with their lives.

The summoner escaped after being convinced by the melee character and he then understood that not all things that seem evil, chaotic or unjust are exactly that. All things have a chance to shine and be lawful, good and bring forth justice. He regretted his original plans and he chose to remember them as the heroes they were that day instead of the amazing and hilarious fools they actually were in the entire campaign.

The campaign actually ended there. Earlier than expected, mainly because I don't have a lot of time to DM anymore and they actually prefered it keep the ending like that as they were immensely content with it.

Hope you enjoyed this wall of text!

Tyinyk wrote:
When the Summoner goes to the authorities, have them tell the Summoner that they're not worried, they haven't had a successful breakout to date. That way, in order to stop them, the Summoner will have to break IN to the prison, or else figure out exactly where they're going to come out of to stop them.

That's actually quite good. I wonder if the Summoner would go along with that. Things to check! Thanks for the suggestion!

Charon's Little Helper wrote:
TrollingJoker wrote:

Before I could tell him that it is an Oread, he earth bended the gravel out of it and so I pronounced the Oread to be dead.
I'm confused as to what happened here. I have no idea what "he earth bended the gravel out of it" means. Was it an accident?

No (times 50). This guy is usually a psycho, though so far he never managed to outright butcher a person so he never really became a big blip on the Summoner's radar, but he is now!

Basically what happened, he had a tendency to earth bend anything he sees for fun. Destroy, make pillars, make holes, whatever. This time he RP'd that his character was extremely pissed.

He entered the cell. I told him that in the cell there is something very statue like, though he didnt let me finish. Before I could tell him that this being is an Oread, he already disintegrated him into rubble.

avr wrote:
It kind of looks like the summoner's out of the party. They won't be able to trust him; he won't want to trust them. Rather than Ocean's 1X I'd try to finesse the situation by having someone in authority use them as deniable assets (to do something that the government can't be seen to be involved with) as the price of the kineticist's freedom. The summoner might be able to go along with that.

I like the angle on that!

Though disclaimer, the Summoner chose for this himself and he did not mind at all. He originally thought that his extreme LG character doesn't fit in the party of alignment whimsical adventurers.

So this is his way of making a last stand in name of justice. To him this is fun, so don't worry about alienating the player from the party, he had planned on this and started making a new character out of his own initiative.

Hi there!

I have an interesting bunch of shenanigans coming up and I would like to get some ideas.

To get you started I'll give you a bit of the background info.

Here's the rundown:

- Party consisting of a Bard, Kineticist, Medium and Summoner.
- Kineticist broke the law (illegal immigration and lack of respect towards the authorities)

- The Kineticist was sentenced to a week in jail (after he willing go through the proper immigration protocols.)

The Kineticist bends earth and the authorities did not know this. So for fun I placed him in a cell with an Oread (because big tough looking jail buddy is always a good idea).

Before I could tell him that it is an Oread, he earth bended the gravel out of it and so I pronounced the Oread to be dead. This added senseless slaughter of a sentient being to his list of crimes.

He was retrialed and he staged an escape by earth bending. His party members (one being his lawyer) were left out of the loop and regardless considered to be accomplishes. They convinced the Kineticist to give up and now he is in solitary confinement.

So here's what I need:

- I am going to turn this prison break into something very similar to the Ocean's (11, 12, 13) movies and I would like to have some suggestions regarding that.

But wait! There is more! The Summoner of the group is extremely Lawful Good and is against the prison break. The Bard and Medium want to break out the Kineticist.

This causes a clash of interests and the Summoner plans on stopping them, either by himself or by alerting the authorities.

I would really love to hear some suggestions regarding this matter.

If you have any clever ideas as to how I can make this prison break work while the Summoner can play an interesting role as well, then let me know!

Thanks :)

So a couple of friends of mine and myself are wondering about how to interprate the following advanced weapon training:

Focused Weapon wrote:

Focused Weapon (Ex) The fighter selects one weapon for which he has Weapon Focus and that belongs to the associated fighter weapon group. The fighter can deal damage with this weapon based on the damage of the warpriest's sacred weapon class feature, treating his fighter level as his warpriest level. The fighter must have Weapon Focus with the selected weapon in order to choose this option.

