Iroran Paladin

Trizcondronius's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

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Good evening everybody
I was just taking a look at Sorcerer's bonus spells from aberrant bloodline this morning and noticed that the last spell gained from it was shapechange (9th).
Quite bad since there are only 2 spells of the polymorph school in the occult spell list (humanoid form and gaseous form) and you eventually take enlarge from the bloodline;moreover shapechange also implies that you should know the spells you wish to replicate with it making it even worse.
I mean, it seems to me a big waste of a 9th level spell slot to use it for a spell that ,at best, replicates a 1st and 3rd level spell (and maybe their heightened versions?) that you should already know.
Am i missing something?
Is there any other fan of aberrant bloodline that feels there should be more than that as last bloodline spell?
Any proposal?

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Anyone noticed that example cleric still has spell points for domain powers?

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Hi all ; I really would like to have some clarifications about the class features of this archetype ; i'm playing a 11th lvl beast-bonded witch and it's not very clear how some abilities should work :

1) Familiar Form: am i actually taking the form of a bigger version of my familiar getting only the bonus that i would get using Beast shape or am I going to be able to use this only if there's an animal creature that is a bigger or smaller version of my familiar? if so i'm totally wasting this class feature if i take the Improved familiar feat.

2) Is the twin soul class feature actually making a witch take over a body indefinitely?