It talks about this Warpriest ability:

Sacred Weapon wrote:

At 1st level, weapons wielded by a warpriest are charged with the power of his faith. In addition to the favored weapon of his deity, the warpriest can designate a weapon as a sacred weapon by selecting that weapon with the Weapon Focus feat; if he has multiple Weapon Focus feats, this ability applies to all of them. Whenever the warpriest hits with his sacred weapon, the weapon damage is based on his level and not the weapon type. The damage for Medium warpriests is listed on Table 1–14; see the table below for Small and Large warpriests. The warpriest can decide to use the weapon's base damage instead of the sacred weapon damage—this must be declared before the attack roll is made. (If the weapon's base damage exceeds the sacred weapon damage, its damage is unchanged.) This increase in damage does not affect any other aspect of the weapon, and doesn't apply to alchemical items, bombs, or other weapons that only deal energy damage.

At 4th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance one of his sacred weapons with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the weapon a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 4 levels beyond 4th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). If the warpriest has more than one sacred weapon, he can enhance another on the following round by using another swift action. The warpriest can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his warpriest level, but these rounds need not be consecutive.

These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the weapon might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance a weapon with any of the following weapon special abilities: brilliant energy, defending, disruption, flaming, frost, keen, and shock. In addition, if the warpriest is chaotic, he can add anarchic and vicious. If he is evil, he can add mighty cleaving and unholy. If he is good, he can add ghost touch and holy. If he is lawful, he can add axiomatic and merciful. If he is neutral (with no other alignment components), he can add spell storing and thundering. Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability's base cost. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The weapon must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added.

If multiple weapons are enhanced, each one consumes rounds of use individually. The enhancement bonus and special abilities are determined the first time the ability is used each day, and cannot be changed until the next day. These bonuses do not apply if another creature is wielding the weapon, but they continue to be in effect if the weapon otherwise leaves the warpriest's possession (such as if the weapon is thrown). This ability can be ended as a free action at the start of the warpriest's turn (that round does not count against the total duration, unless the ability is resumed during the same round). If the warpriest uses this ability on a double weapon, the effects apply to only one end of the weapon.

Does the Focused Weapon talk about BOTH the extra damage because of enhancement bonusses AND the abilities gained for a x amount of rounds or JUST the enhancement bonus damage?

We aren't sure as we can understand both options. The text talks about damage so you should say that it only works like the sacred weapon ability regarding the enhancement bonus. On the other side, you have the option to trade in that enhancement bonus for abilties.

So what do you guys think? Personally I think we are going with the option WITH the magical abilities but we want to know if that would be homebrew or not.

Hi there!

So I was wondering something regarding the feat Improved Feat and the Vigilante Talent "Cunning Feint".

For reference, here are both of them.

Improved Feint wrote:

Benefit: You can make a Bluff check to feint in combat as a move action.

Normal: Feinting in combat is a standard action.

Cunning Feint wrote:

Cunning Feint (Ex): The vigilante can feint as a move action or in place of his first attack during a full attack. At 8th level, when the vigilante successfully feints, the opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC against all attacks until the vigilante’s next turn.

So both grant you the ability to feint as a move action and Cunning Feint actually states the effect of a successfull feint but slightly different from the description of Feint in the Bluff Skill description.

Feint wrote:

You can also use Bluff to feint in combat, causing your opponent to be denied his Dexterity bonus to his AC against your next attack. The DC of this check is equal to 10 + your opponent’s base attack bonus + your opponent’s Wisdom modifier. If your opponent is trained in Sense Motive, the DC is instead equal to 10 + your opponent’s Sense Motive bonus, if higher. For more information on feinting in combat, see Combat.

Action: Feinting in combat is a standard action.

Retry? Yes. You can attempt to feint against someone again if you fail.

The difference would be "all attacks" vs "next attack".

So what I would like to know are three things.

1: Do they stack?

If so then

2: Both indicate that I can feint as a move action, if I have both can I feint as a swift action?

3: Do all my attacks get the benefit of my target missing his dex to ac or just my next attack?

Thanks for helping :D

That is a good point you make there. I actually can't say for sure that there are.

Yeah before that decision would be made, I wanted to see what the opinion of the forum would be

I was wondering how to interpret the Share Spells of the Unchained Summoner's Eidolon.


The summoner can cast a spell with a target of "you" on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner can cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon's type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list. This ability does not allow the eidolon to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells.

We're discussing if this text is only talking about spells with the target of "you" or is the text mentioning that, aside from other spells from the summoner list, you can use target "you" spells on your eidolon?

Because we're in a disagreement. One side thinks that you can only cast target "you" spells on your eidolon and they ignore any humanoid spell requirements. The other says that the text mentioned target "you" to make it clear that ALL summoner spells (Target "you" and others) work on your eidolon regardless of humanoid spell requirements.

So the question is, can all spells of the summoner list be used on eidolons or just target "you" spells of the summoner list.

Thanks :D

Yes my main goal is to challenge pc's like Wheldrake said. I called it screwing him because that's mainly how we word it ourselves so made a mistake there as it would be interpreted differently here. My apologies.

I always make my players shine as long as they can and when it's time for their backstory plot quest, I want to be able to work something up to counter them. As for the summoner, he will be using elementals a lot but also his Archon Eidolon whom he has given the option to wield a greatsword.

He is lawful good and as mentioned by CryntheCrow, I will RP his Eidolon if he does anything that doesn't follow his own and the Eidolon's beliefs.
How would you take on that Eidolon?

Josh-o-Lantern wrote:
My opinion? This is a TERRIBLE attitude to enter a game with and I'll have no part in helping it along.

You are entitled to your opinion but how is that a terrible attitude? You don't know anything about how we play in general. Yes I agree if this is purely based on bullying a single player, however we all have our own plan of screwing with each other. That to us is the beauty of the campaigns we play. I already have contingencies for the other players and I am still working on one for the summoner. If having contingencies for players is having a terrible attitude then so be it but I think you are biased by my forum name, though can't blame you. Again you are entitled to your opinion but do ask for all the facts before sounding it

Nothing? Usually I have a response in no time :O

Hi there!

One of my players is going to play a level 5 unchained summoner and I would love to screw around with that particular character. I did have some ideas but I wanted to see if you guys had some diabolical ideas to counter him.

Just throw anything at me and we'll see how it goes :)


Arcane Addict wrote:

I have some serious trouble understanding what you're trying to say here. Maybe, by luck and intuition, this little tidbit I found on the d20pfsrd site will help.

Somewhere on this page wrote:

How do I know whether a spell-like ability is arcane or divine?

The universal monster rules for spell-like abilities states: "Some spell-like abilities duplicate spells that work differently when cast by characters of different classes. A monster's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order."

The same rule should apply for all creatures with spell-like abilities, including PC races: the creature's spell-like abilities are presumed to be the sorcerer/wizard versions. If the spell in question is not a sorcerer/wizard spell, then default to cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger, in that order. Use the spell type (arcane or divine) of that class to determine whether the spell-like ability is arcane or divine.

If that didn't help at all, I'm sorry, but I guess you have no choice but to elaborate so you make some sense ^^ After that, I might just become genuinely helpful!

Haha yeah sorry, I had little time to write this and I was also in transit so the message got a bit blurry ^^'.

Basically I meant that spells are arcane or divine or whatever, like you said. Typically a Fighter has no spells whatsoever. You can say that he has no source of magic, neither arcane, divine or whatever. What he can have is a Spell Like Ability through some means. I wanted to know if they automatically would give him a source of magic or not. But going by the example you gave me, it would be more wise to assume that everyone has the capacity (or source) for magic but not everyone uses it.

Hi! So to cut to the chase, do spell like abilities use your own "source of magic"? A bit unclear but the reason is because we are going to play a heavily homebrew kind of campaign for fun. So I was wondering if a SLA would normally use your own source of magic. I'd say no because non magic classes can have such an ability but I could be wrong though.

Thanks :)

You know.... I never thought of looking OUTSIDE of pathfinder mini's DERP!

Thanks :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for shouting your opinion regarding this book! Personally I feel like I'm already too deep into Pathfinder for the Strategy Guide to have any big use for myself so I always wondered how a less experienced person would experience this book. Now I know :)

Hi there! I posted earlier asking for advice regarding miniatures but I still have a different question.

A player of mine tends to play with earth/stone based characters. Oreads, Sulis and so on. For now he is using my medium earth elemental miniature but I prefer if he would have a different mini as I plan on using my elemental minis soon and that will be very confusing as I have multiple earth elementals planned. So does anyone have a suggestion for a strong looking oread/suli or similar kind of mini?

Thanks a bunch :)

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